A quick Question (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-07-02 13:56:09 by LilLuna23

Does anyone know of any farms in NC that offer beastiality/zoophilia? I've wanted to try a horse for a long time but there has to be one out there somewhere.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 17 points on 2015-07-02 14:43:10

This is an absolutely unsafe, impulsive, and ultimately negative way to go about your desires. You are offering to put your life on the line so you can try having sex with someone's animal. I don't mean to put you down so much but what you are asking for is very risky.

Pigeondance Birdies yay 6 points on 2015-07-02 19:45:33

Ugh we need less of this. Basically your asking for an animal prostitute. It makes us all look bad. If you really want to be with horses and appreciate them, take riding lessons, or do service at a horse rescue and learn how to care for them. If you still want an intimate horse partner you could save up money and work on finding a horse you get along with and a place to keep her. Just my two cents. But it doesn't sound like your looking for an actual relationship partner, just a hook up. R/bestiality or beastforum would be a better place to post this.

Sorry if I've come down to hard on you but this is a place for discussion about zoophilia, not hook ups

pancake_mines -10 points on 2015-07-03 04:44:17

The thing that makes you look bad is having sex with animals

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 4 points on 2015-07-04 03:09:31

If that's what you think, why are you here?

pancake_mines -6 points on 2015-07-05 06:10:14

To make fun of you

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2015-07-05 10:53:53

Aha, and how's that working out for you?

pancake_mines -7 points on 2015-07-05 13:46:03

Quite well, I had no idea that there was a zoophilia community here. It's funny to see people try to justify their sexual deviancy, like, at least be ashamed of yourselves

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 6 points on 2015-07-05 15:11:55

Many of us have been ashamed of ourselves at some point in our lives. I'm sure some of us still are. But trust me when I say that each zoophile has given much more thought to this than even the most avid anti-zoo.

After a few decades of thinking about it, I have to say that the only time I still feel shame as a zoophile is shame from association. Zoophiles (People who value romantic attraction to animals over sexual attraction) are often lumped together with fetish seekers (People who value sexual attraction over romantic). From an outsider's perspective, this is an easy grouping to justify. But consider for a second what the difference between these two groups looks like.

Zoophiles live for their partners. Look around for some of the stories here, and you'll see that they mean the world to us. So what zoophile in their right mind would bring intentional harm to their animal partner for no other reason than getting off? It's improbable by definition. Miscommunication between animals and humans can still happen and lead to abuse, but the same could easily be said of human/human relationships.

Fetish seekers are interested in animals specifically to get off, making the animal's wellbeing secondary. Already, the effective difference should be apparent. Abuse won't always happen in this situation, just as abuse isn't impossible in the case of zoophiles. But the odds are much more unsettling.

So when it comes to my attraction to animals, I'm ashamed of the person I'm assumed to be; the abuser, the misfit, the rapist. But when it comes to how I actually conduct myself, I see no reason to be ashamed, and I don't feel that I'm wrong in trying to justify that.

r/zoophilia is a place for discussion, and disagreement is perfectly fine; if everybody were on the same page, there would be nothing to discuss. I'd be glad to talk about this with you, and even if we both walk away holding the exact same opinion we came in with, at least we'll have given each other something to think about.

If you're just here to make fun of us, there won't be any major consequences for berating an already hated minority. And to me, that's the most messed up part in all of this.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-07-02 20:06:37

Tl;dr: Nobody who cares about their animals will offer sex with their animal(s) on the internet. Way too dangerous and lacking respect for the animals.

Think hard about it: Would you really want to "support" anyone who would put their animal(s) in this position? I wouldn't...

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2015-07-02 20:42:31

"Can anybody pleauuuz lend me some live sex toy so I can get off?"

I´m disgusted. How can we zoos expect someone would believe we actually LOVE our animal partners when stuff like this comes up? But that´s not the only reason why I´m sitting here, shaking my head: there are so many possibilities for a bad outcome when searching for an animal sex toy online; the police is doing sting operations on craigslist, for example and even the crappy Beastforum is frequented by police undercover agents. Even if you´re able to find some animal pimp, it could turn out very bad for you. Just imagine someone letting you do your thing with his animals and secretly filming it...ideal circumstances to be blackmailed (" If you don´t pay me XXX bucks, I´ll upload this vid with your face on it and you´ll get busted, your life ruined in an instant).

For me, this is just another example why bestialists and zoos don´t mix well. No respect for the animal, egoistic focus on the sex part, "picking out the raisins" (I´d like to fuck, but, hell no, caring for this steenkeen´ beast...). Sometimes I wonder if the antis could be right with their arguments regarding "zoophilia", but they got the words wrong and really are after the beasties...another consequence of calling everyone who is into fucking animals a "zoo" without any distinction made.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 5 points on 2015-07-03 00:35:59

This is not an appropriate thing to do, nor is this the appropriate place to try to ask about it. Nothing about a situation like this is ethical or safe, and the way you phrase it "trying a horse" doesn't exactly help either.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-03 23:04:04

What you are asking is really risky for both you and the farm that you seek. The nature of the beast is that either you or the people at the "farm" that you seek could be undercover cops.