Editorial: Bestiality is legal in Ohio. Ban it (cincinnati.com)
submitted 2015-07-07 00:41:02 by zoozooz
zoozooz 5 points on 2015-07-07 00:43:07
jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-07-07 06:44:39

Wish he had wrote more, but that editorial is right smack on the point

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 12 points on 2015-07-07 01:24:35

"To use a technical term for discussion of such matters, it's icky. That in itself should make the case for a ban on bestiality."

Mud is icky, we should ban it and prosecute people for intentionally wetting the ground.

Coleslaw is icky. Ban it and all functions involving it.

Straight human penis-in-vagina sex makes me physically ill to think about. It's icky. Thus we should ban it.

SunTzuSaidThat 4 points on 2015-07-07 06:59:05

Hey man, coleslaw is pretty good.

I mean, better than the other two at least. Some of the time.

ursusem 5 points on 2015-07-07 17:15:41

The point is, every person has a different OPINION about what is considered icky and what is not. It is not right to ban things just because you personally find them to be unlikable- Someone else may really like what you find to be icky. The issue should be, who is harmed by the thing? Is anyone harmed?

SunTzuSaidThat 3 points on 2015-07-07 22:58:21

Yeah, I got that. I was just trying to add some levity to things.

electricfoxx 3 points on 2015-07-07 01:27:35

Clearly, an Appeal to Emotion argument.

  • Eating Meat Is Also Animal Abuse - Gary L. Francione (Board of Governors distinguished professor of law and Nichols deB. Katzenbach Scholar of law and philosophy at Rutgers University School of Law — Newark)

As a zoophile (love of animals) I would love to see animal abuse reduce, however science and common sense are very rare among politicians, especially among Republicans.

The issue here is America is based in Freedom. We just had 4th of fucking July.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-07-07 03:06:01

Nobody wants to talk about bestiality, so let's not ban it.

Lefthandedsock 8 points on 2015-07-07 03:30:45

To use a technical term for discussion of such matters, it's icky. That in itself should make the case for a ban on bestiality. If the behavior is so repulsive, why is it legal?

What. The fuck.

Do these people even see what they're typing? It's like they know they're wrong, but they willingly disregard it.

ursusem 0 points on 2015-07-07 04:09:05

And this is what happens when zoophiles are too secretive and the 'normies' see this sexual practice as just so amazingly "out there" (because who in their right mind would dare speak of the very name of such an atrocity [Oh no! Humans may actually not be so different from the other animals?! WHAT A DISGRACE!]- they never see this happen, by the way) that they cannot be rational about it in the least. Happy?

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2015-07-07 04:48:32

Too secretive

Yeah, I know about your brilliant idea. "Let's all be out about being zoosexual!"

Jesus christ. You first. How open about being a zoophile are you in your life?

ursusem 2 points on 2015-07-07 04:56:52

I never said I had a good system all worked out. But I am saying that it's true that many of the troubles we have is due in very large part to our invisibility. But then how to remedy that problem is another matter.

YesIloveDogs Dags 2 points on 2015-07-07 05:53:26

If you would like to be out to the world, i cordially invite you to do so. However, dont expect many, if any to jump off that cliff with you.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-07-07 06:11:39

When you people say things like this to me it really just distracts us from the important point. I'm talking about the need that we have to do this- to help us. Not that we should all go scream that we're zoophiles tomorrow down our blocks. That would be stupid.

YesIloveDogs Dags 1 point on 2015-07-07 06:15:31

"you people" is generalizing the statements of one as an entire group. This is what I said, don't misrepresent others by stamping my opinions onto them. That said, there obviously is a lot of danger being an active zoophile these days, and the trade for being able to love an animal, is loving an animal in secrecy. Sure it may suck, but thats the cards we've been dealt, and ramming against it isnt likely to do anyone any good at this point in time.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-07-07 17:10:23

I was just pointing out that it's a problem. I don't think we should forget what our essential problems are. I say "you people" because many of the people on here having been saying this thing to me- which I feel distracts us from the issue.

YesIloveDogs Dags 2 points on 2015-07-07 18:16:44

Its a tough question to answer, but its also entirely possible that as a group we have enjoyed the freedom we do have as a result of our invisibility. The backlash we do face, is mostly psychological, due to the prevailing attitudes circulating around the internet. Sure, anti-bestiality bills are existent and still popping up in a few places, but i highly doubt there is a task force devoted to catching zoophiles. Point being that, if we make ourselves known, its very likely that things would only get worse for us, and we would face backlash beyond what we already face.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-07 18:31:58

Ursus, you still don´t get the point. When I recall it right, you´re not an active zoo. So, what else than your reputation is at stake when coming out goes terribly wrong? Nothing, you can relocate and move to a place where nobody knows you without any hassle. But, take it from someone active: for us, our entire life is at stake. If our coming out goes bad, our animal partner is gone for sure, we can´t just relocate to another place and start from scratch. For us active zoos, there´s too much at stake. Just take a look what your life can turn into when you are too open by checking what some ZETA members had to endure in the past: demos from the antis in front of their houses, attacks, violence, slander graffiti, "info rallies" where the antis ran amok through the zoo´s entire neighborhood to "inform" people what "sick pervert" is living next to them...well, basically a pogrom. There´s a big difference between you ( non active) and me (active): You have the choice to remain silent and legal persecution won´t have anything to criminalize you. I as an active zoo don´t have a choice, regardless of being silent or speaking out, I´m already a criminal for the authorities. So, please stop trying to push people into coming/speaking out. It´s THEIR choice, THEIR life at stake, THEIR risk, not yours. Even if you manage to force every single zoo into coming out, our group wouldn´t be big enough to make an impact, believe me. Zoophilia is NOT like homosexuality and the struggle for equal rights differs greatly from the gay rights movement. Don´t continue fooling yourself by transferring the GRM concepts to zoophilia; for us, it isn´t as simple as "just coming out and demanding rights". Hope you now understand why your "call at arms" remains unheard by the majority of active zoos.

BTW: Let us do a little intelligence exercise: Imagine an anti WITH intelligence and strategic knowledge. This anti is full of hate for us "animal rapists" and eagerly wants to "get us" all. He could be as any other anti, yelling and ranting, but this may only expose some of us not cautious enough. So, this smart anti chooses to use something more effective: He disguises himself as a zoo and tries to encourage any zoo he comes across to come out and step up for their rights. Once he succeeds with his "agent provocateur" tactics and nearly every zoo followed his "alarm call", exposing themselves in one way or another, it will be the easiest thing for him to smash our entire group without any major efforts. To be perfectly clear on this,I don´t say you´re an impostor with bad intent. But just think about it for a second. If I ever decide to become politically active because someone tries to persuade me to speak out, this person I decide to follow MUST take the same f**ing risk as myself by speaking out. I don´t want to belittle you, but before I answer your call for action, you need to walk in my shoes for a certain time. I see both perspectives, the one from you, with literally no major risk for yourself and the one of an active zoo living in a relationship with an animal, with maximum risk involved. You seem to only see it from your perspective. Get an animal companion, live with your partner for some time, then we might speak again about fighting for zoo rights. Believe me, your perspective will change greatly when there´s more at stake than only your reputation.

YesIloveDogs Dags 1 point on 2015-07-07 18:43:57

On another note about the GRM, the first time the gay community really came to light and spoke out was when the AIDS crisis began and swaths of young healthy people started to die. For them, it was speak out or die silently. We are not faced with such a choice. The way I see it, our choice is to speak out, or live a quiet life of relative peace. Thats an easy choice for me to make.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-07 20:47:17

Yes, you´re absolutely right. AIDS played an essential role in gaining tolerance for homosexuality, although the gays don´t like to be reminded of this fact. Whenever I say it, I´ll instantly be called a homophobe and can´t imagine why...

YesIloveDogs Dags 1 point on 2015-07-07 21:40:08

if it were me, i wouldnt like to be reminded of it either. The AIDS crisis was a horrific time and I cant imagine what it mustve been like to watch people of your own community die while half the nation celebrates.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-07-07 21:15:33

I would say that there are things at stake for me. I may not be in a relationship right now but I do live with animals. I'm quite attached to my pets. If people found out that I was a zoophile, what then? Would I be labeled as some kind of sex offender on my permanent record? Would I then be legally prevented from being near any animals? How is that arranged? Would I be REQUIRED to get psychiatric help? If I'm a known zoophile then maybe there is a way that authorities can see to it that I am never around animals for the rest of my life. So then I would never have a relationship of the sort I hope for. And not being allowed to be around animals ever would be a horror for me. The only thing that wouldn't be happening is that a current lover of mine (whom I already know) will not be killed as I do not have such a relationship AT THIS TIME (but I'm a possible potential FUTURE offender, see?). People want to PREVENT people from having sex with animals (and if there are people who are currently having sex with animals they want that person to be reprimanded and punished and they want to take the non-human lovers away and kill the animals). They want to cure people who are ATTRACTED to the wrong thing. I'm really not advising that everyone here should go out and rub their zoophilia in everyone's face. I'm just talking at this point. But I think it's not correct to say that the only thing I have to lose is my "reputation." What I could lose may depend on where I live and it may depend on how open I am (for example if I talk about myself being a zoophile online where everyone can see my face and full name is out there- or if I am in any sort of televised media- I don't really know what the full consequences could be for that especially YEARS OR SO INTO THE FUTURE if I begin to interact personally and in private with the species of my attraction [and I'm thinking I very likely will] I'm saying that that may not be legally allowed if everyone knows about me.)

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2015-07-07 22:01:20

The sole fact of being attracted to animals isn´t punishable by law, having sex with an animal is. As long as you don´t act out your urges, there´s no legal problem for you. We still don´t live in Orwellian 1984 where mindcrimes are punishable. Unless you act, there will be NO way the authorities will take away your animal(s). You´re really exaggerating here, mate. No evidence = no conviction... I can´t understand you and your strong urge to be open about your zoophilia, especially if you are looking forward to lead a real, intimate relationship with an animal in the near future. Being blatantly open about your orientation now will inevitably lead to real problems when you actually have an animal companion. In fact, coming out of the closet could easily DESTROY any possibility to live with an animal in the future. They may not take away your non-sexual companions now due to the lack of evidence, but they surely will if there is any evidence in the future. Basically, you are like a newbie burglar saying he will rob this house in 3 months....the police won´t put you in custody yet because you haven´t violated the law yet, but you can be dead sure the cops will be waiting at the door of your designated target and if you appear there, the cuffs will say "click" in no time. So, what is smarter? Just shut up and work for a future uninterrupted or increasing the risk of destroying any future relationship long before it actually takes place by speaking out now? Decide for yourself. Legality for zoos wuld be nice, but this is only a additional gift. What you really need to understand: it´s PRIVACY we zoos should aim for as the legality issue will be unsolved for centuries. Don´t expect change in the near future and please don´t say it´s our fault because we chose to remain silent. With all of the worldwide zoo´s voices combined, there still won´t be instant change. It is an illusion of yours to expect that; especially in an era of reemerging religiosity and fanatism, total surveillance through electronic devices such as cameras and internet and a general conservative attitude. All efforts the zoos have made in the last 25 years to gain tolerance have been in vain, nothing has changed for good, things have become worse instead. There may come better times for us to strike, but not now, not today, not tomorrow, not in the next few years. Sad but true.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-07-07 22:38:16

I agree with most all of what you say. I just think that I could talk a lot about this particular topic with you all. But I don't have time/energy/resources/priority etc to go far into it (at least not anytime in the near future). Sorry because I can't explain what I mean better for now. I think that there are just some things that hold our acceptance back and keep the acceptance out of reach for us. Part of our focus should be on what our roadblocks are.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-08 00:34:33

We just want the best for you Ursusem. We don't want you nor anyone else outed or exposed.

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 2 points on 2015-07-08 13:15:30

And so you help maintain the attitudes that make being outed and exposed a threat to begin with.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-08 21:58:46

I beg your pardon? I don't understand your comment Jonas.

reddituser444 0 points on 2015-07-08 03:20:22

It's posts like this that drives my conviction that, afaic, there's no "us".

ursusem 2 points on 2015-07-08 04:08:48

Woah unfriendly much? You know there is a stereotype that zoophiles are not social. Looks like you fit it.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-07-08 16:43:35


SunTzuSaidThat 5 points on 2015-07-07 07:06:53

Unanimity breeds mass stupidity, and vice versa.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-07-07 08:05:46

Maybe I should have posted to /r/badphilosophy...

edit: Maybe I'll do.

ursusem -4 points on 2015-07-07 04:13:47

Fuck you people who think consensual bestiality is icky!! FUCK YOU You don't know what's good! (I know I'm not making zoophiles look good and like sane people at the moment- Sorry guys!)

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-07-07 07:59:30
Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-07-07 14:42:59

It's an easy argument to make when you don't have any opponents. Expect more of this simply because the folks who want to really control you are losing every battle they fight.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-07-08 09:42:38

Losing every battle, and winning the war.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-07-08 11:46:50

Yes, that's what happens when you loose battles.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-07-08 12:24:41

I can't tell if sarcastic or not. But they are winning the war against us, despite losing every moral argument, and in many cases legal arguments.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-07-11 10:48:55

They may be winning the war against us, but I think the point yearningmice is trying to make is that we are only a small battle in a larger war of control. At least they are losing that war, as evidenced by the recent supreme court ruling... thus they take it out harder on us. Because they can, and it makes them feel better.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-07-11 21:01:58

Well, that point of view does make things a little better. :)

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 5 points on 2015-07-07 20:11:51

The article neglected to even give one reason why Bestiality is wrong. All the article did was say it was wrong without an example.