submitted 2015-07-07 06:20:01 by dogbitch4kidnap33
jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-07-07 06:38:56

Is this for real?? If so... Damn man 0_o

dogbitch4kidnap33 0 points on 2015-07-07 06:45:53


SunTzuSaidThat 2 points on 2015-07-07 06:56:55

To be clear, do you want to be a bitch FOR male dogs for life, or do you want to just be treated LIKE a dog for life? Either way you probably won't find what you're looking for here. If the latter, maybe try one of the hardcore BDSM subs?

Edit: Nevermind, looked at post history. Not appropriate here.

duskwuff 9 points on 2015-07-07 06:58:15

This is not a BDSM subreddit. Not appropriate here.

zoozooz 5 points on 2015-07-07 08:29:48

Wow, your comment history...


However you personally feel - do NOT support this system in any way please, for the sake of the people who are actually caught in it against their will.


Do you WANT to die?

I have a baby dick and crave humiliation.

While in principle there is nothing wrong with this, it seems to lead to serious self destructive behavior. For this reason I recommend that you get professional help (e.g. a therapist) in order to find a way to satisfy your urges in a way that is safe for you and the people around you.

Also don't use dogs' sexuality solely as a "tool" for humiliation. That's not very respectful of them.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-07 08:38:56

...and I thought I had problems because I fell in love with my mare... A few years ago, in Germany there was a guy named Armin Meiwes. He met someone via the net to exchange their cannibalistic phantasies; later they met in RL to act them out. Meiwes killed the guy who was consenting to be killed and eaten, then cut off the penis to fry it in a pan. There was massive coverage of this case in the media. Why I mention it? Maybe because your request is a wee bit over the top from my perspective. There´s a limit: the harm principle. You request to be robbed ("take my cash and credit card"), raped ("money making sex slave"), incarcerated ("kenneled") and, last but not least, kidnapped. Not for temporarily living out a phantasy , but "for life". Additionally to requesting others to commit a felony and thus becoming criminals (kidnapping, illegal prostitution including endangering your "customers" because I doubt an HIV test is obligatory every few weeks for "dog whores", I really think you need to be protected from afflicting harm to yourself. I seldom tell people to go and see a shrink, but in your case I would insist on getting your mental state checked, dude. Like Meiwes` victim, you need to be protected from yourself. Not because I generally condemn stuff like this, you could live it out within a safe and professional setting by finding some dominatrix specialized on petplay ,S/M roleplay etc.
Offering money and credit card gives a clear hint your fantasy has taken total control.You could say "But I want it"...well, suicidal persons also "want it", yet anyone with functioning neurons and a tiny bit of responsibility would interfere and prevent them from killing themselves. Your request is harmful: to yourself (that´s your business), to the ones involved as they commit punishable crimes (underground prostitution, kidnapping etc.), even posting your request here is harmful; at least for us, the zoos. We already have a shitload of problems, struggeling with society about ethics and consentuality of having sex with animals. What we really don´t need at all is bringing in these self destructive tendencies you blatantly show off here.
Just the two cents from an "intolerant shitbag"...

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-07-07 08:55:39

Okay, if you're serious with this, please get help. There are many kink communities out there that can help you to SAFELY simulate these sorts of scenes. This sort of conduct though is not safe in any way.

I know, the danger is exciting, but as soon as this slips out of fantasy this is not something you will want.

Please look into r/BDSMcommunity and scarleteen for advice on how to conduct yourself safely, sanely, and consensually.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-07-07 17:11:54

This is related to zoophilia how?