Violence against zoophiles in Germany (
submitted 2015-07-13 01:39:09 by Yearningmice
Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-07-13 01:41:27

Google translate gives you the gist. Another good reason to keep it to your own. It seems violent individuals wish harm to zoos in Germany. Don't fence hop.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-07-13 06:47:44

Well, violence against fence hoppers, mainly.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-07-13 15:03:34

yeah, I cant really feel bad for them, thats just an inherent risk of fence hopping.

Beijing44 1 point on 2015-07-13 20:50:41

Not defending fence hopping in itself, but nobody deserves to be beaten to a pulp and into a coma. If he's guilty of anything, call the police and have a judge decide on the penalty.

30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2015-07-13 06:58:23

If anyone isn´t satisfied with the translation google provides, I´d be glad to translate it into english. Just let me know if there´s a demand for a precise translation.

In the first case located in Elmenau, there´s more than the article of Mr Burdinski offers. The guy taking a beatdown from unknown attackers had a long and disturbing history of hopping fences. Thus he was publicly known as an "animal fucker". The case that possibly has provoked the beatdown includes the abort/death of a foal because this guy chose a pregnant mare to put his unsterile fingers and arm in her, causing an infection that killed the foal before birth. The people in his neighborhood already caught him on several occasions, but this time, he had gone too far, killing a foal. So someone obviously has decided that turning in the police on him would not suffice or prevent him from continuing with his egoistic shit. For me, this isn´t an excuse for lynch justice, but I truly can understand the people who gave him a portion of whoop ass. If there´s one thing we zoos don´t need, it´s false alarmism of "violence against zoos"...hell, this guy begged for it, seriously, or am I wrong?

In the second case, a 29 year old guy entered a foreign stable on several occasions to have sex with a pony mare. The owner became suspicious, installed a camera and caught him on tape. The next time our little "zoophile" wannabe decided to get his rocks off, the owner and his wife awaited him. The owner called the police, our little FH hero panicked and began to throw punches against the owner whose glasses were destroyed by one punch. The owner then fought back, so there´s no "violence against zoos" here . The owner just defended himself and arrested the fencehopper until police arrived.

Resumee: Case 1: We have a well known fencehopper, a box with a surveillance camera for pregnant mares he invaded and was identified beyond any reasonable doubt, we have a justice system allowing the intruder to walk right out of police station´s front door right after his interrogation, we have several animal owners with huge amounts of anger, especially one who lost a (maybe) highly expensive foal ( with AI, semen from a good stallion is expensive, even more if the foal is conceived the natural way)...for me, it´s only natural that anger will build up to a point where it will explode when time and circumstances allow it. It seems that exactly this has happened here. In German, there´s a word for it: "Kurzschlussreaktion" (short circuit reaction).

Case 2: A fencehopper gets caught by the two owners of the stable he invaded. When the owner contacted the police, the guy wanted to fight out of this compromising situation, but got deflected and received a blow himself. He then was arrested in an empty box until police arrived. Yes, he got hit by the owner, but he himself threw the first punches. So, basically this is a case of self defence. In the US of A, instead of a punch he might have caught a bullet or two easily.

In both cases, you only can judge things with additional knowledge. I tried to add these important details here, but will further investigate both cases for more in depth info. But even with my few new informations, an evaluation different from Mr Burdinski´s is easily made. No violence against zoos, but one anonymous Angel of Revenge making the horse killer pay (not excusable, but understandable), and one guy caught in flagranti and trying to fight out of it, ending the fight with the owner in second place (totally understandable).

Propaganda is bad; be it the anti propaganda or the pro zoo propaganda, both are instrumentalizing reality, manipulating the recipients by leaving out important facts and thus blurring clear vision of the events that have happened. Don´t buy propaganda, research on your own, think for yourself...

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-07-13 11:25:27

I would like to see the additional details regarding Case 1 and if he was really all that well known. The info portal, whists made of several authors, has a several year history of not directly defending "bad zoos" as these guys are being made out as. If you have the time to do the non-info portal research and see if you can figure out the truth from the local fiction that would be great. Thank you.

Meanwhile, would you be willing to ask pointed questions on the info-portal itself? Since my German isn't good enough to have a conversation with the author asI have proven in the past.

Beijing44 1 point on 2015-07-13 21:03:21

As I recall facebook nowadays requires the real names of people. And calling for a crime, in particular to murder someone (or for vigilante justice of any kind, destroying someone's life etc etc) is/are a crime in itself in Germany.

Is someone making a police report for every single one of these comments? Because someone should do that. Even minorities deserve the protection of the law, and in detail it is not a crime to be a zoophile in Germany in the sense of your state of mind. In your mind you can be a zoo all day long everyday til the day you die and everything's legally peachy. ... but as I said calling for violence like that is a crime. Perhaps even a hatecrime, since they single out a sexual minority.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-07-13 23:53:44

Okay, still researching this, but I wanted to share some more in depth info: Here´s the initial article from April 1st, from a local newspaper.

After the police was informed, now investigations of animal welfare law violations and trespassing are made, police officer Frank Kramer confirms. "We have a suspect", he said. According to the information provided, the suspect is 51 years old and hailing from Espenau-Hohenkirchen. The filmed footage implies that he was drunk during the abuse, explaining his insecure stance and walking problems.

From what is known, the following happened: Due to the lack of space, a mare in heat was brought to a box used for pregnant mares, with a video camera installed. When checking the footage, the breeders witnessed a man abusing the mare while masturbating. Additionally, a girl taking riding lessons at this farm had seen the man running out of the stables. He had forgotten his jacket and returned to remove the evidence of his unwanted presence.

"He abused the mare for 45 minutes and injured her intravaginally", Andrea Kröger, one of the breeder said. The mare had to see the vet because of the injury. In another part of the stables, the breeders discovered blood stains on the walls of a box.

Andrea Kröger then added. "This man is known for sneaking around horses for years", but obviously never was caught in the act before. She also said the man seems to not care about being exposed. On the farm he invaded, there recently were renovations going on, with lots of people coming and going all day. The footage shows the guy taking cover behind a trough as a car entered the farm. "He didn´t care a bit for getting caught", Andrea Kröger said.

Because the alleged horse abuser was well known in his neighborhood for years, the local breeders even founded a Whatsapp group years ago to inform and warn each other if he is spotted on other people´s pastures.

Info from another article: The guy even had a trial regarding his fencehopping activities some years ago, but due to the lack of evidence, he avoided any punishment and was set free.

The most recent article from June 2nd gives another perspective as it says that a witness had seen the victim and an unknown quad bike driver dressed dark, his vehicle was blue. The police said it could have been a simple traffic accident also...the incident took place between 10 PM and 11 PM, so it is possible that our fencehopper got hit by the quad accidentally.
The injuries would fit into this also, the victim´s nose was broken and he had bruises on the forehead as well as on the back of his head. If you get hit by a quad, you will get injuries from the impact itself on the back of your head by the driver´s helmet (bruise on the back of head), then will fall to the ground, smashing the forehead and breaking the nose. An attacker with a weapon, as Mr Burdinski is assuming without any evidence, would leave other marks on a victim´s head. Being hit with a baseball bat or any other device would not simply break your nose, it would break the entire skull.

My assumption: there was no vigilante. If you have a little experience in martial arts, the reported injuries seem to be from an attack done by a complete weakling. Any normal guy could easily do more damage to a head, with fists or a weapon. I guess the guy was hit by the quad driver accidentally, falling onto the street, breaking his nose and getting the cranial trauma he´s suffering from now, lying in coma. That´s not unusual for accidents with pedestrians involved. Any attacker would have done more damage easily, especially when you take the amount of anger needed to attack a person in public. I may be wrong, but this seems to dissolve into nothingness the more i research on it. A simple traffic accident. No angel of revenge, no anti "zoo" vigilante.Just a portion of hot air and propaganda.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-07-19 17:21:15


Additional details from the original source.