Humans and Dogs brains have evolved to understand each others vocalizations to some degree (cross posted from r/todayilearned) (
submitted 2015-07-16 22:58:58 by coyotedrift Zoo Friendly
coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 4 points on 2015-07-16 23:05:03

In the TIL thread, the majority of comments aggree with the study and people give examples of how closely bonded they are with thier dogs that they know what each other is thinking.

They basically, with their own words, prove canines have the ability to understand and consent to any kind of interaction with humans, but if you mention sexual consent, everyone flips back to "impossible, they cant talk, they dont understand what your intending ect. Ect."

The hypocrisy is so thick its suffocating and im not even a zoo!

jackdempsey8083 3 points on 2015-07-17 02:18:27

That's the nature of the beast (pun intended). Sexuality, and societies moral views on it are the only reason zoosexuality is frowned upon. If it was out of concern for care of the animals, slaughterhouses and industrial farming would be inexcusable. After all, why care about the conditions of the chickens living and dying for the food industry, when poor Max next door likes getting a handie from his owner? One is obviously so much worse than the other, right? You'd think...

PM_ME_UR_DOG_VAGINA 2 points on 2015-07-17 05:53:19

Upvoting for the pun, commenting because I 100% agree with the rest~

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-07-17 16:32:00

Timmy fell down the well?!?!