Two Penn. men arrested for attempted horse sex (
submitted 2015-07-17 14:35:18 by [deleted]
Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-07-17 14:36:00

So again with the arguement that "most" besiitality results in internal injury. Other money quotes in the article.

This is almost as bad as the gay hamstering thing.

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-07-17 15:52:08


I don't know what more I could say that hasn't been said in previous threads, other than when I read articles like this more than anything - offended, angry, whatever - I feel disappointed. Because journalists, in my opinion, are supposed to report an issue and not take a side, interview all possible sides on an issue, compare and contrast the points to see what nullifies what, and then present the process and conclusion to the public. The article mentions studies that sexual assault is more commonly committed by practitioners of bestiality, yet I see no specific information regarding this study.

So I suppose it's more to do with bad reporting than the actual topic at hand.

On another note, the PETA representative says, as you have noted u/Yearningmice, that animals are often internally injured. If I may indulge in more carnal language, I'm pretty sure Kristin has severe misconceptions of the size of the human "appendage" compared to a stallion's, or even a dog's, pig's, most any large male mammal's. But of course common sense flies in the presence of such a profane topic.

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2015-07-17 15:33:51

My question is, is Joe Arpaio so irked by our existence that he's doing craigslist stings in other states? Is that even legal to do? Isn't it entrapment?

He's one of the few people it might be safe to say is literally evil rather than simply misguided or idiotic. And not just for the zoo stuff in Arizona either, there's a lot for which to hate him.

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-07-17 16:08:09

I don't live in Arizona, let alone America, but I can say it's basic human mentality: someone does something you don't like, you try to stop that person from doing that something any way you can.

It's probably too an extreme of an example, but think of the Inquisition. The Church wasn't about to let so many people not believe in God, so they burned anyone who was deemed a heretic to save them from damnation, whether they wanted help. Being a non-believer was against the social norm of that time.

I'm not getting religion mixed into this, I'm merely trying to explain why he would be doing it. Besides, even if it was illegal who would stop him (in the United States) if zoophilia is against the social norm? Who would defend us and risk their reputation, risk being accused of having sympathetic feelings for, or even risk being accused of practising the act himself or herself?

Sorry if I made this worse...

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2015-07-17 16:18:55

You didn't. I understand his motives, I just think they're completely wrong and that he is given too much power to carry them out. I did once live in Arizona (thankfully no longer), and the politics there are baffling. Nice weather though, usually.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-07-17 17:01:04

is Joe Arpaio so irked by our existence

I don't think so. I read this article on this case and I thought it was super weird how this guy is "presented" to the public. Multi-page story, huge images, full name, etc. etc. Seriously, who cares that much? We don't even get to know of any actual horse he has hurt, so I don't think he actually did that.

But then I saw his twitter account, his facebook account (read all the comments from his supporters) and googled his name:

There are a lot of controversies mentioned on his wikipedia page, there is a website against him, a facebook group against him, etc.

All in all this makes me think he is a massive attention-seeker who cares a lot about his public image in the eyes of his supporters and not much about the morality or even lawfulness of his actions. I guess in other countries such a person holding such a position wouldn't be possible..

So I don't think he is specifically irked by our existence, I think he just thought a bestiality arrest story would be good press for him.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-19 01:37:31

I agree that he is evil. But he is easy to avoid, if you avoid Arizona because all the stings took place in Arizona though some of the victims traveled there from other states.

zoozooz 6 points on 2015-07-17 16:43:29

"Bestiality is viewed with revulsion in the US and the people who engage in it are consider amoral deranged and pathetic, because they are,"

\- Kristin DeJournett, a cruelty case work manager for PETA

I met more than fifty zoos from all around the country. Some of them came with their partners, and everywhere I turned there were big dogs laying around. Everyone was nice and polite. People were supportive and cooperative (after they were assured about confidentiality, about my intentions, and that I am not a zoo). I found myself in the company of some interesting and friendly people. We spent the weekend talking about zoophilia and other general topics. We watched (main-stream) movies, played cards and other games, went for walks, cooked and laughed together. When I returned home, I had a long list of new volunteers for my study and I was much more educated about zoophilia and zoophiles.

\- Hani Miletski, genuine researcher who actually looks at the people

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-07-17 18:04:30

How do we get that in front of the people exposed just to this though?

I have a similar story to relate: A non-zoo religious practitioner oversaw the funeral of an extremely close friend of mine. We afterwards we separated out into two groups his "normal" friends and coworkers who were on the balcony and drinking beer and laughing. And of course those of us like him, sitting in a small area on the way out of the property.

So, she knew about my friend and wasn't dumb so put two and two together and decided to stop and chat with us as we grieved. It's been 20 years but I still remember what she said. To paraphrase, "You are the most human people I've ever met."

Perhaps we don't fit in, but perhaps the cage we are in is the problem.

Baaxten The new guy 1 point on 2015-07-18 02:36:38

Not saying I'm doubting the sincerity of the quote, but I'd like to see where this came from. Studies on us I find rather interesting - an educated examination of who we are.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-17 18:49:07

Come on, people. Not again the same old chore...." how could they do that, we zoos are sooo nice people" It´s a fact that the guy getting caught by Arpaio literally begged for it. Everyone knows of Sheriff Arpaio, even in Europe. Take a look at the public image shown here: we have an old guy travelling the country for years, only to suck horse dick. What a magnificent way to show how deeply we zoos "love" our animal..."Heya, fella, where´s the dick to suck on?" The other case of a drunkard waking up in a pig pen naked....well, I guess even he himself doesn´t know what happened...but it´s another negative picture painted.

Don´t blame the predators like Arpaio for being predators. Blame those dumb enough to put ads of their illegal carnal desires on Craigslist, blame those who don´t take precautions to ensure their safety, blame those seemingly unable to be aware of the dangers involved in this sexual orientation. Blame those who only think of themselves before they act. The problem here isn´t Sheriff Arpaio or any other "zoo hunter", the problem is that our community includes almost anyone, regardless of motives and conduct. I don´t want zoophilia turning into another commercially exploited facette of human sexuality; I don´t want people to advertize on the internet; I don´t want animal prostitution as it is implied by the myriads of people searching or offering animals for sex.

Don´t complain about "evil society", complain about the folks dumb enough to get caught. In almost every case I have heard of, the people caught totally denied thinking about the risks. So, don´t post stuff on the internet, especially not on Craigslist or any other platform known to be scanned by police regularly. Don´t upload porn, even the tiniest info given could break your neck. It´s not necessary to show your face to be identified, the fur pattern on some animals suffices to identify the animal without a doubt. Don´t fencehop, infrared cameras are affordable to anybody nowadays. Don´t get involved in "zoo clubs"...the more people involved, the easier it gets somebody snitching or giving away info unintentionally.
If anyone in this community would only practice thinking with the head ABOVE the belt, we would be better off....

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-07-17 19:38:52

Just like we judge heterosexuals by rapists and violent sexual offenders. I completely agree that it is entirely my fault that I can't control the actions of folks who choose to behave badly.

Quite frankly the reason this sherif is known is because he has an ax to grind. He will literally perform illegal acts to "get the job done" including attacking judges. Or did you not know that? While the guy is an idiot for getting caught, that doesn't change the fact that people WILL get caught and smeared regardless of how nice or loving they are or aren't

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-17 20:42:53

Yeah, but heteros won´t post the rapist cases and reply like "one of US has been put into jail". The point here is that by posting stuff like this and mainly defending the "bad guys" against the oh so evil society, you give anyone standing outside the idea we zoos actually are identical with them. I know that I can´t make those baddies stop what they´re doing, but I can distance myself from any of this stupid conduct they show to the public. When it comes to Arpaio and his methods, well, that´s the business of the people living in his area and the American justice system. Yes, people will get caught, but until today, I´ve never read a story about someone placing safety above anything else and refraining from any risky behavior. It´s always those folks acting irresponsible getting caught...guess that´s some kind of natural selection going on here. I don´t feel sorry for those two. Why should I sympathize with people like that? Demonizing this one Sheriff isn´t logical, he´s not the only one performing sting operations. It´s done everywhere, all over the world, although Arpaio may be the biggest media/attention whore of ´em all. If you decide to enter a dangerous environment and get hurt or killed, is the environment to blame? Or is it you, not taking proper preparations and precautions? I´m tired of this automatism defending anyone caught. Usually, those caught made mistakes and helped getting caught. As a zoophile, you ALWAYS place the wellbeing of the animal before your own sexual gratification. This includes not doing porn, not advertizing on the internet, etc...not because of moral reasons alone, but to avoid any risk of your animal getting taken away and euthanized.
Stop defending beasties and idiots. They already damaged anything zoophilia stands for; defending them will only increase the damage unnecessarily.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-07-17 20:45:20

Where did I defend this guy? I often comment on the poor reporting, and my skepticism of said reporting.

But whatever, you guys obviously don't want links here so nuff of that.