Head in the sand mode activated. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-07-17 20:48:01 by Yearningmice

I hope things around here continue to be interesting. I've decided to stop posting links that might be of imporance. I'll still be around.

Stay and play safe!

Lefthandedsock -3 points on 2015-07-17 21:31:43

If this is in any way related to my post on one of your submissions, you're acting juvenile and extremely passive aggressive.

I've decided to stop posting links that might be of importance.

Give me a break. Post whatever you want, but don't expect every single thing to be well-received. Who wants to see every report on every bestiality case nationwide? They're not important. A lot of them are unfortunate stories, and plenty of them feature people who were just using animals for sex.

Head in the sand mode activated

Good riddance.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-18 05:49:28

Exactly this.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-07-18 13:27:30

Please, the both of you, don't give yourself too much credit, okay?

electricfoxx 4 points on 2015-07-17 21:41:19

I've decided to stop posting links that might be of importance.


I do see that you tend to post negative news. While not inherently bad, all news here tends to be bad news. As far as reddit goes, I think the more posts, the better. That's why we have voting. If you don't like something, downvote it.


I think this is the reason behind cute stuff on a daytime news. "Today, Iran was bombed. Hey, check out this cute, adoptable puppy!"

My feels towards /r/zoophilia is I would like it to be considered a Safe Zone, where you can say what's on your mind without feeling like you're being judged. There are plenty of places for porn, but few places for zoophiles themselves.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-07-18 13:46:32

I post what news is happening. I've often posted good stuff, but lately that has not been what has been coming through. See my reply to Battlecrops as far as how and whys.

The links themselves are quite easy to get a few keyword searches and google's alerts platform puts the info right into your mailbox.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 4 points on 2015-07-17 22:45:09

I do agree dude it seems a little passive aggressive if this only has to do with peoples' comments on a recent link. I don't know how to keep up with zoo-related articles and news myself, so I always enjoyed when you posted something relevant here to the subreddit. It was a nice way to be able to stay on top of things, and as far as I can tell you were the only person doing it on a pretty regular basis.

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-07-18 13:44:49

It's easy, little thing called google. (check out google alerts) I filtered bad news to post here only stuff where I thought things were a little odd, where it is a big warning for folks who might answer CL ads, or where the reporting seemed to need correction.

But you'd be surprised at the information you can find, a lonely guy posting on a psych forum, conservative religious essays against bestiality(no duh), more thoughtful ideas questioning what we do with animals and using bestiality as the context for an argument, fully pro-zoo essays which were not posted by zoos. All of those I had always posted without filtering because it's important to know your arguments and your enemy's arguments.

To be honest, it's been a bad three or four weeks of news as far as my searching has been going, but I figured that reddit is a link aggregator. The searching is easy enough for anyone to do, so I am guessing that reddit doesn't really need my help to add links so easily found.

Overall I am seeing a strengthening division in the zoo community which is apparently in the process of fracturing again, which will make it my #3 go around. Since I don't really want any shit on me from the passions that arouses I'll sit back with some popcorn.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-19 00:56:25

What division are you referring to?

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 1 point on 2015-07-19 01:20:52

I'm wondering the same.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-07-19 09:47:49

I'm seeing it too. The people who look at porn and those opposed to it have always drawn battle lines, as have the people for/against "rights movement" type stuff. These issues have always been with us, but I've seen it rear it's head more often than usual lately.

Not here, but we seem to be suffering from our own set of paradigms and as such, not much conflict here.

Yearningmice 3 points on 2015-07-18 13:27:13

I see you guys can find the down vote button.

As for being passive agressive; nope, you guys want to stick your heads in the sand, doesn't change what I do personally, but don't want to ruin the "good vibe" here. I only posted this thread to let folks know I hadn't dropped off the face of the planet which is a big problem here.

I hope the folks who were continuously downvoting and throwing anyone under the bus based on what was biased reporting will post some "good" content. Preferable sourced and linked to something other than their opinion on how the world works.

30-30 amator equae 7 points on 2015-07-18 16:56:40

Sticking our heads in the sand? What? Please tell me how zoophiles are connected with the guys from the articles you linked. What has a genuine zoo to do with people travelling the country to search for horse dick? What have we in common with people running an amateur dog shelter, only to provide themselves with "fresh meat"? What do I have in common with people whose hard drives contain animal and kiddie porn? And why do you have such a short fuse if some of us dare to contradict the underlying overtone of " poor people, caught for doing something totally harmless"? Look, the point here isn´t you posting these cases, it´s the general attitude of media distrust (biased reporting), the apologetic atmosphere ( damned intolerant society ) and trying to link two things having nothing in common ( bestiality and zoophilia ). Why should I care for people actually helping society to damn us zoos with their shown conduct? How important is it for me and any other zoo to read about another fencehopper, animal porn fiend, "wanna try out animal dick/cunt" without enough intelligence to realize the impending dangers of advertizing his urges on the internet? Please tell me: Why should I care for them, although they give a flying fuck about the public image drawn by them and also applied to genuine zoos by the public? You mentioned the division in the "zoo community"....do you really count all of those caught perpetrators in? By the way: there never was a division in the zoo community, we all have quite similar thoughts on the more controversial issues and speak out against most of the damnable conduct for f*cking years now. But we are overrun by wannabe zoos who clearly are bestialists only in it for the sex and nothing else. This isn´t zoophilia, it never was and it never will be. The division you mention is only a reaction of the ongoing process to realize that teaming up with the beasties won´t do us any good, no, quite the opposite, it harms our community. It´s always the beasties getting caught, I´ve never read about someone getting featured in the media who is living with his animal without all of the stuff that usually turns people into headlines. I´ll be clear on this: it´s the porn, shadow animal prostitution, the fencehopping, etc. what led us to this point we´re now residing on. How do we expect to change society´s view on zoophilia when negative examples keep emerging? How can people trust us and our claims to really love animals beyond sex when the antithesis is only a few clicks away ( and I´m NOT talking about the "evil" anti side, I´m talking about those guys the articles feature)? I know I´ll be leaning out of the window quite a bit, but my opinion on those guys from the articles is that they are the real enemies of zoophilia tolerated by society. They keep on showing that we "animal fuckers" are basically sex driven, out of our minds, unable to contain ourselves, seriously endangering society.

It´s easy to put the blame on everyone else, the lying media, the intolerant society, self proclaimed zoo hunters like Arpaio...but, if you dare to be honest, it basically is our own fault. Of course, we can´t make those irresponsible people stop from what they´re doing, but bringing up their cases in the context of this subreddit without clearly distancing our community from what those people have done is nothing more than counterproductive.

Trying to connect to zoos to the beasties is like binding two birds together. Altough the birds have four wings now, they won´t be able to fly. And according to this metaphor, bringing up every case of bestiality google will find won´t help the zoo cause in any way.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-07-18 14:50:08

I dunno, I didnt really read the articles but I kinda enjoyed the reading the comments here.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 5 points on 2015-07-19 01:20:42

Sorry to hear you won't be posting links. I always enjoyed reading them. I hope you reconsider if not now but in the future.