What is one of your fondest memories with your significant other? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-07-23 02:29:35 by jackdempsey8083

Goooood night everyone, had this curiosity question come to me earlier and figured I'd ask. If lots of people share I think it would be a good detour from the, um... Usually tone of the place lately ;)

Me personally, the memory that sticks out the most is when my dog and I went on a 4 day hiking trip on the Sol Duc River, over in Washington state. We were blessed with beautiful, sunny, non-rainy weather the entire time. Its one of the few memories I can think of that I was truly at peace; you know that ideal state people always want to be in during a vacation, just forget about the world and your troubles? Well, before that trip I had never experienced that before, and lemme tell you, its an amazing feeling! We hiked along the river, had dinner with a family that was camping close to us... It truly was an awesome trip, one that I will hopefully never forget.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 4 points on 2015-07-23 04:12:03

The day I went out of town to go pick him up is definitely up there. I brought some of my friends along and they drove home while he slept on me the whole time... Until he threw up from carsickness :P.

A time that really sticks out to me is when we were hiking at a local trail and we entered a bushy rugged trail that was going down a steep incline. It was kinda stressful getting to the bottom but he understood and listened to me spot-on. While it may not sound super amazing, for a stubborn independent asshole of a dog like him I really felt like we were at a strong understanding that day.

Also when he cuddles with me when I'm sick that is awesome :3

myloverhasfur Canidae 3 points on 2015-07-23 19:21:43

My family has traditionally gone to a Christmas tree farm to cut down our own Christmas tree, and I've been able to take my dog on several of those trips. It's great to see him so excited, running from tree to tree, eager to smell as many as he can. I remember on one occasion, while we were making s'mores by the campfire they keep burning at the tree farm, watching him struggle to eat a marshmallow we had given him. I wish I could take him on trips like that more often.

30-30 amator equae 5 points on 2015-07-24 06:46:36

There are several positive memories, but one that will stand out and remain in my mind until I take my last breath. Back in 1994, I finally bought my mare. I remember the day I signed the contract, handed out the money in cash and then I went to see her in her box. With the knowledge that she finally was mine, after more than a year saving up any money , having to deal with a girl also interested in buying her , I hugged her neck, her head pressed on my chest. I cried out of joy, stood about half an hour next to her and not even a nearby nuclear attack could have been able to make me losen my grip. When I drove home afterwards, I still was highly euphoric and felt like I finally arrived where destiny wanted me to be, at her side, to protect her and to love her. Until today, I still whisper this in her ears like I did the first minutes she became "my" horse. Another thing I remember: Around the year 2000, I entered her box through her paddock; she hadn´t heard me arriving. She wasn´t scared, but surprised by my presence and shied away a bit, stomping all four of her hooves on the ground, accidentally stepping on my left foot with her right hind leg. It hurt like hell, but then she did something I´ll never forget..she turned around and I am damn sure she knew she just had hurt me. I could see in her eyes that she was aware of what she did and also could see she was sorry. She tried to cheer me up by bumping her mouth and nose in me, but she did this very carefully and lightly. She sticked to paying special attention to me for nearly a week; even when I was riding her, she totally gave in to my commands although she has a very strong personality and I had to struggle with her stubbornness often. This was the first time I was assured of our special connection beyond any simple horse-rider relation. Another remarkable memory: As you should know, horses usually lay down, but will not accept the presence of humans they don´t fully trust. I already was able to lay down near her, accompanying her when she was resting, but she always rose when I was touching her private parts or belly. But at this day, I was doing my usual patrol before locking the stables at 10 PM and decided to lay down with her for a while. We started cuddling and kissing for some minutes and when I was about to leave her to end my daily routine, giving her a kiss on her private parts, as usual, she moaned, turned her head and gave me this special glance. So I stayed and slept with her while she was in the resting position, with her front legs under her chest. We were into it for a while and all of a sudden, she layed down flat onto her right side, me still laying behind her, doing her gently, with my hands all over her body (as far as you can reach in this damn uncomfortable position ;) ). We both came and although I had experienced her climaxing quite often, I never have seen her getting it lying on the ground. She was moaning , waving her tail and spreading her hind legs as if she was standing. After we were finished, I went to her head, picked it up a bit (of course she helped me by raising it, horseheads are damn heavy) and pushed my arm under her neck and head from the front. We were lying there with my arm holding her head, her left front leg over my hip and our noses touching for about a hour, until she rose up to eat a little hay. When I finally was locking the stables, it was around 11.30 PM and I had to get back up at 5 AM the next morning, so I had to suffer for this extraordinary experience with diminuished sleep time, but gladly accepted this for sleeping with her on the ground the very first time in my life.

The last thing I´d like to contribute hasn´t occurred yet and I deeply hope it won´t anytime soon. It´s about her final day. When she will die, I will have her cremated ( in Switzerland and the Netherlands, there are crematories especially for big animals, so they don´t have to cut her up to cremate her in pieces in a normal sized oven) and will take her ashes home. A few years ago, I wrote my last will in which the only thing I demand after my own death is to pour my own ashes into the urn containing her remains. This is everything I want at the end of my life: to be where I really belong, with her. I don´t know if this is legal, but give a flying fuck anyway and hope my last will is granted to me. Even in death, I will not leave her side. This is where I belong

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-26 21:02:11

First I must say WOW, that sounded like an amazing experience. I remember when I got my horse (sadly I don't own him any more) it was pretty exciting, I was like "I finally own a horse!". Sadly I was not able to do much sexually since he was boarded at a public stable, but I still loved him anyways.

LPersAreSelloutFucks 0 points on 2015-08-04 04:59:44

that sounded like an amazing experience

What it sounds like is a big lie. Horses don't moan when they cum. I know this because I've read stuff written by zoophiles which says they don't. They (repeatedly IIRC) make a noise which sounds like "oomph."

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-07-31 17:30:27


Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2015-07-28 06:50:14

Sounds like you went on my dream trip!! I really want to do a long hiking/camping adventure sometime, I'm pretty close to the Appalachian Trail so I'd love to tackle part of that one day.

My partner doesn't leave my house, so I don't really have any "outing" memories (and she isn't the type who would enjoy one either, ha). I do remember the day we got her very well, when she was just a baby. She squeezed between a bookcase and the wall in my room, only like a two inch opening, and it took a lot of effort to get her out. Lots of times when I'm upset or down she seems to know, and sits in my lap and cuddles with me. I had surgery last winter and couldn't let her sit in my lap for a while, she was pretty confused and offended! So even though they're nothing big or exciting, I gotta say the nights when I'm feeling bad and she jumps up, nuzzles into my lap, and falls asleep purring are some of the best memories I have with her.

TotesMessenger 6 points on 2015-07-31 07:06:03

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