Am I going to turn out ok? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-07-25 00:04:56 by AnonymousZoo

Ok, I really hope I'm not breaking rules on this subreddit, and if I am, I do apologize. AlienBlue is still well, alien to me.

NOTE: Bold = edited

Ok, who am I? I'm just a average male teen, at least from my point of view, by that I mean, high school, weed, porn, sleep, drama, girls, relationships, sex, sports, parties, ect. I've been around and partook in all at least once. I feel normal, I am pretty much, as far as I can tell, just like most people my age. Except one thing, I like horses/canines.

Why am I here? I'm here because ever since the age 13, I've found myself sexually attracted to male horses/canines. Why? I don't know. All I know is one day for some strange reason I found myself on the bestiality part of the Internet watching horses and dogs getting a blowjob from girls. (It's been a while since I've watched those video, but they are what I got into first)

A few things to note:

  • I'm 18.
  • I do feel that my attraction to horses is abnormal (compared to the average high schooler).
  • I honestly fantasize and want to have a relationship of some sort with a horse/canine one day.
  • I don't want to change.
  • I am curious about the zoo community and how I can support it.
  • I feel my attraction only becoming stronger.
  • I am still attracted to girls just as much as any other male high schooler.
  • I feel straight (I like girls, and I can't see myself with a human man, but for some reason am totally ok with the idea of a man/woman and a horse/canine)
  • In a perfect world I want to find a female zoophile one day to share my life with a horse/canine we both can emotionally, mentally, physically, and eventually, sexually connect with. Or at least someone that accepts me for who I am. **- I do have a small preference of horse over canine but see canine as a more realistic option for me. **

Ok so here is the thing, I am curious as to how I can support the zoo community. When I say that I mean I want people to have the right to be with whom they wish to be with. So I support gay rights, straight rights, zoophilia rights, and animal rights. Ok I support everything, if I missed anything I support it to the point where if a person wanted to marry a plant, go for it. You do you man. I want it to be legal. I don't however support any abuse of animals. That's messed up and I think sexual abuse of an animal is just plain cruel. (I don't support just using an animal for sex, that's abuse and it's beyond fckd up. This also runs along with zoophilia pornography. It's exploiting an animal for sex and uploading it for payment)

I want to experiment with a human to horse/canine relationship. Thanks to /u/myloverhasfur for the advice on slowing down. I let my fantasies get ahead of me and I mentioned how I wanted to have some sort of a sexual experience with a horse/canine. I wasn't thinking because I do genuinely, (as I stated below in the comments), want a full relationship. Not just sex, I want to love and feel loved. Apologies on that, I want to clarify that I'm not in it for the sex. I'm legitimately attracted to horses and canines. I find the idea exciting and amazing. I want to know why I should or should not try it. I also want to know the risks. I'm glad to get feedback from both the people for and against the idea of zoophilia. As long as your information is valid and not aimed to hurt the person/people of either side of the spectrum I am glad to hear from you. I don't want to cause a lot of arguments but I really want to learn more about the community and what this is all about from all points of view even the people who despise zoophilia.

My last question is will I turn out alright? I mean am I gonna be fine as a zoophile? Am I gonna live a normal life just like the average Joe?

Oh yea, and male German Shepards are a real attraction for me too :p so dominant, so sexy, love it.(I see this as a more viable solution if I am to have a human to animal relationship, I don't own a horse and sure don't plan on hopping a fence to have sex with someone else's. And thanks to a comment from /u/30-30 I know that it's beyond dangerous if not prepared)

I may add a few revisions and extra questions if/as needed below.

Once again, I could not find a rule page on this subreddit from the AlienBlue app, so I hope I kept within the boundaries and I apologize for any violations. I'll be glad to edit/revise if I find the rule page.

Thanks guys, I really am interested in what you guys have to say.

EDIT 1: Revised a little due to a very helpful comment by /u/myloverhasfur. I changed mainly things that come off too strong. I do admit, it's a kink that I would be glad to explore one day but I don't want just sex, I want a relationship. Hope I didn't offend anyone, it appeared that I was ready to just skip to the sex part, I do want a loving relationship with a horse not just a sexual one.

EDIT 2: I forgot to mention that I do suffer from depression and anxiety. I feel it may be a factor in my attraction to horses because I'm quite introverted. I have plenty of friends but I'm a complete disaster around girls. Don't get me wrong I have many girl friends but I'm a disaster when I want a relationship with a girl.

EDIT 3: Thanks to a comment by /u/30-30 I want to verify to others that I do not plan to nor did I ever intend on blindly going into a emotional and sexual relationship with a horse without first knowing what I was getting myself into, hence the reason I'm here in the first place, to learn. He made the dangers of doing so quite clear. I also want to say that I feel that a canine-human relationship may be more bearable for me. Again, not throwing myself into this one. Just saying that odds of me ever getting a horse are 1 in 10,000 or even more. And finding a way to have a every day relationship with a horse would be difficult. I find that German Shepards are very attractive, dominant and just plain beautiful breeds. Again, not throwing myself into this guns blazing, I'd still do every bit of research just as I would if I were to have a relationship with a horse. Any comments on horse-human relationships vs canine-human relationships? In the meantime I'll try to focus my reality on human-human relationships but I'm not ditching the desire to be with an animal. I'll look at some other posts and get back to this one. Thanks for the comment 30-30!

  • AnonymousZoo
myloverhasfur Canidae 4 points on 2015-07-25 01:56:10

First off, thanks for posting.

Since, as you said, you're also attracted to people, my first piece of advice would be to, if possible, focus your attraction towards people, letting your feelings for animals wane. Life as a zoo can be hard, and I would spare you that.

If, on the other hand, either it isn't possible or you are not willing, welcome! There's a good community here, and we'll do what we can to support you and answer questions.

As to trying "blowing a horse," I would, at this point, advise against it. A relationship with an animal should involve much more than just sex, and until you've spent lots of time around real horses, getting to know their behavior, body language, wants, needs, etc., and have your own animal you've gotten to know and love, I wouldn't even consider anything sexual. I'll have to leave it to others to answer questions about risks and other particulars for horses, as my experience is limited to canines.

You can browse this subreddit to find various arguments for and against zoophilia, and feel free to ask about particular topics, clarifications, and so on.

Finally, as to whether or not you'll turn out alright, that depends, in part, on how exactly you define "all right." Given that you seem to be fine with other human beings, I think it likely you'll be able to "blend in," have a normal job and normal friends that won't even suspect. Some of us, like me, are attracted exclusively to non-human animals, so it's a bit harder for us than I think it will be for you.

As for rules, the big ones are don't post porn and mark explicit discussions about sexual acts as NSFW. All the rules, though, are posted on the subreddit sidebar which you can view from the main reddit website; I'm not sure if there's a way of viewing the sidebar contents from an app.

AnonymousZoo 1 point on 2015-07-25 03:32:27

Thanks so much for replying! First and foremost I want to clear the air, I don't want to sound like a horny person in it for the sex. I'm genuinely interested in a full relationship with a horse. I want to understand and connect with him. I want to love the horse not only sexually but emotionally as well. I want that so deeply. I am going to go back and reword things a little. I was trying to light the fire with gasoline if you will. I sure don't want to skip the beginning and important steps of a hefty relationship. Just like with humans, you don't start full fledged sex you need to connect, understand, love, feel the companion before even thinking about sex. With that said, I will try to focus on a human relationship but I have this urge in my heart and mind, I want to at least experiment with a human to horse relationship (Any advice on how to get started with animal/human relationships would awesome). Anyways, thank you again for everything and I appreciate the help with the rules as well! You seem very nice and I'm glad you took the time to reach out to help.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-07-25 03:43:28

I am a non-zoo support of zoophilia and I see nothing wrong with your views on this subject at all. I can not speak for the dangers at all of what you want but keep in mind that a horse is a very large animal with quite a bit of weight, and a dog penis is very big with the knot and has the potential to do damage if inside a human. I thinkyou will turn out just fine, you seem like a decent person regardless of your attraction(s). As long as you do not go around advertising your sexuality I do not think it will be a problem. As far as supporting zoo rights, your guess is as good as mine. There does not seem to be any zoo-rights groups in the USA and I am not sure I have what it takes to do it myself. I have the willpower but not the know-how and social skills.

AnonymousZoo 1 point on 2015-07-25 04:10:19

Great comment! Love the feedback! Glad to see your thoughts on the topic. I don't plan on advertising my sexuality, in all honestly I am too nervous to even mention anything remotely related to the topic around anyone in person. I'd honestly keep it to myself unless it became widely accepted, which I can't picture happening in my lifetime unfortunately.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-07-25 18:26:04

Well I would not be too quick to say it never will. Homosexuals said the same thing 50 years ago and look at them now and some countries do have zoo rights groups, but yes, be sure to be very very careful about sharing your sexuality with anybody. It can turn bad if it gets out to the wrong people. Now if you have a very strong connection to the person, there is an okay chance they will be accepting of it as long as they are a decent person, but just be careful out there. I am sure nobody here would want anything bad to happen to you for your orientation.

An Additional point people seem to forget sometimes is if you ever decide to act on your attraction (or do any action that could make you orientation known). Make sure you will not get walked in on. Lock doors, etc. Seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many people forget that in the heat of the moment. Other sexualities do it all the time as well, but as a zoo, getting walked in on has much higher consequences.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-07-25 05:23:55

First,forget about the porn. It´s basically fake. If you have ever seen to what size a horse´s glans will expand, you wouldn´t dream of "blowing a horse". The so called flare will break your jaws easily. In porn, you see women spilling milk or some other white liquid to fake you into believing the horse "came". This is total fantasy and has nothing to do with reality. Second, if you have no experience with handling horses, forget about turning your fantasy into reality. Horses are dangerous to those unprepared and lacking knowledge. Their weight can kill you, their hooves can kill you, they even can bite off half of your face with a single bite. If you are not experienced with horses, it would be ultimately foolish to think you can handle a highly aroused stallion. It takes years of training (yourself, not the horse) to have basic knowledge in dealing with geldings and mares, even more to know how to handle a stallion. Horses are NO toys, especially NO sex toys for porn fiends.

I would recommend quitting the porn immediately. You are quite a good example why I´m totally against easily available porn, by the way. You are young and can be /are influenced by watching all of the crap out there in the net, quod erat demonstrandum.

Uh, fella, animals are no substitute for not getting along with the girls, you know? They aren´t a cheap and short detour to getting off. Especially with horses, you have a lot of responsibilities, a lot to learn, a lot of money spent monthly, etc.

I don´t want to come across too offensive, but I don´t believe you´re a zoophile. You still crave for a "female zoophile" to share your kinks , sadly I cannot see any evidence that it´s more than a kink for you. There are thousands of your kind out there, fancying animal sex, mostly induced by animal porn abuse, but truly want a woman. Look, animal porn can be like any drug. You can become addicted and this will change your life in a non-favorable way, opening up desires that are very seldom satisfied. Actually finding a "female zoo" is achieved by not even one percent and living your life as a "zoo" is anything BUT living like the average Joe. This orientation will push you onto the edge of society, will endanger your career, your reputation and finally yourself if you miss out on good precautions and a fine sense for situations that have the potential to expose you and make you the pariah of your village/town/region. Zoophilia definitely is NO playground to explore, especially when the desired animal is ten times heavier than you. It is NOT another "normal" fraction of the human sexual palette.

As a longtie practicing zoophile in a relationship with my mare for more than 20 years now, I recommend quitting it as long as you can. Zoophilia is serious business. It will eat up all of your life and if you aren´t 100% sure of what you REALLY want from life, stay away from it. If you can´t , then quit the wanking and start the reading, the others in here and myself surely can provide you with enough material worth studying so you can make up your mind if you really want this in your life. After you have gone through the definitions and duties zoophilia is based upon, you should sit down and think again, but this time you have all relevant info to make a mindful and elaborated decision whether or not you want to get involved, not one basically done on sheer horniness."Think before you act", a very wise proverb and one that perfectly fits in dealing with one´s own desires to have sex with animals. So, please do the reading, then the thinking. When you´re still interested after investigating what having a relationship with an animal is really like, you´re welcome to ask again. But until you haven´t considered anything zoophilia and bestiality will do to your life, please don´t plunge into something you might regret doing later. Read about the ones exposed, their life destroyed. Read about the desperate legion of "searchers" advertizing on the well known fora for years, but to no avail. I guess that sex with animals will be banned worldwide in a few years from now,so, can you imagine leading a life in illegality? With the constant fear of being spied on or being exposed? As I said before: Zoophilia and anything related is not a playground. Keep this in mind, please. The first source you should visit would be , it´s a good start and many of the pages are available in english, too.

AnonymousZoo 2 points on 2015-07-25 11:59:53

I'm glad you commented! I want to say that I was not offended by what you had to say just because it opposed me getting into any sort of relationship with a horse. I am convinced that everything you said was 100% valid so I won't argue against you, it's dangerous, life will be hard, and I am (if it isn't yet obvious) completely ignorant to the topic. I want to clear the air on the porn thing. I can say it's been quite some time since I've even seen any. I only mentioned it because that's what happened, I was 13, unaware, and clueless to it but that exact reason is what sort of caught my eye. I won't say I knew it was all fake but I will say it wasn't how I'd expect to live my life if I were to continue with this desire. Video cameras, cameras, and the Internet shouldn't be combined with horse sex. I see what you mean and I think it's disgusting that people would exploit an animal for sex and then upload it and expect payment for such a thing. I am glad you commented, I really am. I'll be sure to check out the link you left. I do still have the interest in it however. In all honesty it scares me how badly things can end if something were to go wrong. I will keep my mind open to ideas but I'm not messing with any animal any time soon. I need to know what I'd getting myself into. In the meantime I'll be sure to focus my interest in girls. Who knows, I may just be able to move on. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I hope I don't come off as someone who just wants to have sex with a horse. If anything I'll be glad to do all the research needed before any interaction beyond the usual with a horse. I'm a very mellow, self controlled man, I don't just look to fck anything with a hole in it, I defiantly don't look to get fcked by anything or anyone. I'm really quite average if this sort of thing wasn't part of my life. One more thing, I don't know what the exact definition of zoophile is or what you and/or others consider zoophilia but I can say that I am at least attracted to the idea of being with a horse in a relationship. The idea of me be able to love a horse as if it were the wife/husband of another man warms my heart. I don't know what I am but I'm glad you commented. It means a lot you took the time to write back.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-07-28 10:20:39

Unrelated, but for all these years I'd mistakenly thought it was "quod est demonstrandum". I learn something new every day. :)

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 5 points on 2015-07-25 06:35:07

Welcome, anon. You're not breaking the rules, I assure.

Firstly, let me say that everyone is welcome here, so regardless of where your sexuality finds itself, I hope you can always feel safe to contribute as you wish. I feel that many zoos who take a hardline, even Puritanical approach to animal sexuality, confuse ethics with the dangerous "true Scot" zoo mentality that we must avoid as a group.

I am curious as to how I can support the zoo community.

I hold an unpopular viewpoint here, because I don't believe we should advocate for rights, as a group. I think that public exposure is ultimately a negative thing for us, and that each zoo should instead do two things:

  1. If safe, tell someone you know you can trust about your sexuality. People respond with moral outrage to groups of zoos they don't understand, but are more likely to listen to and value the words of a friend, SO or family member.

  2. Reach out to zoos who need it. Acceptance is the most difficult part of being a zoophile, and for zoos who haven't yet done so, life is tough. Communities like this one prevent suicide, plain and simple.

So, I'd advise you skip the public education, protests, petitions and lectures, and stay with what you can control.

I want to experiment with a human to horse relationship

I don't believe there's anything inherently immoral about an FWB relationship with an animal, or even a one-night-stand, so long as you gain their consent. For male stallions, who are usually very enthusiastic participants, it shouldn't be unclear as to whether he's consenting. However, a full romantic and sexual relationship is often more fulfilling if that interests you.

To have a relationship (be that sexual, romantic or both) with a horse without fencehopping (which is dangerous and irresponsible) or owning your own land, you'd have to work or volunteer with horses, in a situation that lets you spend large amounts of time alone with them, and without the risks of getting caught. Such scenarios are uncommon, but not unheard of. If you truly do think you could fall in love with a horse after spending more time around them, it would be worth the commitment and hard work to buy land and have your own horses. That's not something to be entered into lightly, though.

will I turn out alright?

Only you can determine that. Horses are complex beings and understanding them is key to enjoying interactions with them, be they sexual, romantic or platonic. Animals are not machines, so see if you enjoy the company of horses first. Learn to ride if you don't already. Regardless of where the future takes you, you'll be a better person for it. With regard to the depression/anxiety, seeing a psychologist will greatly help things, but you do have to want to change. I don't think either cause zoophilia, but they can cause insularity if you're not careful. The reality of life is that suffering is inevitable, and all we can do is deal with it rationally and to the best of our ability.

AnonymousZoo 2 points on 2015-07-25 12:22:02

Thank you so much for this comment! I appreciate the info! I have only told one person who I've never met in person but have grown fond of and trust greatly. She supports me and thinks of me just like any other person. She doesn't know much about the topic but she always wants to listen to what I have to say about the topic. It's nice to have that one person you can say anything to.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-07-25 15:16:03

Blimey, everyone seems to be taking your bluntness literally. I got what you mean, wanting something doesnt meant youre just gonna go out and do it right?

everyones pretty much got this covered and im not very good with words but I will weigh in on the normalcy of it all as thats what bugged me for the longest time. Yes, all zoophiles are normal people. Normal in that they come from all walks of life and do whatever normal people do. Obviously there are the extremes present in zoos just are there are the extreme versions of non-zoos. The rapists, abusers etc. but being a zoo doesnt mean youre a bad person like that, although you will have to get over the stereotype given to thanks to those types.

How normal you appear to other people is a different matter. In your case you can get a gf, marry, have kids etc. and no one will bat an eyelid. Or you can chose to be the guy who lives alone with his weird all male gsd sled team up in the yukon :P that does sound tempting to be honest....

I also recommend you try to find happiness in the human relationships as being a zoo comes with a fair few obstacles, but I've got over the fact its just going to have to be something else I deal with. Its not too much of a bother, but theres definitely things that are made harder by being a guy and his dog as opposed to a guy and his GF.

Just do and accept what makes you happy man. GFs didnt make me happy, dogs do, so my choice was made for me.

ColeTrain0898 1 point on 2015-07-26 03:54:13

I think your fine your story is the same as mine practically ecerything started of at 13 and now in 18 and I still feel the same although a slight attraction to male animals and mabye some males

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-07-26 21:19:32

Let me add some contrast to what 30-30 said. Yes horses can be dangerous especially when one is not experienced, but the bond one can have with a horse is truly amazing. I would say take riding lessons and volunteer at stables if you want to learn about horses.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-07-28 00:57:52

At your age, it's not uncommon to feel like the world is falling apart. But as long as you stay smart and keep your zoophilia on the secret side, you shouldn't have any reason to worry. The DSM reduces the severity of zoophilia with each new edition, and at this point, they've acknowledged that zoophilia is only harmful if you let it be harmful.

And if it was bothering you, let me just mention, a lot of human-straight zoophiles turn out to be animal-bi. Even as somebody who's completely straight with humans and mostly straight with animals, I still have to admit, animals are cute regardless of gender.

Just try not to let it overwhelm you, that's the main thing. There are a lot of routes you can take. Do what's right for you and treat animals nice, and you'll be alright with me and most people here.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-03 01:10:01

i think you'll be fine but only as long as you keep an open mind. for someone if your position you can't just expect sex from one source and only show interest in that one. the keep a healthy mind you still have to have to keep an interest in sex with people