The term "zoophile" (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-07-25 20:06:49 by Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates

I've been poking around on zoo forums/boards for about three-ish years now and a few times I've come across zoo exclusive folks who seem peeved that non-exclusive zoos are also called zoophiles. The term "zoophile" used to mean closer to what most people call "zoo exclusive" these days. Now usually people who are attracted to both humans and animals romantically are also called zoophiles. It seems like more of an "old school" type of thinking, that only zoo exclusive people should be called zoophiles and non-exclusive zoos don't have the same struggles. I haven't really seen anyone younger with that idea.

It reminds me a little of some discrimination against bisexual people that's happening in some places in the LGBT community. Some homosexual people think that because bisexual people can "pass as straight," meaning they can date and have sex with the opposite sex and society assumes they're heterosexual, they don't have it as difficult as homosexual people do. Which of course isn't true; just because someone is also attracted to the opposite sex doesn't make their same sex attraction any less prominent. Bi people date and even marry the same sex all the time. So as far as zoo goes, most non-zoo exclusive people I've talked to (including myself) do also have an emotional need to be in a relationship with an animal. Just because I can be in human relationships too doesn't mean I can suppress the part of me that requires an animal partner, that wouldn't be healthy. So when I'm in a relationship with an animal, I have a lot of the same struggles a zoo-exclusive person has with their attraction and society's judgement towards it. Just because I could pass as non-zoo doesn't mean I should. It wouldn't be healthy for me.

The scientific/legal definition of zoophile is anyone who is sexually attracted to/has sex with animals, so I think that's why a lot of the literature and studies (including the "degrees of zoophiles" list that /u/30-30 mentioned in a recent comment) use the term zoophile when, in most cases, bestialist would be a better term.

So what do you think? Is the annoyance some people have at the changing definition of "zoophile" understandable? Should there be two different terms, and two different communities? Do you think "zoophile" should include both exclusive and non-exclusive people, as long as they're romantically attracted to animals, or should the meaning of "zoophile" be more strict?

IAmAZoophile Canine 9 points on 2015-07-25 20:44:42

I think it's completely absurd to claim that someone who's not zoo-exclusive isn't a zoophile. The idea that one's membership in a minority group is mostly determined by how much related suffering that person has gone through is an idea that I've only noticed popping up online in the last few years, but I just don't see why thinking that way is productive at all.

The only people I've seen claim that zoophiles must be zoo-exclusive or you can't say you're a zoophile until you have physical 'experience' or whatever have been, quite frankly, assholes who were rude and abrasive to other people in the community they had entered. I'm not especially inclined to put much weight behind what people who behave like that say.

The whole zoophile/bestialist separation is a little bit more legitimate, in my mind-- there's a large number of people who're more interested in watching/participating in sexual acts between humans and animals than they are in the animals themselves. Since that's a significant difference between actually feeling a romantic/physical attraction to an animal and wanting to interact with it sexually for that reason, I think it makes sense to differentiate between the two.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-07-26 02:13:08

start calling them bi-zoosexuals? :P bi-speciesial maybe.

I dunno, I think zoo exclusive/non zoo exclusive works if we want to get more in depth into people sexuality. ive never thought theres anything wrong with non exclusives calling themselves zoos, but ive never really thought about it before.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-07-27 16:28:48

I'm tempted to troll some people by suggesting "hetero-therio-sexual" for "Attracted exclusively to non-humans", and "homo-therio-sexual" for "Attracted exclusively to humans". ("hetero-zoo-sexual" etc. would, I think, imply gender difference rather than species difference). Perhaps "heterotherian" and "homotherian" (and "polytherian") would work?

Of course, this is a silly idea, don't take it seriously :)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-07-27 18:15:06

lols, dont worry about me taking it seriously. I have no idea about any of these names flying around nowadays.

-Furbag- 1 point on 2015-07-26 18:43:53

I'm not really interested in defining the terminology used to describe what I am, just like how straight people who are exclusively attracted to human women aren't really interested in defining the criteria of "straightness" when it applies to situations that might involve members of the same sex or transsexuals.

YesIloveDogs Dags 4 points on 2015-07-26 20:17:38

Why do we need more divisive lines in an already small community?

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-07-26 21:25:05

Agreed it doesn't make sense.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-07-29 10:00:36


HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-07-26 21:24:35

I think the term zoophile should include both exclusive and non-exclusive people. As you stated both share the same struggles so they should share the same name and the same community.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 3 points on 2015-07-27 06:37:45

I think the last thing the zoophile community(s) need is any splitting or dividing into different groups. Spread to thin you will all be crushed. Additionally I see no need to change the existing words for it. Sure being able to pass as non-zoo may have its advantages, but that does not mean you do not face the same struggles. Plus the same argument could be made that zoo-exclusives could pass for asexual given the need to be secretive about the attraction.

myloverhasfur Canidae 4 points on 2015-07-27 21:08:01

Plus the same argument could be made that zoo-exclusives could pass for asexual given the need to be secretive about the attraction.

Yep. I mean, as far as other humans are concerned, I am asexual, and most people don't seem to consider the possibility of being attracted to non-humans, so...

But yeah, petty arguments over nuances of terminology aren't going to help the community. I think it's better to describe in detail what your particular attractions look like anyway, since everyone's different and most labels are at least slightly misleading and at most downright wrong.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 2 points on 2015-07-27 21:28:22

Yes I agree with you, and I do like the minimalist approach of using labels. Too many people use so many useless labels and all it does is box people in and not allow themselves to grow and flow naturally. Some labels are needed but there are so many that are not that people still use. One of the most common useless labels is "weird" and "normal."

30-30 amator equae -1 points on 2015-07-28 08:38:19

I don´t agree on all of this.

  • The " our community´s so small, we don´t need differentiations" argument: bogus. Since when is the quantity of a group relevant?
  • " ... non-exclusives face the same struggle": How do you know if you don´t know how being an "exclusive" zoophile feels like? Well, the "zoo"-sadists are also facing the same struggle. Why don´t we count them in?
    • The LGBT argument: So, if gay, lesbian and bisexual basically is the same, as you implied, why does LGBT not read GGGT? Why are bisexuals pissed off by calling them homosexuals then? Why do lesbians not like to be called gay? Why are there two words for what basically is the same thing, interest in the same sex? Can you imagine that it´s LGBT because this is about pride and identity?
  • "Just because I can be in human relationships too doesn´t mean I can suppress the part in me...": Yeah, but for you, it´s an OPTION, not your entire emotional and sexual life. We "exclusives" do not have this option, we don´t share your views, our lives are entirely different from yours. It´s NOT about the "suffering".
  • "Just because I could pass as non-zoo doesn´t mean I should. It´s not healthy for me.": So, this isn´t about the emotional and sexual aspects, it´s about being part of a group. Or would it change much for you in your relationship(s) with animals? Is the sex and love worse when you can´t call yourself a "zoo" anymore? I sense a kind of "If I don´t fit into the definitions, then the definitions have to fit me" attitude here.
  • I don´t think the term zoophile should be applied to anyone. Even one of the worst places you can visit, BF, has a very clear distinction of zoo and beasty. Even they agree on the exclusivity needed to call yourself a zoo.

A short question: Are there "exclusive" homosexuals? Or "exclusive" heteros? No, the exclusiveness is already included in these terms; if you´re NOT an exclusive homo-/heterosexual, you´re a bisexual. So, who came up with this "exclusive" BS? I can tell you: those who were eager to use the z-word although they don´t meet the definitions. It was the "exclusives" who came up with the zeta and the zeta rules, it was the "exclusives" starting to organize. You all are literally standing on the shoulders of those pioneers and the only thing you "non-exclusives" think of doing is to shit and piss on those holding you up on their shoulders while also pickpocketing them. You managed to steal almost everything we had. You stole our ideas, our identity and our name. Solidarity is a nice thing, but turns into a pile of shit when it´s only working one way. Only because the z-word sounds so enticingly scientific compared to the rough "beasty" term. But remember: Everyone having sex with an animal is a beasty. Bestiality is the act of having sex with an animal.

  • About the labels: What happens when labels are used wrong can be seen in every article about caught fencehoppers and /or animal rippers. When the scientists became interested in researching this strange orientation, almost everyone labeled him-/herself a "zoo", regardless of what they did with the animal(s) and their motives. So, the scientists made the z-word into a synonym for fucking animals and the emotional aspect of the word was lost; now, the word has become hollow and empty. If we can´t apply terms correctly, then why the hell do we expect society to apply them properly?

I can see how this upsets you ´cause you fear being excluded from the "elite club". But it was your kind illegaly forcing your way in; and as genuine party crashers, you don´t even realize that your "fun" is the cause of the accelerated slip down the downward spiral into desperation for the original zoophiles. Of course, only old farts/ veterans of the IRCs like myself speak like this because you young folks have been taught wrongs as rights from people never having any clue themselves, just parroting the shit they have heard from another malinformed, self proclaimed "zoo expert". But there are young folks out there, "exclusive" and fed up with the shit this tendency to blur words until they fit the masses. We "exclusives" know that we are a minority within an minority, commonly only 10 - 15 percent of the "zoos" are "exclusive zoos". We´re not angry, but we will come up with another word exactly describing OUR lives, OUR identities, OUR beliefs. And this time, we won´t be so fucking stupid to shout it out for others to steal. We will keep it secret and reveal it only to those who have shown they´re worthy. We´ll come up with a new, unspoiled symbol; so you guys can keep on playing with the zeta and the z-word, pouring out the last remains of what it once meant. Your replies have clearly shown that the time for debates is over, once and for all. Now we will start to act and it won´t be very pleasant for you, we promise. Let´s see how you feel like if you´re "excluded" from the "elite", but this time you won´t have the chance to crash our party by redefining terms ad libenter. Have a nice day, you "zoophiles"...

Over and out 30-30/ T.Z.A.R.

"Going the path of least resistance is what makes rivers and men crooked."

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2015-07-28 19:41:00

I think in general you misunderstood a lot of the tone of my post and what I was trying to say. I'll try my best to explain what I meant.

Where did I ever say bisexuality and homosexuality are the same?? A bisexual man in a relationship with another man is going to face the same homophobia and discrimination as a homosexual man, but his current relationship doesn't make him any less bisexual. There are people who think bisexuals shouldn't be included in LGBT events, since they can be attracted to the opposite sex. Do you agree with this?

Yeah, but for you, it´s an OPTION, not your entire emotional and sexual life.

I think this is a big part you misunderstood. I just said about that, it's not an option for me. That was the entire point. I need to be in a relationship with an animal, I'd be miserable if I wasn't. I can't not be in an animal relationship. I've mentioned before, if I was ever found out and my ability to have animal relationships taken away, I'd probably kill myself. I can't imagine a life without animals, I'd be absolutely miserable and there wouldn't be any point to my life. If all goes well, I'll have animal partners for the rest of my life.

So, this isn´t about the emotional and sexual aspects, it´s about being part of a group.

My entire point of that paragraph was that it IS about the emotional aspect. I need an animal relationship to be healthy and happy, just like you do. I don't care that much about being part of a group. I only started posting regularly in online zoo communities last year. I'd do just fine just having a few zoo friends and not being involved in communities. It's not so much about being part of a group as it is having a word to call myself, people being able to understand what that word means, and being able to connect to other people who also use that word to describe themselves.

It's not like only exclusive zoos existed first and then non-exclusive zoos started popping up out of nowhere. There have been non-exclusive zoos just as long as there have been exclusive zoos. I obviously wasn't involved in early zoophile communities, but I'd be willing to bet there were a fair number of non-exclusives involved too.

I'm not sure why you keep bringing up the "beasty" term, I know what the difference is and I'm not sure how it applies to this situation. I do agree that I don't like "zoophile" being a scientific term for anyone who has sex with animals. I don't know if a lot of the people labeled themselves a zoo, though. In all these news stories about fencehoppers I tend to doubt a lot of those people labeled themselves that, but the writers of the article did. I think that's why quite a few people tend to prefer "zoosexual," it sounds less clinical and isn't connected to the incorrect scientific definition of "zoophile."

I don't care about an "elite club" like you seem to think I do. I care about the people I've seen who don't seem to understand that most non-exclusive zoos do

a) need to have animal relationships,

b) have to keep those relationships secret most of the time just like exclusive folks do, and

c) face just the same discrimination and hatred if found out

I've also met plenty of exclusive zoos from older communities who have no problem with non-exclusive zoos using the zoophile term, so I don't think it's as black and white as you're saying it is. I think it's more of an individual opinion, not so much "older zoos think this and younger zoos think this."

we will come up with another word exactly describing OUR lives, OUR identities, OUR beliefs.

Is that not why "zoo exclusive" became a term in the first place? It seems to fit what you're wanting. I don't think anybody who isn't exclusive could steal the term "zoo exclusive" for themselves, or would even want to. They'd probably get "found out" pretty quick.

We will keep it secret and reveal it only to those who have shown they´re worthy.

Yikes. This kinda reminds me of the zoos who think you're only a "true zoo" if you've had sex with an animal. Feel free to do that sort of gatekeeping on a term you yourself come up with, but you probably shouldn't try to do it with "zoophile" itself, since that term belongs to a lot of people.

Your replies have clearly shown that the time for debates is over, once and for all.

I'm sorry you feel like the zoo community is apparently in such a terrible state. I feel the opposite, but I hope you can find a word or community that you feel comfortable with and can enjoy.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2015-07-31 11:27:09

Drop in from time to time and let us know how your secret club with better words for things is doing.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-08-02 14:21:01

word exactly describing OUR lives, OUR identities, OUR beliefs. And this time, we won´t be so fucking stupid to shout it out for others to steal. We will keep it secret and reveal it only to those who have shown they´re worthy. We´ll come up with a new, unspoiled symbol; so you guys can keep on playing with the zeta and the z-word, pouring out the last remains of what it once meant.

Considering how over the last 30 years I've seen lots of "exclusive" zoos prove to me beyond a shadow of a doubt they are not in it for their partner, please tell us again how the community is "pouring out the remains of what it once meant."

And this time, we won´t be so fucking stupid to shout it out for others to steal. We will keep it secret and reveal it only to those who have shown they´re worthy.

Anyone you would judge "worthy" I'd automatically be suspicious of, and if you don't tell anyone, that would be great too. It'll keep you guys away from the rest of us.

Now we will start to act and it won´t be very pleasant for you, we promise. Let´s see how you feel like if you´re "excluded" from the "elite", but this time you won´t have the chance to crash our party by redefining terms ad libenter.

Seriously? You're going to crush our feelings with a new super secret grroup that is going to do what exactly? Make it legal only for exclusive animal fuckers to fuck their animals... oh, the horror. You know you just threatened an entire cross-section of humanity right?

Are you seriously thinking that you're going to do the "Men going their own way"? Thing in the zoo crowd? I mean, this reads just like the MGTOW propaganda.... how horrid for women that sexist men won't talk to them anymore.... how horrid for zeta folk that "beta"(since you won't tell us your super-secret password) males won't talk to them.

Why do I suspect this will just be a "super-secret" porno sharing club, as we have seen before on many a forum?

My god what a childish thing you are.

incognito-cognition 2 points on 2015-07-30 11:25:29

If anything, the one "real" definition of zoophile seems to be that of the psychological paraphilia. Only in the last maybe 15-20 years has the word come to mean anything about "romantic" animal love, typically contrasted with bestiality which is implied to be the abusive or apathetic use of an animal for sex... an equally wrong use of that term.

It's important to not over-fragment the sex-with-animals community, but I think it's fair and in fact necessary to differentiate those whose relationships with animals go beyond head-petting from those out to exploit or dominate or sexually objectify animals.

But I don't really like using the word zoophile to make that differentiation, since that's not what the word means!