Blackstratu5 arrested - stay safe, everyone. (
submitted 2015-08-02 07:05:41 by [deleted]
zoozooz 3 points on 2015-08-02 08:49:30

he filmed himself performing sexual acts on his dogs

Too vague to come to any conclusions. On these videos, can you see abuse or is it just mutually enjoyed sex?

charged with attempted crimes against nature-cruelty to animals

Actual cruelty to animals or "just because"?

seized his two dogs, who were taken to the Prince William County animal shelter and examined by a veterinarian.

And... what was the result of that examination? Any signs of harm? Why do news articles always let out the interesting part?

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 15:50:08


ZooIam 4 points on 2015-08-02 08:50:02

After not hearing anything from him for a while, I feared this would happen. Terrible news...

Again, a hard lesson is learned by another zoo and his 2 dogs. Don't talk about it, don't film it, don't post it.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 8 points on 2015-08-02 09:19:10

Unfortunate. I won't say he deserved what he got, because he probably didn't (I don't know the full details but I'd assume not). But I will say that filming what he did like that is kinda asking for trouble...

[deleted] -9 points on 2015-08-02 10:30:27


Baaxten U havin' a giggle m8? 5 points on 2015-08-02 10:48:50

Well, filming and posting isn't exactly the best course one would take if one wanted the fact they were attracted to nonhuman animals to stay secret.

I'm sympathetic to this person, so long as the sexual acts were consensual.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 11:03:35


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 0 points on 2015-08-02 16:25:32


WhyDoBlacksRapeALot -1 points on 2015-08-04 07:21:17

How the fuck do you determine consent with a dog?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-08-04 07:43:35

Start by I dunno, uh, reading them? It's not like their emotions are that foreign.

WhyDoBlacksRapeALot 0 points on 2015-08-04 08:21:39

They are more foreign to you than the emotions and thoughts of any human walking this earth.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-08-04 09:24:31

and yet you think they are happy when you pet them?

Are you sure?

I think you and I both know it's not as foreign as you make it out to be. It's actually quite obvious and I know this might be surprising, but ANIMALS don't talk when having sex either. They do away with such subtleties and do with brutally honest displays that are hard to miss.

WhyDoBlacksRapeALot 0 points on 2015-08-04 09:27:39

So are you sympathetic to the pedophile?

Do you agree with him/her that the child can consent?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-08-05 00:56:28

When's the last time you saw children having sex with children?

It's not the same.

WhyDoBlacksRapeALot 0 points on 2015-08-05 01:08:59

I have personally never seen children have sex with each other.

Are you suggesting that kids don't ever have sexual contact?

I had lots of sexual contact with other kids when I was a kid. We never had penetrative intercourse, but we did pretty much everything up to it whether we knew it or not.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-08-05 05:05:23

My point (which I did not make clear, appologies), is that animals can be sexually mature. Children by definition, cannot be sexually mature. And animals are bred every day whether we like it or not. Why should it be wrong only when we get involved? Should dog breeding be illegal?

TheEthicalZoo 1 point on 2015-08-06 05:45:33

Actually.....I hate to use this statement, because it feels creepy to say it and I don't like using arguments that could potentially be used to justify child rape/molestation.

But, as a kid....I've had lots of sex, whether it was with myself or other kids.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-08-06 16:07:09

As I mentioned, I was kinda making my point unclear there, and admittedly used a bad example.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-08-02 16:25:13

May I ask how that was insensitive?

It was not my intention. I feel bad for this person and again, doubt they deserved this. I just don't know enough to make an acurate judgement, which I think would be a hallmark of sensitivity, not vice versa.

I wish him only the best, regardless of what I know. I'm just reminding people filming is bad practice.

Please don't take that the wrong way TV. I have way too much respect for you to get caught up in semantics like that.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 18:29:06


demsweetdoggykisses 5 points on 2015-08-02 19:25:12

I respect you and your opinions as one of the better, more intelligent and generally admirable people on these boards, but I have to disagree with you here and go "wha?"

/u/Rannoch2002's comment was not insensitive. It's sympathetic but accurate. If you were friends with "blackstrau5" on some level, then we're all sorry for your friend and how it may effect you. But on a legal level it absolutely is begging for trouble when you film and distribute. On a personal safety level it is also begging for trouble. There are people out there who would delight in finding and lynching a zoophile. It's just not safe and there's no reason in the world to do so unless you really want attention. Which you will get plenty of.

And on an ethical level I also don't agree with filming sex acts with animals. As it is we have an enormous human porn industry that exploits each other and makes women and people of all kinds into sex toys. And there are so many people out there who get off watching "sick and bizarre" acts that there is a very large market for bestiality porn, and even filming loving, consensual acts with a trusted partner contributes to this kind of exploitation.

We're all curious at times, we all are voyeuristic to some degree. We all like to look at intimacy in others and fantasize. But zoophilia is never going to become a mainstream, ethically regulated activity. Animal porn will always be lumped together with everything else gross and disgusting on the internet and as such I think we would all be better off if it was discouraged as much as possible. Of course this is my personal belief and I don't stand on a soapbox attacking anyone who wants to see it. That's actually why I took on /r/animalromance as an opportunity to provide an alternative to exploitative porn.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-08-02 21:16:18

Ive been saying time and time again, the porn you people make will be your downfall, if you fail to see that, youre more ignorant than I thought.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-02 22:33:46

Whoever decides to upload porn to the internet, especially to a site very well known and frequently scanned by the police, should not complain about negative consequences. Porn is NO fun, it is evidence. Nice guy or not, he was dumb enough to feel safe putting his vids out there. Just stop fueling the international illegal porn mafia, people. The only ones who profit from your films are the ones who never take a risk, those on top. They get rich, you get jailed. Learn something from it. Don´t support the porn mafia.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 16:23:58


Jorah_Mormonism Pizza tastes good. 4 points on 2015-08-02 10:58:47

Hang on, is the "attempted crimes against nature" thing actually going to add to his sentence or be used against him in court? Cause I've never actually seen the term used in a actual legal situation... I can at least vaguely understand why he would be charged with cruelty against animals, even if I doubt that his dogs were harmed in the slightest, but saying something is illegal just because it's "unnatural" is illogical and just pointless.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-08-02 12:50:07

I believe human morality is just a bunch of neurones trained on nearby humans going "yay" and "boo" to things. The whole "person on the internet complains something is against nature" hypocrisy only makes sense to me in that light.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-02 13:21:14

This is terrible..... I wish the best for Blackstratu5 and his dogs.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 13:24:57


ConstantlytVariable 5 points on 2015-08-02 15:19:13

Here's to hoping that prejudice doesn't make his situation worse. "Crimes against nature" ::eye roll::. Also, note how they listed "abuse of animals", and mentioned that his animals were taken to a shelter to be examined by vet. Taking bets about whether they release the findings when, I'm assuming from my growing understanding of this community, that the dogs were NOT harmed. Anyone think they're going to? No?

It's sad to see how they spun this article. I fear he will get no justice here.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 15:53:53


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 16:02:42


zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-15 16:31:26

Their Vet report was complete bullshit.

I don't think the public ever got to see any vet report here. This article here just said the dogs were examined and didn't even say what the supposed conclusion was.

Unfortunately just contradicting a vet is not something that is easily accepted without further proof, e.g. another contradicting report from a neutral vet. A vet is supposed to be an authority on animal health so there's a good reason to be skeptical of what you say. On the other hand it's no secret that vets sometimes are biased against zoophiles, so there's a good reason to be skeptical of any vet's report too (but the public might not see it that way).

Bottom line: Without knowing you, the vet or the dogs, there is no telling who's in the right here.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 20:18:51


zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-15 20:24:04

"She had hip displacea, which is a direct sign of sexual abuse"


I wonder if there is any way to get a neutral vet to correct this report and have this vet suffer some consequences for malpractice or something.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 5 points on 2015-08-02 15:28:14

I'm proud of him because even after all this bullshit has happened, he has still stayed strong and positive through it. It's not fair to him by any means, though this is the current state of the world we live in. It is a dark reminder when it becomes real to someone you actually know.

Also, I talk to him regularly. He says his dogs got adopted out and stuff but he is out of jail and he's getting back on his feet with plans to return to the community when he is able.

ConstantlytVariable 4 points on 2015-08-02 17:37:05

Good to hear. It's a shame that this happened to him, but it shows character strength that he was able to come back from it and get back on his feet. I don't think people realize just how difficult that can be.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-08-03 04:01:04

thank you for letting us know. glad to hear he's doing ok for now. hopefully things will get better sooner rather than later.

ConstantlytVariable 6 points on 2015-08-02 15:42:18

Also, can we talk about how ridiculous it is that he doesn't have the option of bail? They let murderers out on bail.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-08-02 16:24:37


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 17:05:05


doghumper 3 points on 2015-08-02 17:43:45

Very sad, are there any details on how they found him? What was the sentence? Hope his animals are doing ok... I miss the old days when cops had better things to do than bust down our bedroom doors :(

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2015-08-02 20:18:40

He posted something on beastforum and the law squeezed his IP and identity from that

demsweetdoggykisses 4 points on 2015-08-02 21:43:57

It's very unlikely law enforcement is committing so many resources to zoo porn. It's expensive to get the warrants to get information from internet providers, to use the IT people required and do the rest of the investigation, especially since there is legal precedent that IP addresses alone cannot be used to prosecute.

It's far more likely that it was either an anonymous/hacker type group that did their own investigation and sent evidence to police, or he slipped up and something or someone identifiable was filmed in a video, or the most likely scenario is that someone turned him in. Someone he met on the internet, someone who recognized him in a video, or a neighbor or friend he wasn't discrete with, then maybe a friend of a friend who got word.

Sure you may desperately want to come out to someone you trust, and they may never want to see you prosecuted or harmed, but if they don't feel the same way you do, they WILL gossip eventually, and it just takes a few extra connections to get your big secret in the hands of someone who is irrationally offended, and video evidence on a hard drive is all they need to "get another sexual deviant off the street."

John has a few drinks and is chatting with his friend Jim: "Hey that guy Bobby has sex with his dog, can you believe that? To each their own , eh? At least he's a nice guy though."

Jim the next day talking over lunch to his coworker: "Dude, John told me last night that Bobby has sex with dogs. Is that fucked up or what?"

Jim's Coworker the next night at a party "Hey that guy Bobby down the road is freakin pervert dog-fucker, probably rapes kids too. We should totally bust his ass."

And then evidence is found on the computers and so on.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2015-08-02 22:05:11

I'm just going off of what he told me. He said they knew about his kik and beastforum and that's what they said.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2015-08-02 22:10:13

Police never say exactly what how an investigation was done, especially on a case still being tried. I just think if everyone who slipped up and didn't use a proxy or VPN were to get prosecuted, those bestiality forums and a thousand other websites would be very empty places.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-08-03 06:34:00

its not uncommon for BF uploaders to get busted though. The police seem to get particularly pissed when you start uploading OC.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 15:47:10


zoozooz 5 points on 2015-08-02 22:57:10

So, can anyone clarify the surprising level of support? Was he well known? Do you know for a fact that he treated his dogs well?

From the article I only know that he

conspired with a woman to perform sexual acts on his dog, a Lab mix. [He] arranged to meet the woman in another jurisdiction where the acts were committed and recorded

It doesn't mean he mistreated the dog(s), it just sounds a bit shady to me...

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-02 23:26:52

It´s an automatism within the so called community to defend anyone even before more details are known. Best example for that: the Jonathon Ford case. Everyone complained about the unfair treatment of a "zoo"...until more details leaked and child porn was found on his hard drive. Sadly, the lesson still hasn´t been learned...wait, read and evaluate the facts before you decide to jump up to someone´s defense and might regret it very soon after new info becomes available.

zarfytezz1 2 points on 2015-08-06 02:51:08

And once child porn is found on his hard drive, we can jump in with the "moral majority" and condemn him? Uh, no.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-06 14:10:02

Yeah, surely a good idea to defend child porn fiends...will probably help gaining tolerance for zoophilia. Society alredy thinks that we are comparable to child molesters, let´s just reassure them they´re right by teaming up and supporting pedos and pervs into everything illegal...

zarfytezz1 1 point on 2015-08-06 14:37:32

Sounds like what gays say about zoophiles during their battle for equal rights, and what blacks felt about gays during and after the Civil Rights movement. You should be ashamed of yourself for throwing another marginalized group under the bus. If you're a zoo, you know that people can't help their sexuality. Maybe watching child porn helped him to make sure he was never going to molest a child in real life. You don't know; why judge?

It's typical schoolyard bullshit, what you're proposing. Yeah, we're the second-lowest on the totem pole, so let's beat up on the one group below us to distance ourselves from the super-uncool kids. It must be fine, since that's what the gays did to us, right?

"Child porn fiends" ... Do you know how many people would say "zoo porn fiends?" And it's unbelievable that you'd use the word "pervs" as an insult, if you're a zoo.

Something tells me you're not though, or that you're some kind of troll or detractor or something. The "so-called community," you write, in you original post? Sounds like you're more concerned about appeasing society than about what's right for fellow zoos.

Sorry if I'm overreacting, but damnit it makes me furious when someone who KNOWS what it's like to be oppressed turns around and tries to oppress others. You should know better.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-06 15:23:20

And those oppressed in the process of making the child porn? Oh yeah, don´t waste a thought on these, well? Child porn undeniably creates victims. And, although I´m a practicing zoophile, I´m in no way "oppressed". I can live my life with my mare undisturbed and without fear, even among all the other "normal, non zoo" horse owners at the public stables for more than 20 years now. I´m not looking down on " the lowest on the totem pole", but I´m not gonna sit and stare when someone tries to link us zoos with people actually harming the objects of their desire. The one who should be ashamed is you, my friend.Given the fact that it´s a common prejudice zoophilia will inevitably lead to fucking kids, there´s nothing worse to be done than reassuring society by showing any kind of support for the pedo scene whatsoever. That´s not hate or looking down, only applied common sense you seem to lack totally. There is NO community of perverts ( latin for twisted, uncommon) and the fight of the pedos et al. is not ours. This isn´t "pervs vs. normals". When I speak out for the legalisation of cannabis, does that turn me into a "heroin hater" because I don´t want heroin to be legal? Do I look down on heroin addicts when I insist on the harmlessness of THC and that smoking a joint every now and then is not the same as shooting heroin? Get your head straight, mate.

zarfytezz1 2 points on 2015-08-06 15:29:42

I agree that making child porn should be illegal. But he didn't make it. He only downloaded it. If a child's already been abused, and you're attracted to children, isn't it better to download that and fap to it, instead of going out and abusing another child?

Yeah, yeah, it's an unpopular view. I don't care about what's popular, I care about what's right.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-06 18:08:00

Yeah, just legalize child porn, it saves lives....except those of the children featured in the videos. Their life is destroyed by getting raped, and destroyed twice because their films are out there, fluctuating in the darknet forever. Who isn´t proud of seeing himself being raped on the age of 10 and knowing that some sick bastards jerk off to it? Fuck those wussies complaining about their abuse films still´s more important that potential child abusers have material to fap on... sigh You, Sir, is the most insensitive and mind corrupted bastard I´ve seen in a looong final treat for you: "Si tacuisses, philosophus mansisses."

zarfytezz1 1 point on 2015-08-06 21:01:39

I do see your point, partly, but something about ilegalizing mere possession doesn't sit well with me.

There are photos of crime scenes after murders. The murder was a crime. Having a picture of the murder is not. And people might fap to that too. Why is that ok?

Rape is a crime. Distributing photos of someone you rape to humiliate them is a crime. Merely having a picture of a rape shouldn't be.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 16:08:45


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-15 16:06:15


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-03 05:44:39


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-14 17:49:29
