But Why? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-02 22:40:35 by nur1red

i'm confused what is the appeal of wanting to fuck an animal? i mean i get that there cute sometimes and beautiful majestic things but what is it that clicks in a persons head that makes them think "yep i want to fuck that" and before any of you start saying "why you looking for stuff like this if its something you don't like" research and find anchors to questions is my reason

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2015-08-02 22:50:21

What you are asking is a question psychology is still working find out.

But I don't know if what you are asking is quite so important as the big debate of "is it okay?" Homosexuality for example has been observed to seemingly "manifest" in several ways. But how it got there isn't very important, is it?

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:01:45

I guess you are right that it's not all that important but i want to know is that something to do with the human brain maybe having some kind of deformity (like people in the past when they looked at the brain and serial killer and it looked much different than a normal human brain) or if it's all just sexuality kind of like pansexual but instead omnisexual

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:05:51


nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:07:44

well that is the point of my research, to find what the anchor is

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:16:12


30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:42:43

Your "anchor" is the imprinting of the sexual circuits within the brain during puberty. Another "anchor" could be explained by a quote of Hannibal Lecter: " We crave what we see". But be aware that there is NO single reason for sexual orientations. Learn to differentiate between the numerous motives people have to engage in sex acts with animals. And there surely is no separate region in the brain turning someone into an "animal fucker"; it has absolutely nothing to do with brain physiognomics. By the way: that´s one of the reasons why making it illegal is counterproductive. Reseach regarding these unanswered questions will be discouraged as no researcher/scientist will voluntarily touch this subject...and the ones involved in this have to fear prosecution if their identity becomes known. Bad conditions for genuine research, huh?

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:47:38

well i'm not a scientist or a college student wanting to study a new field i'm a guy in his early 20's just looking for anchors to my questions and so far i am pleased with a lot of the responses i've been getting

30-30 amator equae 9 points on 2015-08-02 23:11:40

There are several reasons why people have sex with animals. Some do it solely for the "pervertedness" of the act. Some do it as a substitute for the lack of human relationships. Some do it because the porn they watch got them to a point where watching alone will no longer suffice. Some do gay stuff with animals because "with an animal, it´s not gay" (Original quote, heard several times). Some will do it simply because it´s possible. And there are some who actually love the animal they sleep with, beyond the sexual aspect. They are in love with the animal´s personality and character. You see, there´s not one reason explaining why some people are doing this, but a whole multitude. For some people, there might have been some sort of "click" moment you´re talking about, but for me there never was such a moment. I always felt that sleeping with a mare was the appropriate thing for me to do, never had to "learn" it through porn consumption or other means, it was there since I can remember. The act itself feels natural to me, I´ve never had to experience guilt or disgust from doing it.

I´m glad that you´re interested in this. Feel free to ask whatever you want.

nur1red 6 points on 2015-08-02 23:29:26

Ok i do have a few questions then, when was the first time you had acted upon these desires and what was it that gave you that impulse that triggered your actions do so? you dont have to go into detail if you dont want to

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-03 00:46:26

Well, my first time ever was at the age of 16, in the year 1988. I became aware of my unusual orientation at the age of 14 and never was interested in girls or humans in general, but felt a strong attraction to female horses. When the emotional pain became unbearable, I decided to join a riding club so, at least, I could be close to horses. After a year or so, I had to take care of a beautiful Arab-Haflinger mix mare, a gentle, but strong willed lady. I had to feed, groom and ride her because the original owner had lost interest in her and left her at the riding club so she could be sold. On a Saturday, I ws doing my job, grooming her after an hour of riding. I then noticed that I literally was alone with her, all the other riders were out to partake in a tournament. I already felt love for this mare before and continued grooming her until she started cuddling with me. When I started scratching her flanks and butt, she gave me a clear sign by letting some of her scents drip out and positioning herself in the typical " mount me!" position. After a short walk to ensure noone is around to surprise us, I just gave in and mounted her, with the help of two worn out tractor tires. There never was any trigger, it just was natural for me to do it. The only thing I needed to act was the right circumstances. Sadly, she was sold two months later, I really was in love with her and was shattered to see her go. I guess I´m just made for horses. I am totally unreceptive for human advances, I need a mare at my side to be happy. I never defined having sex with a mare as something special or extreme, it is what I wanted from the beginning of my puberty. I can´t tell why this is so, but I know that it´s very real for me, not a kink or perversion on top of "normal" sexuality. I feel as if I belong to horses, as a friend, a herd mate. So it´s only natural to mate with a mare for me.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:54:46

so why reject human interaction then? so is you wore to meet a human girl that had the same interests as you and was interested in you? would you accept her or turn her away?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-03 01:02:43

It isn´t a matter of same interests or anything, I simply feel no connection to girls whatsoever. It´s not because I lack the opportunities...as a riding instructor, you have lots of females around you all day. I just can´t force myself to find humans attractive in any way and have turned some advances from girls down.

demsweetdoggykisses 5 points on 2015-08-03 05:54:55

I don't know what asshat is downvoting all your comments and questions, but it boggles me. These are exactly the kinds of direct questions that this community should be jumping on the opportunity to explain. This is someone who genuinely has a question coming from a place of no understanding and trying to gain some understanding. Even if not for the OP but for other lurkers, this content should be seen.

Edog91 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:40:35

I find dogs more sexually attractive thin people, I only have sex with dogs I have loving relationships with. People are just a waste of time for me, no sex appeal, don't care anuff to be more thin friends.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-02 23:43:45

Would you say your reason for this would that dogs are better as companions and on some level have an easier time understanding human emotion?

Edog91 1 point on 2015-08-04 01:35:23

wondering who would be a better lover is something I don't do. I love dogs, dogs have really cute faces I find the body's of tetrapod to be attractive,I feel more for them. I feel a great happynes when they are around, a greater sadness when they leave and a greater desire to huge ,touch,smell, see,ect. Dogs fulfill me so much that humans are not an option. Humans could never fufill me in ways dogs can.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:01:11

Horses just look way more attractive to me. I look at a human and think to myself gross. There isn't anything more sexier then a nice strong muscled horse.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:02:47

how do you manage that? i mean horses are big and i know there are some smaller breeds of horse so you do stand on something or go for the smaller ones?

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:14:06

I'm unfortunately still a virgin. The most I've ever done was fondle a mare that was in heat. I know that some zoos use upside down muck buckets. I also know that some other zoos choose mini-mares because you don't need anything to stand on.

ZooIam 1 point on 2015-08-05 02:34:31

I've always been partial to stilts. Platform boots will do in a pinch.

ulungu dogsdogsdogsdogsdogs 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:06:20

i'm confused what is the appeal of wanting to fuck a human?

Try answering that question yourself first.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:58:23

well i can tell you that one easily animals can only show one kind of compassion and that fiscal but human can show that and verbal love and this might not seem like it people need other people to talk to or else we slowly lose our human instinct

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-03 01:07:45

Lose human instinct? The instinct bringing the entire planet on the brink of extinction? Sorry, but I can´t see a problem with losing that...;) Talking is highly overrated; who needs to talk when you can feel?

ZooIam 1 point on 2015-08-05 02:36:37

Yup, non-verbal communication is just as information dense and meaningful as verbal communication.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-08-03 00:32:20

I don't think we have much data, but I think most people discover their sexual attractions around puberty and so do zoophiles.

If you find out why, publish a paper and get famous, because as it has been said, psychology is trying to find out how sexual attraction comes to be.

I think publications like




contain a few statistics and opinions about what you're asking.

[deleted] 0 points on 2015-08-03 01:15:33


nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-03 01:53:24

i think my final question is and this is for everyone do you think that zoophilia is something other people should experience at least one in there life?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-03 05:09:51

If "other people" means any random horny person, then my answer is no. Zoophilia isn´t something that´s compatible for the masses, it takes a certain mindset to keep the balance between the animal´s and human interests. Zoophilia often is seen as completely immoral, but it is in fact one of the orientations with the highest demands regarding morality. We Zoos constantly should doubt our own motives, ask ourselves if our behavior is actual love and not simply taking advantage of the animal. Now just compare it with all of the stuff you can witness in a "normal" human on human relationship...violence, struggle for dominance, betrayal and cheating. Would you turn loose those people on animals?

Zoophilia should remain a no no for Average Joe. It´s like handing out tattoo machines to everyone. For every responsible person/upcoming artist who is given a machine, there are 99 who will just do bullshit with it.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-08-03 06:45:24

you cant decide to 'experience zoophilia', at least not until we have bloody good fully immersive simulation stuff. you can choose to have sex with an animal but you wouldn't feel the emotional aspect in the same way I could choose to have sex with a girl but I would not feel the emotional aspect. You cant just choose what you're sexually attracted to be that girls/guys/dogs/horses/whatever. There are a lot of parallels that can be drawn between you and what you find sexually/emotionally attractive and what I find sexually/emotionally attractive, even though they're a different species in my case.

So no, people shouldn't try zoophilia just because and I don't see why they would want to unless there is an element of attraction there.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-08-03 22:18:57

For one thing, it's important to realize that a sexual orientation isn't really something to experience "once in someone's life" - the act of sex with an animal doesn't let one experience zoophilia any more than the act of sex between two men allows them to experience homosexuality. There is much more going on than just sex. But anyway, I don't think other people SHOULD necessarily experience sex with a beloved animal regardless of their orientation, but I also don't think they should have their lives effectively ruined if they choose to do so in a conscientious, safe, caring way.

ThrowwwayGurl 12 points on 2015-08-03 03:05:41

I'm a girl and I had zoosexual relationships of sorts when I was younger. I still feel attraction of sorts to some special looking animals but I'm not looking to "fuck animals." The intimacy I shared with my first partner was something sexual and it was also emotional and it was something safe, trusting and very private and I was secure in my partner's feelings.

I gather there are loads of guys out there who just want to stick their penis in an animal for curiosity or degradation or whatever reasons, but most of the zoophiles I met here feel the way I do, which is something you touched on already:

beautiful majestic things

Yes, they can be. So why are some beautiful and majestic things okay to want to feel physical pleasure from and others are not? Assuming your partner is willing and you're both receiving pleasure, what makes sex something so reverent and bound by rules that you can't share those nice feelings with something else that you find beautiful? It's just body parts. We drink milk that comes from animal bodes, we put their flesh in our mouths and eat them... so why is more gross to want to connect our mutually pleasurable parts together and feel love together?

That might be what "clicked" in my head. A realization that it can't hurt anyone, it feels good to be loved and give love, it feels exciting to be intimate with something so different from us, almost alien in the way it thinks and views the universe... and yet behind his eyes is something aware and dangerous and beautiful. A living being with all the same urges, instincts and feelings that we have. This dichotomy between the familiar and the exotic made it pleasurable and amazing to me. His physical stature was that of a predator and he was amazingly powerful, power and danger held under check until the heights of his own desire got the best of him, then I could feel it, I could feel that other world that his kind live in, of raw life and uncompromising need and to be the object of that need made my knees weak. I was turned on the first time I felt his strength when he forcibly pushed his face into the crook of my neck and nipped my skin gently, and I wanted to feel it over and over as we grew together.

He passed away, I grew older and moved on and now I'm married to a wonderful man and have no desire to go back to any kind of intimacy with animals of any kind. It was just a thing, but it was a special thing to me, any maybe it's just the way I'm wired, but I honestly cannot understand how people can't look at a beautiful animal the same way we look at beautiful people. I don't get how people think animal sexuality is any more gross than human sexuality, or why we can things like "that's a handsome creature" in regards to both men and animals and can only imagine wanting to touch and be loved by one and not the other.

I was involved in a reddit debate a while back and someone said "Rainbows are beautiful but would you want to fuck one?" And someone else said "Actually, if it were capable of sex, and we were physically compatible in some way, I sure would. That sounds amazing." Or something to that effect.

Humans have way too many hang-ups about sex. That's what else I loved about my partner. He didn't care, he didn't worry about it or stress or have any special rituals or rules. He just did it because it felt good. Have you ever had a partner that just wanted to have you desperately because you make them feel good? Just taking their pleasure from you, making you the source of what they need and tasting you and trying to be as close as possible in every way? I guess I should also say that I learned a lot about sex from him and my adult sex life has not suffered from it at all ;)

jackdempsey8083 2 points on 2015-08-03 03:27:43

Beautiful response, and I think one that sums up the core of the ideas :)

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2015-08-03 16:49:24

This is such a perfect explanation.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-08-03 06:28:31

i don't have much to add, since, as usual, /u/ThrowwwayGurl put it so eloquently, but i always feel compelled to respond to questions like this, so here i am.

as others have said .. it's just how we're wired (weird?). what i haven't heard others say yet, however (maybe i missed it) is THANK YOU for coming here with an open mind. it is very much appreciated when outsiders visit us with the intent of trying to understand rather than ridicule or chastise or even threaten.

to elaborate .. we find certain non-human animals to be very beautiful. for some, more beautiful than humans, for some, equally, for some, less so, but still beautiful enough to want to be intimate with. why do we want to "fuck that"? well, that's just sexuality, it seems - wanting to be physically intimate with something we find beautiful and attractive. hopefully, a person begins to realize as they mature that the beauty their eyes see goes further than skin deep, and a desire to be more than simply physically intimate with an animal is nurtured - growing from a teenager who just needs sexual release to an adult who truly wants to love an animal in all ways.

Voidous 2 points on 2015-08-03 06:49:51

For me personally I think it has to do with watching Disney movies as a kid, I loved the Lion King, Bambi, Fox and the Hound, or the anthropomorphic Robin Hood. I also liked Land Before Time, Balto and many other similar movies. It got me used to seeing animals with emotions and deeper feelings and relationships, though it isn't so in reality my imagination makes up the difference. How could anyone not be attracted to Nala or Rain from spirit? Give an animal a beautiful voice and I'm sold.

Nowix 2 points on 2015-08-03 07:26:25

For me the goal is certainly not just to fuck an animal. I'm still virgin in that sense, but at some point it's probably going to happen. But that's not the reason why I consider myself a zoophile.

I care a lot about dogs. I get my daily dose of happiness by watching dogs being happy. Happy being alive, happy for getting attention, happy for being around people. And unlike other people I have not so much of a problem taking this a step further. If they get pleasure from being able to release their sexual urge once in a while I'm more than happy to provide that. But not because I have fantasies about it, but simply because I care more about the animal than I care about my own lusts.

If a dog doesn't like to be touched (and some rare ones do) than that does not change anything to how I see that animal.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-08-03 13:29:46

Are you asking "what, exactly, turns you on about an animal?", or are you asking "how can one species' brain possibly think a different species is sexy?"? Because they are different questions.

Of the second, I have no idea. I don't know how it is that my brain is wired to be turned on exclusively by the wrong species, but if I look around me in a crowded pub and try to imagine everyone naked and me getting it on with them, with my own species... the answer is "meh, do I have to?". My own species just doesn't appeal to me. I manage to have sex with them anyway, because they're not a turn off, just un-inspiring, and the romantic connection is also nice.

But of my real desires... the directness of a dog, the powerful muscles of a horse, the playfulness and friendliness of a canine, the gentle peaceful curiosity of the equine, the long noses of each, the correctness of their ears, the tails, the fur, the way they investigate with a sniff and a lick. Humans don't do those things or have those characteristics. But even that isn't enough, because those things I've named are also present on animals I'm not aroused by. They have a certain je ne sais quoi, but I don't know what (😉).

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-03 19:45:46


incognito-cognition 3 points on 2015-08-03 22:38:35

Others have mentioned this, but just to reinforce it, I think the attraction is the same as straight men have for human women, for example. You find yourself attracted to an individual, wanting to spend more time around them, wanting to snuggle, and at some point perhaps things go further, either due to your interest or theirs. Or maybe they don't, as there's lots of non-active zoophiles, too.

Something else to remember: as with a few select human-animal relationships, there are a few select human relationships built on fetishes, desperation, dysfunction, abuse, objectification, domination, or other "unhealthy" attributes. But people don't assume all or even most human-human heterosexual relationships are abusive or dysfunctional just because of reading a story about someone who gets raped or caught with a prostitute.

Case in point, I don't have any particular physical or mental problems, I have a couple of degrees, have a pretty successful career, have plenty of normal friends, had an average childhood, even a couple good few-year human relationships. So please don't assume that there is some deficiency or something involved. I'd compare it more to something like left-handedness or a sixth toe - or more to the point, whatever is linked to homosexuality - than to a brain deformity. It's different, but I fail to see how it's inherently negative.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-04 05:22:57

so from what i can tell and this is just theory and hypotheses a few people here are actually not mature enough to i think preform zoophilia where others are. im not going to give out name but that's just what i feel. but now i have confession as well as another question about 3, 4 years ago i was suddenly finding myself fascinated with horses, at first is was the normal it would be cool to own a horse and ride said horse but that slowly changed when my feeling and thought of horses became more?; deep is a world ill use. but i have never acted upon these desires even tho i still attractions to both humans and horses i need to know if those of you that have had experience with this in the past if i should act upon my feelings for horses

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-08-05 23:45:56

My advice is: hold off until you no longer need to ask that question to strangers on the internet. If anyone but you makes that decision, it will probably end in regret, no matter the answer.

There are plenty of rewarding, non-controversial ways to spend time with horses, so maybe try some those if you haven't already, and see where life takes you.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-06 04:39:13

thats some good advice thank you

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-07 04:39:11

Hello. I am a non-zoo and have struggled with many of the same questions you have I am sure, so feel free to ask me anything you still struggle with understanding. As for your current questions the way I see it is this: Why are people attracted to anything? You do not look at a person of the same gender and think they are sexually attractive (assuming you are not gay/bi) but yet others do. It is simply a matter of different features being appealing. Heck there is a women I saw in a documentary who was sexually attracted to a concrete wall and a friend of a friend is sexually attracted to automobiles, so really any feature can be something for somebody.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-07 05:38:20

just your explanation there explained a lot and i think i know now why so many people think it's wrong. it's because people don't understand they think you're crazy and that makes them scared but it's that way for others as well like how many of the other people that have been replying to this post just read what you told us about those 2 girls and thought "wow those bitches are fucking crazy" but those girls would think the same if they heard about zoophiles. i think a great explanation and this delves a little into the religious side of things but a great example is christianity and there unrelenting disapproval of gays. i can bet that you went up to someone of that belief and asked them what they think being gay is, most of them would say something wrong and that's just because it's there own idea of it and not the correct one its anything that makes them scared of it so as to make them think it's bad. people dont understand what a sexualy atraction that isn't there own actually is so they make up ideas and for the ones that seek questions as to why chose to ask the extremist minority and not the mass majority and thus the only information they have is the crazy information they were looking for from mental/crazy/insane people and not people like the sane and perfectly everyday functional that have been involved in this discussion. (i wish to say sorry for my grammar i not that good at speling and i heavily rely on my computer to fix most of it)

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-07 13:32:52

Yes, that is pretty accurate to what I was getting at, though sorry to nitpick but not all christians are against homosexuality. I am Christian and I honestly do not care either way if homosexuality is a sin or not because it is not one of my struggles and even if it is a sin, not everybody follow Christianity and they should have the right to choose their own lifestyle. I believe Christians are not supposed to metal in other's sins because we all have our struggles, it is up to the individual to decide how they feel about it and what they do. The irony is that most Christians do not understand what Christianity is all about.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-07 23:20:40

I'm not a religious person ether is say i'm more adnostic but i will say pope Francis is cool, or is that catholic?

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-08 01:22:30

He is catholic, which is a form of Christianity. I am not catholic, I am non-denominational (basically I do not belong in any of the groups, I just follow the Bible the way I see best fit). He does seem like a pretty cool guy though, but I admit I have not looked too much into it either.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-08 10:50:27

he's been known to sneak out of the vatican at night and give food to the homeless XD i think he's a really kick ass dude

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-09 02:13:19

Yeah, I have heard nothing but good things about him so far and he seems to be very wise from what little I have heard. Generally just a really good guy all around from all I hear.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-09 13:20:05

did you know he use to be a bouncer for a night club?

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-09 16:18:38

I had not heard that. My dad used to work security and he has some great stories. He is the kind of guy that can lift a refrigerator still full of food.

nur1red 1 point on 2015-08-16 09:11:30

I have decided that I am going to explore these desires that i have tordes horses but I have to know how I should do it. If there is anyone willing to help in any way then please let me know.