The gay argument. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-02 23:35:13 by timothy_tyler

Idiots have often said that as soon as it's cool for gay people to formalise their relationship, Obama will start forcing people to marry turtles.

Or something along those lines; the people making these arguments aren't the sharpest tools in the drawer.

We all know that our sexual preference harms no creature. We treat our partners well.

Will zoophilia ever become accepted by our wider society?

And should it?

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-08-02 23:39:34


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:49:34


30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-03 00:03:44

Zoophilia should not be made into yet another commercially exploited segment of "normal" human sexuality. Instead, it should be strictly regulated by the state, with an exact psychological diagnosis of the zoo, with accompanying examinations by neutral vets and other precautions for the sake of the animal´s wellbeing. Just legalizing "zoophilia" will probably lead to heaven for "animal fuckers", but it surely will be hell for the animals involved. There never will be a complete tolerance for anything animal sex related, but I do think there´s a tiny chance for tolerance of non harmful, marriage-like relationships with animals when everyone (including the "zoo" community) has learned to balance the two antagonizing forces of zoophile interests and societies right to protect animals from unnecessary harm. Plus, we have to get rid of those parts of the community constantly reenforing the public´s opinion that we are nothing but sex driven, unable-to-control-ourselves, porn addicted sociopaths by their conduct.

timothy_tyler 2 points on 2015-08-03 00:12:49

with accompanying examinations by neutral vets and other precautions for the sake of the animal´s wellbeing

Of course you know that the threshold for killing animals is lower than that,

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-08-03 08:51:48

true, but we should try and hold ourselves to a higher standard, no?

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-08-03 13:00:04

Seconded. The "stop killing and eating our lovers" argument is very tempting, but all it does is show some the double standards of some people, it doesn't answer the same question when asked by vegetarians (like me) or by vegans (like a doctor of brain research I know who doesn't think bestiality is OK).

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-08-03 13:12:50

good for you for being vegetarian. I'm still a meat eater, but I wish there were much tighter regulations within the meat industry to reduce the suffering of the animals. Of course I would be happy paying higher prices.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-03 00:06:30

I don't see zoophilia becoming widely accepted by society. I do think it the years to come (20 to 30 years in the future) that it will become more tolerated (but not accepted).

nur1red 4 points on 2015-08-03 01:02:38
ConstantlytVariable 2 points on 2015-08-03 01:55:15

(Sorry, wall of text)

I think the people using the argument "if we let gays marry, bestiality will be next" is mostly conservatives going for shock value. There's plenty wrong with this argument. Firstly, the lgb community had to shed a lot of stigma to be accepted as they are today. Years ago, people thought that they were all sodomites rapists trying to lure little boys into alleys and take advantage of them (funny how that's actually just the Catholics...), or at very least misguided or sexually abused youth. As more and more people came forward and accepted that it was a part of their identity, and owned it, and began to live it, they showed people that the only true difference was that they decided to sleep with someone different, but relationship structure and most of the rest of their identity was easily relatable. As this happened, especially among millennials, everyone began to open up and look at themselves, and acceptance grew as more and more people helped shed the stigmas.

Second of all, and I mean to cause no strife here, but I believe that as our generation becomes more sexually liberated, polyamorous folks are the ones the upright, self righteous conservatives have to worry about, because they're probably next in line. Swingers have been around, if somewhat quietly for a long time now, but it's already becoming more widely accepted for people to be in some kind of poly relationship arrangement.

Thirdly, and somewhat going back to the first argument, it's about shedding stigmas. This generation is extremely sexually liberating. As it becomes more socially acceptable to explore sexuality in general, society as a whole will begin to move away from the archaic Christian moral law and the ideas attached it (and conservatives will never sleep again). As this happens, the image that the right has created about zoos of being either ignorant country boys, demon possessed youth, and creepy pedophiles will dissolve, and more and more people will just come to accept it. There are already plenty of states where the sodomy laws have been removed because of the lgbt movement, which inexplicably helps the zoo community. They're accidentally removing all the legal framework. That's step one. Step two is more and more people seeing that zoophiles actually love their non human partners and take good care of them, which removes the abuse stigma, and gradually it becomes something that people accept. Idk if animal marriage will ever be a thing, but people 50 years ago never even imagined gay marriage, so who knows. And hey, if we're all going to hell anyways, might as well go being true to yourself, eh?

Tl;dr poly community probably next in line for legal and social acceptance, but zoo laws are already loosening and one day there will be social acceptance.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-03 06:14:46

zoo laws are already loosening

Are they?

ConstantlytVariable 1 point on 2015-08-03 06:23:19

Yes and no. Not specifically because people are lobbying for zoophile's rights (at least not in the instances I found). Where I saw states and other countries that no longer had specific bestiality or sodomy laws, most repealed entirely because of clauses within them that made homosexuality illegal. Germany is a perfect example of this. The thinking is that it's too much work to rewrite the law ONLY to exclude the specific line about homosexuality, and I guess they don't believe zoophiles exist, so they see no need for the law at all. Some places still use animal cruelty laws to prosecute, but that varies by state/country and statute.

I'm not a lawyer, this is just what I've seen from my limited study.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-08-03 06:55:08

A few decades ago this was certainly true. But since 2013 there was a change in the laws in germany and you can be fined up to 25000€ for any sexual contact with animals. The arguments for it were terrible and this "Allianz gegen Zoophile" (alliance against zoophilia) hate group even met with the chancellor after presumably manipulating votes in a "dialog for the future" campaign the government was running. Not sure how much influence they really had, but that nobody really cared that their arguments are totally bogus kinda shows how the situation is.

Then there was spain that made sex with animals illegal. As far as I have seen the main lobbyist was an organization named COPPA that - according to its stated mission - should be doing the exact opposite. I made a thread about it here:

Then there was denmark. We all know how that went. They had a report from the animal ethics council recommending against a ban in 2006, they had experts questioning the rationale behind a ban, but I have not seen any of the people who voted for the law say a single word about all of that. Just the usual "sex tourism" and "animal brothels" myth and the usual "This is because it constitutes an attack on the animal, which naturally cannot consent to sex" rhetoric (Yes, that's a direct quote).

For states in the US I only see movements to add new laws against sex with animals too. For example: New Jersey. The law was initiated by a legislative intern who also interned at the humane society, which - like most "animal welfare/rights" organizations - opposes sex with animals for irrational reasons. There was a post about it here too:

There are probably a lot more countries in this list all with equal lacking arguments for such a law and where it still passed.

I can't think of many countries that in recent years abolished such laws... You?

ConstantlytVariable 1 point on 2015-08-03 11:58:09

Thank you for the response. You are far more well-versed in the legal side of this than I am. Like I said, from what little research I did it seemed like the laws banning homosexuality and zoophilia were one in the same, and that the lgbt movement indirectly helping the zoo community in that way. I had only read some (apparently dated) articles about a few other countries. I was just pleasantly surprised that it looked like society might be (even accidentally) loosening legal restrictions. Usually when that happens, it opens the door for a marginalized and unfairly criminalized society to come to light, and show people that they are not the monsters under the bed that people think they are. At that point, some places give a little more, just to test the waters, while more conservative places have knee-jerk reactions (gay marriage wasn't ILLEGAL in some states until after it was LEGAL in others, for example). That is what usually starts the gradual process towards acceptance, which usually takes a decade or so. I have done a bit of study on different civil rights movements. Usually the overall process from "no visibility" to "general social acceptance" takes anywhere from 20 to 50 years. When laws start to change, you're usually already past "grass roots campaign", and at least people OUTSIDE the mainstream know and sometimes even accept the community as a whole, and with 10 - 15 years you have some good momentum. The internet is a good catalyst for that because of places like this, where otherwise silent communities have a (relatively) safe place to congregate.

You are right though, it would appear that that legal window is not currently upon us. Thank you for the articles.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-03 15:27:50

We are recently experiencing a tsunami of anti animal sex laws in Europe, but you forgot to mention how all of that started. I guess that anyone has heard about the "Mr Hands" case, the guy from Washington who died from a perforated colon. This happened in 2006 and led to the first wave of new laws against interspecies sex. Some people in Germany started to investigate, scanned the internet and found lots of animal porn. They also found BF, one essential source of their rejective stance against "zoophiles". For me, it is totally understandable that those antis got the impression of a growing internet sex cult posing a threat to animals as well as society in whole. They have seen the growing user numbers, growing "contributions" from German citizens and finally decided to do something. The first petition against "zoophilia" was born. The initiator, Mrs Silke Lautenschläger, explicitly said that "zoophilia" once was a thing only done by a few single persons, with only a few animals involved, but now, it has grown into a sex cult. What once was "tolerable" as an outlet for but a few, has mutated into a semi industrialised and organized underground culture, with sex parties and animal porn making, with the famous animal brothels ,etc. As someone involved in the community for more than 20 years, I sadly have to agree on that, at least partially. The animal brothel claims are based on the impressions given by having a close look into any "meetup" section on "zoo" boards, especially BF. Lots of people searching for "fuckable" lifestock and a significant number of people offering their animals for sex acts. It surely isn´t a proof for professional animal brothels, but gives a hint at existing amateur brothels. We all know that "renting" animals for sex to random strangers a.k.a. "zoo friends" is true and happening frequently. What once was an unproblematic orientation to deal with, has now become an underground business undermining society. The usual "leave me alone, I just want to live with my animal" zoo has turned into someone fueling the international porn mafia, is luring "newbies" in and builds structures comparable to organized crime ("zoo networks").

The anti zoo petitions were rejected several times, many politicians turned them down because they didn´t see the need to act. What got them to act was screenshots of BF and other "zoo sites" clearly showing that something needs to be done about the clandestine scene of animal exploiters. When freedom is given to people, only a few will use it responsibly, the vast majority will abuse it. That´s a fact. The responsibly acting zoos lost their freedom because of people who can´t live up to the responsibilities involved in zoophilia.

So, there´s no conspiracy, no anti zoo atmosphere; the new laws were necessary, whether we like it or not. We shouldn´t aim for total legalization, we should aim for regulation instead. I´d be glad to swap all animal porn for a strictly regulated , but tolerated zoophilia. I´d be content with the possibility of a monogamous relationship with an animal, supervised by the state. The anti "zoo" laws are actually aimed at the beasty scene and all of the negative stuff going on there. One final thought: You never hear about someone getting caught without animal porn or fencehopping involved. Zoophilia mostly takes place in the solitude of one´s own home. How can you get caught when you take the precautions taught by the original zeta rules? Stay away from porn, don´t talk to strangers about your sexuality, don´t film yourself while doing it and you´ll be fine. No evidence = no sentence. Plus, you´re totally exaggerating the effects of the law. Take it from me as a practicing zoo for more than 20 years: even without a law against it, you would be equally fucked if your sexuality became publicly known. The law basically changes nothing for a zoo; it only becomes even more important to act responsibly all the time. Again: Don´t film yourself, don´t participate in "animal sharing circles", don´t get involved with the scene too much, don´t fencehop. Stay at home, keep your sexuality secret and enjoy the relationship with your own animal.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-08-03 18:02:59

undermining society

I know I haven't said it this way, but that is pretty much what I want to say when calling it a myth. Sure, there are a some privately organized meet ups ("amateur brothel" sounds like an oxymoron to me) and maybe in some cases money really changes hand. But it's always claimed in such a hyperbolic way. It "undermines society"? Hardly. Just as animal brothels don't "take germany by storm", and just as there is no animal brothel "epidemic", etc.

The usual "leave me alone, I just want to live with my animal" zoo has turned into someone fueling the international porn mafia, is luring "newbies" in and builds structures comparable to organized crime ("zoo networks").

What got them to act was screenshots of BF and other "zoo sites" clearly showing that something needs to be done about the clandestine scene of animal exploiters.

That's what I don't buy. The "unproblematic people" are still there. I do not believe that most of them have "turned". So what really needed to be done? Like the danish animal ethics council recommended, banning offering sex with animals for profit is something I can agree on. But what else?

People meeting up to maybe or maybe not have sex with animals is already difficult to find a solid basis for. I think it's a rational position to say that the law should ensure protection of animals from harm, not to legislate a moral standpoint.

I´d be content with the possibility of a monogamous relationship with an animal,

We had this fruitless conversation already. I respect that this is how you want to live and there is really nothing wrong with it. But I see it as a moral view that I don't think is necessary.

I'm honestly curious what you think: Would your mare be less happy if she had two lovers? What if the other lover was a stallion? What do you tell people that she only seeks sexual contact with you because she is deprived of sexual contact with her own species?

The anti "zoo" laws are actually aimed at the beasty scene

No. The "beasty scene" may be the pretense, but the law is aimed at all sexual contact. If you read it, it clearly says so.

That brings us back to the question: What should be banned? I accept that animals that people have sexual contact with need special protection. Which is why I can also get behind banning the offering of animals for sex to strangers, e.g. on the internet.

"animal sharing circles"

Now that's a gray area where I can actually see government restrictions come into play. As I said I accept that animals need special protection against exploitation and an organized ring like that is likely to cross into the sexual exploitation territory.

the new laws were necessary, whether we like it or not

No, they were not. Specific laws against sexually exploiting animals and against coercing animals to sex may be needed. Laws against all sexual contact are not needed. As you have clearly explained, you and the "animal sharing" beasty are clearly different, yet you are hit by the same law in the exact same way and as I understand it it's up to a hopefully friendly judge to determine the "severity" of your crime to be "lower".

Plus, you´re totally exaggerating the effects of the law.

I actually don't, if you read closely. :)

I agree - in practice, the law will not hit most careful zoophiles. But the existence of the laws is a problem in itself. When was the last time you heard gay people say "oh we don't mind that there are laws against gay sex, they aren't so bad, we just be careful not to get caught"?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-04 00:49:07

Easily accessible animal porn undermines society. There are lots of people who have gotten into animal sex by watching animal porn and frankly admitting it (Quote from BF: "seen AP, been hooked ever since"). The advertising effect for all the folks searching for a new kick cannot be denied. Porn creates demand and when a demand is created, you can be pretty sure someone will turn it into money. Thus the allegations of animal brothels.

I never said that the unproblematic people somehow mutated into problematic ones. But it is undisputable that animal sex has become a hype since the year 2000. Porn sites exploded, more and more people only in it for cheap and quick sex were drawn into this, the practices became rougher and literally no resistance from the "unproblematic" people was seen.

You cannot exclude morals from laws. There is no "non moral" jurisdiction. So, morals will always play a leading role in creating new laws.But ,nonetheless I have to stress that I don´t see my proposed solution for our problem as based on MY morals, it´s based on COMMONLY ACCEPTED morals. I have said it before and will repeat it until it comes out your ears: We demand something from society, not vice versa. So it´s our duty to make it as fucking easy for Joe Average to tolerate us. One question: If Angela Merkel would visit you and propose a partial legalization of zoophilia, but as a monogamous relationship excluding any other contact with humans and animals, would you turn her down? Would you decline the offer , saying "But I want to fuck whatever,whenever and with any number of beings involved"? We have to aim for the achievable, not for an utopian "free love" scenario that already has failed in the 70s.

I´ll answer your question: My mare seems to be perfecty satisfied with me. I don´t think she needs another lover, no human and no stallion. In my stables, there are two stallions and when I take her out for a walk, we often pass by the pasture the stallions are grazing on. Whenever one of them tries to get her attention, she always hides behind me , as if she would say "You´re my mate; protect me from this idiot over there." Somehow, I get the notion you´re misinterpreting animals as biological robots ready for any sexual advances. But I can tell you that they´re not; they can love and feel a unique bond between them and a specific individual.

Of course the law doesn´t differentiate. No law does that and it´s up to the specific groups to fight for rights and thus forcing the law to differentiate. The usual thesis/antithesis/synthesis process. First, there was no law regarding animal sex, then the antithesis (All animal sex is prohibited) follows and hopefully, there someday will be a synthesis prohibiting some , but allowing/tolerating/regulating the unproblematic conduct. You see, hitting on the entire animal sex scene actually WAS necessary as a part of the process. It was a pretty good wake up call for the community and everyone involved in this now knows that procrastination won´t get us anywhere. We surely have to argue about viewpoints, attitudes and definitions, but that´s way better than the lazyness the community has suffered from before the law sledgehammer hit us. "Es muss was passieren, bevor was passiert." We were avoiding any political debates for so long now, were content with the porn, with our little clandestine animal adventures that we forgot what zophilia really is about. The new laws have made clear that it won´t continue like this or we´ll soon be marginalized and gone. We needed the sledgehammer hit so old and encrusted structures crumbled. If these new laws are what was needed to rejuvenate and reenergize the political zoo community, then we should be thankful for it. Now, it´s our turn. We need to come up with new and more adaequate strategies, new structures, a new consciousness for our orientation. For me, the new law is a source of inspiration. If we do our homework and choose our strategy right, it even may become the turning point in our struggle for tolerance. But we have to be aware that we won´t get everything we demand; compromises have to be made within the process. Given the fact that most genuine zoos won´t ever have to face a judge, the law is basically a good laugh. How do you prove zoophilia if the zoo does not hand out evidence himself? As Mrs. Karin Burger once mentioned, the law is a toothless tiger and absolutely ineffective to those who refrain from giving out evidence themselves. The zoo community was flashbanged by the government; now we have to recollect our senses, shake off the effects and start we all definitely know that this is serious business, not some sort of playground for sexually adventurous folks.

"..´tis an ill wind that blows no minds."

demsweetdoggykisses 7 points on 2015-08-03 04:37:35

Will zoophilia ever become accepted by our wider society?


And should it?


At least not until people generally learn to stop being exploitative. We can't even treat each other with respect when it comes to sexuality and intimacy, and people can actually speak up about what they feel. I shudder to imagine how animals would suffer if it became a normal thing to have sex with them.

At least now as a fringe community of sorts people who have zoosexual feelings tend to aggregate together and share their principles for the betterment of their partners and how the outside world looks at them.

It will be a long time in human psychological evolution before I can imagine a world where we don't have to worry about protecting those who cannot protect themselves, and we already have so much to worry about with general abuse, neglect and mistreatment of animals.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-08-03 13:12:10

There are only two ways that interspecies marriages could occur:

1) A redefinition of marriage to not have anything to do with financial, parenting, or power-of-attorney relationships, just love and nothing else (I suspect that when conservatives say "next you'll marry your dog!", they're arguing that the freedom to people marry on the basis of love alone is insufficient, because clearly a dog will "love, honour, and obey 'till death do us part").

2) Non-humans being given most or all of the rights which are currently supposed to be guaranteed to humans under the UN declaration of human rights, specifically articles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 16 (marriage!), 17, 23, and 25.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-07 04:41:11

I think it will eventually be accepted, I mean most of the opposition is louder than they are big. I truly believe the majority simply do not care either way currently. I think it should and will eventually become acceptable, zoophiles just need to put their feet down.