Former carnival worker charged under Alabama's new bestiality law (
submitted 2015-08-04 22:51:02 by zoozooz
zoozooz 5 points on 2015-08-04 22:52:35

Oliver said the dog seems to be doing fine. She is being held by animal control and will be examined by a veterinarian.


Deputies say Meyers admitted to the bestiality when they questioned him.

while the second article below says

He denied the charges, saying he was “set up.”


HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 8 points on 2015-08-04 23:13:20

In a Zoo friendly world if the dog is fine and not harmed, there should be no charges.

Kynophile Dog lover 5 points on 2015-08-05 02:08:51

The thing that annoys me about this (besides, of course, the shitty law that serves no purpose except to satiate the prudish) is how the media is going to try to wreck this man's life. The AL article says it will update when his mugshot is available (presumably to publish it), and clearly this is something he doesn't want as he chose to cover his face on the way into court to charge him set his bond, according to the video on WHNT.

He's going to be tried in the court of public opinion long before his actual trial. I've been following a case nearby me for almost a year, and it's still in pre-trial conferences despite what appears to be an open and shut case. Thankfully he's been released from jail pending trial, but he was in there for months before his release or any trial.

Baaxten U havin' a giggle m8? 1 point on 2015-08-05 10:37:44

Why at all would mainstream media show any kind of leniency? Public news often portrays issues that may question common public values in a negative light, therefore ensuring they are liked by the masses and that they continue to be watched. Could they do it in a neutral way? Perhaps, but that may show leniency and therefore not adhering to said public values. Or at least that is my interpretation of media today (in Australia at least. Shows like The Project provide a more challenging take, and I try to watch it as often as I can because the comedians that host it - literally, the hosts are comedians - provide interesting points and can get away with it).

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2015-08-05 03:43:37

There is a pretty controversial battle in the comments section... I think I'll jump in on that lol

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-05 05:47:46

comments on which one? i can't see any comments section for any of the 3 links here. guessing i need to sign up for their sites to even see the comments. i hate stuff like that...

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2015-08-05 05:56:46

The main linked article... They take a second to load, I could see them before but made an account(linked with my zoo google) so I could comment. What browser are you using?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-05 06:31:01

chrome. guess i could try firefox..

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-05 18:57:23

Try reloading a few times. Looks like the website is just buggy.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-05 07:24:24

...aaaand another one giving it away himself. "Yeah, while I am fucking my dog, I´ll call someone.....hmmm, no one answering the call, I just put my cell phone within the hearing range.....wonder what this "voicemail" stuff is....;)

Edit: I just read he accidentally, another zeta rule to be made out of this: SWITCH YOUR CELL PHONES OFF before the action.;)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-08-05 09:48:04

thats not the part that got him in the shit though.

Deputies say Meyers admitted to the bestiality when they questioned him.

THATS where he royally fucked up.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2015-08-05 13:31:23

And the being drunk during intercourse part.

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-08-05 14:35:29

Of course, since he was drunk, he couldn't consent, and therefore was raped, right?

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2015-08-05 19:02:25

Admitting was another mistake he made, but the original fuckup was the evidence he gave away with the recorded voicemail sent to some random person. Without this initial hint, he never even would have been asked the question he so foolishly answered honestly.

"You have the right to remain silent, for anything you say can and will be used against you." Why is it so gawddamn difficult for caught fools to simply shut up? I´ll probably never understand that.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 3 points on 2015-08-05 20:42:06

Im curious what sounds were on the voice mail to make it clear to the recipient that he was having intercourse with a dog.

ursusem 3 points on 2015-08-06 21:36:52

That is exactly what I am wondering. Sex moans and barking? what the F. Besides couldn't he have been having sex with some person (or even masturbating) and the dog was in the room barking.... ? It sounds like he just "butt dialed" somebody. I really wonder what sounds were on the voicemail. Because I didn't realize "bestiality" made a recognizable sound! (yep, that definitely is the unique sound of none other than bestiality that I hear! Lol Really?!) Perhaps the neighbors just knew that he lived alone with his big female dog but he also surely could have been masturbating, couldn't he have been (maybe he could have been watching a porn, maybe he also could have been prank calling his neighbors- there are all of these possibilities)? I doubt masturbation is illegal but considering the current state of our world these days nothing would surprise me.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-07 02:34:19

You heard of "dirty talk"? Maybe the guy is into that and literally described what he was doing... "Here, little doggie, take my cock" etc., I guess you know what I mean. I never talk during intercourse, I´m too busy grunting and biting my mare´s back...;)

But seriously, giving it away through his own "dirty talk" would be the only way I can imagine to turn a simply voicemail into incriminating evidence here....

ursusem 1 point on 2015-08-07 03:37:39

And even then, he might have just been some weirdo who talks out loud by himself (like I do all the time). And then it's possible to role play and pretend that your human partner is some kind of dog or animal. But then if there was the sound of a real dog on the tape that might be a harder defense. I would really like to hear that voicemail.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-08-06 07:23:56

The dog involved is being treated and cared for by Franklin County Animal Control.

Treated for what?

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-08-06 07:24:44

Bestiality is not on the books as a sexual crime, but Rushing said they were able to file notice that will allow him to prosecute it that way.


zoozooz 2 points on 2015-08-06 07:38:24

While other articles say

He’s the First Person Charged Under the Alabama’s New Bestiality Law

the article says:

Since caught ‘engaging’ his German Shepherd, Meyers has become the second person charged under Alabama’s state’s new, tougher, bestiality law, which now deems such acts as a Class A misdemeanor.


The unnamed dog, who is female, is said to be recovering and is being taken care of by Franklin County Animal Control.

Recovering from what? Nobody has said so far that anything at all is wrong with her.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2015-08-06 20:27:18

poor furbaby must be so deeply traumatised :( who knows if she'll ever recover.


zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-06 23:53:27

Franklin County Animal Control has previously come under fire for housing its animals in allegedly deplorable conditions, according to The Examiner.

So I still don't know whether the dog was abused or not, but we know that she is in a shelter with bad conditions now. So they probably made her situation worse so far.