Any others who've felt the same? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-08 21:54:47 by Susitar Canidae

I'm a non-exclusive zoo, only had human relationships, VERY limited sexual experience with animals.

Because of this, whenever a long time has passed since I saw an attractive dog or thought of a dog in a sexual manner, I start wondering if it was just a phase. Maybe it was all just me trying to be special somehow? Some kind of masochistic tendency to want to belong to a hated group? Maybe I just like dogs in the platonic way that non-zoo people do? After all, even they can see beauty in animals.

But then the next time I happen to start thinking about animals during masturbation, or meet a very attractive dog, I'm like "oh, right, I actually do like them, never mind."

And then the cycle repeats. Doubt about sexual preferences, stop thinking about it, and then it comes back again and feels so natural. But after some time, I will again start feeling like a fake zoo...

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 2 points on 2015-08-08 22:05:08

I'm exclusive and I even still kinda get what you're talking about, I think. I don't exactly doubt my sexuality but I see myself as non-zoo sometimes in the way that I completely ignore the sexual aspect a lot of the times. I suppose you could say I "forget I'm not straight." Which absolutely isn't a bad thing I don't think, because constantly seeing everything, be it people or animals, in a sexual way all the time I think would be exhausting. And I'd feel uncomfortable.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 3 points on 2015-08-08 23:32:08

constantly seeing everything, be it people or animals, in a sexual way all the time I think would be exhausting

I agree with this, and I think it makes sense!

I see a lot of animals as attractive these days, and I find a lot of different species attractive so there's more "opportunity" to see an attractive animal I guess, but a while back I was in a similar boat to you. I actually do the same thing with my human sexuality. I'm bisexual, and my preferences change a lot. For a long time recently I had a really strong male preference, and I didn't find many women very attractive. I was wondering if I was even very sexually attracted to women at all, but then my preferences shifted again and I'm back to about 40/60ish. A year ago, it was the opposite, with a super strong female preference. Sometimes I have a very low sex/relationship drive and I wonder if I'm even attracted to humans at all. It can be a roller coaster ride sometimes for sure.

I think it's normal, both in zoosexuality and human sexuality. I know plenty of people have a pretty specific "type," and they only find animals that fit their type attractive (same goes for humans). You might go for a while without seeing anyone who fits into your type. For example, I'm only attracted to men who fit into my strict "type," and most men don't. I can go months and months without finding any men attractive, because I haven't seen anybody who fits my type. But once I do, I'm very attracted to him. I'm just (unintentionally) picky, so it doesn't happen very often. Or some people aren't even attracted to an animal or person unless they know their personality well, which you don't always get a chance to do. Preferences change, our sex drive changes, our situations change. I think for most people both bisexuality and non-exclusive zoosexuality can be very fluid and shift around a lot.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2015-08-10 08:29:17

That makes sense. I'm bissexual as well, and when I was younger I did sometimes feel bad about mostly dating the opposite sex, when the truth is, it's just easier statistically to find straight/bi guys than lesbian/bi girls. And you know all these prejudices about bisexuals, that it's a phase, that we don't know what we like? Even though I tried to not to listen to that, I guess it still affected me.

Similarly, what's the prejudices among non-zoos about zoos? That we don't have human partners, that we are lonely, that we can be cured... Again, I know these things aren't true, but it creeps in subconsciously anyway.

YesIloveDogs Dags 3 points on 2015-08-09 01:56:01

This post makes me wonder if i've been posting again in my sleep lol. I've been curious about human relationships for a while and remaining open to them, and like you, have had limited experience with animals. I often feel exactly how you do, even branching out so much as to ask if its not just some fringe case of munchausens. Ultimately, i think that spending time around your animal of preference, even without sexual contact, puts your heart in the right place which is more important. I find that my doubts go away when this happens.

Nowix 2 points on 2015-08-09 08:27:15

That's interesting because I'm the complete opposite. If I'm without animals for a very long time it just gets worse and worse me. I get weird fantasies, thoughts get more intrusive and every little sign of a dog makes my heart skip a beat. But then when I'm with dogs all is suddenly fine again. I'm still very much attracted to them but sexually I couldn't care any less about it. All I need to be happy is to be in the presence of an animal.

Here's an interesting question for you, do you feel bad for thinking that your attraction to animals may only be a phase? And if so, why?

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-08-09 17:40:41

Yeah, same thing happens to me when I go off to school. No pets allowed :(

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-08-09 20:31:56

thats ruff.

sorry, I had to :P

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2015-08-10 08:23:36

While many things would be better if I'm not a zoo, I would regardless still think that sex with animals isn't always abuse.

I've told some people (SO, for instance) that I'm a zoo, and so, I would feel like I was a liar if that was not true. I am actualyl quite sure that I am zoo, since the one experience I did have I enjoyed... and not for some taboo aspect for it. No, the thing I remember mostly afterwards was the smell of the dog, how that gave me similar feelings as when hugging an attractive human.

DerErzbaronGomez You and me, baby ain't nothing but mammals 2 points on 2015-08-09 08:55:52

For me the presence of animals is the thing I like the most. Sexual attraction is not that important for me and I can't spend every minute for thinking about sex with animals even though some studies say that men would think about sex in general that often. It too would feel strange for me if I got an erection everytime I see an animal I am attracted too. What I mean is that non-human animals aren't designed that way either. And even the fact that they are 24/7 naked is something I don't care about where others might get mad about seeing genitals.
All in all I never questioned my sexuality since I first realized that I am this way. I know what I like and don't like and more important I know that zoophilia is not about fucking animals. It brings a whole new life-style with it for me where I really care about the emotions, the needs and pleasures of the animals I love. Not just putting my dick in.

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-08-10 15:11:40

Aye Paraphilia perhaps,

I personally just always been attracted to dogs and I loved just being with them too always good company.


Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2015-08-13 02:42:07

I think all these means is that your sexual attraction to animals is not a strong focus in your life and not at all that your area a 'fake' zoo as you put it. Sexuality/sexual orientations are spectrums, some are more into it than others.