For married zoophiles (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-13 14:10:16 by Yearningmice

G'day folks,

So for those who are married, does your spouse know, tolerate, accept, or support your zoo nature? If not accept and/or support, why did you get married?

ZooIam 2 points on 2015-08-14 00:42:52

Yes she knows. I was open about it at the beginning of our relationship. She found it disgusting and wants nothing to do with it. We don't talk about my zoophilia after 3 years of marriage and 10 years of living together.

At the time, it's something I thought I could get time progresses, that's looking less and less likely. It is a part of my identity and nothing can suppress that.

More than anything though, I crave stability and appreciate the comfort of marriage. It's like having to choose between yourself and your best friend. I'm just not capable of being that selfish.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2015-08-14 01:44:58

My husband knows but does not share the same feelings. I long since stopped being active and only had one canine partner years before I met him, but I can't deny that I have that as part of me, and always will, which is why he had to know. I won't live with a huge secret all my life. I think some animals are sexy and I don't want to have to pretend I didn't notice every time we pass a gorgeous malamute or shepherd. I don't want to bring zoophilia into my life, but I still enjoy the fantasy, as I know he likes to look at the cute college girls we pass on the way home. I'd be worried if he didn't and didn't have those natural thoughts cross his mind, and it makes me feel comforted actually that he chose me over all of them, and I like to think that him knowing my secret he feels the same reassurance about me. I don't think I could have said yes to someone who didn't accept me, bizarre quirks and all. In some ways being open about it helped our marriage because it set a tone that we can really be honest with each other about absolutely anything, no matter how weird or shocking.

todaywefox 5 points on 2015-08-14 03:23:01

Together 12 years. She knows but prefers we never discuss it. She was interested in it at first. We even moved in together with the idea of getting our first dog together and it really improved our sexlife for a few years. However, I think she realized I was just too into it which caused some jealousy issues. I'm just not as easily turned on by my wife just being naked near me. Sometimes I am, but often I'll only perk up if she does something special. Yet, I get turned on by just petting some dogs.

It really makes me feel disgusting sometimes. I do care for her more than she realizes but I'm just not as sexually attracted to her as she wants. I can deal with this but I'm not sure if it's fair what I put her through sometimes.

My mind has wondered what life would be like had I actually met another zoophile. But, don't take this the wrong way, but every zoophile I have ever met in real life have been "off" in some way. Hell, people even say I am a little weird. My wife may not share my sexual interests but she is smart, successful, and great at keeping my secret. That's good enough for me.

Please don't give me too much grief about calling zoophiles weird. I know some of you guys are successful well adjusted adults. It's just well adjusted adults don't tend to share their zoo interests to people they meet in real life. I, for one, waited four years before telling my wife.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-08-14 05:18:24

I'm just curious, in what way have the zoophiles that you've met in real life been "off" in some way as you put it?

todaywefox 3 points on 2015-08-16 01:51:01

It's just those that are most open tend to be somewhat unstable or a bit of a threat to my social life with other people. They just share way too much with anyone and everyone.
I have good friends that just will never know about my interests yet I'm sure they think they know everything about me. It's a secret I hide well. That's kind of the problem here, to admit your a zoophile often means you're kind of "off," it's dangerous to admit such a thing and well adjusted people just keep it to themselves. I really wish this wasn't the case. I don't exactly want weird ass sex parties or to share stories, but it would be nice to feel like I'm not alone sometimes. It used to depress me a bit many years ago but I've grown to accept that everyone has their secrets and we just don't share them. I just wish my secrets weren't so "fucked up" according to popular media.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-08-14 09:50:35

This sounds a lot like my relationship (although in my case, it's only been 2 years, and we're just dating, not married).

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-08-18 12:59:43

So, over all, married zoos should not have gotten married, is that what you guys feel?

I've been married decades and we regularly talk about it as it comes up and needs to be talked about. She's supportive for the most part but she has some issues with jealousy and feelings of inadequacy. As I've told her, I'm a zoosexual who is okay with human relationships. Nothing I do with a mare is a statement about her, her wants, her needs, or her ability to please in the sack, but humans are weird and get bad thoughts all the time. Recently it feels like maybe she's wanting to not get that farm we've always wanted because she's afraid to "lose me" to the mares.

My wife has pushed me to do things I might not have, and prevented me from doing things maybe I should have, but that's the give and take of living life with anyone you are concerned for. Overall it has been a good thing which has added to my life. It has reduced the amount of time I've been able to spend with horses and for that I am a little saddened.

DerErzbaronGomez You and me, baby ain't nothing but mammals 2 points on 2015-08-18 15:20:55

I am not married neither am I in a human relationship but I can't really understand how you could be married to a person that is disgusted because of your love towards animals.

Cyenawe 0 points on 2015-09-02 20:47:39

I've been married 5 years. My husband knows and kind of shares me feelings. He's more ambiguous, leans as much furry as he does human. I don't think he feels attraction towards full feral like a zeta does, but he's at least accepting.

He even left the door open once during fun time so the dog could join if he wanted. He was curious but despite being attracted to his kind more than humans, it was actually more uncomfortable for me with the dog because I just don't feel that way about him. :P So my husband sticks to products from Bad Dragon now.

Honestly, I'm super happy with my marriage, I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm a traditional girl and you can't exactly be a housewife with a nonhuman partner.