For others who are not attracted to animals yourself but are attracted to viewing the act - why and how do you feel about it? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-17 05:41:01 by definitelyanon1111

I know a lot of people look around these places look down on people like this but I think it's legitimate. At least for me.

So for a long time, I tried to deny that I was actually into things like "this", and I only recently accepted that it is sort of just...part of my sexuality. Not like a fetish. It's hard to explain the distinction, but to me, there is one. But anyway, I tried to deny it for a long long time and just now accepted it.

But I'm still curious though; why? Why this specifically? What about this behavior piques so much interest in me? It's beyond just feeling arousal by it. There's just something deeply...interesting and complex about interspecies sex, and I don't know why, but it particularly interests to me very much.

I used to ask why all the time as a feeling of guilt or some feeling of that nature. I don't feel that way anymore; I've accepted it's part of my sexuality, and that most people deep down have things in their sexuality they don't want to admit at all ever, mine just happens to be a less common form.

So yeah, sorry for rambling. Just needed to put this out there.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-08-17 06:10:32

I'm actually beginning to think that I might not actually be zoo. With me, it is more like I'm "almost zoo" or something along those lines. I also find these subjects to be very interesting and complex as you say... I also have some theories as to why it is so interesting. I've never once felt like a bad person for having an interest in this subject. But it isn't just the sex that interests me- it has a lot to do with the concepts related to non-humans etc. And perhaps you would get more/better responses to this particular question that you've posed if you were to ask it on r/bestiality since here on r/zoophilia there are probably more people here who ARE attracted to animals- so they couldn't answer your question but I could see more people fitting your criteria on r/bestiality and maybe they could give their insight.

definitelyanon1111 1 point on 2015-08-17 06:14:55

Thing is that sub is completely porn oriented more or less, and my interest in it is more than that.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2015-08-17 21:26:46

Before I realized (albeit slowly) that I was a zoophile, I remember I had the most amazing feelings that I got inside from certain kinds of thoughts or fantasies, particularly the idea of inter-species romance, of people, or creatures very different from each other finding a common intimacy together. If I read anything or even heard a joke about people and other beings, even crude jokes about people and animals, soft erotic stories about creatures like aliens or vampires... I just got this really intense "rush" of sorts that made me really want to explore the idea more, but it didn't seem like a safe thought to have, as most people have a really strong revulsion to the idea of sex with anything other than the most human humans. I think the age of sexy vampires and Twilight probably lifted a tiny bit of that stigma, but I had already outgrown those kinds of stories when they came out.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-08-17 21:45:36

I get so excited that I have always jumped up and down all of my life when I would get thoughts about inter-species romance. It can have that effect on you!

definitelyanon1111 2 points on 2015-08-19 19:23:50

Yeah! This is pretty close to how I feel, I think. There's something very adventurous and exciting and unknown. I find a lot of people who like the sex aspect of it the most, find it to be degrading or something of that nature. I don't at all. I find it to be immensely fascinating and interesting.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-08-17 18:41:31

I'm actually beginning to think that I might not actually be zoo. With me, it is more like I'm "almost zoo" or something along those lines.

From what I remember (and I must read it for myself and not just rely on other people telling me what he said), Kinsey reported that sexuality was slightly fluid, changing within certain bounds on the hetro-homo axis. I've certainly had that on the zoo-anthro axis, because although I'm 90% of the way to zoo-exclusive at the moment, this has been up to 100% at some points in the last year, and lower at some earlier times in my life. Unfortunately, I never paid much attention to how much lower when it was at it's lowest, so I don't really know how much my variance is.

ursusem 2 points on 2015-08-17 19:18:23

I don't have a lot of attraction to humans (very little if any) however I think I do have a preference for the human manner of communication. I feel that when I'm with animals I find myself wanting to have a little more with them. I want to be able to discuss things with them and I want them to understand.. I don't really like the furry subculture because I feel that furry characters are too human for my liking (both in the way their bodies look and in some aspects of their psychology as well). I am very much interested in real non-human animals but I feel that they are mysterious creatures and I can't have access to their inner lives like I can have access to with humans. I would much rather be with a non-human partner but I wish they could share some more of my abilities just a little bit. How can I be intimate with a being that I can't fully connect with?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-17 08:10:04

There are several different reasons why people like watching animal porn without ever feeling the urge to have sex with animals themselves:

  • seeing something extraordinary, uncommon; the novelty effect
  • projecting themselves into the "wild, sexually aggressive and demanding" animal. In their minds, THEY are the heavily pounding dog or the big dicked stallion...hope you know what I mean...
  • some like the idea of women being degraded by having sex with a "filthy animal".You frequently stumble across user names like "dogsexslut" or "horsesexwhore"; that should give you a hint what exactly these folks are about.
  • the thrill factor; It´s taboo, in many places illegal and serves as "your little dirty secret". Some people find exactly this highly exciting...
  • group dynamics. As funny as it may sound, but there is a significant percentage of people into AP because the offering platforms also have some sort of community, usually VERY permissive, tabooless and supportive.
  • emotional numbness. A small group of AP afficionados clearly need ultra hardcore pornography to get off because more "normal" porn lost its effect for them.

You asked why you are into it. Well, it could be any of the above reasons,even more than one...who knows? But, let me tell you one thing: what you see when you´re watching AP is mostly bogus and crap. Just as "normal" porn has nothing to do with a real human on human relationship, AP has nothing to do with a real relationship with an animal. It´s fantasy for bored "normals".

One final question: Let´s just pretend that animal porn does not exist. Do you think you also would have this special interest if there would have been no AP to trigger it? How much of your interest is "learned" by watching AP, how much was there before you ever saw your first vid? Would it still be interesting if someone would exchange all animal dicks for human sized and shaped ones?

definitelyanon1111 1 point on 2015-08-19 19:22:01

Would it still be interesting if someone would exchange all animal dicks for human sized and shaped ones?

Basically, do I find usual human-on-human sex interesting? Sure.

But to respond in general: I used to think it was for the "taboo" (I think it is still kind of but not in the usual way, more in a sec), I have pretty good relationships, I'm a good looking guy who receives plenty of feminine attention, and I definitely love women.

There's just something exciting about the adventurous and experimental and liberating nature of the act that I find remarkably interesting and exhilarating, sort of vicariously.

myloverhasfur Canidae 4 points on 2015-08-17 18:08:29

To read a bit more charitably into what you're describing, I could see where one could like animals enough to enjoy seeing them receive pleasure like that, even if one wouldn't want to have sex with an animal oneself.

Out of curiosity, how do you feel about watching animals mate with their own kind?

definitelyanon1111 1 point on 2015-08-19 19:21:04

No, I don't think it's that per se. It's more like vicariously exploring the endless boundaries of sexuality, once you realize there aren't any real boundaries (well...yknow, relatively speaking.)