Ever wish you weren't zoo? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-19 02:21:23 by AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse

Pretty straightforward question, just curious about how the rest of you have felt about it.

As for myself, I'm sure I have wished to be more normal at some point in my life. But the more I think about it, the less I can recall any specific instance of wanting to be like everyone else. It's not like I stick out from a crowd in most ways, and I was never publicly ridiculed for being a zoo, since nobody knew.

I'm very content as a zoo, especially since finding an animal partner. Just wondering if others feel the same.

LiuDaoMan Ni Hao 1 point on 2015-08-19 02:24:32

I never knew it was bad until a few years ago, I'm proud of it, just not open.

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-08-19 02:49:41

I've had plenty of moments. My faith is in conflict with it--or at least the acting out of it--so there have been many times I've wanted one or the other to just go away. I'm feeling better about it at the moment after spending the summer with my dog (with whom I haven't been having sex with for a few years now). I'm at the point where I don't know if my attraction will go away or not, but I know I don't have to act on it and I can still enjoy the presence of a dog without sex.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-08-19 03:01:23

I'm not sure if I actually am zoo but I definitely like the concept of it! (and that does put me as an outsider in society regardless since everyone is supposed to hate this subject, apparently)

todaywefox 6 points on 2015-08-19 03:14:35

No, but I do wish it was more accepted. I've never seen zoophilia as a mental disease or something abnormal so I never thought to cure myself, though I did try to ignore it for a few years after I met my then girlfriend. My only complaint is that people are so damn intolerant towards alternative lifestyles. I hope for a lot of things, but not being a zoo just seems kind of depressing. I feel too much of my personality is wound up in it and taking that away would leave less of what makes me the dorky little dude people like.

AliasTheReindeerPone Short Christmas Horse 2 points on 2015-08-19 04:37:59

Have my alt accounts started responding to each other's posts again? You said almost exactly what I've been thinking lately, except you phrased all of it in a way that I couldn't quite nail down in words. Thanks, /u/todaywefox.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2015-08-19 04:19:14

I never have felt that way.

There was a time when I wished I wasn't human, that I was an animal, but not a zoo? Never.

I've gotten past that phase. I love who I am and that's that. Fuck you if you think you can tell me what to be, they told me I could be whatever I wanted in preschool...

so I became a zoophile.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-08-19 04:31:26

Lol. I'd choose to be that too

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-19 06:16:07

the only thing i've ever wished would go away was my sexuality, but never my attraction to animals.

long story.

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-08-20 13:09:21

I've got time.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-20 20:57:02

heh.. the question is more 'do i have time?', but i find myself today with a bit more time than usual, so ... ok.

it was probably just good ol' catholic guilt, but sexuality has always been something that's troubled me. (i've since gotten over the catholic part, but there's probably some guilt that still remains.) at some point, though, i found i enjoyed other outlets for affection .. particularly kissing .. and felt in time that sexuality was a frustrating distraction from the calm i felt when i thought about kissing and holding someone special. this was probably all by the time i was 15 or 16. it's stuck with me.. frankly, it was the dominant mindset for a fair amount of time. i tried to masturbate as infrequently as i could manage, and though i did have a dog during a number of those years, generally i tried to avoid sexual contact because i felt it was hurting the dog (which, as a selfish youth, probably was the case, sadly, with all but 1 of the partners i had -- honestly, it was that last partner that may have relieved a bit of my guilt about zoophilia outside of fantasy and daydreaming since she was enthusiastic and clearly enjoyed the sexual contact). now it's definitely more in the background, but it's still there, without a doubt. there are still times when i wish i could kiss a dog "properly" and long for that kind of contact, or i fantasize about kissing and get annoyed if i start getting sexually aroused.

so yeah .. i've wanted the sexuality gone many times, but i'm so very attracted to non-humans.. i can't imagine not seeing the beauty in them. it would be horrible. i've posted several pictures in /r/animalromance as examples of what i find attractive.

Devourer_Of_Pancakes 1 point on 2015-08-19 06:28:53

For a few years after I discovered my attraction towards horses I hated that aspect of myself and wished I was "normal", but I eventually decided theres no sense hating yourself for something that you didnt choose nor will go away.

I'm happy to say i'm currently content being a zoo.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2015-08-19 07:22:43

Honestly, not really. As others have said, I wish it was more accepted. Even when I was anti-sex-with-animals I rarely felt bad about my attraction and thoughts, though I felt some guilt over some of my actions on them.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-08-19 10:03:14

yeah I did. I tried so hard to be normal but I just got worn down to the point where I got over it eventually, or at least realised turning into a normie would never happen. I still sometimes think what life would be like if I wasn't a zoo, it would be a lot easier and I guess tinder would be interesting, also guy talk would be a lot more fun.

Now I've got over it I'm happy enough as a zoo. Life's going in the direction I want (although not quite the direction I planned all those years ago) and im getting closer to being in a situation to get a dog. I realised theres no point trying to change myself so now Im trying to sort my life out to make me happiest as a zoo.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-20 18:18:57

Glad you are getting closer to getting a dog, hopefully I will be getting closer to getting a horse.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-08-20 19:19:10

thanks man. Just keep taking steps towards it and one of these days you will be where you need to be.

Aiming for a horse eh? jeez best of luck. Are you aiming to get your own plot of land or thinking of using the local stables?

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-20 23:10:24

I'm aiming for my own land. Last year when I had a horse for 7 months there was just too much drama with the barn manager over various issues.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-08-19 12:07:40

Like others have said, it does make life more difficult - especially in cases where one's interest is for animals that are difficult or impossible to acquire or get private moments with.

There are benefits to seeing the world differently, and I am thankful for that, but there are other benefits in having commonality with others, like not being challenged on the legal or taboo status of your relationship.

I used to say "no way!" every time this came up, but lately the years of frustration have me wondering. I don't have any regrets or self-hate, but life's too short to be dealing with aggravation, and changing the whole rest of society is proving to be slow-going.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-19 18:23:17

forgive me if you've already said and i forgot (my memory is horrible), but i'm curious what animals are you interested in.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-08-20 02:54:31

"Years of frustration" refers to my saving and searching for property for horses and other hooved animals, but I was also thinking about people who are interested in dolphins, kangaroos, big cats, or other exotics.

I don't come from a farming family, haven't had much luck finding friends that would have a place to share rent with, so had to start from ground zero. On top of the social and legal issues we all deal with.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-20 04:46:51

ah, i see. i thought you meant you were interested in exotics. just curious. :)

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-20 18:25:12

I can relate to what you said. I also came from an extended family that did not own horses or any livestock for that manner.

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-08-19 15:51:30

Pride about your sexuality is an odd thing. I am proud of myself and I don't believe I ever want to not be zoo. Lots of time where I wish it was easier

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-08-20 18:16:38

I have never felt that way. Being a zoo is a large part of who I am.

TheEthicalZoo 1 point on 2015-09-05 07:58:03

I never wished to be normal. I have always wished to be treated with dignity and respect though for the person I am. I never once though "I regret being zoo".