What a wonderful children's book with an almost pro-zoo message! (youtube.com)
submitted 2015-08-19 02:42:29 by ursusem
actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-08-19 09:42:31

the awkward moment when annalisa kisses the cow a bit too long...

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-20 08:02:29

After sleeping a night over it I have decided that I am not happy with it.

Sure, it is a book for very young children, so what level of detail would I expect? But still I feel like this sort of stuff is specifically aimed at early "teaching" of a romanticized version of the origin of the milk the children are supposed to consume.

The reality of milk production looks very different: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dairy_cattle#Management. That's the question what I can expect from a children's book. Like all mammals, cows produce milk for their calves. But in this story calves are remarkably absent. What happened to it/them?

I wouldn't be so critical, but I have seen related topics on /r/vegan that made me think about it.

Here are a few where it's more obvious:




etc. etc.

By searching for these topics I also found this article: https://np.reddit.com/r/vegan/duplicates/37qjmp/george_monbiot_its_time_to_wean_ourselves_off_the/

ursusem 2 points on 2015-08-20 08:38:58

I know there are a lot of other issues with it. But I was focusing more on this idea about an attractive cow not being loved by a human (child in this case) because she is a cow. The things the little girl says remind me of a lot of the reactions that zoophiles get when the subject of zoophilia is brought up among non-zoos on the Internet. I saw a parallel there.

zoozooz -1 points on 2015-08-20 11:26:34

being loved

Being loved or being kissed as a means to coax her to provide milk?

Yes, I see the parallel of "never" and then "being curious". But still, something bothers me about the storyline...

ursusem 2 points on 2015-08-21 04:49:04

Just checking, but are you arguing with me for the sake of arguing with me or do you actually really care to discuss this?

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-08-21 09:00:58

I don't want to argue much. I just wanted to say that it doesn't sit right with me that the cow is only kissed in the first place because people want something from her.

Which I did now.