All The Hate I've Been Seeing Regarding Bestiality Porn (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-22 02:13:31 by [deleted]

Ok, the whole thing about zoophiles complaining about bestiality porn is getting annoying and imo highly unnecessary...

Here is a quote I got from one of a old post on here.

["Why would you make a porn video of an animal? Why don't you just respect them? They don't need to be made into a porn object."]

Ok, what has making pornography of animal ever have anything to do with disrespect. Yeah, there are people who are like that and do that but:

1.) You cannot stop it. 2.) There are going to be people and videos like that. 3.) Stop stereotyping pornography as a "BAD" thing like every other anti-porn activist does.

I'm a zoosexual and I like bestiality porn so what? Does that make me a bad person, a fake zoo, an animal abuser just because of that? Bull! There is countless of porn for about every kind of sexuality, kink, fetish whatever. Everyone has their likes and dislikes but bashing other people, especially other zoos just because there are those who like porn is very rude. There are plenty of nice people, and those who care about animals who are part of the porn industry and enjoy adult stuff just as well as those who are not into it. This stereotyping that people who watch and participate in beast porn only see animals as tools and sex slaves is absurd.

Yeah, there are people who don't care about animals and treat them as only tools whether or not in the industry but I believe that there is nothing wrong with the concept of filming a mating session time an animal for a porno flick.

All this moral pushing about what is right, wrong, tolerable from zoo to zoo is really not helping the matters but just making it worse. We fight more among ourselves and bicker more then trying to help with the cause. And I don't believe that getting rid of bestiality porn would even do anything, just like the anti-porn activists who still to this day believe that porn is bad, disgusting, a tool for sin and want it gone. Porn isn't the issue here.

And this is not whether or not it's dangerous, for an animal and the person and illegal to make porn as not every place bans beast porn and the production of it.

I have been on this subbreddit as a member before but I left because I couldn't stand the disrespect and criticism here regarding these kind of things. Lurking here makes me begin to lose trust in a lot of zoophiles and I felt like coming back to address certain things I feel that I, and other zoos have been bothered with lately.

demsweetdoggykisses 3 points on 2015-08-22 02:46:31

Nobody is shaming you, nobody is saying you're not a true scottsman if you like some of that content. But I think it's important for all of us to voice our opinions because it relates to many of us, and because it relates to many of us, it's a relevant subject. Most of us just don't like the exploitation of animals, since a huge percentage of those videos are made for the voyeuristic market and not by and for loving zoophiles, and as such the ethics used in filming are called into question. I've heard more than a few stories about animals being sedated, and you just have to look at a lot of them to see a lot of disinterested animals being led back over to the actress so they can be coerced to continue the act. And while I haven't seen any push to "get rid of" bestiality porn, I see plenty of support for the idea that to exploit animals this way shows many people that may not have the proper guidance and support that animals can be used as sex toys. We NEED to make this opinion heard, would you rather we sit back and quietly let people do what they want? Someone has to speak up so the producing community can hear complaints, and if nothing else start producing content that is less objectionable.

Yes, there are some videos out there have nice content. But there's also videos that have animals restrained while being sodomized, and unfortunately to the wider, browsing public that stumbles onto this stuff, they are not separate.

Those who take issue with bestiality porn are not shaming you, or attacking people who like it. They are attacking the way such things are made or the community that has no love for animals as more than props for people who want to watch people degrade themselves, which is the NUMBER ONE reason why people look at these videos, not because they're closet zoophiles. Proof simply comes from reading the daily posts made by the community, which by and large consist of people looking to hook up with other people who will let them "watch."

The other very important reason why many of us want to distance ourselves from bestiality porn, is that we don't want that image associated with zoophilia. Many of us are non-active and do not engage in sexual contact with animals. So when people stumble on places like /r/zoophilia, they will immediately think of that video of the guy holding the dog so it can't get away with the camera gets a close up of the penetration.

I have been on this subbreddit as a member before but I left because I couldn't stand the disrespect and criticism here regarding these kind of things.

You're taking it way too personally and you're contributing to the negativity and division by making posts like this. I don't really know what you're advocating anyway, that we need to be more tolerant of bestiality porn? This isn't a porn sub, we don't tolerate it to begin with. It's a discussion sub. I think you would get a lot more support on an actual porn sub, because just like you say, the porn will always be made, there will also always be a divide between people who like it and people who don't.

The big difference I see here, is I don't see members of this board making posts on /r/bestiality that what they're doing and saying is wrong and offensive. Zoophiles are extremely tolerant of whatever people want to do, but we're human and have feelings about things that we need to share with each other. It's only a fight if you are so sensitive about conflicting opinions that you have to make it into a fight.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-08-22 03:12:29

I said what I had to say, I'm just tired of all the hate I have gotten from zoosexuals, furries etc and not just because of this but for other things. Taking it too personally? Whatever, just like those who who are hurt because of bestiality porn spreading the wrong idea isn't taking it too personally?

Call me naive and call me a cry baby I don't care. I'm fucking done! zoosexuals and non-zoos alike piss me off with their morality pushing and crap treating others like shit non-stop.

IP ban me whatever I can't fucking stand people anymore. I looked for some sort of peace for my sexuality and just the fact that I'm different from others from places like this, knotty etc. for years! Jumping from site to site all the time mindlessly thinking something is going to change. And to my surprise I keep ending up nothing but a bunch of shit bashing on others telling them what is right and wrong whether it's hunting, sex, animal liberation whatnot.

What all this tells me is that people no matter what sexuality, gender, race, religion etc. will continue to be assholes and treat people like crap without any thought of how one might feel about it. Goodbye.

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2015-08-22 03:17:19

IP ban me whatever I can't fucking stand people anymore. I looked for some sort of peace for my sexuality and just the fact that I'm different from others from places like this, knotty etc. for years! Jumping from site to site all the time mindlessly thinking something is going to change

There's an old saying, when you run into an asshole in the morning, you ran into an asshole. When you run into assholes all day long, you're the asshole.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 5 points on 2015-08-22 03:46:16

I am 100% against all zoo porn and have not been afraid of to voice such.

Here are my 2 very valid reasons im against the production and distribution of animal porn.

  1. Commercial porn 100% takes advantage of the animals involved and they really dont have any say in the matter.

  2. Amateur porn made by actual zoophiles are prime targets for investigation and and prosecution where the animal is often displaced or destroyed. Again, the animals dont have any say in the matter and are exploited for the sake of the producers. They get no benefit from taping porn but they share the risks just the same.

Thats all. No wall of text needed. The fact that you cry "STOP OPPRRSSING ME!" and then delete your account speaks wonders on your opinion and how self centered it is, with the lack of consideration for the community.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-08-22 04:07:23

You can speak your opinion, and I'll speak mine: "Zooier than thou" opinions like that only serve to further fragment an already fragmented community. You aren't helping anyone.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2015-08-22 04:27:31

How is it a "Zooier than thou" opinion? /u/coyotedrift isn't saying real zoos don't look at porn, just his opinion on it and why he/she is not afraid to speak out about it. I don't think this should fragment the community, it's an important topic because most people will only ever know what zoophilia is because of some porn they saw once.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-08-22 04:42:14

I took it as him saying "true zoos" don't look at (or shoot) porn. Perhaps I inferred something he did not intend.

If so, I apologize.

Also, not all porn is rapey porn or even something that would hurt us. There is good porn out there, and heck, I've even used some of it to win debates.

Weird, I know. But true.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-08-22 05:11:43

i have to admit that's a pretty good argument. point 2 hadn't occurred to me, honestly. the only thing i'll say about that is hopefully there are secure places/ways people can share their home movies with others that doesn't identify them, making it less of an issue, because i will admit that porn is something i enjoy. shrug i don't have a partner of my own (yet). i suspect that i will have little to no use for it once i do have my own partner, but i can't deny to myself or to others that there are times when it helps get us through. people need an outlet, and sometimes it helps to have visuals. are you saying you've never looked at porn ever? that doesn't justify anything, i know, i'm just saying.. a little understanding on both sides?

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 2 points on 2015-08-22 05:24:05

I never said i haven't seen zoo porn. I actually studied quite a bit of it at one point and that is how i am able to draw some of the conclusions i have today. It doesnt do anything for me. It sated a curiosity i had at one point (how humans go about having sex with thier animal partners) but it doesnt "turn me on".

reddituser444 2 points on 2015-08-23 06:34:07

Realistically there's near-zero risk to filming a close-up of genitals in an empty room and anonymizing the file, blur where needed, posting as anon from a proxy. You can cut and paste from your imagination.

The risk never equals zero but that's the same argument given for not having sex with animals in the first place.

What's flagrant is the total carelessness with which people produce material.