I think I have an obsessive problem... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-22 11:27:10 by oflionsandsnakes

I'm a mid 20's male and I just turned down a very attractive girl so that I could be alone and view my preferred genre of porn.

I've never been able to finish/come to completion with any partner before. I have also viewed "best porn" since puberty. I ran into it at a very young age just by chance online. Thanks kazaa :/

Anyways, I feel really alone about this whole thing. I'm beginning to think I will never find someone that I can share this with in person.

I'm a very attractive and well off guy. I'm very outgoing and have my shit together but my dating life always falls short of what I feel I need or want because no one else seems to be into this shit.

I tried to break away from it. Only use "conventional" porn but I get bored so fast I find myself fantasizing about... well... non conventional porn.

I have told every single girlfriend I have ever had about my viewership of bestiality and never have any been into it. Luckily they have all been cool enough with it to not be totally disgusted but none have ever wanted to view with me or talk about it. They of course find it a deal breaker for the relationship that I want to some day have a dog and have him somewhat included in our sex life, but none have spilled the beans to anyone else that i'm aware of.

Anyways, just wanted to spew a late night venting session. Hopefully someone out there is in a similar situation, which is to say, being overly sharing about it and not being able to find another like me.

jackdempsey8083 1 point on 2015-08-22 14:38:17

I can definetly relate to the frustration. I pretty much hold the same ground as you said- mid twenties, going to school to get my life in order, been told I'm good looking, all that. When it comes to human interactions, and/or relationships I've never really had a problem. At least, anymore than would be considered "typical". But, lately I've gotten into the mindframe that starting and working towards a relationship with someone isn't worth it, just because I would eventually have to/want to share the zoo part of my life... And that has never gone well for me. Its honestly depressing if I think about it too long, but luckily I have many close friends and family that I can interact with, I'm not in any dire need of a close relationship at this time.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-22 17:59:41

... I have many close friends and family that I can interact with, ...

this is the only thing that got me through until about 3 years ago when i decided to give another zoo forum/community a chance, and it finally clicked, having met people that i could talk to in real time via chat (i was never tech-confident enough to try to get ICQ or IRC or anything like that to work).

i can only hope that other people have some sort of non-zoo support network if they don't have any zoo connections. it's still a lonely existence, but not as lonely as it could be.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-22 18:08:27

care to tell us any more about your interests? your name possibly suggests other interests, for instance, and i admit i'm curious.

sorry to hear you've had problems looking for a human partner. are you uncertain about whether or not that could ever be satisfying for you? or are you just currently frustrated with the bad luck you've had? i'm only asking because there are some among us (myself included) who have found they're only interested in animals, and there's nothing wrong with either way of being.

it took the right set of circumstances for me to finally meet another zoophile IRL, but it did finally happen, so don't give up hope. stick around here, contribute, perhaps talk to some people via PM who you find interesting to chat with, and you never know .. if you build trust over a significant period of time (it was about a year for me), you may find someone who isn't too far from you who has the courage to meet to chat. just be careful, of course... choose a neutral, public location and don't talk about anything specific. make sure it feels alright. if it seems ok, and you don't feel there are any red flags, perhaps set up a second meetup, perhaps a little less public but still not a personal residence or anything ... perhaps a park that's populated but not overrun, where you can find a place where no one will hear you talking but there are still enough people around that it might make someone think twice about doing something unexpected.

for now though, hopefully online communication will be helpful enough to allay some of your loneliness.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 4 points on 2015-08-22 18:50:12

Listen people, i know you want to be supportive of anything and everything that washes onto this sub, but this is NOT Zoophilia.

This is a kink, a fetish to OP. Maybe one day he will find a zoophile that will give him the "show" he wants.

But the heartfelt replys so far are ridiculous...

YesIloveDogs Dags 2 points on 2015-08-22 19:56:01

There's expressing your opinion, and there's being a dick.

You're being a dick.

Regardless of the validity of your points and opinions, youre not likely to change anyones mind by being rude.

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-08-22 20:18:36

Im just saying, this is a sub about discussing Zoophilia.

Op seems more interested in getting off to bestiality/hooking up with people interested in bestiality.

Maybe r/bestiality would better suit his interests.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-08-22 20:34:30

I might be inclided to agree.

It all depends on whether the op actually has a sexual/romantic attraction towards animals.

If OP just wants to view it, it is a fetish.

If the OP wants to participate and get involved with the animal, maybe even develop a relationship, then it's zoophilia.

Either way, I don't care much. Just the criteria that seems to meet the dictionary terms.

demsweetdoggykisses 3 points on 2015-08-22 20:51:06

I agree to the extent that OP never mentioned what his feelings actually were, the reason why he's attracted to bestiality porn. Some people view it because they vicariously want to enjoy sexual feelings with animals, but most view it because they get a thrill from watching women with animals because it's a very taboo or degrading act that triggers many deeply rooted feelings about dominance, about liberated sexual cravings, etc.

OP said he wants to include a dog in his relationship later but has not said anything about a desire to be intimate with that dog as a reward in itself. He doesn't seem to want to include zoophilia in his life, he seems to want to include a four-legged dildo in a future relationship.

We could be wrong, some latent zoophilic tendencies start this way, but in most cases, it's just a fetish for the "bizarre."

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-25 17:26:50

why did i respond with a "ridiculous heart-felt reply"?

benefit of the doubt, which i think some people maybe forget. if there's a chance this is a person who is struggling with the idea of zoophilia but deep down that's where they're headed, we need to help them, starting with MAKING THEM FEEL WELCOME HERE, not pushing them away.

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2015-08-26 04:40:11

I didn't think your reply was ridiculous, that's why what I said above was:

I agree to the extent that OP never mentioned what his feelings actually were,

So there is some benefit of the doubt on my part. Not a lot, but some. I also said to OP that my reply was based only on the level of information we received. He doesn't seem to be around to correct it anyway, so I have a feeling that he was looking for more support for his habit or reinforcement that there's plenty of women out there who will accept what he wants. I may be cynical however.

demsweetdoggykisses 6 points on 2015-08-22 21:30:23

Without any more details about what your problem is and why it's a problem, it sounds to me you have more of problem with a porn/fetish that has gotten out of hand and has less to do with zoophilia, unless you have a deep attraction to animals and that's the reason you're obsessed with bestiality porn in particular.

I see often:

"Are you a zoophile?"

"Oh yes, I think dogs are beautiful, amazing creatures, I love their grace and mannerism... etc."

"So would you want to have physical intimacy with a dog that you care for and trust?"

"Oh god no, I just want to watch one bang a chick."

Or more particularly, they want a "chick" who is willing to have sex with an animal because it makes them feel that a partner who has no qualms about sex and wants it bad enough to take it from an animal while being watched then surely that women must be able to express the same pure lust for them, or some variation of this "release of responsibility" for issues they have with sex and relationships and attraction and self image.

I would suggest you look into how addiction works, because behavior that you do not enjoy that is interfering with your normal life is a problem. If you are a zoophile then you will enjoy the feelings and look forward to when you can own a dog. This doesn't preclude the desire to have a human companion as well, but you should be able to differentiate the two and not have it all meshed together in this mess of an idea you have for a perfect relationship, which honestly may not happen. Most people with even zoophilic tendencies have to make a choice at some point about which lifestyle appeals to them more.