How much pleasure? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-25 13:25:43 by animalfancier

Do the females of other species have orgasms? It’s generally considered (or at least, it used to be) that only human females can have orgasms. However, that’s really down to a lack of evidence rather than any positive reason for believing it. What evidence there is for orgasms in the females of other species comes largely from zoophile contact, and that’s not something everybody’s prepared to discuss (for obvious reasons!).

Has anybody felt strongly, while engaged in sexual activity with a female of another species, that she experienced an orgasm? And if so, for what was your reason for that? My own guess, for what it’s worth, is that other animal females probably do have orgasms - and perhaps even more easily than human females do. (Just because they’re not doing an impression of Meg Ryan in When Harry Met Sally certainly doesn't rule it out!). Which species might be involved, however, I wouldn’t like to say.

PiranhaJAC 7 points on 2015-08-25 13:48:55

All mammals. Breeders have always been aware of this.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 4 points on 2015-08-26 10:06:46


It's very scientifically established in the breeder world that all placental mammal females experience something resembling orgasm. Don't let old internet wives tales fool you...

SunTzuSaidThat 1 point on 2015-08-25 14:06:15

I've heard many anecdotes and seen a few videos where mares supposedly do. Something like an orgasm in mares was even recorded in the scientific literature in the mid 70s. I do not have first hand experience, but quite a few folks have. Maybe /u/NBRpony or some other experienced horse folks can chime in...

30-30 amator equae 8 points on 2015-08-25 16:11:06

I´m in a longtime relationship with my mare for over twenty years now and can tell from my own experience that mares can climax. The usual signs are arching of the back, rhythmical internal spasms and oftentimes voicing it by "ooooff" sounds, grunting and moaning. Lowered head, "chewing the air" and licking her lips also are signs of her feeling good when we do it. When she really climaxes hard, she also starts to move her tail from side to side when it is raised up. On some occasions, she also starts to "dance", shifting her weight from side to side to feel me more. Even after the act, she shows signs of still climaxing by turning around towards me with "stiff" hind legs and when I caress her head and neck, I still can feel her shaking from the internal convulsions.

Why should humans be the only species to experience orgasms? All mammals are built with the same general "blueprint". So I guess that the possibility to climax is a built in feature for all of them. In males, no one would consider denying orgasmic potential. But female animals don´t show off their orgasms like humans, you have to have some in depth knowledge about how they "function". As far as I know, orgasms have been recorded and scientifically proven in at least some other species: dolphins,chimpanzees, bonobos and dogs.

r34_throwaway_alt_2 2 points on 2015-08-25 18:11:09

I've never heard of mares making sex moans. What do they sound like?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-08-25 18:23:30

heh heh... you need to find the "jan's mares", or "maregasm" videos... it's a glorious sound... i'd love to hear it up close and personal sometime...

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2015-08-26 16:12:03

As I wrote above: "Oooooofff!" Sounds of relief similar to those some horses do while pooping or peeing. Sometimes she lets off a squeal when I bite her back while at it.

Yearningmice 4 points on 2015-08-25 22:50:47

Considering the number of times I've been asked in surprise "Mares have clits!?!?!?" I expect it is just willful blindness in the part of those who might study animals, and also to put humans above animals.

From personal experience all it takes is a little persistence and some exploration to satisfy a mare in this way.

What about you dog folks?

myloverhasfur Canidae 4 points on 2015-08-26 02:13:10

I have very limited experience with female dogs, but I've seen several videos showing them orgasm. One, which might be on youtube if I remember correctly, showed a bitch licking herself to climax. From what I've read, though, not all dogs have very visible orgasms; some are very subtle.


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-26 04:27:59

wow.. thanks for that link. :) i think i've seen it before, but completely forgot about it.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2015-08-26 04:31:55

heh heh ... i can personally vouch for one female who i managed to bring to orgasm with my tongue. ;) i'm not experienced enough to do that yet with the "proper" tool, but persistence paid off with the tongue lashing she most definitely deserved.. ;)

ManIsAshamed 1 point on 2015-08-27 01:48:02

OMG are you saying that you give oral to mares?

Yearningmice 2 points on 2015-08-27 10:12:40

Umm, for someone who writes "I want horse jizz in my mouth!" I am not sure why this would lead to such an exclamation?

To simply answer your question. Yes, 10/10, would recommend.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-08-27 11:04:38

I love the way you handled that. Just sayin'.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2015-08-27 13:43:08

comment history can be a hard bitch to live down.....

demsweetdoggykisses 3 points on 2015-08-26 04:52:05

Females of many species may show signs of feeling a profound need to feel stimulation in their genitalia during estrus or "heat" cycles, and after mating show visible signs of relief, and from what I've seen cats, bitches and mares may exhibit involuntary spasms during breeding.

But to ask if this is the same as what humans feel in orgasm? Probably as difficult of a question answer as how they perceive the world in general. There are still very significant mysteries and gaps in our understanding of animal/non-human behavior, and there is a wealth of evidence that suggests the notion that the way they process sensations, associations and information in a way that we may never fully grasp. There are some things we can share with them, and there are things they will never be able to share with us. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to understand them the most we can.

Baaxten I reject your reality and substitute my own 2 points on 2015-08-26 14:09:03

I know mares do for a fact, but I've heard very little on dogs.

The only reason I would want to know for sure is, if I were to ever engage in this kind of relationship, is what to 'look' for. I'm not looking for sex tips, just confirmation, because unless I know the other party could enjoy it, I wouldn't.

Dolphins too. I know it'd be darn near impossible for me to meet one, so this is just out of curiosity: do dolphin females orgasm? I know they have sex for pleasure, but it all seems rather quick to me to be enjoyable for them.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-08-26 16:45:06

all the more reason to get a human with some stamina (or at least fingers/tongue/sex toys) involved ;)

NBRPony 5 points on 2015-08-26 22:11:07

Late to the party, but I will definitely second what a lot of horsey folks have said in this thread.

I’ve been intimate with female equines for a VERY long time, and over the years I’ve been able to pleasure many of my hooved partners to orgasm. It always seems that the infamous maregasm is an elusive treat even for those who've been intimate with their partners for many years. It’s understandable why this is the case. It takes A LOT of stimulation to bring a mare to orgasm, and most stallions (both the four-legged and two-legged kinds) have difficulty lasting long enough to make this happen. It takes a great deal of stamina, and a stellar attention to detail to bring a mare to off, but when get a mare to have a big O you will definitely know it. The muscle contractions that occur during a maregasm are incredible. The only time I’ve ever experienced anything close were vaginal contractions in mares that were getting ready to foal.

Another thing that I’ve noticed is a lot of mares seem to be scared of their orgasm the first couple times you get them close. I think this is because the sensations they are experiencing are a completely new experience and they're not sure what to make of it. I’ve found myself able to get a number of mares right on edge, only to have them step away at the last second before squatting down and huffing a bit. However, once they make the connection that orgasms are pleasurable, many mares will start to demand them, and they are typically easier to get off once they reach this point.

One of my most memorable maregasm experiences involved a miniature mare that belongs to a friend of mine. This sexy little mare is well versed in playing around in the missionary position. While missionary sex with a mare may be a spectacular accomplishment in it’s own right, seeing and feeling her orgasm was truly the highlight of the experience. Because she was on her back it made it really easy to see her tense up as she got close to reaching an orgasm. If you were hitting all the right spots her hind legs would stretch out until almost straight, and when you finally brought her over the edge you would hear her grunting loudly while feeling her vaginal canal spasming around you. Her hooves would twitch until the contractions subsided, and only then would she relax her legs until you gave her another big O.

I have some experience with female canines, and I would say that they are more than capable of experiencing orgasms as well. With female doggies there are not nearly as many muscle contractions, but you can definitely feel them squeezing you ever so slightly. When you get them off it’s impossible to keep them still. They will usually jump up and run around excitedly, while licking at their lady bits, before coming back and demanding more attention. Rinse and repeat.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-08-27 06:03:40

Every once in a while, impostors will expose themselves. The only thing one has to do is to wait until their fantasies lead them astray from reality and they tell stories clearly recognizable as BS....

What really gave it away: your story about doing a mare in missionary position. Have you noticed that horses do change their breathing when laying on the ground? No, surely not... Horses change their breathing into very short breaths because the weight of their intestines applies pressure to their lungs and thus, they have to breathe different than while standing. What do you think will happen when a horse is kept in missionary position? Due to all the weight of colon and intestines, breathing becomes literally impossible and they will suffocate. No horse, either fully grown or mini, will EVER allow you to fixate it in such a position; not for five minutes, not for a single minute, not even for more than a few seconds. The only two occasions where a horse will not fight to get out of this pose is a) being heavily anaesthesized and ready for surgery, lying on the operation table, with all four legs tied to the ceiling and an attached respiratorial machine to support and keep up the breathing process or b) when it´s dead. Assuming that you´re neither a veterinary with a horse clinic nor an animal necrophile, the only option left is that you´re plain ass lying.

Even the normal two horse "lay down" positions, breast and side, will not be endured for a longer time,lying down intervals of approximately 30- 40 minutes are common; a horse´s sleeping biorhythm only includes a resting phase of 3-5 hours daily, half of this time in the breast position, the other half lying on the side and experiencing short phases of around 5 minutes of REM sleep.As a prey animal, horses always are ready to jump up and run away, additionally, horse anatomy isn´t made for lying down too long and has adapted to this circumstance with the said special respiratorial style while on the ground. One of the dead sure signs that your horse is sick or something else is wrong is when the horse is lying down more than usual. Aside from that, can you pleeezze tell me how you made your mini mare keeping the balance lying on her back? Horse backs are round, easily seen when they roll over while lying or having a sand bath.For them, it is almost impossible to not fall over onto their other side. But, due to the fact that we´re already in fantasy world, you surely will tell me that you kept her on her back with one hand. Even mini mares easily weigh around 120 kilograms when fully grown. You should register for the olympics, dude. ;) But wait, there indeed are very small breeds like Falabellas, for example. Their weight sometimes is that of a very large dog and within the bounds of liftable weight. But, as I wrote above, even those bonsai horses will not accept being kept in missionry position and outpower any human by far. They will evade this pain- and stressful, even lifethreatening position in an instant, with or without you lying between their hind legs.

Additionally, horses are very sensitive when it comes to their belly. Anyone who has seen a horse annoyed by a simple fly knows how a horse will defend itself...kicking towards their belly with their hind legs. Imagine what will happen when you impose your full body weight onto their belly. Another legitimate cause for the horse to go berzerk.This mare not doing this is highly doubtable, especially with a horse not your own. Applying pressure onto a horse´s belly usually makes them aggressive or panick.

So, we end this episode of zoo myth busters. Only some questions remain: How much of your other stories are also made up and not true? What does it give you to BS easily impressable folks without enough horse knowledge to identify the lies?

Oh, and of course: myth busted!^^

Sometimes it pays off going through the three years of riding instructor apprencticeship, digging out manure all day, riding ´til your ass bleeds (actually happened to me), going to seminars dedicated to horse anatomy, including live surgery in a horse clinic. There were days when I hated this and only my mare made me smile for some hours. And there are days when it´s time to pay tribute to the teachers who have bored and tortured me so much with their seeminly irrelevant knowledge back then....;) Although it´s long ago and no one of them probably will read it here...but, thank you, guys. You did a good job.;)

NBRPony 2 points on 2015-08-27 14:13:22

I completely agree with you it sounds preposterous, but absolutely nothing I've said is false. I've done a lot of things with equines that would probably be in the realm of fantasy for most people, but that's one of the perks of having almost unlimited access, and meeting like-minded people who have incrediblibly talented equines. When I first visited my friend and he layed his little mare down and rolled her over my jaw dropped. My friend has been doing this with his mini mare for a VERY long time (20+ years) with no ill effects. Trick training is a wonderful way to get a horse over those pesky sensitivities. BTW there are photos floating around the net that show someone engaged with a miniature mare while she is in the missionary position. I think they were even posted to reddit some time ago. ;)

coyotedrift Zoo Friendly 1 point on 2015-08-31 05:42:37

What about this? (SFW)