Tired of bestiality fetishists...Rant! (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-08-29 16:43:47 by Susitar Canidae

Every time I write about zoophilia, no matter how focused on emotions, romance, legal matters or ethics, I still get messages from men who are like "I'm into chicks who get fucked by dogs. Wanna borrow my dog and let me watch?"

Now, usually when I get sexual suggestions online, I don't really mind it so much. I just say no and move on. But then again, other types of sexual suggestions come from sexual sites/apps (think of Tinder and similar). But these suggestions from men with dogs (or their friend's or uncle's dogs.. yes, they are desperate), come at pretty mainstream non-sexual sites. Reddit, tumblr, online forums for general discussion.

Most of these male bestiality fetishists I've been in contact with, it's so obvious that they don't understand zoophilia. Sometimes I've chatted with them, and they are often surprised when I say I don't want to do it with just any dog, that I want to form some kind of relationship, and that personality is important when it comes to sexual attraction to dogs as well. Like, those dudes who want me to have sex with their dog... I ask them, what is your dog like? And they go "uh... he's [breed] and so-and-so many years old". Nothing else! They don't even seem to understand when I ask about personality or looks besides breed.

But yet, if I actually want to have sexual relations with a dog, it's these kind of men I would need to turn to. I don't have space or finances for a dog of my own at the moment, probably not for some years. But it's so obvious they don't understand animals or zoophilia. They just want to see a girl do something "taboo and degrading" (though they would probably not admit it).

Sometimes, I ask them that before I will discuss any fantasies with them, they should get politically involved with zoophile rights first. Read some articles, write a letter, talk to their friends. Because if they can't stand up for my rights, then why do they think they deserve to hear about my fantasies? Hardly surprising, they stop contacting me after that.

Just like lesbians don't exist for voyeur lesbian porn fans, female zoophiles don't exist for having sex with your ugly dog and letting you watch...

electricfoxx 4 points on 2015-08-29 17:05:56

As a male zoophile, I'm totally with you. Some men have power issues. I want to blame society and its expectations of men.

Look into Bodil Joenson. She was a zoophile who got taken advantage of by the porn industry.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 4 points on 2015-08-29 17:26:25

I sympathise. Every woman I know has a story about at least one asshole man who can't seem to treat women as people. Met one obvious one myself. I wish humans could be nice to each other.

I love the quote:

female zoophiles don't exist for having sex with your ugly dog

Can I keep it?

Susitar Canidae 5 points on 2015-08-30 07:36:54

Of course. I was afraid it would be controversial to state in this subreddit that some dogs are ugly, haha.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 8 points on 2015-08-30 08:47:27

even zoophiles have standards.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-09-13 21:53:15

yep. i know some pretty ugly dogs...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2015-08-29 18:14:55

ugh. :( just adding to the voices of support i guess you'd say .. sorry you have to deal with guys who are clueless assholes about zoophilia to get any kind of contact with a dog. i hope your situation changes soon so you can get a dog of your own.

[deleted] 0 points on 2015-08-29 18:15:11


Na5CO3HCO33 2 points on 2015-08-29 22:00:07

It's important to remember that the amount of consideration these individuals give female zoos isn't anywhere near as much as we give them.

We consider carefully their requests, take the time to be outraged and disgusted, let them make us feel subhuman and other things we feel when we are offended.

To them, we aren't given as much thought. In my experience, most of the fetishists will lose their interests in the long term. They talk to zoos opportunistically and if we reject them, they move on. Seldom are they taken aback by the rejection.

I think this is important because it reminds us that these people aren't malicious, or evil. They're simply mild deviants who are looking to quickly get off, and we shouldn't pay them as much mind as we do because of that.

However, I would strongly recommend against turning to them for animal sex, even as a last resort. It's just too risky for your personal safety, and the long and difficult path of finding your own home and making your own money to be able to look after your own dog is the only truly safe way to interact sexually with one.

pinkstray 1 point on 2015-08-30 20:25:12

The advantage I have found with fetishists is they are very up front with what they want. If you portray something different that they don't resonate with, you move on and look for another likeminded soul.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2015-08-30 22:25:05

I don't share that experience... perhaps that is why I'm a bit bitter about this, heh. I'm used to many of them first testing the waters by "I want to understand this phenomenon" or "I'm interested in the same thing" (<- makes them sound like zoophiles). And even when I try to be very clear about only being interested in talking to other zoophiles, and that being a bestiality voyeur is not the same thing... they often "just want to ask one more question". And one more, and one more...

Some of them even try to get pity from me. "But I feel so lonely with these fantasies, I don't know anyone else who's into beast porn...", and I offer then to hook them up with all the other men who have contacted me with the same plea. But then they aren't interested. Turns out they are less lonely, and more just horny!

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-09-02 10:09:09

Question unrelated to your comment: which chemical is your name? I tried looking it up but neither Google nor Wolfram Alpha knows it.

Na5CO3HCO33 3 points on 2015-09-02 12:01:50

It's a mineral known as Wegscheiderite; Na5(CO3)(HCO3)3.

In the US, it's found around the Green River Formation, an area that has some special significance to me.

HelperBot_ 1 point on 2015-09-02 12:01:54

Non-Mobile link: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_River_Formation

HelperBotv1.0 ^/r/HelperBot I am a bot. Please message ^/u/swim1929 with any feedback and/or hate. Counter: 12209

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-09-02 13:16:59

Neat, thanks for the link :)

timothy_tyler 2 points on 2015-08-29 22:20:28

Most of these male bestiality fetishists I've been in contact with, it's so obvious that they don't understand zoophilia. Sometimes I've chatted with them, and they are often surprised when I say I don't want to do it with just any dog, that I want to form some kind of relationship, and that personality is important when it comes to sexual attraction to dogs as well. Like, those dudes who want me to have sex with their dog... I ask them, what is your dog like? And they go "uh... he's [breed] and so-and-so many years old". Nothing else! They don't even seem to understand when I ask about personality or looks besides breed.

Um. Would your life improve if you didn't associate with arse bags?

Dunno, it just seems you're ranting against fuckwits you don't need to associate with.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2015-08-30 07:35:03

Between the closing of the Scandinavian zoo forums, and me finding zoophiles on tumblr (and here), these were the only people I could discuss zoophilia online with at all. My network of other actual zoos disappeared when the forums closed down. I'm happy that I've found this subreddit now, but I was reminded of this now that I got my first message of this kind on reddit a couple of days ago.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 4 points on 2015-08-29 22:34:58

Men can be jerks. Don't let it bother you.

oflionsandsnakes 2 points on 2015-08-30 11:45:44

Here, to help gain some understanding for both fetishist and actual zoophiles, I hope to open up a bit of dioluge.

I'm pretty sure I fall into the fetishist category. I have viewed bestiality porn for the majority of my life but beyond that it has no other resonance in my life. Lately however i've started looking at this aspect of my life introspectively to try to understand why it is part of my life.

At this point I understand the conventional, socially acceptable relationships with animals. They're amazing friends, (nearly) voiceless supporters, will give you love unconditionally for their entire lives even when not needed and have been all around greatly important to us humans for a huge portion of our existence.

Can you please try to explain constructively your feelings, sensations, and emotions towards non-human animals?

Please understand this is not a solicitation for "ill be in my bunk" ammunition, nor an attempt to stir things up here. I'm generally a very open minded and curious person. I just want to understand others in hopes of relating to them.

Susitar Canidae 5 points on 2015-08-30 18:00:56

I view animals as individuals, similarly to how I view humans. I find certain canines sexy, without any rational reason, similarly to how I find certain humans sexy. It's in their looks, personality, scent, body language... But there are some species, that no matter how friendly the individual can be, I've never felt sexual attraction to. E.g. sheep or birds. Kind of like how I've never been attracted to certain categories of humans (children and elderly).

It's really that simple. I don't love all dogs. I don't love all humans. But I am able to love some of them. I'm not really sure how else to explain it, other than saying it's really similar to the "normal" feelings I have for men and women?

It's when porn-watchers assume that zoophiles view animals as sex toys, or just do it for the novelty and taboo, that's when people like me get annoyed. Just because it's unusual, doesn't mean it feels unnatural or unusual for me. Really, think about how lesbians constantly rant about "lesbian porn" and men who stare when they just give their girlfriend a kiss... they have no interest in letting some random person watch, and their relationship is not just about sex. This is how it feels for me when men who are not zoophiles want to hear "juicy stories" from me and exchange porn.

oflionsandsnakes 1 point on 2015-09-01 01:52:14

Okay, make sense to me!

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-08-30 23:49:16

(Irony mode on): Oh no, by being sooo judgemental on those "zoo" voyeurs, you are making an already small goup of people with the same (?) interests even smaller. All hail tolerance/indifference. Don´t be such a cry baby with all of your elitist zoophilia sermon, those creepy folks don´t hurt anyone...(except the feelings of true zoos, of course, but who gives a bloody fuck about ´em vile animal fuckers, right?)....(Irony mode off)

Next time you have to deal with creepy guy shit, just do a little metaphorical icewater spill on this guy´s nuts and set aside any politeness; just tell him to sod off and never return to a terrain that´s clearly not his. You don´t have to tolerate everything only because you´re a zoo, you know. We all have to learn to keep our own turf clean from invaders, we all need a few "zoo defense" lessons... In the last ten years, "zoophilia" has served as a weirdo magnet and has drawn attention from all kinds of folks with serious issues. Partially because the taboo nature of this subject attracts those already gone berzerk in their heads, partially because it is a common expectation of zoophiles to be "tolerant" beyond normal tolerance because having sex with an animal obviously is seen as denying you the right to speak out against other sexual conduct. "Hell, they won´t judge me, they fuck animals, dude!"

Being a zoophile doesn´t include being a completely limitless pervert. Zoophilia has its rules and regulations, too and it is a common misinterpretation from all kinds of outsiders that we zoos are some kind of gutter to collect all of the dirty waters flowing down the drain. Separation is needed badly; it´s not a matter of feeling superior or to belittle non-zoos or non-exclusive zoos, it´s a matter of respect, either respect for those different or simple self respect for a true zoo. Yes, our community has a long way to go, a big battle to fight...but it would be way easier if the worst enemies wouldn´t disguise themselves as comrades, backstabbing as soon as you turn your back on them. Before we can try to engage with society, we need to get rid of those backstabbers from within our community; a community misunderstanding tolerance as "shut the fuck up".

Defining zoophilia isn´t a waste of time, it is vital to survive amongst all those FATW (fucks anything that walks) folks, "zoo voyeurs" and others of the same ilk...

Hopefully, you won´t have to deal with more of those contacts, but due to the almost irreversible mixing of our community with literally anybody "interested" in zoophilia, I doubt my best wishes will be granted to you. The analogy with lesbian porn is indeed a good one, I definitely will add this to my future arguments when it comes to persons only interested in "watching women getting fucked by animals", but still insisting on themselves being "genuine zoophiles"...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-09-01 04:07:40

"zoo" voyeurs

"zoo" voyeurs aren't zoophiles. I'm not being zooier than thou there either, they simply aren't... unless they have a seperate attraction to the animal. I mean, it has a separate clinical term and everything for zoo voyeurs, which makes them distinctly seperate.

I can look it up if you'd like, but I think you can manage.

syzithryx i like cookies 1 point on 2015-09-06 01:35:25

I must acquire a t-shirt with the acronym "FATW" on it and see if anyone gets it. That would be awesome. XD

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 2 points on 2015-09-08 02:01:59

I could not say for sure but my guess would be part of it is just simply lack of awareness on this type of thing and having never had a chance to know such things before meeting you for example. From what I have heard though women who are into zoophilia are dealing with kind of behavior online very often, in fact I hear it is just all women online, zoophilia or not. It is a shame many men do not have much if any respect for women online just because of the anonimity. It is like the world forgot that what you do when nobody knows says more about you than when they do.

bonniebubblegum 1 point on 2015-09-13 22:03:27

i personally find stuff like what you described to be annoying, and kind of cruel (for lack of better word). most people like this dont usually hurt the animal they do it with, but they tend to treat them more like living sex toys than actual living things.

dogsrgreat 2 points on 2016-01-15 20:38:25

Hi Susitar,

I sympathise with a number of your complaints.

But let me come back to that, because I think the separation you make between zoo voyeurs and zoophiles is problematic. Put simply, lots of people who are capable of having loving, tender, vanilla sexual relationships also like watching vanilla porn. Same goes for intespecies sex - what people watch as porn may be a pale ghost in relation to the full depth and spectrum of the emotional desires they associate with the act when given the opportunity to experience it themselves.

If I was a female I would have sex with dogs. I love, love dogs. Like you, I think only a minority of dogs are sexy, that this is down to a combination of looks and personality. In my case, my non-sexual relationships with dogs are just as discerning as those I have with people; while I do like most dogs there are a few I dislike (rarely) and some that I absolutely adore.

But when it comes to sex and animals, well, I am male, and to me men cannot really have a sexual experience with an animal that is directly equivalent to the kind that a woman can. Penetration of an animal by a male is complicated for all kinds of practical, ethical and behavioural reasons, and being penetrated by an animal again has some practical and behavioural issues to figure out. I am not sure same-sex activities between dogs has the same meaning as mating between opposite-sex dogs. Yes men and animals do have sex, and I am sure it can be meaningful and fine, but I am not sure we can have the same kind of sex with the same kind of meaning that women and animals can have.

So as a male with zooish tendencies I have to live through female zoophiles and the best way to do that, apart from being in a relationship with a female zoo (hard to find) is to watch beasty porn.

But here is where perhaps you and I agree. I think sex between a woman and a dog can be beautiful, and wonderful, and a transcendent expression of love, desire and affection between members of different species who, afterall, can only communicate by touch, sight (body language) and smell. There is love and euphoria to be experienced in interspecies sex.

But here is the thing, as a male seeking a zoo-friendly female, I have had some luck in real life among my friends and acquaintances. When searching online, however, the women who are active in the community and who bother to post in forums and talk to men are usually zoo fetishists. They usually make it explicit that to them sex with an animal is about breaking taboos and I find it very disappointing that so many also assoicate it with humiliation. I cannot relate to that, it does not excite me. But when I go looking for zoophile women to talk to I mostly find zoo fetishists who are only interested in talking to me about sex and are not interested in being friends or lovers with either man or beast.

In my search, I have been present on several occasions with a woman or women having sex with dogs, but the experiences while fun and intersting were not particularly sexy to me because the emotional connections were absent, between me and the participants and between the humans and the animals. That is just the way I am wired. I have made friends with various females from the k9 sex scene over the years, but most of them were also essentially fetishists rather than zoophiles.

I also dated a really likeable, interesting and attractive woman who I meet on the old Zooskool and we had sex with each other but couldn't find a dog at the time. Yet honestly, she was a zoo fetishist more than a zoophile and so sexually we werent quite on the same page. It was not obvious to me that she loved dogs, and that was one of the reasons why we drifted apart. (We never fell out but she is now happily married).

I will add that your experience mirrors mine in the loss of forums for zoophiles, and the incresing censorship of zoo and beastial content. Once upon a time, not long ago, all sorts of people were relatively open about an interst in zoophilia (around 2007 it really was on the edge of going mainstream). But sadly, censorship and criminalisation has turned sex with animals into an activity that is only (mainly) advertised by people who are turned on by defying the laws and the censors.

This is very disappointing. I loved being part of a community of free thinkers, animal lovers and sex enthusiasts. By contrast I have no interest in the only communities, present company excepted, who are really open about sex with animals today, the BDSM community and the "transgress everything you can and violate everyone you can" networks :(

All this is to say, thanks for standing up for a different take on interspecies sex, there was a time when your voice was more or less the majority, and I hope that day will come again. Don't be too mad at guys who get horny and want to see you do stuff with dogs. On a bad (frustrated, selfish, unaware) sort of day, I could have inadvertently been one of those guys.. frustration and boredom and 16 hours straight surfing the web without a break can do that to a person.... I apologise on their behalf and hope that those of us who are more and better than that can find each other and stick together.. the legal and social oppression will pass, give it time x

Vaeraun88 1 point on 2016-02-23 05:07:19

"they should get politically involved with zoophile rights first. Read some articles, write a letter, talk to their friends"

IMO i'd say you're a bit of an ass for even suggesting that. Even if they are douches who just want to see a 'chick get screwed by a dog', you're essentially asking them to put themselves and their dog in the line of fire. It's easy for you as a non-owner to just suggest people 'talk to their friends or write a letter' but to an actual owner that's just asking for someone to report them to the authorities and have their animals taken away or euthanized while they face jail time and/or heavy fines.

Yeah, some guys are just dicks and you should ignore them but you have no right asking anyone to put their pets and their livelihoods on the line for your relationship with Their dog. YOU arn't the one who will have to deal with the consequences if things go sour. No wonder most don't contact back.

Other than that, I agree with you, esp. on the post to lionsandsnakes.