Darn that Dream (A love story) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-09-06 18:24:23 by Bluefur222

Hey everybody! This is a story I wrote recently and my first post on Reddit. I hope you enjoy it. Any positive feedback is appreciated.

-Darn that Dream-

Note from the author:

In order to fully appreciate this story, I highly recommend accompanying the experience by listening to the Sarah Vaughn version of Jimmy Van Heusen's "Darn That Dream", which can be found here:

[Darn that Dream] (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1SoOUQ0H8Y)


I fumble for my keys as the rain comes down and the frustration of a long day at work crowds my mind. The key turns, and I stumble inside my small yet inviting house. I rush in to avoid getting things more wet, and the love of my life bounds up and greets me with a smile, lick, and wag of the tail. I slide down to the floor with my back pressed to the door, and the stress melts away as she licks my face and I open my mouth to return the embrace.

After a moment I rise, and pull off my overcoat while adjusting the built up excitement below my belt. I put the kettle on the stove, and light the burner with a match. The flame surges then abates, and warmth begins to spread.

I move across the room and pull a record off the shelf, an old favorite. I lay it on the turntable, turn the switch, and watch as the needle swings into place and gently rests on the vinyl. It glides with the circular motion of the record, and the old speakers begin to crackle with sound. A beautiful voice from yesteryear softly fills the room, accompanied by the pitter patter of rain on the windows.

Darn that dream I dream each night You say you love me and hold me tight But then I awake you're out of sight Oh, darn that dream

I sink into the couch, and my lover gently rests her head on my leg. I begin to scratch her behind the ears and she shifts upward, resting her paws on either side of my waist and places her nose on my shoulder. I lean my head to rest on her's, and we begin to lose ourselves reveling in the embrace. I feel her breath on my neck, and smile as her tail gently wags and brushes against the inner part of my calves.

Darn your lips and darn your eyes They lift me high above the moonlit sky Then I tumble out of paradise Oh, darn that dream

She pulls her head away and we look into each other's eyes for a moment. I place my hand on her cheek, gently guiding her mouth to mine. The warmth of her breath contrasts with the chill of her nose and our lips interlock. Her long tongue slides over mine, and I feel chills run down my spine as I softly suck on it, enjoying the feel of it's ultra slick underside in my mouth.

Darn that one-track mind of mine I can't understand that you don't care Just to change the mood I'm in I'd welcome a nice old nightmare

I break the embrace between our lips, and begin to gently kiss all over her face. From the tip of her nose to her cheeks, then to the crown of her head, and her furry neck. She enjoys it for a moment, then places her paw on my shoulder. Her weight forces me back, and our faces join together again as we continue kissing.

She finishes the climb up with her back legs, and we end up lying next to each other on the wide couch, still passionately kissing with my hands holding her beautiful face on either side. She ends up completely on her back facing up, and I swing my leg over, kneeling with her waist between my legs. I gaze into her gorgeous eyes, then return to the closeness of her mouth. After a moment my lips begin slowly moving down her body.

Darn that dream and bless it too Without that dream I never would have you But it haunts me and it won't come true Oh, darn that dream

I cover her neck and chest with kisses, and my hands stroke up and down her smooth soft body. She sighs in contentment as I continue to kiss and nuzzle her all over, making my way lower and lower. I shuffle my body back and rest my face on her stomach, smooching where her fur thins and becomes silky skin. Her earthy scent fills my nose, and I smile as she sighs in bliss once again. I look up at her face, and smile wider as I see her eyes half closed and her soft tongue hanging out of her mouth.

My hands continue to run up and down her body as I warm my face on her inner thigh. My fingers lightly brush across her womanhood, and I begin kissing her again, getting closer and closer...

Suddenly the kettle loudly whistles, giving both of us a fright. She rolls over, and I jump up to move the steaming pot away from the flame.

Darn that dream I dream each night You say you love me and hold me tight But then I awake and you're out of sight Oh, darn that dream

The track ends, the needle lifts, and the record slowly revolves into stillness.

I look at my lover still laying on the couch, and she smiles coyly back at me, still with her lovely eyes half closed. I smile back and after flipping the record and setting the needle, slide back beside her on the couch as she rests her head on me once again.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-09-06 18:39:14

My fingers lightly brush across her womanhood, and I begin kissing her again, getting closer and closer... Suddenly the kettle loudly whistles, giving both of us a fright.

aw you tease ;)

Man that was great, you made me feel a feel I haven't felt in a long time. Its nice to know one day in the future I'm going to be able to live this out IRL. I cant wait.

The music fit perfectly as well.

myloverhasfur Canidae 1 point on 2015-09-07 01:45:29

Nice work. You might want to check out zoowg.net (zoo writers guild).

[deleted] 0 points on 2015-09-07 04:39:34

I don't think any non-human animals know what human foreplay is. Maybe they'd learn to associate it with sex, but they wouldn't think of it as sexual in and of itself.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2015-09-08 12:56:55

I've seriously considered the possibility that they understand during some of my experiences.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-09-08 16:49:49

How do you know you weren't anthropomorphising?

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2015-09-08 17:07:46

I can't be sure of course, but she seems to enjoy things so much. Things that you wouldn't think animals would have any incentive to enjoy or continue without some kind of food reward.

But I know this is doubtful. She probably just enjoys making me feel good, as dogs do.