How to get over guilt? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-09-10 02:54:14 by snakesandink

I've always had an affinity towards dogs. Ever since I was a child. It wasn't until several months ago did I actually find myself falling in love with a dog. Not in the traditional sense when one says they love an animal. I really felt like we were soulmates, and still do.

I've never acted on any feelings, maybe or maybe not because I'm still incredibly guilty over my feelings.

What should I do? How do I make myself either okay with these feelings or erase them?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 7 points on 2015-09-10 07:01:49

i'm so glad to see you here. i hope you don't try to erase your feelings. it's not easy feeling a love that most people find strange at best, horrible at worst. the fact of the matter is, as long as you're not harming anyone, what's it to them?

making the guilt go away takes time. hopefully talking with others here will help you feel better about your feelings.

Edog91 2 points on 2015-09-10 13:34:22

Honestly there is no good reason to feel guilty. The hate that we endore is based on irrationality, hatred and illogical reasons, unless the animal is being hurt or forced against it well. So don't let yourself feel guilty, and don't let yourself fall into regret by not following you harts desire.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-09-10 15:01:57

Don´t seek for encouragement online. Nobody can make such a grave decision for you, it´s entirely up to yourself to take everything involved in a zoophile life into your considerations. Your feeling of guilt isn´t a bad thing, it´s there for a reason. I would recommend you to suck up any available information about what a zoophile life is like. Learn about the upsides AND the downsides; not everyone is prepared and capable of dealing with a life as an outcast of society. Zoophilia isn´t one happy fuckfest, it´s not a playground that´s safe to explore. The one who really has to face the consequences of your decision is you. Even if no one else knows about your feelings and actions, you will know what you did for the rest of your life. Don´t ask others if you should give it a try. There´s one proverb that fits your situation: "If in doubt, don´t do it". Don´t let others talk you into something you don´t feel 100 % comfortable with. Make up your mind, learn about zoophilia and if you reach a point where the doubts will be gone, you´re free to do whatever you like. But until then, I strongly recommend to refrain from any sexual actions with animals. Remember that you can´t rewind time and undo your actions; once you stepped over the line, there´s no turning back, even if your sexual interest in animals is just a temporary phase or turns out to be not what you really want.

Don´t get blinded by all the enthusiasts recommending "Just do it". Often they don´t have experience themselves. Research more, maybe you can open a threat asking what negative experiences with zoophilia folks have. Before you make your decision, it´s always a good idea to get the full picture: base your decision on as much info as you can get and don´t leave out the unpleasant and disencouraging info. As I said before, this is a decision that can haunt you throughout your entire life. You surely can suppress your feelings of guilt for a certain amount of time by listening to the "enthusiasts", but if you don´t solve the guilt issue based onto your own personality and mindset, it´ll come back, sometimes with eerie and very unfavorable psychological consequences.

Learn more about it, then decide if you dare to go all the way. Prepare yourself properly, know the dangers and downsides of zoophilia as well as the many positive aspects.

btwIAMAzoophile Dogs are cute. 1 point on 2015-09-10 18:34:06

A big part for me getting over my guilt was talking to others who understand and those who accept. A really great first step to that was joining the community here and on other places like knotty. Getting a dog and actually feeling and understanding both sides of the relationship was also very contributing.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-09-11 12:25:39

I really felt like we were soulmates, and still do

I know that feel OP. I can still remember me and this dog staring into each others eyes and something clicked between us and I know we both felt it. I can imagine how ridiculous that sounds to other people but honest to god, that moment was incredible. I've never felt that with any other dog I've met. I'm still pretty sad that I probably wont ever see her again.

Anyway, sorry, this thread's about you :P

Just give it time. no one can say for sure whats going to happen in the future but try to accept that whatever happens, happens. The biggest things that made me feel better about myself was realising that zoos are actually just normal people, despite what people think, and that my life needed to change direction away from the 'wife and two kids' standard I was originally aiming for in order for me to be truely happy. Both of these realisations took a lot of time.

You can try to make yourself feel one thing or another but I also tried that and in my case it didnt work. Theres something in my genes that says I must be a zoo. Once you truly accept that, a massive weight gets lifted off your mind and everyday life just becomes easier. You'll know when you come to accept yourself one way or another, it does get better than where you are now.

Feeling guilty as a zoo is completely normal but dont let people tell you that you shoudnt feel this way. You're just a normal person who sees animals slightly differently to most people, thats it.

Best of luck OP.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-09-14 06:36:45

I did the same thing with my love, Willow.

I didn't realize I wanted to have sex with her, or even could honestly, until she was nearly of an age where she had lost all interest.

Thus sex was never a big thing for us. It happened I guess technically, once. But, not in the traditional sense and certainly was not the emphasis of the relationship.

This is the most true state of being a zoo can have.

I don't have much advice re the guilt. All I can tell you is I never felt any, so why should you? If something feels so good and true and both parties are happy, why should you ever question that?

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-09-19 01:43:58

It doesn't sound to me like OP is asking whether to act on such feelings, just knowing how to be okay with them. Honestly that is a very difficult question, because people vary, their level of regard for society varies, and their level of comfort or self confidence going against the grain varies.

I agree that finding others to talk with will help... but how to find those people? It's often hard to talk online due to security or trust... and even harder offline in some cases.

But I think that's all you can do... talk to others, educate yourself, think about it introspectively, form your own conclusions.

letsgetphysiological 1 point on 2015-09-19 05:26:08

What gave me solace was coming to terms with the fact that I wasn't just interested in using dogs as sexual gratification, rather that I had was able to form deep and serious bonds with them, far beyond what what I'm able or even interested in with any other person.

So much of the hatred comes from the idea that these animals are being abused, hurt, tormented, when in reality I just really love my dog and the root problem is that a lot of people think I love it too much - so fuck the haters.