Do your parents know about your zoophilia? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-09-12 03:59:20 by [deleted]


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-09-12 04:53:20

hm. good question. mind if i "steal" this for the zoogold group? we're trying to get some activity going there.

long ago (like, 30 years) i did something stupid that brought things to my parents attention (via my brother). i did something stupid again some 5 years later that brought things to my mom's attention specifically. whether she told my dad or not, i don't know. it was never discussed at all like it was the first time. there may have been an occasion a few years after that that my dad accidentally witnessed something, but if he did, he said absolutely nothing. my mom has long since passed away. i'd imagine this has all been forgotten, but i honestly don't know.

as for what they thought, it was pretty clear that they were not happy (especially my mom).

ursusem 1 point on 2015-09-12 05:18:08

Did your mother get mad at you? What's this zoogold group you mention?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-09-13 01:36:19

mad, scared, worried, repulsed?


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-09-14 23:35:52

It got set to private.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-09-17 08:47:36

it's always been private, as far as i know. that was why it was created. send a message to a mod if you want to join. (though honestly .. if you're comfortable posting here, you're really not missing anything there.)

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-09-17 16:19:30

I don't know if they'd invite me. I'm not even a zoophile.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-09-17 23:42:01

shrug you can always ask, though as has been said, it's pretty dead.

jrbobdobbs90 2 points on 2015-09-13 04:01:13


That must be the deadest subreddit ever. Why does it even exist?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-09-13 04:33:36

a common (and perfectly valid, IMO) question. it can't be viewed by anyone not in the group. in other words (in theory anyway), it's a safe place to speak your mind without anti-zoos coming in and bashing you (not that i see that here...).

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-09-14 08:14:48

a.k.a. echo chamber...

Lefthandedsock 3 points on 2015-09-14 21:35:51

AKA You can talk with other zoos without getting heckled or having it appear in your comment history.

Who the fuck wants people to call them disgusting animal rapists? "Echo chamber" implies it's a bad thing.

Nowix 7 points on 2015-09-12 05:24:57

I actually told them in the very beginning when I was struggling with it. Can't say they were supportive but a few days later my dad came back to me saying he had researched zoophilia a bit and was able to understand now what I was going through, as well as knowing what it means to be a zoo. We had a nice talk about it. I really appreciated him for willing to read into it, even when he didn't liked it. He rocks.

ETA: They didn't liked to hear it but both were happy that I was willing to be honest with them about it instead of hiding it.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 8 points on 2015-09-12 05:30:44

My story is a long one that I will not get into here.

But in short version, I told them, and it nearly destroyed our relationship entirely, as well as my life.

"Not taking it well" is an understatement.

30-30 amator equae 6 points on 2015-09-12 05:52:43

My father left our family when I was around 12, so he never was confronted with his son´s sexual orientation. My stepfather just gave a fuck. My mother knows since I was around 18, she even helped me financially with buying my mare. When I was 25, we had a small, but open conversation about my orientation. I confessed openly that I´m in love with my mare and not attracted to humans in any way. First, she was shocked quite a bit; I guess she had hoped for some grandchildren. Then, she said that she had her suspicions since I was 18 and an enthusiastic rider/horseman. My entire life was horse-centered then and still is to this day. She said she had noticed how the horses turned this angry young man I was as a teenager into a calm and friendly person in real life. She has seen me interacting with my mare on several occasions and was puzzled from the closeness and intimacy. My mother is afraid of horses as she had some bad experiences with my granddads draft horse when she was a girl and thus was stunned how gentle and loving horses can be. About 7 years ago, she even helped relocating my mare. She was amazed by seeing me leading my mare onto the trailer without any halter, only with my right arm hugging my mare´s neck. Then she said she still can´t understand what we two see in each other but she is okay with it. That was the last time the topic came up, since then my mother and I have some kind of silent agreement to not bring up this topic. I know she still has doubts and is disappointed there will be no children from me, but she has noticed how happy my mare and I are with each other. She has seen that I treat my mare good ,with love and respect.

My sister is even more supportive; with her, I had more intensive conversations about my orientation. I guess I´m just a lucky guy in his 40s, with a comfortable basis to live with this strange orientation...the family supportive, some friends I can talk quite openly about my equine relationship and a beautiful mare at my side for more than 20 years now. The only thing disturbing my near perfect life is the fact that I have to prepare for the day my mare takes her last breath; maybe tomorrow, maybe in five years from now on...but one thing is sure: my mother and sister will be there for me in the time of exceptional despair and grief. They both know what my mare means to me and that she´s like my wife. Maybe they both cannot prevent me from suffering, cannot prevent the hole in my heart but they surely are there to help me dealing with it.

Baaxten When in doubt, C4 2 points on 2015-09-12 06:05:39

No. I would tell them at an appropriate time, but not right now as it would be too much emotional stress for them. Even so, I'm not confident they would be so kind as to allow me to reason with them.

Susitar Canidae 5 points on 2015-09-12 09:35:31

When I was like 19 or 20, still living with my mother, I told her. I had been depressed about it, and wanted her support. So I was like "Mom, there's something I need to tell you" "Are you pregnant??" "No, no, that's not it. I'm a zoophile" "A what?" "I like animals" "Oh... Well, I'll always love you, no matter what. Wow, you gave me a scare there. I thought something bad had happened" And then she joked about some incident when she was younger when a dog had sniffed her crotch and tried to mount her, and she had to tell the owner to help get the dog away from her.

Later, when I've brought it up again, she has been not so positive and more neutral? Like saying "but animals can't talk, so I understand that people are negative". I mean, I should be happy that my mother is more-or-less accepting, but it still hurt my feelings a little when she defended the antis. I asked her "so if I get a dog, will you go to the police?", "no" was her plain and simple answer. After that we haven't discussed it. She doesn't really like dogs. She's allergic to them, but most of all, she doesn't really understand them or why people would want them as pets.

Anyway, all things considered, I think it was the right decision to tell her. I really needed to talk about feelings with someone.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-09-12 11:39:41

No. My dad passed away a few years ago, and I couldn't tell him anything like that. I have asked my mum some oblique questions about her attitudes to such things, and the results were mixed; I don't think I could bring myself to tell her.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-09-12 12:05:33

Do they know for sure? no, but I do suspect they know something's up. I've never bought a girl back, or talked about girlfriends with them. I can tell theyre not sure what to think of me. I was pretty close to the dogs I grew up with so when I get an intact dog of my own I dont think its going to take them too long to see whats going on.

I suspect its going to be a kind of dont ask dont tell attitude between us when I'm in that position. I might be a bit more open about my orientation when I'm properly set up in life but for the time being I cant risk jeoperdising myself like that.

shadowwoof Canis, Vulpes, Felis 2 points on 2015-09-12 12:06:20

Yes, my mother knows. First told her when I truly realized how I felt, back a few years ago. Think she thought it was a phase, because she asked me who I fancy half a year ago. She is not the most understanding about it, but it doesn't seem to cause too many problems. She's upset about it, no doubt, told me that I better be a traditional parent because she wants grandchildren and flew off the handle with some pseudoscience on a few occasions. I don't know if she told my dad, but there was no change there. He doesn't seem like he would care that much, would just want to know that I'm happy, and was there the first time, so I doubt there would be much conflict. Sister was an eavesdropper, so she overheard the first conversation. She knows she doesn't entirely understand, but we talk about it from time to time.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-09-12 16:17:59

I told both my parents, and they are supportive. At first they wanted me to see a counselor which I did, but over time the counselor decided I didn't need to continue seeing him. My parents have even helped me financially with my first horse.

YesIloveDogs Dags 1 point on 2015-09-13 22:30:56

Im about the same as you. Both my parents know and are supportive. I think they thought it was a phase at first, so i kinda had to make it clear that it wasnt. They are helping me financially with my first partner too sometime in the next couple of years.

DolphinAngel 3 points on 2015-09-12 16:21:33

I haven't told anyone I know in real life and I don't plan on telling anyone in the near future. It just doesn't seem necessary to me since it doesn't really change anything. My family is pretty open-minded so I wouldn't really mind if any of them found out, really.

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-10-02 02:38:19

Yea that's about what I like to think aswel

Edog91 6 points on 2015-09-13 03:01:46

I would never tell my parents. They don't like gays and they definitely won't like zoos. Because of this fact I plan on moving away and never talking to my parents again.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2015-09-14 04:12:34

Not a chance. Although there were a few close calls growing up, I don't think even times of them catching me behind the shed, flushed, out of breath, clothes disheveled, grass in my hair and black hairs and dog saliva all over my chest and face did they even suspect anything. They are hugely crazy super-conservatives and probably don't think zoophilia even exists.

"Oh she's such a nature-girl, always exploring in the bushes."

If they did know? They probably would have taken me to some back-country exorcist and and beat me with a burning bible before sending me to an institution or taking their own lives out of shame and horror. Being found out was my greatest fear, and I really couldn't imagine ever being attracted to a human at the time, so I thought I would have to go through my life making excuses and living in secrecy.

I'm reading stories by other people here and literally gaping in awe at the idea that some people have shared it with their parents with anything other than complete disaster.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-09-15 01:29:58

I'm reading stories by other people here and literally gaping in awe at the idea that some people have shared it with their parents with anything other than complete disaster.

Yeah, I'm wondering if it's just that parents of a certain age range are really liberal, in which case great for them. I would never dream of telling my parents, not that it's their business anyway. They're openly opposed to anything sexual that isn't between opposite-sex partners in a church-sanctioned marriage.

Nowix 1 point on 2015-09-15 13:03:12

For me my parents have always been big in that there's nothing that cannot be discussed. They still have their own opinions of course but we both accept this will always be different from each other. Discussing zoophilia was still a bit of a gamble. But after the initial shock they reassured me that they were glad I was willing to talk about it.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-09-17 00:56:44

Don't get me wrong, I'm really happy for you and for everyone else whose parents (or even friends, etc.) take it well. Just that it has been completely the opposite for many friends and would have been for me too if it weren't for my cautious initial probing which aroused obvious disgust.

That aside, talking about anything sexual with one's parents just seems a little... well... something people of generation X would not conventionally do, at the risk of generalizing.

Nowix 1 point on 2015-09-19 12:32:46

Most people I know I would be able to talk about most sexual subjects (approaching it the right way of course). Whether it be friends or parents, it's not much big of a difference. Then again, I am not from the US, because there it seems like sex itself is pretty much a taboo by itself.

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-10-02 02:40:50

I kinda laughed at this comment,

Urr sorry

DerErzbaronGomez You and me, baby ain't nothing but mammals 2 points on 2015-09-14 22:27:21

German here.
I told my parents that I am a zoophile back in 2012 in the mid december because I was mentally unstable because it seemed like Germany was going to pass the anti-zoo law. Which happened later.
Well, my mother was a bit shocked at first but she took it relatively easy as she already thought that I would love horses and she is fine with it nowadays. She knows I would never hurt an animal.
My father can't be cured from zoophobia it seems. Nontheless what arguments I make he still has a clearly negative view on it. I am just happy that he forgets most of the time.
It could have been far worse but I'm glad it went that well.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-09-15 00:26:30

Can you tell me a little bit more of your father's reaction? How is he negative about it?

DerErzbaronGomez You and me, baby ain't nothing but mammals 2 points on 2015-09-15 21:52:05

Well, it is the case that his parents were in the New Apostolic Church and thus my father is kind of influenced by religion a lot. He isn't member of any church today but he somehow feels Christian with what it comes with: conformism, sexual repression and speciesm. My mother on the other hand was raised atheist, non-conformistic, open-minded and humanitarian-socialist. As my parents grew up in the GDR my father's family felt somewhat oppressed (but actually they weren't for their religous believes, mostly because they were lazy fucks).
So today he values most things anti-occidental and -Christian such as gay rights, zoosexuals, veganism, refugees from the orient etc.
When I came out to my parents he first said that I would making bad jokes but as I progressed telling them how I feel he more and more stated that I would have been raping horses. He asked me questions like: "Did you penetrate the horse? Anally?" and other shit. I told him about ZETA principles and stuff but he didn't want to hear anything. For him it was bad just not in a direct way like in the US where they hold banners with captions like: "God hates fags." In a more discrete way.
Still he forgets about it normally and sometimes (purposely?) says I should get a girlfriend. I don't know any other way to describe it but he seems to be the dick he often is. Therefore my mother even said to me she would help me finding a small farm and maybe want to live with me there. She understands me because she tried to understand me. My father doesn't.

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-10-02 02:42:17

Hey what can ya do

Cyenawe 1 point on 2015-09-24 02:23:25

This is one of the few things I don't think I could ever tell them. My mom knows I'm trans-species (therian), and after some confusion she understand and accepts me now. But this would probably bother her too much, she wouldn't be able to handle it. Dad's harder to read but I generally assume he's like how mom is.

My youngest sister knows, and though she doesn't understand, she seems cool about it. But then, she's 16 and in a generation where people are more open about these kinds of things.

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-10-02 02:45:49

Hey a therian, I met a hardcore christan therian and it was confusing...I pissed him off :-/

Cyenawe 1 point on 2015-10-04 09:18:09

Lol, really? I would say I can't imagine how but some Christians are...funny. I'm also Christian, but I would hardly say "hardcore". I've attained a lot of enlightenment since leaving my parents' house, so I don't hold to a lot of the accepted doctrine. ^^;

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-10-02 02:36:39

Oh, no my mother knows I really love my dogs but she has no idea I'm a zoophile,

However I'm pretty sure my sister and here boyfriend knows Nosy kinda people really, tho they'd never admit it to others or themselves,

And well i used her Internet for so much zoophile related browsing and chatting.

creeper_neko Woof 1 point on 2015-10-03 04:40:14

MyMom, and my Husband know,I did'nt get to tell my Dad before he passed away,and my MIL hell no.As for my Mom and Husband,they're pretty cool with it, I just don't,um,do that anymore,I had one lover once, my loyal and loving cat Peanut,but he passed when I got married about 2.5 yrs ago. Since then I've been with none but my hooman Husband. ;3

Katodog9 Canis familiaris 1 point on 2015-10-31 20:38:00

My parents don't know thank god and I don't want them to know. My mom thinks somethings up with me, thinks I'm gay lol. They wouldn't understand or accept me if I told them.