Does this make me a mental fence hopper? :( confused.. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-09-12 19:22:42 by Pigeondance Birdies yay

So I'm not sure where this experience falls as far as morality, kind of a grey area I guess..

But I'm feeling guilty none the less. The other night I slept over at my man friends house and his dog slept on the bed with us. Nothing at all physically sexual happened between us, and I would never do anything like that with some ones dog, but I had the most intense amazing experience cuddling with him all night. I had never slept in a bed with a canine before and it was truly amazing stroking his fur, hearing his breathing and feeling him twitch occasionally. Warm fuzzy feelings mostly platonic but at one point in the night I did get pretty aroused and just felt so happy to be with him and glowing inside. I truly felt for the first time that this is part of who I am, and was happy about it. After a bit though i got feeling very disgusted with myself, ashamed that I was feeling this was about his dog. I knew that if my friend knew he would be horrified and never want to talk to me again..

I'm unsure weather it was wrong of me or not. He was totally aware of me cuddling with (I'll call him Rex) but unaware of my feelings about the interaction. Do you think my way of thinking when I interact with Rex is disrespectful to my friend?

I'm not sure how to handle this as Rex is very affectionate and will always lick me and sit on my lap when I come over. I don't think I can stop thinking from time to time what a gorgeous dog he is and how nice his fur feels. Short of not going over there, there's not I lot I can do.

Any way, trying to sort out my feelings about this. I think it's ok since I'll never do anything sexual with him but I still feel kind of guilty.. Thoughts?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2015-09-12 19:40:31

no way is there anything wrong with this, no harm no foul. Even though you had an ulterior motive what you actually did was perfectly acceptable.

I wouldnt dwell on this too much, theres nothing wrong at all in doing stuff that normal people do. Just be thankful that you have this opportunity and I'd say take advantage of it.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 5 points on 2015-09-12 19:41:35

You should not feel guilty nor should you feel like a "mental fence hopper". Your friend allowed you to be in bed with Rex, therefore you should not feel bad.

Baaxten When in doubt, C4 7 points on 2015-09-12 22:34:58

Actually and Heart are right, there should be no guilt felt. Just because you enjoyed your time with someone doesn't mean it's wrong. More so, you enjoyed your time with Rex, I've no doubt he enjoyed his time with you, so if it was a positive expedience for both parties and no one was hurt then no one is at fault.

I won't encourage you to tell your friend, and it would be unfair of me to criticise people I don't know, so I'll just say this: if he was a true friend, we would accept you for who you are, no matter your orientation. I've been lucky enough to have six such friends, and all have been more curious about what it means to be a zoo more than disgusted, and for their acceptance I can be nothing short of thankful.

EDIT: Spelling

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-09-13 04:32:13

it sounds like the guilty feelings had a lot to do with zoophilia in general, though i could be misreading things. as you already know (you said so) taking this further would be overstepping a boundary .. but it's a clear signal that ... perhaps (if you have a good living situation) it's time to think about getting a dog of your own. that way you don't have to worry so much about having warm feelings about another person's dog (not to say that having a dog of your own will automatically mean you no longer are interested in other people's dogs.. it may still happen .. but at least you have someone to go home to, then).

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-09-13 08:45:52

good idea to get an animal if youre still unsure if youre a zoo or not?

myloverhasfur Canidae 2 points on 2015-09-13 14:49:43

I wouldn't get one if you weren't otherwise interested in having a dog. I also wouldn't if you're not comfortable with your zoo feelings yet. Otherwise, I'd make sure you're up for the commitment and responsibility, and if so, I don't think it'd be a bad idea.

animalfancier 1 point on 2015-09-15 14:35:37

I’ve had a similar experience, and in fact I went much further than the author of the initial letter. It involved the dog of a friend of mine, with whom I was staying for a few days.

My friend and her husband had gone out for the evening, leaving me alone in the house with her dog, a golden Labrador bitch, whom I knew quite well, and who seemed to like me; I had already fantasised about having sexual contact with her, and found the situation highly sexually arousing. I invited her to come along to the bathroom with me, where I proceeded to strip off. There was something I found exciting about having her watch me undress, especially when I pulled my underpants down in front of her, letting her see my erect penis. (It must be said, however, that although she kept her eyes on me all the time, she didn’t seem very impressed.)

I then proceeded to masturbate, stroking and fondling her at the same time. I touched her more intimately than usual, playing with her nipples and stroking her belly quite close to her genital area. She seemed to enjoy it, though not necessarily in a sexual way. I stroked her right down her belly, further than I usually go, but I didn't at any time touch her vulva. It was a nice feeling to have another living creature present when I was masturbating, even one of another species.

I didn’t tell my friend or her husband about what I’d done. They’re both pretty liberal, but a thing like that might have been a bit too much for them to go along with. I thought they might be appalled, and I simply didn’t want to risk that. I did feel slightly guilty about keeping it from them, but since I hadn’t been doing anything to hurt the dog or them (neither of which would I have contemplated), I reconciled it tacitly as being OK. (After all, I felt it was just sex.) I’ve done it on other occasions since, when I had the chance, and even began to look forward to staying with my friend so I could have the opportunity to do it again - though not, of course, purely for that reason, nor did I do it on every occasion.

I still sometimes feel guilty about having done it and not told my friend, whom I like sharing things with, but telling her anything so outrageous appeared to me to be out of the question. I sort of excused it on the grounds I was sparing putting her in an extremely awkward situation with regard to how she feels about me and the dog (though that may seem rather trite). And that may be the same with the author and her male friend.

As to the idea of getting a dog of your own if you have zoophilic tendencies: perhaps bizarrely, I wouldn’t be keen to get a dog because of any sexual feelings I might have towards her. The reason is that it would be too much like owning a sex slave. My friend’s dog was free to express any feelings towards me that she wanted, so the fact that she went along with what I was doing made it seem alright. A dog usually tries to please its owner, so may feel obliged to take part in sexual activity, even if not wholeheartedly in favour of it (though make no mistake, if a dog really objects to what you’re doing, it won’t go along with it - as I know well from observing my friend, along with her husband, trying to wipe her dog’s paws when she’s been out in the mud!).

Mind you, the mild sexual feelings that the author experienced while with her friend’s dog – which may not even strictly qualify as ‘zoophilic’ - would hardly come into any such category, so I feel her getting a dog would be a fair enough idea – though I’d agree with the previous writer and suggest she does it only for the right reason.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-09-17 08:57:06

ahem .. a few things stand out in your post to me.

" It was a nice feeling to have another living creature present when I was masturbating, even one of another species."

certainly you meant "especially one of another species", not "even.." ;)


"A dog usually tries to please its owner, so may feel obliged to take part in sexual activity, ... "


nothing, just thinking...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2015-09-17 08:49:59

what myloverhasfur said :) you're right, i should have been more specific.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 2 points on 2015-09-17 02:07:52

Actions speak louder than words and words speak louder than thoughts. I do not believe in thought policing and I do not see what is wrong with having these thoughts. You did not do anything nor were you going to. I see no problem in what happened as long as you can control yourself.

Pigeondance Birdies yay 1 point on 2015-09-23 18:20:58

Thank you everyone for your replies, I appreciate it a lot. I basically plan on continuing as I have been, I'm glad you guys agree that our interaction was/is harmless. I really enjoy spending time with him, and I feel a lot less conflicted about it now. I started consciously identifying as zoo a year and a half ago or so, and I am confident it's part of me, i just hadn't had this much cuddly time with a canine before, all my lovey dovey (no pun intended) animal time was spent with my pigeons so this was new.

I do plan on getting a dog some day, but it may be a few years before I'm really stable enough.