Goat kiss sculpture, beautiful.. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-09-27 18:28:44 by Pigeondance Birdies yay

Hey guys, thought y'all would appreciate this sculpture (:

This gorgeous piece was done by Beth Cavener Stichter, look at it here:


read about it here:


Caused a pretty big stir when it was displayed publicly.

SunTzuSaidThat 3 points on 2015-09-27 19:51:01

Great find! The artist describes an important part of her motivation behind her works here:

Both human and animal interactions show patterns of intricate, subliminal gestures that betray intent and motivation. The things we leave unsaid are far more important than the words we speak out-loud to one another. I have learned to read meaning in the subtler signs; a look, the way one holds one's hands, the tightening of muscles in the shoulders, the incline of the head, the rhythm of a walk, and the slightest unconscious gestures. I rely on animal body language in my work as a metaphor for these underlying patterns, transforming the animal subjects into human psychological portraits.

Also, talking about "A Rush of Blood to the Head," the goat kissing sculpture:

This is the main reason that I shifted from using the human form to the animal figure. In my experience, I found that most people empathized more readily with animals than humans. There is an assumed moral and emotional innocence that we associate with the animal image which allows me to delve into territory which we normally find too uncomfortable to dwell on. I want to create images that address some tough questions, while at the same time addressing why we find these questions uncomfortable.

All very zoo-relevant stuff to reflect on.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-09-27 20:10:58

I guess if it was anatomically correct then people would have a harder time relating to the art? or maybe people would just dismiss it as an excuse for her to look at animal penises.

The first thing I like to make clear when talking about my work is that the images I create are visual questions that I am asking of myself, and by extension, all those who come in contact with them. They are questions, rather than statements of opinion, because I am constantly struggling to reevaluate my own assumptions about human behavior and motivation- my self as the primary subject of scrutiny. This ongoing internal investigation allows me to delve into subjects I find deeply uncomfortable and personal, using the sculptures I create as a means to speak of things I find impossible to put into words.

she has to be a zoo. Or maybe im reading too far into it and its just talking about homosexuals and she's using animals as a way to put the message across a bit easier. Dunno, Im not an art person.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 3 points on 2015-09-27 22:43:31

I think "she's aroused by gay men" is also possible, perhaps even more likely. Genuine women's sexuality is surprisingly taboo in the west, most of we see is what men want women to be or do, making it difficult and embarrassing to talk about. (50 Shades being one of the few exceptions).

MrWoofles Zoophilia Writer 2 points on 2015-09-28 03:32:53

This was interesting, thank you for sharing op. I hope that she produces more of these interesting sculptures.

Pigeondance Birdies yay 1 point on 2015-09-30 19:49:47

I'm glad you guys like it too! It is interesting they she chose to give them human phalluses... actuallynotazoo I have the same suspission that she's a zoo, looking at this and her other pieces.. Very sensual poses.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-10-02 16:52:59

Reminds me of this:
