Woman who had sex with dog pushes for blue card (heraldsun.com.au)
submitted 2015-09-30 20:42:21 by zoozooz
zoozooz 3 points on 2015-09-30 20:52:23

Sure, someone who seeks casual sex and even films it is not "the model zoo" (edit: if she even has any real zoo tendencies), but - if the animal is respected and unharmed (of course we never get to know what can actually be seen on the video) - it should still not be a crime and lead to discrimination.

Prosecutor Danny Boyle said a psychiatric report showed that the woman was ­“vulnerable emotionally” and “manipulated by the particular instigator of the offence”.

That would perhaps be a legitimate reason, if proven true.

While a person convicted of a crime will not necessarily be refused a blue card, they need to make a compelling case as to why one should be granted despite their criminal record.

This would be interesting if they actually had to argue with evidence that having sex with dogs makes you unfit to work with children.

But we can probably guess that they won't...

This is also the "Most Viewed" story on this news website right now. Interesting that people take such an interest in such stories.

edit: Previous news article: http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/crime-court/gold-coast-woman-21-convicted-of-bestiality-after-engaging-in-sex-acts-with-lovers-dog/story-fnje8bkv-1226920797328

The beautiful 21-year-old replied.

the man confessed to a sick desire

Somehow I think a real journalist would have crossed out the words "beautiful" and "sick"...


The court was told he revisited the fantasy many times in their online meetings, but she insisted she did not respond.

The court was told the pair had sex immediately and were on a bed when the man called his dog — believed to be a terrier — into the room and on to the bed.

She briefly had sexual intercourse with the dog before telling the man to stop the animal.

Judge David Reid said that although it was in many ways a “victimless” crime, it was still a serious offence.

“The seriousness is the risk that members of the community may be exposed to if she was in a position of trust,’’ he said.

“It indicates a degree of psychological difficulty and in particular the difficulty of being influenced by others to do things she would not have done on her own.”

I'm not sure if he has a point. The argument doesn't seem to have anything to do with bestiality but with "being easily coerced". If he had bugged her to have (just for example) anal sex and she eventually gave in and told him to stop after a short while and he filmed it, would she still be denied working with children?

incognito-cognition 2 points on 2015-10-01 00:52:23

I liked how it was victimless, yet serious.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 2 points on 2015-10-01 01:48:11

Having a sexual attraction to animals has nothing to do with children let alone harming them. I personally think she should get her blue card back.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-10-02 16:44:39

Preaching to the choir, I'm afraid.

The fact is most people believe, as false as it may be, that we basically are pedos in training or something...

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-10-02 18:25:25
Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-10-04 04:50:17

It's the easiest way to deface someone with an argument, accuse them of child molestation... don't get me started.