Swedish newspaper published interview with anonymous zoophile (metro.se)
submitted 2015-10-04 20:22:29 by Susitar Canidae
Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2015-10-04 20:32:11


Erik describes himself as zoophile, a person with a sexual attraction to animals. Already when 10-12 years old, he began to fantasize about it. And he states that he realizes his fantasies of having sex with animals.

  • Yes, regularly. I am most interested in dogs and cows.

►Read More: GW Persson about bestiality law: "A very strange law"

Bestiality, sexual intercourse between humans and animals is forbidden in Sweden since 1 April 2014. The penalty is a fine or imprisonment for up to two years. None has been tried for the offense since the law took effect, according to the Crime Prevention Council and the police.

  • I do not follow the law and it will probably other zoophiles don't either, says Erik.

But it is illegal under Swedish law, what is your opinion of that?

  • I think it's a little strange to those who are against "moral laws" generally have not taken a stand against it. But then of course zoophiles are a group that has no representatives in public life.

How do you defend if the animals are mistreated?

  • It falls under the laws on animal cruelty that already exists, to classify all the bestiality as cruelty does not help one bit.

In order to come into contact with Erik we registered on various online forum for zoophiles. They are similar to what other dating forum at any time - with the difference that there are animals that are at the focus. "Looking stallion in Scania," "Couples seeking male dog" and "Experienced male animal for play date with a girl" are typical headlines.

Here people discuss anonymously how and where they may come into contact with animals to have sex with. People are very cautious, because there are some who are trying to find out information about the users to try and blackmail them in different ways. Erik too is very discrete with their orientation in everyday life.

  • I never told this to anyone in reality.

►READ MORE: Teachers forced the students to have sex with animals

Zoophilia is counted as a sexual deviation, a paraphilia. Catherine Görts Oberg is a psychologist and psychotherapist at the Center for Andrology and Sexual Medicine, CASM, at Karolinska University Hospital. They helpline PrevenTell for people who feel they have lost control of their sexuality.

  • It is important that there is somewhere to turn for people with sexual deviations. It can often be shameful, behind the scenes it gets worse. To us, you can call anonymously and get help, she says.

There could be several explanations and factors, psychological and genetic, that a person has a sexual deviation, says Katarina Görts Oberg.

  • It also has to do with the culture or environment that you have around you. There are online forums culture today, that is where you will find like minded people.

Erik has indeed been in contact with peers through forums over the years. He is disappointed that a large proportion of them seem uninterested in trying to gain more acceptance in society.

  • Many of the zoophiles I had contact with online seem to have either chosen to live in seclusion with his animals, with almost no human contact, or lead a double life without letting anyone else know it.

Footnote: Erik is a fictitious name.

Animal Rights: "It is important that society says that it is not okay" Animal Rights has been proactive on the issue of criminalization of bestiality. "It is important that society says that it's not okay", says Moa Richter Hagert on Animal Rights. When the ban on bestiality was established last year it was a victory for animal rights and animal welfare organization Animal Rights.

  • It's a question we've been working on a long time. We see it as our task to speak for the animals and lift the interests of the animals. In a broader sense, we want to move animals from the object side to the personal side of the law and extend the rights of animals, says Moa Richter Hagert, communications manager of Animal Rights.

Although none have been prosecuted under the new law in a year and a half, she thinks that it fills an important function.

  • It is important that society says it is not okay. It's not possible for a person get the consent of an animal that can not express their own voice.

Bestiality through history Historically, bestiality has been viewed harshly in Sweden. Until 1864 it was united with the death penalty for those who were caught.

  • From the beginning it was seen as a crime against God's creation. There was a fear of monsters, that it would lead to the birth of something that was half animal and half human, says Jens Rydstrom, Professor at Lund University, who has conducted research on the perception of bestiality.

According to him, there were more who were executed because of bestiality than for witchcraft during the 1600s and 1700s. But after 1864 the punishment was softened and it was more a matter of property crimes, those who were caugght usually got away with forced labor, according to Rydstrom.

1944 legalized bestiality in Sweden. As long as the animal wasn't subjected to pain or coercion, it was legal to have sex with animals. It wasn't until April 1, 2014 before bestiality again became prohibited.

zoozooz 5 points on 2015-10-04 21:31:11

In order to come into contact with Erik we registered on various online forum for zoophiles. They are similar to what other dating forum at any time - with the difference that there are animals that are at the focus. "Looking stallion in Scania," "Couples seeking male dog" and "Experienced male animal for play date with a girl" are typical headlines.

Disappointingly little context here. It almost sounds like "that's what zoophiles do" without even asking what zoophiles in general think about such things.

Animal Rights: "It is important that society says that it is not okay" Animal Rights has been proactive on the issue of criminalization of bestiality.

This presentation of us v.s. animal rights is starting to really bother me. I would really like to see zoos in interviews acknowledging that they do not violate any animal rights. So that animal rights people have to bring actual arguments to the table. Right now they claim the moral high ground mostly unchallenged.

We see it as our task to speak for the animals and lift the interests of the animals. In a broader sense, we want to move animals from the object side to the personal side of the law and extend the rights of animals, says Moa Richter Hagert, communications manager of Animal Rights.

That's some generic grade A bullshit. I want the exact same thing. And it isn't at odds with bestiality.

Susitar Canidae 6 points on 2015-10-04 20:52:09


Article published the same day. Interview with a professor in criminology.


Bestiality was decriminalized in 1944 in Sweden. During 70 years, bestiality was legal before it is again outlawed April 1, 2014. Criminology Professor Leif GW Persson was critical even before the law came into force.

In a column in conjunction written during the time the law was passed, he wrote that the date 'will go to the Swedish legislative history ".

  • Yes, as an instance of ignorance, not in any positive sense. It was like a throwback to another time, says Leif GW Persson.

Bestiality is called in today's legislative text "sexual acts with animals" and described in the Animal Welfare Act section 9a: "It is forbidden to carry out sexual acts with animals". The penalty is a fine or imprisonment not exceeding two years.

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, there were no descisions to prosecute any bestiality offense in 2014. Metro has also been in contact with several people at the prosecutor's office and the police, no one know of any case in which the new law would have been used.

  • First, it is an unusual crime, and secondly it is a very low risk of detection, says Leif GW Persson.

He argues that the prohibition against bestiality is superfluous, that the cases where the animal is exposed to damage is already subject to animal cruelty legislation.

Do you think it will be possible to prosecute anyone with the new law?

  • It can be tricky, we have the free assessment of evidence in this country. The amount of witnesses is likely to be quite low in this type of case. And questioning the victims is also impossible. There must be human witnesses and the nature of the crime makes it a very private activity.

Why do you think the law was passed?

  • I think it was driven conciously by quite a small group. Moral guardians and animal rights friends, something like that. I think it's a very strange law, says Leif GW Persson.
HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-10-04 22:54:52

I think this was a fairly unbiased article since it included people from both sides, pro and anti.

incognito-cognition 3 points on 2015-10-06 01:42:43

Sort of, but as pointed out above, it's not as simple as "people from both sides" because sexuality is not polar. I agree animals rights people and zoophiles are on the same side as often as not (i.e. animal abuse should be prosecuted), but people don't understand what constitutes "abuse." Same as going on a site like beastforum and passing that off as typical of "zoophile" behavior.

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2015-10-06 08:11:02

I'm still happy that they let an actual zoophile speak, even though I'm sad that this piece focuses only on sex and never talks about emotional connection to animals.

The comments make it clear that some people think that an "animal rapist" should never have the chance to "defend their sickness". So just the fact that this Erik dude got the chance to describe his preference to media, is something that upsets people.

It could have been better, yes. But it could have also been a lot worse.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2015-10-06 20:12:43

I need to rant !

Ugh, stupid commenters on this news story... I've left alone those who just write that zoophilia is sick/disgusting/horrible. Because that's like, their opinion, man.

But there is this woman who wrote "Only humans would do something like this! It's unnatural!"... I corrected her. Did not say "so therefore, it's okay", I just posted some links about inter-species sexual behaviour and animal hybridisation, to show that humans are not the only ones. The way she handled this is so stupid. Of the four links, she only comments the one about hybridisation between two dolphin species: "that's not the same thing, that's more like an European having sex with an African" (uh... she doesn't realise that this is both false AND racist?), and then she derides me "Oh, I guess you think zoophilia is SO natural and okay!". I wrote back, pointing out that only 1 out of 4 of my links were about dolphins, and that I don't think whether or not something is "natural" means it's morally good or not. Illness is natural, yet we want to treat it. I just wanted to correct a factual mistake, not argue about morality.

She goes then "well, a rabbit humping a dog is just dominance. I won't believe this is natural behaviour unless you show me something like a crocodile mating with a turtle"...

Hell, I should just stay away from comment sections...

PiranhaJAC 2 points on 2015-10-06 21:59:26

"The bottom half of the internet"