Question about human vs zoo sex (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-10-08 01:42:57 by Meinaltnein

Hi, I know this sub is mostly about love for animals, which I totally understand, but I think this is also where I would get the most informed replies.

I took a poll on BeastForum recently asking if a), zoo sex is superior to human sex and b), would you give up human sex in favor of zoo sex. Tons of people said yes to both, which makes me feel really below-standard and emasculated, lol. I'm not sure whether to trust that poll or not, though, and thought I'd bring it to Reddit.

So, fellow redditors:

A- do you prefer human sex or zoo sex?

B- Would you ever give up human sex in favor of zoo sex?

C- If yes to any of the above - what is it about zoo sex that makes it superior?

I'm asking this because I'm interested in knowing how I can satisfy (or try to satisfy) the needs of a woman in the way a dog may. My ex was really into her dog, and she ended up leaving me because our sex life was so much less pleasureful than it was for her and the dog. I'm interested in seeing if I can make a woman enjoy sex with me like she would enjoy sex with a dog, save for the "taboo" or "animal" part of it that makes it so hot for some people.

Thanks guys, and I'm sorry if this seems rather out of place in this sub.

ZooIam 4 points on 2015-10-08 01:57:37

No preference, it depends. No

I think you may be getting tripped up on the assumption that sex with animal is in some way a replacement or substitute for human sex. It's not.

Human sexuality is not always binomial. Coincidence of sexuality is fairly common

horse_account 8 points on 2015-10-08 02:00:22

She was probably just more turned on by dogs than she was by humans, otherwise she wouldn't have preferred dogs. From a neutral, mechanical point of view, humans are better at sex. We can do more. We're the only animal that can use our hands, our mouths, and our mammaries for sex, we're the only animal that can use sex toys on each other, and there's most likely other reasons which I just didn't think of. So yeah, don't worry about it.

JJHuskie 5 points on 2015-10-08 03:37:37

This seems kinda silly, like asking how you can make a lesbian woman fall for you. If she prefers dogs to men, I don't think you're very likely to influence that.

Also, you're polling people who already identify (at least to some extent) as zoo. You'll get much different results from the general populace.

Meinaltnein 1 point on 2015-10-08 03:38:47

I'm not interested in swooning my ex. I'm interested in knowing how I can be just as good or a better sex partner than a canine for future endeavors.

ZooIam 7 points on 2015-10-08 05:20:58

Unless you have a coat of fur, 4 paws, and a can't.

West_dogger 3 points on 2015-10-08 07:56:15


HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 3 points on 2015-10-09 13:04:30

Don't forget the tail!

JJHuskie 7 points on 2015-10-08 05:30:10

Dogs generally aren't very good sex partners at all. /u/horse_account already said it; anyone who prefers dogs will say the sex is better because it's with a dog.

If you need some tips for better sex, you're barking up the wrong tree (haha). Head over to /r/sex or maybe /r/realationships for lovemaking advice.

Meinaltnein 4 points on 2015-10-08 05:42:41

Interesting, so they only prefer the sex because it's dog sex, not because it's particularly good?

Eeeenteresting Ivan.

And thanks for the point towards those subs.

DogRelationthrowaway 2 points on 2015-10-15 23:32:44

For me, besides the taboo...

There isn't anything as hot as having sex with a dog. When my SO found out she asked me about what she could do to give me the same feeling. Pretty much everything we thought of was a HUGE turn off.

I love that dogs are so focused and determined to mate. Not even just how they act but you can tell it is really how they feel, like...

If i had to put it in words... What I love about it is the excitement while he is finding his mark, how deeply he shoves in when he finally hits it, the feeling of his claws digging into my hips and his soft belly fur on the small of my back, knowing he doesnt want anything but to make you pregnant as fast as possible, the heavy, fast, hot breaths in my ear as he is about to finish, the moment where he thrusts in one last time and ties, being tied, you are passionately locked in the moment while he fills you up so completely, and the excited, grateful kissing before he turns away.

And yknow... a person could emulate most of that but it just doesn't feel the same.

Still, I dont think I would ever give up people for dogs. A dog can't share his deepest secrets or talk about what he wants in life, he can't share in jokes with me or buy me flowers, he couldn't hold my hair back while I puke and drive me 1400 miles home while i lay in a ball crying and drifting in and out of sleep because I drank too many 5 hour energies trying to make the drive myself lol

Meinaltnein 1 point on 2015-10-16 01:10:04

Is dog sex better than human sex? Are there things humans do that dogs can't (sexually) and vice versa?

DogRelationthrowaway 1 point on 2015-10-16 01:26:00

People can use hands, mouths, and toys REALLY effectively, dogs not so much aside from wild licking

Of course dogs have the knot and cum a lot.

Meinaltnein 1 point on 2015-10-16 03:24:06

True true. So would you say that even though dogs don't use hands, mouths (that effectively) and toys, it's just as good as a human using hands toys and mouths?

And btw, since I have never actually seen the full volume of a dog's cum, how much do they cum? I am told I cum a lot so I'm just curious for comparison

DogRelationthrowaway 2 points on 2015-10-16 15:23:13

It is hard for me to compare really. it has been awhile since I have had sex with a dog and my SO is the first person to really make sex amazing for me. They are also completely different though.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2015-11-07 04:35:55

For me it's just, different. Some variety that has no consequences. I think I'd prefer a human, except that you can get a human pregnant, catch an STD, you have to deal with jealousy, etc. And I hate when I see some no-nothing say that guys like female dogs because they are so tight. What BS. For me they are TOO tight, which is why it's only anal for me and female dogs. And tightness is subjective. It's not tightness that is the key but how much your lover turns you on and again, what your body wants.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2015-11-07 04:29:51

For people who are more oriented towards a certain animal, yes. It's the same for those oriented towards the same gender sexually. It's just a personal preference. And you can only tell once you've experienced it. For me, I have the strongest attraction for mares, then female dogs. I've had cows and sows, and sex with those animals is simply ok, but not great. And I can't explain it beyond that. Copulating with a cow for instance, feels good, but it always takes me like 30 minutes to cum. Whereas a mare, 5 minutes and I'm having to hold it back to keep from cumming too soon. As I've said, the body wants what it wants.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-10-14 00:46:48


DolphinAngel 3 points on 2015-10-09 19:28:12

I don't think you can evaluate this question objectively. If you prefer animals over humans as sexual partners, you will find sex with them more enjoyable overall and the other way around. It's merely a subjective preference here.

Meinaltnein 1 point on 2015-10-09 22:49:30

I see what you mean. There's also people who love the sex just because it's so taboo

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2015-11-07 04:21:03

You ask a difficult question. There are a wide range of human attractions and many are not realized until we've matured. That your GF left you for a dog, it could as easily been another man, or a woman and you'd be left wondering how to keep that from happening again. The answer is you can't. Sure, you can seek to become a better lover, a more understanding friend etc, but that will never guarantee you won't be left again.

The body wants what it wants, regardless if that's the direction our minds try to force it to go.

My orientation has varied over the years. For a long time I fantasized about animal sex, but it was just a fantasy. Then I went to it to stay with my GF and avoid entanglements with other human females. This is pretty much where I am today, tho I don't think I could ever completely give up animal sex. So I guess that makes me a bisexual of a sort.

That said, I think I would prefer human sex, as kissing a human is better than any animal IMO and human titties are nicer IMO. But you can't get an animal pregnant. You can't get an STD from your pet, and they never kiss and tell. And, I don't think I could live without them at this point. My connection with my pets is just too strong.