Damnit! r/ainbow discovered that us devilish dastardly dirty dog doers deviously designate ourselves as sexually divergent. We're donezo! (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-10-11 19:56:21 by Frostfedora Captain Esports


I'm not a fan of that either. "Sexual Minorities" includes pedophiles, zoophiles, necrophiliacs, the BDSM community... way too broad. "Queer" has similar problems.


the problem is that pedos and zoophiliacs and whatever themselves embrace that term because it makes them look normal-er

With that, I propose a question to you, /r/zoophilia-- do you think that zoo rights will advance at a rate fast enough that present day zooexclusive LGBT activists will be seen as crazy old bigots lamenting amount the downfall of society and how the liberal causes they supported were right and just while offering rights to previously discriminated against groups is just political correctness gone mad? Is a healthy amount of bitterness normal in maintaining sanity when confronted with supposedly sexually liberated and freethinking individuals who simply support the social cause du jour? Should we even bother allying with a group that continues to throw us under the bus to preserve public image even though gay marriage has been legalized in most western countries?

Regardless, I just hope we're entitled to our pride parades in our lifetimes. It's only fair that we get to march our Elypse and Bad Dragon toys through the streets, which would really be for the benefit of everyone and not just zoos if they knew just how magical they are.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 6 points on 2015-10-11 20:10:00

One step forward, two steps backward.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-10-11 21:03:00
Cyenawe 2 points on 2015-11-04 07:06:58

Oh my gosh, when I read his/her response I actually did throw up a little. I just can't believe that there's someone out there, ESPECIALLY in a sexual minority community that is saying the exact same things used to vilify LGBT for so many years.

Susitar Canidae 7 points on 2015-10-11 21:27:47

Heh, this is actually a reason I often prefer to talk about "sexual minorities" or similar, because I do believe that everything that is tied to sexual preference - paraphilia, S/M, sexual orientation towards certain genders etc, have more in common than gender-based sexual orientations has in common with gender identity. Like, I know the community is the lgbtq community, because of historical reasons, but identity and sexuality are two different things, so why conflate them?

And why look down upon them with other sexual and romantic interests than those based on gender?

I do not actually think that zoophilia will be accepted any time soon. I used to be optimistic, but since bestiality has recently become banned in many European countries that are otherwise open-minded (Denmark, Sweden, Germany etc), I think it will get worse before it gets better, actually.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-10-12 20:41:46

Personally, object-based or situation-based or power-based (etc.) sexual proclivities such as fetishes or BDSM/etc. strike me as totally different from "being-based" preferences/necessities such as homosexuality, heterosexuality, or zoosexuality.

This seems to be supported by the fact that any of those (object-based, situation-based, etc.) proclivities can generally be applied whether one's partner is the same sex, opposite sex, is an animal, etc.

Additionally, while fetishes or "kinks" might provide a more desirable sexual experience, sex with people outside of one's so-called "orientation" is often not sought at all, and may be seen as undesirable.

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2015-10-12 20:51:20

You have a point. I consider sexual orientation to be about what kind of broad categories of individuals you find attractive. Categories such as gender, sex, age, species etc. In this sense, finding dominant or submissive people attractive could be a type of orientation, whereas just liking being dominated as part of a role play is a different thing? Hope you understand. Both are covered by BDSM as an umbrella, I do think it's different to be like "I want to do these things" and "I cannot find people who lack a certain personality trait attractive".

Yet still, I do think all of these preferences, even object-based (such as fetishism) or situation-based (demisexuality, for instance) are easier to group together than sexual preference and gender identity. Different types of identity-body-issues should be grouped together instead, so trans, genderqueer, BIID, otherkin, etc could (in my not very educated opinion) go together as "doesn't identify as one's body type is usually identified".

I'm bisexual, and I would glady welcome all kinds of discussions about sexuality at Pride events and so. At my local Pride, polyamorous people and kinksters have been represented quite some while, both in seminars and in the parade. Even though they are not officially part of the acronym. I kind of hope for a celebration of the diversity of sexuality and relationships in the world, rather than a strictly lgbtq event.

zoozooz 5 points on 2015-10-11 22:47:55
LionessLover69 3 points on 2015-10-12 01:16:40

Nope. Doubt we will be "socially acceptable" for a long long time, if ever. Hell, the LBGT community is still fighting and the last thing we want to do is show any connection to them, for both our sakes. No need to give the fundi's any ammo.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2015-10-12 21:50:43

I doubt that we will ever reach a level of acceptance beyond "What you do is none of my business, I won't ask, please don't tell."

Lefthandedsock 4 points on 2015-10-13 01:18:29

Frankly, that sounds ideal.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2015-10-14 01:29:40

Oh don't get me wrong, I think that'd be great. I do though think (likely disgusted, very hesitant) tolerance shouldn't be confused with acceptance.

Cyenawe 2 points on 2015-11-02 07:15:44

100% my feelings here, and this is a bit of a sore issue for me so it won't be super nice.

Screw the LGBT community. They can't even handle the B part of their acronym, and they continuously marginalize and outright oppress zoosexuals. For a group of people who have been treated just like we are now in the past you'd expect they would get it, but nope. They build themselves up by demonizing us.

You better believe we're entitled to our pride and our parades. Heck, I believe everyone (as long as no one is hurt by what you do) has a right to be loud and proud of who they are. Now naturally I realize this isn't without consequences, but that's the flip side of the freedom of speech coin.

If they do end up as old codgers grumbling about how the world's out of control because of those durn zoosexuals in the future then I'm going to get my snow leopard dildo and parade that much harder.