Men accused of sex abuse of miniature horse in Whatcom County (
submitted 2015-10-14 12:00:24 by zoozooz
zoozooz 6 points on 2015-10-14 12:05:11

Laura Clark, executive director of the Whatcom County Humane Society, says they seized several animals from Carr this month: six horses, five dogs and 25 cats.

She says many of them exhibit signs of trauma and abuse.

But can we believe that? Remember, Laura Clark is the woman who said in regards to Douglas Spink's alleged mice covered in vaseline with cut off tails:

From the transcript taken in the court case, Laura Clark testifies under oath that:

“It’s a common practice in the bestiality community that mice and small rodents are used for what the slang expression is called felching and felching is when a subject will take a small animal, um, lubricate it, tie something to its tail and inject it into their rectum. The string or twine is used to remove the animal.”

I believe she also said that Spink's dogs that were taken into custody by the humane society had been in bad shape or something like that, which wasn't really true either, but I don't find a reference anymore.

By now I'm ready to believe that everything I read in the news regarding zoos is a lie...

Baaxten 5 points on 2015-10-14 16:11:25

By now I'm ready to believe that everything I read in the news regarding zoos is a lie...

It's the fact that those who are being caught are usually the "bad eggs", and as such society builds the image that those who they find must be the majority. To fuel the fire, they start rumours that no one dares question the source, possibly to get some self-satisfaction, but also because they wish to have it seem more and more degrading. Why? Because zoophilia is a paraphilia and goes against the social standard, and because people are afraid of what they are not comfortable with.

Perhaps those who are found out are like what the majority really is - caring partners - but perhaps they are too embarrassed to speak out. More so, if they do speak out, society already has the image that zoophiles are mentally impaired, so anything they say may be considered deranged-talk.

shadowwoof Canis, Vulpes, Felis 1 point on 2015-10-14 23:49:55

I think Douglas Spink documented as much as he could at if you're looking for a reference. Uniquelydangerous and cultureghost have been down for a while. Those sites were where I landed after peeking at Beastforum and hoping there was another place that didn't feel like poison to me. Modern zoo news is little more than yellow journalism now. It's a sad state of affairs.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-10-14 20:06:52

It boils my blood knowing that they took the horses away from them just because they had sex. I couldn't imagine the pain of having an animal partner being taken away from me.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-10-14 23:08:38

It boils my blood knowing that they took the horses away from them just because they had sex.

without any evidence that they were harmed.

They shouldn't be taken away for any reason other than to protect them from harm.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-10-15 03:38:25

The assumption is that bestiality is harmful to the animals because bestiality seems like a disturbing thing to some people and so because these people find the subject to be upsetting (and I personally do not know why they feel that way about it) the assumption is made that it also disturbs animals.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-10-16 04:01:23

I'm more concerned about the report of 25 cats. That's a LOT of cats and sounds like uncontrolled breeding.

That said, I'd like independent verification there actually ARE 25 cats, given the stupid history with the media and Laura Clark.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2015-11-07 03:27:05

Told people about his sexual attraction to animals, got arrested. Most likely will serve jail time.


And if you are afraid at all that someone might gain access to your computer, either use an encryption program compatible with Windows or use a Linux like Ubuntu that has built in drive encryption, so all your data and pictures are safe. Also, use TOR when online discussing anything animal sex related.