Being controlled by fear (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-10-29 05:53:30 by Edog91

I love Dogs very much but i have become fearful of public interaction. I fear public interaction because when I was younger I would show affection for dogs in such a way people would say we where dating, that's his girlfriend. Now that I understand my emotions and how the rest of the world feels about it, I can't help but fear what would happen if people found out. I rarely get to meet dogs and when I see them, I feel a great urge to reach out to them but i don't and it kills me a little bit inside. For me it has less to do with fearing people finding out because I don't care what they think, but the possibility of not being able to own a dog or having them taken away from me.I fear what people might do.

Susitar Canidae 11 points on 2015-10-29 11:21:27

I don't think they actually would notice unless you do something very obvious (try to make out with them, or touch dogs' privates). Non-zoos tend to joke about things that we would perceive as zoophilia, but I think for them it's so unthinkable that anyone they know would actually like animals that way, so it's just jokes. I've read interviews with pet owners and they might say stuff like "I have a dog instead of a husband", "I love my cats" or "The first time I saw her, I fell in love"... and yet want bestiality of all kinds to be banned and think that their pets are more or less asexual Disney characters. They see no connection to affection towards animals and sexual attraction, at all. So someone joking that you're dating dogs, well, don't take it too seriously.

So, I don't think you need to be afraid of petting dogs or playing with them. Also, the more time you spend being friendly with dogs, the less dramatic it will be? You'll learn to relax and stop blushing, or whatever could possibly be considered strange that you do. When I was more ashamed of my zoophilia, I feel I stared MORE at dogs. You know, when you try to NOT think of a certain thing, all that happens is that you spend more time thinking about it instead...

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 5 points on 2015-10-29 15:19:54

I think you can show a certain amount of affection to dogs without people saying anything or noticing about your zoophilia.

Kynophile Dog lover 2 points on 2015-10-29 16:19:50

You certainly can. Petting and scratching (though you might want to keep it above the waist), allowing them to sit with you on the couch, perhaps even letting them lick your face if the owners approve and they like to do that. Basically, as long as you don't make it explicit, most people's minds won't even connect it to sex, since they don't see animals that way at all.

Edog91 2 points on 2015-10-29 17:38:14

I know not to touch them in inappropriately. I have given more hugs to dogs thin I have woman and I am afraid someone will catch on since I don't really give any attention to people,and I have express a non desire to be with anybody. Idk I guss people are more oblivious thin what I think. Every time I leave.the house smelling good everyone thinks I am on my way to see some girle.

West_dogger 1 point on 2015-10-30 11:44:40

Yea one of my best friends is certain I'm asexual XD

Pays no mind to the amount of time i spend with my dog.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2015-11-06 19:26:28

Non-Zoos are completely oblivious about animal sex. And a horse person who you say "I love horses more than humans" to, will understand COMPLETELY but never suspect you mean it in a sexual way. Same with dog people.

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-11-12 17:54:54


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-10-30 11:14:12

the awkward moment when youre stroking a dog and they move their rump to where you were petting. like dammit dog stop trying to make me look like a pervert.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2015-11-06 19:23:11

IMO you can touch them anywhere, as long as you don't linger at the actual vulva or penis. Rubbing their belly and inner thighs is perfectly ok.

And one friends intact female dog, who I never got the chance to have sex with, every time I came to visit, would mount my leg and hump it, obviously enjoying herself, for several minutes. My friend would just laugh and I'd do my best to ignore her till she got tired and dismounted, lol.

West_dogger 2 points on 2015-10-30 11:38:10

You need to remember that most the world doesn't share are thought process when it comes to dogs,

And most of us can't read your mind @,,@

So most the world won't give your affection towards dogs a second thought,

Sure tell them they have a pretty dog ask if you can pet him, I do so often and they haven't branded me with a zoophile across my forehead.

It's no crime to love dogs only to make love with them, So long as your only loving them in public you should be fine.

zetacola Pitounes <3 1 point on 2015-10-30 19:13:09

I "came out" to people many times by "jokingly" saying stuff like "I love animals more than people", outright calling dogs "sexy" and calling my super affectionate cat "my girlfriend" (even though I don't think of cats in that way). People won't jump to the conclusion that you are a bestialist simply because you show affection to animals. Even if it's a lot of affection. They will make jokes, but it's only ever jokes. Simply laugh it off or make jokes of your own and it should be enough to diffuse any tension you think is there. The only thing you don't want to do is to respond defensively, because it will seem like you have something to hide.

larblac 1 point on 2015-10-31 04:58:01

When I lived near a dog park years and years ago, I'd take my dog and interact with other dogs. There was usually some local intact male dogs on the days I'd go (especially a very handsome g-shep) and I'd position myself to where people couldn't see me cop a quick feel. I'm a little brazen with my affection with dogs, and haven't had any public issues with it.

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-11-12 17:55:47

Bold, lol.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2015-11-06 19:15:42

Don't be afraid to be touchy feely with any animal. Take it from me, a 50 something zoo who has been doing this for 15 years, animal sex is the last thing anyone thinks about. Most people have no idea it's even possible. Any comments they make are just them being cute or making a joke. Just NEVER let on what your actual attraction is, even if someone tells you an animal sex story or joke. Just laugh and then be silent. There are people who will try to trick you to see if you are a zoo or not by making such jokes, and then shun you if you admit to it.

If dogs are your thing, volunteer at an animal shelter to walk their dogs or even help clean the kennel. Even if there's no possibility of sex, just being with the animal you love will greatly improve your mood.

Edog91 2 points on 2015-11-08 00:36:40

Thanks for the advice.