A brief history and comming out (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-11-09 02:08:18 by doggie-dude92

New a count to keep other who know my main from seeing this. But I've never opened up. I didn't even know of this sub untill now by accident and happy I found it. Please forgive the text wall.

I am a 26 year old male. I got active early with sex no clue why just did. Also quickly got aroused by animals.

My first experience was a black lab male. A neighbor down the road had a doughter my age and she asked me to check on him while she was on vacation. Well he was very jumpy and loved to try and hump everything. One day I went to check on him and he knocked me down and then humped my head. I got away into a little play house they had but he got in. Well in it no one could see in and he cornered me and jumped my head again but his penis need up all over my face and I discovered it was a good size but wasn't nasty as it looked. Oh BTW I was maybe 12 at the oldest. Well I ended up tasting him. By accident but it wasn't bad. I noticed his "pre cum" was quite slick. I was already find of masturbation at this age and for some reason the slick cum aroused me at the though of how good a lube it was.

I ended up with giving him a hand job and then stroking myself with his pre cum till I came. The next day I went back but in basketball shorts just what I had put on. Ended up in the play house him humpy as always. Well why jacking him off he got rough I fell over and his claws snagged my shorts and the came down. He did not penetrate never did but his bone hurt. But the few good shoves where it folded up and the shaft pressed on my ads felt great. I rolled over quick though he still humped. Now his pe is was hitting mine. I quickly got hard and let him keep on. When he kept going his shirt belly hairs and penis rubbed me in a amazing way and i came between us. I did this that whole week. I tried letting him penetrate for that feeling on my ass again but what i now attribute to being dry it never happened. He easy first.

My first penetration was a terrier mix. He was ours. My parents left me alone to go to the store and I was horny. I remembered the neighbors lab and decided to try my dog. Well he was to short to rub dicks so I decided since he was smaller I'd try penetration. I laid on my back a d stroked him. He started thrusting and I raised my hips while holding myself to my stomach. He got the tip in easily but that was it. The next time I was alone I laid on my stomachs and put him over my and and stroked him. Success! He was in and I felt amazing and quickly came on myself. He knotted and felt great toll he got done. That's when I learned what that knot was. I panicked and pulled hi. Out and I hurt bad. Luckily no blood. Looked up on the internet one day dog mating and learned. Not long later he was fixed as we bought female newfoundland. Well a year and a half passed and we moved and our newfie had her first heat. I was now 13-14 or so and had been a while with no animal contact. Well we kept our newfie inside while in heat and while alone for a day decided to try a female dog. Well I never got in I did not know the proper geometry to get in but she willingly laid on her back or backed up to me and grinded my dick when I pressed on her pussy. I just kept it at that for a long time and loved it even out of heat she loved It but never cleaned up the mess. My aunt had a bulldog though at this time who was fixed but she loved to grind and clean up the mess. She also would just lick my dick all day no peanut butter. I think she could tell when I tensed up I was going to have something she liked come out of my dick cause she would always take it in and then just like hold it in her teeth till I finished then go back licking.

My cousin walked in on me one day I freaked. I think he experimented to cause he laughed said I was good he wouldn't tell winked and left.

Now as an adult I have had 2 huskies. A male and female. The male was always skiddish but loved to fuck. I let him penetrate anytime I could. I made the guest bathroom our spot. My female though I let him have her her first heat. No pups but I figured he could open her up. The next heat thanks to some water base lube and research I got in her. I remember it so well. She was so hot inside. Much warmer than a women. I came almost instant to the heat and grip. The next time though I knew what I was getting into and held up like normal. Watching her pussy flex and grip and the warmth it was great. And she started grinding as well on it in quick really fast jerks I came but she kept going in spasms and then stopped. I pulled out and she got hyper and kept backing up on me rubbing my cum all over me. I was in heaven. A few times I penetrated both of them in the ass. My male often would reject it but sometimes allow and I loved it. The female always accpeted.

Sorry for the text wall but I've never been able to share. My wife has suspected once and threat end to leave and take the kids. It's a secret but I love my fetish and won't stop. Right now just those memories has me rock hard wanting an animal.

I also would love to suck a horse and fuck a mare.

doggie-dude92 2 points on 2015-11-09 02:12:06

Also no animal was forced or hurt. If ever they rejected things stopped.

timothy_tyler 1 point on 2015-11-09 02:19:56

Also no animal was forced or hurt. If ever they rejected things stopped.


[deleted] 1 point on 2015-11-09 02:25:38


horse_account 1 point on 2015-11-09 03:22:20

Why did you quote his entire comment?

timothy_tyler 1 point on 2015-11-09 03:28:09

I didn't.

horse_account 1 point on 2015-11-09 03:46:57

He must have done a ninja edit where he deleted everything except the part you quoted.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-11-11 01:10:34

Well, a quite shortsighted evaluation of this case. There´s another level of possible harm: What if the "clandestine dog action" will be noticed by the wife someday? Then, there would be a whole bunch of victims: Himself because I can´t imagine his wife will remain silent when asked why she broke up with him. His wife, she definitely will feel betrayed and let down although she is described as a very openminded and tolerant person The kids, realizing that your father does dogs of both genders may not be the best experience they can make in their life and even may traumatize them for the rest of their lives.

I still can´t figure out why sticking to something he himself refers to as a fetish is so goddamn important to put not only his own wellbeing, social reputation and future on the line, but also the wife´s and the kids´...I may be a judgmental asshole again, but isn´t this called selfish and egoistic? I have a hard time believing that he really can act responsibly with the animals when he denies any responsibility for his own family and what might become of them, only for a "fetish"...

Susitar Canidae 1 point on 2015-11-09 11:03:21

Now this I find is the most important part.

spanielfucker 1 point on 2015-11-09 02:27:25

I created this account a week ago to try and figure out if it was OK to have sex with my brother's champion spaniels.

Long story short, I did it, she did it and it was fucking awesome.

And to you, friend, I'd say exactly the same things that people told me:

Don't do anything bad, dangerous or hurtful.

Don't do anything you wouldn't have done unto you.

That pup is a living creature, with as much of a right to life as you have.

doggie-dude92 2 points on 2015-11-09 02:52:11

I treat mine with love any sign of unwillingness and all stops.

But yes it's amazing.

horse_account 1 point on 2015-11-09 03:26:39

You shouldn't cheat on your wife, man. That's not right.

doggie-dude92 1 point on 2015-11-09 05:23:52

That's a story for a different time. Certain circumstances are in play.

ZooIam 1 point on 2015-11-09 08:09:21

Well, let's not pass judgement. We're not privy to the details of his marriage.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2015-11-10 13:26:35

Could you name a few details or circumstances which would justify continuing with a self-admitted "fetish" that your wife threatens to leave you over?

ZooIam 1 point on 2015-11-10 14:56:10

No, however, just because I cannot conjure a rationale doesn't mean he deserves judgement.

30-30 amator equae 9 points on 2015-11-09 08:05:13

For fuck´s sake, zoophilia IS NOT A FREAKIN´ FETISH!!! Stop cheating on your wife. It´s pathetic.

@all: This is what is commonly called "eau de wank". I´m not sure if any of this has actually happened and the typical hookup phrase at the end isn´t missing either...

doggie-dude92 1 point on 2015-11-09 21:22:52

All real actually. I kept a lot of detail out. Had proof but got rid of it a long time ago. Also just some marriages are open I treat this the same. My wife beleives in nothing when it comes to animals. Any other taboo is fine but this. We are open and it's fine she just don't accept animals as a legit partner. As I've said elsewhere there are circumstances behind that part of my life that's not what I'm going to discuss here.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2015-11-09 11:05:54

I find this a bit unrealistic. A 13-year old getting anally penetrated by a dog? All these dogs who just all happen to be into humans? This story sounds a bit too much like porn and fantasies. If it happened, and everyone (the dogs and you) were happy about it - great. But really, I find it hard to believe that such a young boy would do all of this.

doggie-dude92 1 point on 2015-11-09 21:34:01

Hard to beleive. My family and I have had many animals. My mother side has members that are full Indian and still live the lifestyle with horses etc and my parents themselves are animal lovers. When younger we always had large homes in yard and had many dogs. It's not hard to find dogs willing when you have raised well over 15 of them from pups.

I started early yes it's odd. It happens for some kids. If you research it's known that earlier sexual activity it's more likely for the person to be hyper sexual and more active. I am into humans as much as animals I love sex period. I was already into people when I was 11-12 and fooled around with girls then. Animals g it into the equation by accident back in the days of dual up. I had my own little Compaq computer with internet and I stumbled across it during a normal porn search. I was intrigued watched a few vids and then tried it myself.

We had 2 phone lines one for the home phone and one for our internet. It was easy to get online when I wanted but I always had to keep my door open but when my parents were away I beat my shit all I could till they got back untill I found something better. Happened to be the family dog.

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2015-11-09 23:31:00

All right then. It's just that when people get into details like this during their first post, my first reaction is to wonder if they just write what they wish had happened. It's not uncommon for some people to write fap material in the hopes of getting people with real experiences to share with equal detail.

I love sex too, don't get me wrong. But zoophilia is more than sex, in my opinion. It's affection too.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-11-10 03:04:32

I´m still not convinced....why do you need to add the masked hookup request then if you have an entire family living this "lifestyle"? Wouldn´t it be easier to ask them for what you want? I share /u/susitars doubts towards the animals who all were unproblematic and eager to take part in sex. Just too much of totally unrealistic things happening here, too much loose ends, too many doubts. I´m outta here.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-11-09 21:43:42

Oh I don't know. I remember reading an essay against zoophilia from Brian Jory and he describes a case of a 14 year old boy who was injured by the knot of a dog named "boney"..

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-11-10 03:07:03

Yeah, we all know these essays an´ stuff usually are based upon diligent research only and not at all made up to prove the prejudices of the author...;)

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-11-10 08:38:14

Well, I did read it in "Verschwiegenes Tierleid", so you might just as well be right...

Es war an einem Samstagnachmittag als ich zu Hause angerufen und auf die Unfallstation des Krankenhauses, in dem ich arbeite, gebeten wurde. Als ich eintraf, unterrichtete mich der Bereitschaftsarzt. Ein 14jähriger Junge war von seinen Eltern ins Krankenhaus gebracht worden. Nachdem sie vom Einkaufen wiedergekommen waren, fanden sie ihren Sohn stark blutend vor, und zwar aus dem Rektum. Die körperliche Untersuchung ergab zahlreiche ernste Risse des Anus sowie leichte Blutergüsse. Zum Glück lag keine Perforation des Darmes vor oder andere innere Verletzungen, die tödlich verlaufen können. Die analen Lazerationen wurden genäht. Das größere Problem bestand in der Aufdeckung der Verletzungsursache. Der Junge, vor Scham verstummt, weigerte sich die näheren Umstände zu beschreiben. Die Eltern vermuteten, ihr Sohn könnte sich vielleicht aus Neugier einen Gegenstand ins Rektum eingeführt haben. Der behandelnde Arzt wollte pflichtgemäß den Verdacht auf sexuellen Missbrauch des Jungen ausschließen. Nachdem sich der Junge geweigert hatte, die Ursache seiner Verletzungen zu enthüllen, wurde ich als Psychologe hinzugezogen. Auch ich zog die Möglichkeit des sexuellen Missbrauchs in Erwägung. Ich suchte den jungen Mann in seinem Krankenzimmer auf. Nachdem wir mehrere Stunden miteinander gesprochen hatten und eine Vertrauensbasis geschaffen war, verriet er mir das Geheimnis seiner Verletzungen. Er hatte Boney, den Deutschen Schäferhund der Familie, dazu gebracht, ihn anal zu penetrieren. Nachdem der Hund in ihn eingedrungen war, kam es zur arttypischen Schwellung des Penisknotens. Dem Jungen gelang es vorerst nicht, sich vom kopulierenden Hund zu befreien. Als es ihm endlich glückte, fügte er sich aber dabei die beträchtlichen Verletzungen zu. Genau wegen dieser Umstände war ich davon überzeugt, dass der Junge mir die Wahrheit erzählt hatte. Mit seiner Erlaubnis sprach ich mit seinen Eltern und erklärte ihnen behutsam die Umstände, und zwar in der Hoffnung eine Basis zur Verarbeitung dieser beunruhigenden und aufwühlenden Situation zu schaffen. Nach all dem werden sie ihren Sohn mit anderen Augen sehen, aber in der Beziehung zu ihrem Hund bestanden nun erhebliche Spannungen, denn für sie war er jetzt stigmatisiert. Ich vermittelte den Eltern, dass normalerweise bei Jugendlichen sexuelles Experimentierverhalten auftritt, und dass die meisten Menschen mit Verhaltensweisen experimentieren, die sich später bereuen. Die Eltern waren ziemlich schockiert, und ich wusste, dass sich die Beziehung sowohl zu ihrem Kind als auch zu ihrem Hund für immer verändert hatte.

Wenn ich zurückdenke, erkenne ich die Ähnlichkeiten dieses Falles mit den von mir therapeutisch behandelten Vergewaltigungsfällen. Die Egostruktur des Jungen zu schützen, zu verhindern, dass sich seine zukünftige sexuelle Identitätsbildung in diesem Einzelereignis verfängt, war mein Anliegen. Wie bei Vergewaltigungsfällen üblich, wurde auch hier dem Opfer die Schuld gegeben. „Wie konntest du das bloß zulassen?" Da waren der typische Arger und die Feindseligkeit gegenüber dem Übeltäter, der in diesem Fall zufälligerweise ein unwissender Deutscher Schäferhund war. „Der kommt uns nicht ungeschoren davon." Ich weiß nicht, ob Boney seinerzeit irgendwelche physischen Verletzungen erlitten hatte. Rückblickend erscheint es mir seltsam, dass keiner der Beteiligten sich um den Hund und seine möglichen Leiden besorgt, geäußert hatte.

In diesem Fall galt meine therapeutische Verpflichtung dem 14jährigen Jungen und - bis zu einem gewissen Grad - auch seinen Eltern. Dieser Verpflichtung bin ich nachgekommen, trotzdem habe ich mich während der wenigen Jahre, die seitdem vergangen sind, oft gefragt, wer sich um Boney sorgte. Wie hat sich dieses Ereignis auf sein Leben ausgewirkt? Obwohl er es nicht wollte, war er zum Übeltäter geworden. Er war aber nicht minder das Opfer. Was hätte ich ihm gesagt, wenn ich sein Psychologe gewesen wäre? Er war kein Vergewaltiger, dennoch wurde er innerhalb der Grenzen und Geschichte dieses Jungen und seiner Familie als einer gesehen. Ich glaube, dass Boney hier ausgebeutet wurde, als man ihn zwang, die Schuld für den Fehler seines jugendlichen Herrchens auf sich zu nehmen. Ich weiß, dass es dumm erscheint, sich um Boney zu sorgen. Doch wenn ich darüber nachdenke, kann ich nicht sagen, ob diese Geschichte von jugendlichem Experimentierverhalten oder von sexueller Ausbeutung handelt. Die Entscheidung überlasse ich den Lesern.

I think this guy is misguided, but sincere. From the same essay, this is an interesting bit:

Ausgerechnet während dieses Gipfeltreffens der American Humane Association im Jahre 2000 hörte ich von einigen führenden Mitgliedern der Tierschutz- und Tierrechtsbewegung, dass sie sexuelle Handlungen mit Tieren nicht grundsätzlich ablehnen. Einige hielten Sodomie dann für vertretbar, wenn keine Gewaltakte verübt wurden. Andere vertraten die „liberalistische" Ansicht, dass Zoophilie - definiert als sexuelle Anziehung und Ausdruck derselben gegenüber Tieren - eine rechtmäßige und einfühlsame Umgangsform für Menschen sein könnte - und vielleicht auch für die Tiere. Soweit ich mich erinnere, waren es in erster Linie Psychologen, die diese liberale Ansicht äußerten. Ihr Standpunkt findet sich im Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV) wieder. Dort wurde Sodomie von der Liste der sexueller Paraphilien gestrichen und somit wird Zoophilie in den meisten Fällen als ein Gegenstand außerhalb der psychiatrischen Intervention bewertet. Obwohl ich mich selbst dem politisch liberalen Spektrums zurechnen würde, pro testierte ich so heftig gegen diesen liberalen Ansatz, dass einige meiner Freunde sich genötigt fühlten, beruhigend auf mich einwirken zu müssen) Anscheinend ereiferte ich mich so sehr gegen das, was ich als eindeutiges Verbrechen gegenüber Tieren ansah, dass ich andere in ihrem Standpunkt verletzte. Für mich ist die gesellschaftliche Anerkennung der Sodomie und Zoophilie ein Schritt in die falsche Richtung, weil dadurch einer weiteren tierlichen Ausbeutung Tür und Tor geöffnet wird - dies brachte ich vehement zum Ausdruck. Obwohl meine Argumente mehr durch Gefühle als durch ruhige, sachliche Überlegungen bestimmt waren, provozierte dies eine lebhafte Diskussion über Sodomie und Zoophilie, die intellektuell anregend, aber zugleich auch spannungsgeladen war. Um das Bild zu vervollständigen, muss ich jedoch auch von dieser seltsamen Atmosphäre von Unwissenheit und Ablehnung berichten, die während der Diskussion im Raum herrschte. Ein Phänomen, das ich innerhalb dieser Gruppe namhafter Tierrechtler nicht erwartet hätte. Die Auseinandersetzung, geprägt durch Emotionalität, Liberalismus und Voreingenommenheit, führte den Mangel an einer fundierten wissenschaftlichen Grundlage klar vor Augen. Quintessenz des Tages war, dass selbst unter führenden Tierrechtlern keine Einigung über den sexuellen Missbrauch von Tieren erreicht werden konnte, sondern völlig konträre Standpunkte vertreten wurden.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-11-11 00:53:06

I remember reading this a few years ago. Well, without a validation, this isn´t much more than gossip.

Don´t forget that zoophilia and anything that´s associated with it still is one of the biggest weirdo magnets around. People with all types of personal problems and mental disorders feel drawn towards it, maybe because they think us "animal fuckers" won´t be judgmental on them, maybe because they identify themselves as nutjobs and search for an adaequate representation of their state of mind in their sexuality. I´ve read Hani Miletski´s paper multiple times now and basically she totally trusts anyone without any validation, regardless of what story she has been offered. She takes things as granted just because people tell her so. This is why I seldom link to her "research" because she violates the scientific methods of checking the facts before she makes any statements. I bet we all know a storyteller, someone who will try to draw attention by telling unlikely things. We all know the "number one hardcore extreme sports pro" with the body shape of a pear, the "hardcore weed smoker" who gets knocked out after the first toke, the "hardcore autotuning fanatic" who can´t even explain how an Ottomotor works...isn´t it thinkable that, in a very twisted way, some of these individuals even would admit intercourse with an animal, only to be the center of attention for once? Who maybe enjoy being seen as a completely retarded, perverted, sexually degenerate piece of filth only for the attention? Masochism, a borderline personality, attention whoreism....there are many reasons to admit something you´ve never done and/or only fantasize about. I don´t say that´s the case with every single individual, but it is a possibility that should never be forgotten, especially when reading stories and "facts" that aren´t factchecked, doublechecked and validated beyond any reasonable doubt. In Miletski´s "reseach", it´s very obvious that people told her exactly what they want her to hear, there was a huge interest in portraying "zoophilia" as something totally harmless and tolerable. I would have preferred hearing the truth instead....

Stay alert, always. Don´t trust "facts", even if they sound like what you want to hear. Keep your distance and don´t get fooled, by either side. Always ask "cui bono?" (Who benefits?). "I slept with Faith and the next morning I saw she was a whore. I slept with Doubt and the next morning I realized she still was a virgin." (Alistair Crowley)

West_dogger 3 points on 2015-11-10 09:08:36

How was this up voted ...

A few times I penetrated both of them in the ass. My male often would reject it but sometimes allow and I loved it.

You shouldn't rap your dog man,

I really don't think anyone should do anal on any dog Even if they "accept it", but that's my opinion and you know what people say about opinions.

Anyways your post was an annoying read thanks for posting...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 3 points on 2015-11-11 22:00:19

I find myself agreeing with you more than anyone here.

I want to like this guy just because /u/30-30 is giving him a hard time and I hate when people try to make zoophilia into some kind of definition beyond what it is, but... this isn't zoophilia. This is disturbing and a painful read. Sorry.

horse_account 2 points on 2015-11-12 07:02:39

Yeah lol. Why does he even do his dogs if they're like "damn it, I hate this shit, but I guess I'll allow it for now"? It's only hot if the animal wants you. Just like with humans!

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-11-12 19:45:35

This should have been posted in https://www.reddit.com/r/bestiality