Zoophilia Being Excepted (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-11-15 04:52:18 by LovingUs

Isn't it exciting? One day we'll be accepted! The way we feel will be deemed normal and sick taboo stereotypes about us will be frowned upon. It's just so exciting! I see a future for us and its very possible if we keep true to ourselves and not let others waver our emotions we can make it! :D I'm so excited for our future! What do you guys think? :3 Will we ever be accepted by society? We have been before!

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-11-15 05:02:46

In before neonazis:

No, I don't think it'll be an easy battle or even happen in our lifetime honestly.

That doesn't mean we should not strive for it, only what I see.

Just my feelings, sorry.

LovingUs 1 point on 2015-11-15 05:06:39

Why do you apologize? We both have the same views! I don't think it'll happen 10 years from now or anything I'm just so glad it will! ヾ(´∀`)ノ strive for greatness!!!

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-11-15 05:08:31

Guess I'm just sorry it's not easier, if nothing else. One can wish...

LovingUs 1 point on 2015-11-15 05:12:27

No one said it'd be easy friend, many races where looked down upon BUT THEY PREVAILED! The LGBTQ community has been suffering since the beginning BUT THEY HAVE PREVAILED! We can't lose hope :)

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-11-15 05:14:09

The biggest issue zoophiles face is their partners can and will be taken from them during the battle. This is a big, crippling problem.

LovingUs 2 points on 2015-11-15 05:17:07

Yeah, it'll be agonizing. But we are a good people. We're not the only species to cross breed. He'll humans do it all the time, breeding separate animals for perfection, but if we get thrown in oh no it's an "abomination" said the guy who breed a zebra with a horse -_-||

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-11-17 05:09:08

I admire you optimism

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2015-11-15 05:27:13

Will we ever be accepted by society?

Doubt it.

Kynophile Dog lover 8 points on 2015-11-15 05:43:21

I appreciate your optimism (though to be honest, it's a little startling and I'm skeptical about it), but acceptance isn't an automatic. Some conservatives have said its a slippery slope from acceptance of LGBT folks to us, but I view it more like a hiking trail. We could get there, but it'll be a lot of work and some pain before then.

If you want to help, then here are some tips to get started:

  • Encourage scientific research on human and animal sexuality, or on zoos in general. I'd especially like to see medical studies of interspecies couples (for lack of a better word), longitudinal studies of zoos, or neuroendocrinological (having to do with interactions between the brain and certain hormones) studies on how our partners perceive us and whether there is some validity in our claims of a stronger bond due to our relationships.

  • Learn all you can about relevant subjects. Study animal behavior, and animal and human psychology, if you can. A bit of basic history, biology, and philosophy (I'm thinking ethics) can't hurt either. There is an excellent list of specifically zoo-related things at the ZETA website (though there's a bias toward German sources, since it's a German organization). I can recommend some other things for more general questions, but I won't clutter up this post with those, so PM me if you're interested.

  • Finally, if it's safe for you to do so, come out to people and have conversations with them about it. Don't proselytize, of course, but see what they think, and feel free to correct misconceptions kindly if you can. You'd be surprised how people react (it's not all torches and pitchforks, oddly), though I must again urge caution, since the wrong person could wreck your life with that kind of info.

  • Model the sort of zoo you want to see more of. Don't fencehop, or obsess over it, or retreat from human company completely. Be a productive member of the larger society, so that if you are ever outed, you have some image in people's minds other than that perv down the street. "Yeah, he fucks his dog, but he volunteers at the soup kitchen once a month, and he makes a damn good spreadsheet, so he can't be all bad..."

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-11-17 03:29:10

Perfect response, and super-lol at the ”fucks his dog but he's a good guy " example

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2015-11-15 06:59:44

Sorry to crush your optimism, but zoophilia never was and never will be accepted. It may be tolerated one day, but even that is like a millennium away from today, I guess. Sure, you can get individual persons to accept you and your strange orientation, but the majority of society will always have issues with interspecies relationships involving humans.

Since you´re new to this, you really should do lots of research about all kinds of different problems regarding zoophilia.For instance, there´s a huge schism dividing the zoo community, the fencehopping. Another thing you should take into your consideration is the outward appearance the community generates with mindless uploading of animal porn and animal sharing. Another one would be the anti-zoo scene: there are folks out there who will accept zoophilia only after hell has frozen over; sadly, those folks are the ones who successfully influence the general perception of the masses.

And please, do NOT compare zoophilia to the LGBT stuff. These two aren´t related in any way except that both are highly controversial among conservatives and rightwingers. But apart from that, being gay or lesbian won´t confront you with the "informed consent" issue. This is a key argument against zoophilia brought up frequently. The zoos battle has to be fought in an entirely different way than what was started with the Stonewall riots. We´re not enough people to successfully get out on the streets, waving transparents, claiming equal treatment. If you want to witness how pathetic a pro zoo demo is, just search for "Zoophile Rights Day" at youtube. Speaking of the ZRD, I as a German am very familiar with the Zeta-Verein and want to issue a warning to you: this "noble club" is two-faced and all infos given by them should be perceived with caution and a critical mind. Read their stuff, but don´t believe too soon and without further investigation.

My general advice: Get involved. Learn all the things a newbie isn´t aware of because the primary focus of curiosity naturally lies on pretty basic things as "how do I make love to..." and "what negative things can happen when I sleep with an animal". When you have overcome this first stage, you´ll realize that there is a whole world of issues unfolding before you. Then you´ll hopefully know why sharing your optimism is no option for any zoo with a tiny portion of realism left. I´d love to join you in your positive expectations, but living with zoophilia for nearly 30 years now has made me too much of a realist to sing and dance because "zoo paradise is near". It isn´t.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 6 points on 2015-11-15 07:58:46

Don't get me wrong, I think you are on the right track with a little realism here. I for one am not terribly excited for our future because I think our future in this generation sucks.

But "has never been?" It HAS been in some parts of history. That's just blatantly wrong. It hasn't been ENDORSED perhaps, but in ancient times it wasn't considered criminal in many cultures. Heck, it was part of some religious ceremonies in rare instances (Galic Epona comes to mind).

As for "never?" Again, I disagree, if only with your certainty, simply because never is a VERY long time...

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-11-16 08:28:57

I think you mistake tolerance for acceptance here. It was tolerated as a kink you temporarily partake in as in the ancient Rome and Pompeii, where the existence of animal brothels was a fact. It was and is tolerated as an outlet for young adults, like it was common among the native Americans and seems to be still common when the Vice report about Colombian(?) donkey love is right. It was part of religious ceremonies, the druidic/galeic for example, but also in ancient Egypt (Goat of Mendes ritual) and was part of pre-civilisatorian hunting rites (hunters killed an animal, then slept with it to symbolically create new life for the one they just have taken), but it never was accepted as a lifetime choice without any interest in human on human sexuality. To call a ritualistic involvement of animal sex acceptance, you have to be satisfied with doing it once a year, on a certain date like the equinox or something like that, you have to be okay with spectators etc. In all times, your worth as a part of society is derived from your ability to procreate, to have offspring. Even today, with an overpopulated planet, but dwindling birth rates in the first world, having kids still seems to be the only reason to exist. When you, like a zoophile, demand being accepted for exclusively mate with animals, society won´t accept you; when a native American kid slept with an animal to vent his/her overflowing sexaul energy, it was tolerated. But if this kid sticked to that behavior and rejected to increase the tribe´s wealth and fighting power, it was seen as useless. Don´t mistake tolerance for acceptance. Don´t mistake temporary sexual encounters with animals for full blown, exclusive zoophilia. Even today´s psychologists tend to be tolerant of temporary sexual encounters with animals when your "ability" to lead a healthy relationship with a human isn´t suffering from that. But being exclusive usually makes them say that this is a mental disorder and needs psychological treatment. The Japanese call having sex with animals "uwake", what translates to "doing silly things"...doing these silly things once in a while is and has been seen as tolerable in many tolerant cultures, but focusing your sex and emotional life entirely on animals almost always turns you into something not tolerable anymore.

To answer you last paragraph: the "never" could be a more appropriate evaluation than you believe. Given all the environemtal facts, climate change, destruction of our biosphere, ongoing conflicts, nuclear weapons still existant...it would be almost magical if mankind will survive longer than the next, let´s say, 200 years. Within this timespan, there surely won´t be a total U-turn when it comes to acceptance of zoophilia.So it´s a very possible outcome that before there´s a change for our orientation, mankind will become extinct. Without humans, there´s no zoophilia anymore...;)That is, if we only destroy ourselves, not the entire planet and every species except insects.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-11-16 10:08:20

I think you mistake tolerance for acceptance here.

No, I actually pretty much stated that as "not endorsed." Quite frankly, I don't know about you but I'd be fine with tolerance at this point. I don't need someone to pat me on the back and call be a good guy, I need to not be thrown in jail when the infrared drone from the sky sees me in my private bedroom (this is becoming scarier day by day)

As for the rest, I do not share your pessimism for mankind (nor believe mankind is a prerequisite to zoophilia, for that matter), and likely will get nowhere debating that with you, and as such will drop it here.

Cyenawe 2 points on 2015-11-15 09:48:23

I try to keep my hopes up. If I gave up I would just get too depressed to function but it's hard sometimes. This post made me smile. Reading it, I actual start to get excited and believe in the reality of true equal love being accepted. Thanks for that.

I do believe that, maybe not in my lifetime but maybe in my grandchildren or their children's, zoosexuality will have the taboo lifted. Obviously there will always be detractors, I can guarantee you homosexuality will never be universally accepted, but at least we won't be forced into hiding and regarded as sick perverts.

(Hehe, I typoed "sock perverts" and I was so tempted to leave it there. XD)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2015-11-15 11:34:33

eh, I used to think it would be nice, but now I'm more a fan of keeping it out of the publics eye. Yes it would be nice to be able to meet other zoos IRL, but at what cost? being suspected of being a zoo by everyone because you have an intact dog would suck. public display of affection (which is perfectly ok right now)? great, now everyone thinks youre one of those weirdo zoophiles. yes they wouldn't call the police on you but good luck not being ostracised from all the dog groups in your city.

Acceptance wont happen overnight. the gays are still arent completely accepted. Really, the only thing we could do differently if we were accepted is come out to people. Not worth it IMO.

[deleted] 2 points on 2015-11-15 13:57:36


demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2015-11-15 19:51:11

One day we'll be accepted!

Not to be a parade-rainer, but really, what leads you to believe this?

Will we ever be accepted by society?

No. At least not until society changes radically. And I don't just mean in a short-term, abandoning-highly-conservative-sexual-ideology kind of way, but I mean in a goddamn evolutionary way.

Look, the sad truth is that as individuals, our species in miraculous, capable of learning, understanding, loving, and feeling amazing heights of empathy and compassion.

However as a group, we are un-evolved, malicious, malevolent, cosmic assholes worse than what a sci-fi author could dream up about a scary, hostile alien race. The atrocities we commit as a species against each other every day just because some groups of us have a notion in their head that they are right about something, leads me to believe that we won't see widespread acceptance of something as radically fringe and hard to understand for the general public as zoophilia until at least half the fucking species has handed ourselves over to the machine overlords we are frantically rushing to create so that we can all plug ourselves into lovely virtual worlds and live in bubble universes where we can't see anything that offends us or hurt anyone or anything else and live our days being fed through tubes instead of blowing ourselves up.

Maybe in a few millennia, or a few hundred years AT BEST, our understanding of human and animal intelligence, combined with new perspectives on our place in the universe or the nature of consciousness itself MAY lend a new take on our global concerns and worries, and make everyone stop fretting about sex and whether or not sharing mutually pleasurable intimacy with a non-human should be an offense worthy of the death penalty in some countries.

But right now? In our lifetimes? No. It would take some radically world-altering events to suddenly make everyone not only stop worrying about what other people are doing with their genitals, but also learn to stop exploiting the people (and animals) that we want to share our genitals with. It's too hot of a topic, too many generations of ridiculous taboos and cultural complexity, which have been put in place specifically because even in the most loving, caring cultures in the world, there will always be some segment of selfish, narcissistic, uncaring assholes who will ruin it for everyone else.

We have been before!

See above about the small segment that ruins it for everyone. Culture evolves in the same way as evolution, in that ideas that don't work die off. I would be more impressed by a culture of acceptance and freedom to love that actually survived without falling apart, being exploited, or decaying from within.

TL;DR: I'm fairly upset about ongoing and recent events and I am losing what little faith I have left in humanity.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-11-15 20:32:32

Maybe in a few millennia, or a few hundred years AT BEST,

Society as it is today will never last that long. I believe we are only decades away from radical change that will be brought by large scale automation of most of the manual work - mining of resources and production of electronics, agriculture and farming, etc. A (almost) post scarcity society could happen sooner than people think. Heck, there's a very real chance that aging itself could be cured in our lifetimes!

Whether radical changes in society will also bring changes for zoos - I don't know, but I think the chances aren't that bad.

yelikedags 1 point on 2015-11-17 03:33:43

I'm with you

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-11-15 20:16:14

It would be great if Zoophilia became accepted! However this will take a very long time.

incognito-cognition 3 points on 2015-11-16 12:20:43

Personally I wouldn't be surprised if things turned around in the next 50 years or so. It seems most of the people who believe otherwise base their argument on the pure supposition that humanity is terrible, but if you look in the broader sense at social attitudes toward sex, virtually all taboos are being relaxed, irrespective (in some cases contrary) to what the law says.

Although I would prefer it to not be illegal, I'm also open to a situation where it's illegal and nobody cares, sort of like homosexuality was in many areas throughout the 1980s-90s.

I assume by "accepted" we're talking about in first-world countries, since it's already accepted in some more remote or tribal areas.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-11-18 04:27:44


Manzanis -1 points on 2015-11-19 04:06:11

My oven accepts zoophiles.