My grandma's dog (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-11-29 20:51:13 by Dogsdoitbetter

Ok so my grandma has this dog named junior he is a schneazer and I love him, like a lot. The problem is I can only see him on the weekends or holidays.And I can't be intimate with him because his room has no lock and two other people or more are always in the house.(also is this fence hopping?). so what is you guy's advice? (Also I am literally petting him as I type this lol)

myloverhasfur Canidae 2 points on 2015-11-29 21:21:40

My advice is simply to make the most of the time you do have with him. I know that's not a great answer, but believe me, I understand how hard it is. I'm off at school and am away from my own dog for semesters at a time, and he's old enough now that even when I do see him, he isn't interested in anything sexual. If you can manage to put aside what you want to happen and just enjoy what you do have, I think you'll be better off.

And yes, that would probably fall under fence-hopping.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-11-29 21:53:25

Also I am literally petting him as I type this lol

I'm jealous.

Obviously we dont have all the info but I'm going to say its probably not a good idea. The risk and penalties of getting caught are sky high. Its up to you if you think its worth the risk but I personally doubt it.

I've been in a similar position before, and did what youre thinking of doing, but in hindsight what I did was incredibly risky and very very stupid. Being a horny teenager turns you into a dumbass. If only I'd have found someplace like this back then...

like MLHF said, just enjoy your time together, snuggle hard but keep it non sexual.

also is this fence hopping?

Sort of... This is one of those situations where 2 different zoos will give you 2 different answers and they will both say the other is completely wrong.

Dogsdoitbetter 2 points on 2015-11-29 23:44:13

Thanks! I think this is the best answer I'm going to get ha

30-30 amator equae 3 points on 2015-11-30 05:57:52

Please tell me how having sex with an animal without the owner´s explicit consent is not fencehopping. It´s even more serious business when you get caught with an animal owned by family and relatives than getting caught by some random owner you´re completely unrelated to. I really don´t know what´s left for a debate here: having sex with an animal NOT yours without the explicit consent of its owner is fencehopping. It doesn´t matter if the animal likes it or not, it doesn´t matter if you literally had to hop over a fence to reach the "object of desire", all that matters is you betraying the trust of someone by doing something you definitely aren´t allowed to.

stalnixrm 1 point on 2015-11-30 13:17:49

Well, I could think of a number of ways. Typically in fencehopping, there's really no relationship at all beyond the purely sexual/physical nature. And then there's trespassing (in terms of real estate) to factor in. And then there's also the general implications underneath it: that one just wants to lust after animals, not actually love them. (This Puritanism needs to die in a chemical fire, but oh well, let's rediscover what humans have already been doing wrong with one another in a new format.)

When one gets along with a family pet or an animal that they see often - say at least a time or two a week for a long time - I think that's drastically different from the purely physical/sexual aspects implied in fencehopping.

That doesn't make it right. There is, as you mentioned, the issue of the owner/caretaker granting consent, for example, that is shared. But the emotional contexts and the overall activity can be expected to be different enough not to give such a nasty term for someone who developed feelings for an animal they see often.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-11-30 15:03:04

How do you know what someone has in mind? Maybe a "real fencehopper" (according to your definition) loves too, maybe someone who does it with the family dog does it solely for getting off. I don´t see the difference: all your scenarios have one thing in common. It´s not the perpetrator´s dog. Maybe the one doing it with Grannie´s doggie is less likely to do harm because he/she has additional medical info, but it remains what it is, fencehopping. The fence being the trust of your relative not to have sex with their animal once given the chance. Regardless of how many feelings one has developed... Cheating is cheating, regardless whether you cheat on your partner with a prostitute or do it with a close friend of yours. No one would call it differently just because you pay one and love the other. Same goes for fencehopping: doing it behind the owner´s back and without his/her explicit consent turns it into FH, love or lust, unknown or wellknown animal. And what´s the matter with insisting on having feelings? Just tell me what benefits this "sexual freedom" has given society. Sex has been degraded from something almost sacred into a mere consumable thing, something like taking a leak, something you can easily buy, something you can get with almost no effort. We´re a sexually "liberated" society....we´re completely oversexed, but notoriously underfucked. We have turned sex into a sport, into something you don´t have to waste a single thought to. Today, anyone can indulge in almost any sexual deviation, except the three remaining taboos (necro,pedo,zoo)...has it turned us into a more satisfied society? No, what I see out there is utter madness. Egoism, greed, physical and nonphysical violence, a huge market exploiting every orientation, every kink, even the taboo ones. The commercialisation of sexuality is what "sexual liberation" has brought us. And like the averge consumer, no one thinks about what he/she exactly is consuming, more,more,more of it and fuck the consequences. True, before the "sexual liberation", the church dictated how humans had to mate. But this "liberation" hasn´t liberated us, we only swapped our old tyrant "church/religion" for a new one, "porn/promiscuity". I really don´t see any advantage, any progress: we still suffer as a society from sexual dysfunctions based on the psyche, we still have lots of casualities because our way we deal with our sex drives isn´t anywhere near "freedom". In pre sex lib times, we had folks who had no idea what the organs between their legs are good for; today, we have ten year old kids with animal porn on their smart phones. In pre sex lib times, we had psychological issues from restrictiveness, today we have psychological issues from infinite expectations ("You have to be able to do it until you die, here, take one of those blue M&Ms for men" ) We totally missed the point in sexuality in "puritan" times, we miss it in times of "Just do as you please". I still think we´re not "free", not the slightest bit...we have fallen from one extreme into the opposite. We´re encouraged to mutate into mechanical pleasure robots by the media ("Your dirtiest fantasies, only one click away") and still we feel this incredibly big hole in our souls. We stripped sexuality of its quasi mythical status and turned it into a "lifestyle" product. Robert Wilson wrote that the average human´s soul is wrapped in cellophane and our sex is nothing more than masturbation with another soul wrapped in cellophane. The average human isn´t able to break through this barrier and so the sex remains simple and masturbatory. But the real goal should be breaking through, establishing contact exceeding the level of mushed genitalia. I´m sorry to say, but I fear that sex lib has moved us further away from that. Today, we all know male and female anatomy, we know about the g-spot, we know about all the practices, the kinks, the different unusual stuff...and it hasn´t brought us one step nearer fulfillment. We became greedy, we overdid it, like someone who has been locked in with a ton of cocaine. Sex became a drug for many and ,like any other drug, creates more harm than pleasure.

So, "puritanism" isn´t the answer..but neither is our recent way of dealing with sex and love. I too can´t give a valid answer, but I know that it definitely isn´t what we´re experiencing today.

horse_account 2 points on 2015-12-01 02:51:59

I don't know what's bad about making it so people see sex as mundane. That's what it is. It's nerve endings and brain chemicals. It's a base instinct like eating. It has no meaningfulness besides the meaningfulness we give it.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-12-01 07:26:11

Dude, I really feel sorry for you. With such a limited, mechanistic view of sexuality you miss out on the spiritual aspects. But I guess that´s what´s the basic problem. You folks don´t even realize that something is missing, something goes completely wrong here. You repeat the same mistakes the hippies made some decades ago..."love and happiness" turned out to be nothing more than egoism, nihilism and materialism.Just check out what the hippies of the 70s have become and you´ll understand. Just take a look at some retired ex-porn stars...Gina Wild, Dolly Buster etc.; it is said that having sex makes you eyes and your fur shiny, so why do these worn out persons need a ton of war paint to look at least halfways like a human being and not like a zombie? Turning sex into something mundane and easily available does the same as providing a pothead with an unlimited stash of weed: what was exciting and pleasant at the beginning will deteriorate into effectless consumption when done each day, 24/7. Since sex will turn on the same internal serotonine and adrenaline system as drugs, this analogy is legit. Too much of it and what once was an uplifting, inspiring effect will mutate into a depressing habit. Unlimited and easy access also will lead to a decrease of´s what I call supermarket mentality. Everything has to be available, all the time so it´s there for you to grasp when you yearn for it. By the way: animals don´t do it that way, when they mate, they don´t just "fuck when they´re horny", very often long mating rituals proceed the actual mating. I think it´s the fallacy of the human mind and its tendency to sqeeze complex things into simple points of view when folks look at animals like they are biological fuck machines. Animals don´t "just fuck when they´re horny", judgements like this are based on selective perception: you only see what you want to see and discard every hint not fitting into your prejudices. Turning sexuality into a mundane, non spiritual thing won´t "free" us in any way. The hippies already failed at this and hearing this old argument again, after the big "free love" experiment ended miserably, makes me sad.If you can´t destroy the cellophane your soul is wrapped into, it doesn´t matter how many pussies you dick is inserted in, it doesn´t matter how many sexual encounters you had; you are still entrapped in yourself, unable to use the only known and safe method of destroying the cage of your ego: transcendent sexuality. Remember: you´re "having sex" like you have a meal, you consume...but you "make love", an active, creative process. I´d rather be an active creator who has to endure phases of "non-availability" but what I "create" has meaning than a passive consumer with an ever ready-to-use, but as you said, meaningless sexuality. You´re all free to choose the more "consumer friendly" option, but definitely will redo the same mistakes the hippies made. Those who don´t learn from history are doomed to relive it.

horse_account 2 points on 2015-12-01 15:18:35

I don't think I ever said that mating rituals don't happen in nature.


When me and my ex had sex, I did feel like it brought us closer together. I definitely feel like it can be a bonding activity for couples...but so can playing checkers together. I think that the only reason people like you put soooo much extra meaning into it is because it feels really really good, and I guess that some people think "if it feels so good, it must be really meaningful". I think that if it only felt about as good as, lets say, eating cake, you wouldn't see it the same way at all. Honestly, that's how I see it. Do you really think you'd feel the same way about it if it didn't feel as good?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-01 20:44:44

Let´s do a little math with me, okay?

I bought my mare in january 1994 and started to have intercourse with her half a year later. In the first 5 years of our relationship I slept with her twice a week on average: 5 * 52 (weeks)*2 = 520 The next 3 years, it increased to nearly 5 times a week due to the fact I swapped her old box for a new one with more privacy: 3 * 52 * 5 = 760 The next 7 years we both attended a small private location with only a few other owners and , now you´ll gonna get real jealous, the owner knew I´m a zoo and in love with my mare, so no chance of detection,our frequency raised to 6 times a week, with one day "off" for obvious reasons^^: 7 * 52 * 6 =2184 After that, I changed the stables again and had to adapt to a new environment, so the first year decreased the number of intercourses to an average of twice a week: 2 * 52 = 104 The last 5 and a half years until today were very busy again because I found out the ideal time for sleeping with her, so it raised back to an average of around 5 times a week (I get old, you know), usually in summer she needs my duties daily, in winter she gets pissed off when we´re not doing it for three days: 6,5 * 52 * 5 = 1690 520 + 760 +2184 + 104 + 1690 = 5258, let´s say roughly 5100 Let´s subtract a very generous 15% to cover irregularities,okay? 5100 - 765 = 4335 I had 4335 times sex with her since i bought her 22 years ago. Do you really think I sleep with her because it feels so good? Hell, if my dick participated in miles&more and her vagina was the aerospace, my dick could travel the world on plane for the rest of my life without paying a friggin´ cent... I have elevated beyond the mundane "feelgood" level, I don´t do it for a feeling that has become so common over the years. My lasting time tremenduously expanded from humble five to ten minutes at the beginning of our relationship to a full hour and more the last ten years. I know how she feels inside, it doesn´t "excite" me anymore to feel flesh inserted into flesh. It transcended beyond matter, it has become a means of pure and effortless communication. And that´s the reason I do it: not because it feels good in a materialistic p.o.v., but because I enjoy the intimacy, equally physical and psychical, literally becoming one. That´s not the usual mundane good feeling, this transcends it.

horse_account 1 point on 2015-12-02 00:16:32

Okay, well, I said I think it can be a great bonding activity if you're doing it with someone you love. And just to be clear, I know that it feels good to give someone else sexual pleasure. That's actually the best part of sex in my opinion. But I'm sorry, I just don't see it as something that's borderline magical. When I hear phrases like "becoming one", and words like "transcendent", I'm just not able to identify with that at all. Plus, as far as I know, there's no scientific evidence that people gain some kind of telepathic link with one another when they have sex, or that they "transcend" anything. When you say "pure and effortless communication", I have no idea what you mean. Did you mean to say "interaction" instead of "communication"? What are you two communicating to each other when you have sex?

stalnixrm 1 point on 2015-12-02 01:40:04

Dude, you're a goddamn loon and we're done talking.

horse_account 1 point on 2015-12-02 03:14:15

He's right about having sex with other people's animals. People shouldn't do that. It's a dick move.

stalnixrm 1 point on 2015-12-02 15:58:48

That was never in dispute. What was in dispute was what we should define it as. I don't waste time with people who are clearly unhinged.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-11-30 02:24:16

Since other people will be in the house, don't have sex.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2015-11-30 13:50:41

Not your dog, not your partner. Besides being ethically wrong, you could destroy your relationship with your family if caught, and there are far more ways to get caught or fall under suspicion than just someone you didn't hear walking in on you.

A hard thing to grasp in youth is that not all intimate relationships need be sexual. Just enjoy being together and someday build a life around having your own partner in your own private home.