And the stigma against zoophilia destroys another person. It would be nice if shame like this were a thing of the past. (
submitted 2015-11-30 20:06:40 by agenderphobe
actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 5 points on 2015-11-30 20:29:18

Poor girl. This is why we need to be more open about taboos. In this case she is basically having a meltdown because she has always been told you absolutely cannot think sexual thoughts about dogs and if you do you are mentally ill.

This is why its so important to have places like this. We can help people who otherwise wouldn't be helped due to other people already having (wrong) preconceptions of the kind of people zoophiles are.

Friend, we've all done some weird stuff

Reddit probably can not help you at all with this, see a therapist or sex therapist

If it really disturbs you, you should talk to a doctor

I know these commenters mean well but the language they use is horrendous. Theyre talking to her like she's someone who belongs in a mental asylum and needs to be studied under laboratory conditions, but in reality she's exactly the same as everyone else.

Hopefully she comes to terms with all this. She is currently at stage 1 (of 5) of accepting her sexuality, denial. unfortunately she has a long way ahead of her before she finds peace with herself. I wish her the best of luck.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2015-12-01 08:04:17

Obviously she´s unhappy, not only for the taboo she broke, but for other reasons as well. For me, this isn´t connected in any way to zoophilia, this is accidental false imprinting of the sexual brain circuits and I don´t think it really is helpful to encourage her "to accept her desires". This girl has so many issues she definitely needs to work out with PROFESSIONAL help, feasting on her and instrumentalizing her as another "reason" why "zoophilia" shouldn´t be taboo is pathetic. Are you guys really so into pushing your desire towards acceptance you don´t even recognize how inappropriate your approaches are? The purpose sanctifies the means? Really?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2015-12-01 09:13:03

This has nothing to do with widespread acceptance of zoophilia. Talking openly about it doesn't equal acceptance. This is about letting people know that its a legitimate option to take if you want to live a happy life. Even if this was 'false imprinting' whats happened has happened so she has to deal with it. Except she doesn't know how to deal with it and everyone she asks implies that she's a monster for having to even deal with it in the first place. It doesnt matter how they got there but now they are there they cant talk about it.

Professional help would be amazing but how many professionals specialise in zoophilia? oh and by the way, if they think you're going to hurt animals they will call the police on you, but good luck taking your chances with a professional anyway...

She is a reason why zoophilia shouldn't be a taboo anymore. Along with all the people who have killed themselves because of this, and the people living in sexless unhappy marriages because of this (and in that case both people are unhappy). Eliminating the taboo will improve the lives of many.

People who aren't lucky enough to have come to terms with being a zoo need help, but they cant get it from anywhere because society tells us we're not allowed to talk about it. Thats not right.

(Also I've said before Im more in favour of not having widespread acceptance)

incognito-cognition 3 points on 2015-12-01 12:15:22

Talking openly about it doesn't equal acceptance. This is about letting people know that its a legitimate option to take if you want to live a happy life.

Isn't "talking about it openly" exactly what happened in the cited thread? The OP mentioned her issue, and the others told her to talk to a psychologist about her confusion and guilt, they didn't say "eww, you pervert!"

It sounds like you are expecting not so much an open discussion about it, but rather an affirming discussion, which is hard to do unless the activity is accepted. The only way I could see it being any more open would be the semantics of using the word "zoophile" (probably a matter of oversight or misunderstanding rather than taboo) but that wouldn't impact the outcome of the discussion.

The reason a psychologist might think a zoophile would hurt animals is related exactly to that same ignorance. If there were "widespread acceptance" of zoophilia, this would not be happen. Or even understanding. But tolerance or open talking on the subject itself does not help. An example tolerant/ignorant statement: "if people want to molest their animals, well, I guess they're just animals."

Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your position.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-12-01 14:02:07

Currently there is a comment:

I agree, but all I'm saying is that we shouldn't say nothing wrong was done. The rest, sure. She deserves happiness and should work her way up to somewhere where she loves herself more, but ultimately we would be irresponsible to tell her nothing wrong went down.

It's not "eww, you pervert", but it's still the type of comment that may induce guilt in people.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-12-01 14:41:23

Isn't "talking about it openly" exactly what happened in the cited thread?

good point. I mean that we should be able to talk about it without people having knee jerk responses and pushing their own morals onto others. A balanced discussion that doesn't push people to become a zoo but says that for some people its the best choice. The reason most of us here are because we've made that choice to try to include animals in our lives, or at least accept being attracted to animals, and I'm going to say that the majority of us feel better for doing so.

Like you say in your last paragraph, I guess what I really want is for people to actually do some research on this/us before they go around trying to 'help' people like OP.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-01 15:06:19

I´ have read the comments and can´t see a single reply implying she´s a monster. Just surprisingly decent recommendations, at least it was that way when I wrote my comment. But you seem to have irrational fears of psychologists, these guys usually won´t turn in the police on their clients unless a real and impending danger for the clients themselves or others exist. There´s something like the Hippocratic oath, you know. In this case I doubt anyone at least halfway neutral will call the cops immediately as there really is no danger. It isn´t necessary to be an "expert" therapist in "zoophilia" to help this girl, any regular sex therapist will suffice. I really wonder where your fear of professional help comes from and why you think an online community consisting of random experienced and unexperienced people shouting the mantra of "just accept it" can provide any support...and even better support than pros who studied their profession for years. One example: If I were a coprophagist (excrement eater) and completely unhappy with it, desperately trying to get rid of that, what will provide more support? A shiteater community saying "accept it, you´ll love it" or pros who can actually help with several different methods like aversion therapy,intensive talks etc. For me it really doesn´t depend on the taboo, I doubt she would feel any better if "zoophilia" were as normal as hetero vanilla sex. She simply doesn´t want it, she suffers from it. She has identified her own sexual history as unpleasant. The last she needs is some nosewitty comment to " simply accept it", telling her she´s in "phase one of self acceptance". Damn, we´re not the f*in´ army out for new recruits.

Another thing: It would be better for all if zoophilia was accepted? Really? I disagree. When having sex with animals becomes as normal as hetero sex, it won´t change much for the true zoos. It will improve the wannabe´s situation, it will heavily improve the "wanna try out once because it´s so excitingly kinky"´s situation. But aren´t you missing out on another party involved? The animals? If having sex with animals becomes "normal", what would their lives turn into when anyone has an equal "right" to fuck them? Fencehoppers would be sued only for trepassing then, the embarrassment of being exposed to the public would be gone. How long could you keep your hrse in your pasture until some horny asshole tries to get laid? 8 hours? One hour? Or not even 10 minutes? Acceptance and normality would be fine for the humans with an interest in animal sex, but it would be hell for the animals. So, we can´t talk about it? Melodramatic is the most polite word that comes into my mind. Of course we can talk about it. We can talk in online communities, we can talk to very close friends we trust, we can talk about it with our family and relatives. We can even talk about it with professionals. Don´t f*in´ try to turn us into complete outcasts because it feels so cozy and comfy to be the "emo, misunderstood guy,standing alone against the rest of the world". Yes, we have to be careful whom we talk with. Yes, we can´t just go out onto the street and annoy everyone with feathers stuck up our asses as the gay parades. But who really wants that? When you see what these gay parades have become over time, from the angry men stepping out onto Christopher Street demanding their rights to the charade, the carnival most gay prides are now....I never want this happen to my orientation. Just continue sitting in fear behind our keyboard, pooping your pants, fearing everyone and everthing because you´re a zoo instead of earning trust and understanding. My mother knows, my sister knows, most of my friends know, many horseowners in my stable at least have a suspicion about me....and I´m still here, still have my mare, still alive and kicking. Who dares wins. I really can´t stand this whining anymore, especially from people who face relatively few consequences when an outing goes wrong. Yes, we´re not everybody´s darling, we have lots of opponents, but this emo shit has to stop. Zoophilia isn´t "the next big thing" in liberating sexual minorities and it never should be. Anyone willing to live a life with his animal partner can actually live in peace. The only thing is: this won´t come for free, it won´t come on a silver tablet, it won´t be "user friendly". You have to give something to obtain what you want. Move to an area you can keep animals without nosey neigbors and ,boom, there you have it. Your freedom. Don´t try to turn zoophilia into a theatrical play, into a charade. Even simpler for dog people:live alone, just lock your door and draw the curtains and, most important, shut your mouth. Swith off your ego telling you to get zoophilia out into the public. It´s absolutely unnecessary to be open about it. Tell those who have to know it, don´t turn it into everyone´s business. Nobody cares who you have sex with unless you can´t hold back your ego. What´s more important: living your life according to your wishes or the self centered crusade for public acceptance, the egoistic longing to "be someone"? Priorities seem to have changed within our community...the world obviously isn´t made for zoos. Live with what is given to you, don´t demand convenience. Learn to adapt rather than nagging and whining about the "unjust" society. Yes, being a zoo can be dangerous and uncomfortable. If you can´t live with that, well, bad for you.But please stop that emo crap.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-12-01 16:54:08

I think we've come back round to the different way each of us thinks of our attraction to animals. I believe we have it from birth and is set for life, you believe it is a product of our environment and can be changed. All I can say is that a large number of homosexuals find peace by coming to terms with it rather than going to therapy. I think the same mechanism that makes them homosexuals makes us zoophiles for whatever reason.

Like it or not there is a possibility that a sex therapist will call the police on you. whether you want to take the chance is up to you. I do not.

this is what I was referencing with the 'denial' remark. I find the stages are also relevant to accepting your sexuality. This has nothing to do with recruiting zoophiles.

For the second part, read what I wrote again:

Also I've said before Im more in favour of not having widespread acceptance

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-12-01 04:03:46

People still get destoryed over homesexuality in parts of the world.

Sadly, as long as there are people, this will never be eradicated completely.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-01 08:25:58

I wonder what exactly is it you all some cases, even heterosexuality gets hated on. Age difference too big, social status of the two partners doesn´t match, etc.... Who told you that tolerance and acceptance includes being untouchable for criticism and hatred? Is this something that hopped over from the gay community? A single word of discontent and you´re branded as a homophobe and gay hater?

You know what it´s called when you´re not allowed to criticise and express your discontent? Hint: We had it in Germany for 12 years.... I´m a zoophile. I demand freedom to be what I am. But I also grant others the freedom to hate me because I am what I am. If we as a community ever want to be tolerated, we should never fall into the "no objections" trap...criticism and even hate are vital for growth towards a greater coherence. Without the haters, nobody ever would have sat down and wrote those texts countering all the anti arguments one by one in a logical and reasonable way. If you really believe we zoos are doing the right thing, their hate should not disencourage us, it should make us stronger. It´s not those shouting in our faces what a bunch of "disgusting, filthy, vile animal fuckers" we are, it´s those who remain silent who are the most dangerous.

incognito-cognition 3 points on 2015-12-01 12:22:51

In those cases it isn't heterosexuality that's getting hated on, but rather the too-big age difference, for example. And one could make an equally valid plea that big age differences should be tolerated, or discussed openly.

I grant others the freedom to think as they will too, but if their opinion results in a loss of my freedom or of my standing in the community, etc., then it is no longer really just their attitude, affecting them personally.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-12-02 01:27:00

My statement seems to be the opposite of what you think. My point is it WILL NEVER GO AWAY. Not that if we fight hard enough, it will become some utopia. Quite the opposite. This always has been, and will always be.