I might have been caught by my mother (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-12-02 07:04:01 by Throwaway92745383939

Just for clarification, I'm <18

For the past couple months, I have let my dog lick my cock (not to the point of ejaculation, once I'm fully erect I'll go inside and finish myself off). I regret it almost every time (I wish I'd never started) and it doesn't even feel that great (her sandpaper-like tongue doesn't exactly feel smooth going over my cock), but the thrill of doing something so taboo and having something other than my hand stimulating me is irresistible. Until today, I hadn't even done it in weeks.

Today, she went out for a bit and I decided to do it again. This time, I went over to my other dog (a male) and see if I could put my cock in his mouth (he's not at all aggressive so I didn't have to worry about biting). I had my cock out and I was trying to open his mouth and almost succeeded in opening it when I heard the door close. As I quickly moved away and stuffed my cock back in my pants, I looked up and to my shock she was already in the living room and could see me through the screen door. I have no idea if she noticed that my cock was out but she saw what I was doing as a few minutes ago (this incident happened several hours ago) she came in and asked what I was doing before. I told her that I was bored/curious and was seeing if I could open my dog's mouth just because and nothing else. I don't know if she believed me, if she saw EVERYTHING or how nervous I was when I said it. I'm really worried that she saw me with my dick out trying to open his mouth. If she did, I don't even know how I'll look her in the eyes ever again. I feel like I might as well kill myself if she thinks I'm a dog fucker (apart from today, I've never forced them to do anything they didn't want to do and I've just sat/stood/laid back as they licked my dick and balls). What the fuck do I do?

ulungu dogsdogsdogsdogsdogs 5 points on 2015-12-02 07:24:14

What the fuck do I do?

There is nothing you can or should do. Any attempts to approach her about it would make her suspicious if she didn't see it or didn't realize what exactly was going on.

electricfoxx 3 points on 2015-12-02 07:31:08
ursusem 1 point on 2015-12-02 07:41:55

If you were acting jumpy and nervous when you saw her possibly looking at you- and by the sounds of it it seems as though you were- she would likely think that you must have been doing something weird. As in something that you shouldn't have been doing and you act guilty.

Why are you doing these things with your dogs? Is it because you are attracted to them or is it a form of masturbation for you?

Throwaway92745383939 1 point on 2015-12-02 07:46:55

The second one. It's more a way of getting myself off as simply using my hand is getting stale. I'm buying a flashlight soon so I don't have to do this ever again. I don't think I looked jumpy when I thought she saw me, I just put my dick away and said hi. She was looking down at some letters or something she'd gotten so there's a chance she didn't really see me.

ursusem 1 point on 2015-12-02 08:23:50

Do you consider yourself to be a zoophile?

Throwaway92745383939 1 point on 2015-12-02 08:44:47

Not really.

30-30 amator equae 4 points on 2015-12-02 08:56:56

What you do? Live with the possibility your mom saw her son doing some very silly things, I guess. If she has seen anything suspicious, be thankful she didn´t throw a tantrum and gave you the full guilt and punishment procedure. Also be thankful that you didn´t succeed in putting your willy into your dog´s mouth. Even if he is friendly, he´s a dog with sharp teeth and a swallowing reflex, making him chew when something touches him on the back of his tongue. Dog teeth are made for the purpose of ripping and mincing meat and , unlike with horses, the teeth are everywhere, no toothless gap between the incisors and the molars. Friendly dog or not, things like this often end in hospital. Believe me, seeing blood coming from a wound on your penis is one of the biggest downers, gives you a very negative rush of adrenaline and the doctor sewing your wound later on will definitely ask some very uncomfortable questions, too. I now what I´m talking about, my mare accidentally bit my cock, the scar on my dick will make me remember this for the rest of my life.

Be glad it turned out without any immediate negative consequences. Try to abstain from it if you don´t want to do it and the dog isn´t anything more than masturbatory support for you. There´s a vast field of other possibilities to "spice up" your monkey spanking, use that instead. But as you described it above, I suppose you´ll come back to this type of practice anyways as it is an "exciting taboo". Other, more non-taboo practices won´t offer you the thrill you´re so fond of. So, for the near and rather predictable future: If you ever do that again, make sure nobody´s present to spy on you if you don´t want to feel similar or even worse rushes of embarrassment. Learn to use your brains before you pull out your cock. This also is referring to your failed canine fellatio attempt. Try to think about stuff before you act on it; you really don´t want your cock "altered" by your doggie´s teeth, do you?
I really wish you manage to find another type of stimulation replacing dog tongues. Using living beings as a sex toy ( as you openly confessed you did) is morally doubtable and also includes a certain risk of injury.And, just to warn you about it, there´s a tiny chance someday your mother will take you aside and bring up this little episode because she has seen enough and is able to add one and one together...in this case, just be thankful she kept quiet and calm. Maybe she knows that teenagers tend to experiment with sexuality and usually are running around with a hard on all day, sometimes even trying the dumbest things to get off..as trying to put a cock into the family dog´s mouth....;)

WeAreDifferent Canines 6 points on 2015-12-02 22:50:13

Learn to use your brains before you pull out your cock.

It's amazing how many people aren't able to do that simple task of checking their surroundings before they do something naughty.

Just to add something to your wonderful text, I worry about a certain thing OP said:

I had my cock out and I was trying to open his mouth and almost succeeded in opening it when I heard the door close.

I don't want to make any claims, but it sounds much like you are abusing your dog. Do you force him? You don't want someone trying to open your mouth so he can stick his dick in. You better don't do that shit, for several reasons: Like injuring your dog, injuring yourself, embarrassing yourself, moral issues and many more.

Edog91 0 points on 2015-12-03 14:54:09

Wait a second, is this opbeast from twitter?

WeAreDifferent Canines 3 points on 2015-12-03 23:53:23

No, I am not. Why?

EDIT: Just checked out what you meant, because I have never heard of this name before.

Again, no. I'm a zoophile myself. Why would you think I'm an anti-bestiality activist? I just do not support non-consensual sex. A long as it's consensual, do what you please.

Btw, if the real opbeast was here, I doubt he would blow his cover.

Edog91 1 point on 2016-01-08 03:39:09

I wasn't talking about you.

WeAreDifferent Canines 2 points on 2016-01-08 11:23:17

You replied to my comment... so who else were you talking about? OP?

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2015-12-02 11:15:46

heh, silly boy. it does feel pretty amazing but its probably best you dont do it, especially somewhere where you mom can walk in on you so easily.

She may know something's up, this might've been an effort to catch you doing something and she might try to catch you again if you keep doing it ('accidentally' sneaking into the room where you and the dogs are etc.). Its probably best you stop. If she did catch you she may not say anything out of embarrassment, she'll be thinking it just a phase. DO NOT mention this to her.

We've all done stuff that in hindsight was completely retarded. Thankfully nothing bad came of this, just chalk it up to experience and move on.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2015-12-02 16:59:17

Just leave the issue alone (you'd be surprised what the power of denial can do) and don't do it again.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-12-02 21:16:44

Don't talk to her about it.

SmallNosedFennec 1 point on 2015-12-13 20:37:11

Op is fucking stupid....