#1 Female zoophile advocate on Reddit goes ALL IN on the TOP 10 REASONS you should screw the pooch. #WeAreWhitney (youtube.com)
submitted 2015-12-05 22:48:07 by [deleted]
Lefthandedsock 11 points on 2015-12-05 23:30:58

Hm. So basically she treats him like a sex toy. Not that I'm sure he minds for the most part, but still. Is this who we want advocating for us?

Frostfedora Captain Esports 2 points on 2015-12-05 23:35:27

Mostly just shitposting. The video stirred up conversation on /r/videos though, and Whitney's become pretty known for zoophilia in the past week or so.


Whit_Wisc2 2 points on 2015-12-06 00:32:21

I do not, I needed to make an appealing video to recruit more of us. I feel Ive done a service. Im not fat, Im well spoken, Im normal. Just like the people I'm recruiting. Other girls have messaged me , and said they felt alone. I do not have to represent zoos, just know that I am one.

Lefthandedsock 8 points on 2015-12-06 00:35:39

Recruiting zoophiles? I don't think that's something you can recruit people for.

Raising awareness, sure, but I don't get what you mean by "recruit."

Whit_Wisc2 5 points on 2015-12-06 00:37:45

Recruit means to draw people in. I feel like if I had other girls who would admit they are Zoos as well, I would have came out sooner. There are alot of Zoos, but most wont come out. What if I led the charge?

What if they saw somone just like them, was also a zoo? Then perhaps there would be a more noteworthy cause.

Lefthandedsock 3 points on 2015-12-06 00:50:57

Well, I wish you luck.

One problem is that coming out would be a life ruiner for many of us. And there's a difference between seeing someone like yourself come out online and seeing someone do it in real life.

I think zoos are going to need real life support to come out, such as groups and rallies. You know, strength in numbers.

However, many zoos are happy with what they have. It's not difficult to maintain a meaningful emotional and sexual relationship with an animal, if I'm honest. Most people would be none the wiser if they saw a zoophile and their dog in public.

I'm just not quite sure what our end goal is. If you just want to strengthen zoophiles and let them know they're not alone, that's admirable, but if you want them to come out... Where do you expect this to lead?

Whit_Wisc2 0 points on 2015-12-06 00:56:57

Im not sure where it will lead. Probably with me on the news somewhere answering questions. I think making everyone aware is the first step.

Lefthandedsock 3 points on 2015-12-06 01:03:51

Alright then. Stay safe.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-06 07:56:42

Stay safe? With her face out there and only a few steps to unveiling her identity? I fear the poor dog has to pay for her selfish actions shortly...just throwing in zeta rule number one here: "ALWAYS place the wellbeing of your animal before your own". Anything else to add???

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2015-12-06 14:32:01

That video alone isn't going to get her in trouble with the law.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-06 17:44:13

I´m not speaking about legal trouble...

Lefthandedsock 2 points on 2015-12-06 18:11:20

Would you like to say what you are talking about, instead of just what you're not talking about?

MarriedtoaBitch 2 points on 2015-12-06 06:12:43

10 bucks says this will lead to your German Shepherd being neutered and rehomed...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-06 06:48:22

That is a risk she has now taken. While I agree that will probably happen, I can't help but wish her a better fate and the best of luck.

doghumper 2 points on 2015-12-06 08:20:23

I only pray it stops there, law enforcement and shelters have been prone to kill dogs like that just to get some form of sick twisted revenge on the owners

ZooIam 3 points on 2015-12-06 00:54:16

I appreciate your willingness to be a public figure, but I think the reason some of us are uncomfortable is because the list you presented can be interpreted as exploitative of animals.

If you genuinely would like to lead and make more public arguments, I would recommend seeking the input of this and other zoophilia communities on how we are represented.

Our community needs both leadership AND a unifying message.

Whit_Wisc2 1 point on 2015-12-06 00:57:25

I will do, thanks for the guidance.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-06 06:41:06

I wish you luck as well.

I tried something similar once... well without the porn. Went over like a lead balloon.

I'm not attractive. I don't do well on camera. May you have luck where I did not. Sadly, our society is shallow on these points.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2015-12-06 03:01:58


after having read this and the replies below (understanding your meaning of "recruit", etc.)...

best of luck. you're braver than i am, that's for sure. as LHS said below .. stay safe. that is probably the biggest fear, whether it actually happens or not, it's a situation that is generally drilled into new people to zoo sites/forums - that being outed can result in jail/fine/life ruining AND your animal being taken and euthanized. hopefully this is just a myth, and barring that, i hope you and your animal(s) don't become a target of violent ignorance.

some comments... STDs - there are a few zoonotic diseases. also, sharing an animal partner with another human who has an STD can spread it. "kink" .. i didn't understand what you were saying there. availability .. i would say it's not overly difficult to find a human partner. maybe not an ideal one, admittedly.. thing is, what's really going on for some people here is not that it's easier to have sex with a dog assuming you have one already as a pet ... but the fact that it's a preference to have sex with a dog instead of a human.

anyway, i hope if you do identify as a zoo that you choose to spend some time here. best of luck.

timothy_tyler 3 points on 2015-12-06 04:02:51

So, are you still living by getting losers to buy you stuff?

Just sayin, cos the last few times I've visited your blog, you've claimed to have produced bestiality stuff. And people pay for it, apparently.

But all I've heard from the people who have seen your vids is that it's ripped off from others.

ZooMasil 0 points on 2015-12-06 02:43:20

also, video quality is shit just saying.

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-12-06 07:10:40

/u/timothy tyler ´s comment only reassured me of doing what will follow now, the deconstruction of your crappy video.

I´ll kill off your "arguments" one by one: 1: History: Yeah,so what? Having sex with children also has its history. Rape has its history. Killing people has its history. Roman and Greek mythology is full of that. Does that make rape, murder and child abuse legitimate? Because it has been done in ancient times? 2: Due to the shitty quality of sound, I couldn´t understand what you were saying. 3: Pregnancies: You can´t get pregnant from anal and oral intercourse,too. Usuing contraceptives or infertilizing (vasectomy,histerectomy) does the same. Bogus argument. 4: STDs: False. You can get a few zoonoses and you can get an STD when you have sex with an animal that has been "used" by another human with an STD shortly before you. 5: It´s been around since the beginning of time, yeah, but so is murder, rape, incest, child abuse, torture,etc.. again, bogus argument 6: legality: Do you live under a stone or on the dark side of the moon? In Europe, every country (except 3; Norway, one of those 3, has made the first steps towards a prohibition arleady) outlaws it, in the US, 40 states have outlawed it, even in South America, the countries begin to issue laws against animal sex. It won´t be long until it is outlawed all around the globe. Maybe you should do your homework before you go public. 7: kink: Well, anything you say is a big hint (at least for me) you´re seeing this as a kink. 8: convenience: Bullshit argument. I´m not with my mare because it is convenient. Zoophilia is NOT a substitute for oh so inconvenient human relationships. The mere fact you bring up this is a clear sign you´re none of us. Taking /u/timothy tyler

s reply into it, I am quite sure you´re an attention whore and totally fake. 9: They don´t nag or complain: Yeah, animals really are a convenient sex toy, right? No stupid conversations, no other individual you have to deal with, no one with own ideas and goals. How friggin´ pathetic.... 10: Easy to train: Zoophiles DON`T train their animal companions. Only people who see the animals as convenient, voiceless sextoys do this. Zoophilia is something totally different than what you offer us and the rest of the world in your video. But for someone who obviously is fake, it´s no wonder he or she doesn´t know even the basic ideas and attitudes of genuine zoophiles.

Additionally I´d like to ask where has the "I love my animal beyond sex, sex is only a bonus" argument gone? I´ve not heard the l-word in your entire video once. Exactly this is what we zoos don´t need at all, incoherent and malinformed advocacy from someone who is more into getting attention and probably has some very severe mental issues. Do you know that it´s basically irrelevant if sex with animals is legal in your state? If there´s no explicit law against it, authorities will use the animal cruelty laws instead to take your animal away from you. Showing your face in a video with the topic of zoophilia/bestiality/fetishism can easily lead to the loss of your dog.
Unprepared, giving out false info and malinformation, trying to advertize the usage of dogs as a convenient sex toy that is never nagging and complaining, endangering the wellbeing of the animal...well, girl, if /u/timothy tyler is right about you being fake, then I strongly recommend seeking professional help.Your stupid video is only spilling more oil into the fire of the antis and all your "arguments" do no good, just reinforce the public´s notion of us zoos as mindless, selfish animal abusers. Even if you meant well, your results are really bad. I´m ashamed of your video. If the antis tried to publish anything that harms our community equally, they would have to put lots of efforts into it...and you do the job in 3 minutes of mindless blabber (and additionally might be a fake without any real experience). I´m not amused, not at all....

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-06 07:31:54

Dude, it must feel amazing being an expert judge of who is/isn't a zoo on reddit. /s

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-06 07:36:26

It must feel amazing to be fooled by impostors, right? Some tits and ass, a halfway decent face and boom..."I want to believe"...have you checked out the links provided before you commented? I´m apparently not the only one doubting this...

P.S.: I remember having read that you´re in your mid-twenties. Well, I´m in this longer than you even exist, maybe that´s some reason why I´m such an "expert"....Oh,btw, do you feel represented well by this poor excuse of an educational video?

ursusem 2 points on 2015-12-06 07:52:32

I feel very embarrassed by her video, to be honest. I hated it.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-06 08:09:22

Thank god others share my feelings... So, this one goes out to all members: Do you feel represented in an appropriate way by this video? Do you see any benefits from publishing it, except for the antis, whose prejudices are confirmed?

Susitar Canidae 2 points on 2015-12-06 11:13:06

No, I see no advantages for zoophiles in this video. I'm guessing it will be welcomed by men who enjoy watching women being fucked by male dogs, and perhaps some other women who use their dogs as sex toys.

But since it doesn't discuss love or affection, and doesn't seem to take the dog's feelings into account (does he enjoy it? does he want it?) it's not a good representation of zoophilia.

"A silent companion"? Really?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-06 23:33:10

I am speaking of your attitude in general. i know next to nothing about the girl, and do not want to.

I fail to see what age has to do with your constant gate-keeper attitude.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-07 07:47:30

My attitude is based on actual experience. Due to your age, you haven´t witnessed that we as a community have lost during the mid-nineties by being too "tolerant" of the ones blowing our reputation and killing off the progress we made. In the nineties, we had a phase of openness and interest what led to zoophilia being featued in the 2 leading TV sex shows named Liebe Sünde (Dear sin) and Wa(h)re Liebe (True Love), also a TV late night show hosted by Austrian Arabella Kiesbauer. We really had things going well for zoophilia, the topic was discussed, no antis around, no panic, just curiosity. But we "gate keepers" miserably failed to prevent our progress from being ruined. In a time you probably were busy shitting your diapers, we, the first generation of the global zoo community, actually managed to get a foot in the door. In general, this "anyone is invited in" attitude of yours brought us nothing but negative, backfiring effects. This community surely has to be open, yes, but not to an extend where the idea behind zoophilia gets lost. Like it or not, we need "gate keepers"...way too many of those just walking in have proven to be "party crashers", ruining everything we had built, ruined the relative progress, destroyed any possibility to actually improve the situation for zoos. You´re the typical example of someone mistaking indifference for tolerance. I tolerate beasties, I even tolerate weirdo chicks doing amateur porn. But I don´t tolerate when outsiders try to invade OUR territory, like this video has done. Anyone can do as he pleases, but if you try to fuck around in MY area, I´ll defend myself and all those being a legit part of it. What is it your attitude has brought us? I´ll tell you, more and more unwanted attention leading to a tsunami of laws, further complicating a zoo´s situation. When will people like you learn that zoophilia isn´t a basin to collect society´s garbage? Not a hug box for anyone in need? This is what zoo pride is all about. Call me a separatist if you like, I´m proud to be one when those not like us only ruin it for everyone...and they´ re doing this for years now. But you will insist on your attitude and keep calling me whatever you can come up with to insult me...I´ll endure that ´cause I know from experience that I´m right...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-07 21:46:19

I was around for Hossie and co, just FYI.

I actaully would prefer she hadn't come out. It's not an ideal situation or role model. That said, it doesn't stop me from wishing her luck, as it's already done. Nor will I attempt to claim to know what's going on in her head.

I know it will take a while for you to realize this, but the term "zoophilia" does not belong to you. It's been defined as a simple "sexual attraction to animals" well before you were born. Choose a new term and I might not be so judgemental (though I won't lie, I still cringe everytime I hear someone use words like "Societies garbage").

In the end, I question if you've learned as much as you think in your whole life. What life has taught me so far is not certainity of anything, but knowledge that I truly do not know... as such, I don't pretend to.

MarriedtoaBitch 1 point on 2015-12-06 14:48:44

How ignorant can you be?

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-06 23:42:53

As ignorant as you judge me to be, I suppose.

I've been hurt a lot by prmature judgement over the years. Thus, I'm not about to do the same.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-12-06 08:17:36


actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 4 points on 2015-12-06 09:08:46

ah yes that video, aka "I love dogs so much let me read off this list of reasons I love them except non of them actually say that I have an emotional bond with my dog"

The emotions are the biggest part of it goddamit.

how is this video related to zoophilia?

30-30 amator equae 2 points on 2015-12-06 09:14:50

...waiting for Rannochs comment on what fucking intolerant, expert judges we are....

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-06 23:39:29

I'm only irritated by it if it becomes a constant trend, but whatever... if it makes you feel warm and fuzzy, I think she is more a bestialist. But unlike you, I don't claim to know, and frankly, cats already out of the bag, so I don't care...

ursusem 4 points on 2015-12-06 09:40:59

"#1 Female zoophile advocate on Reddit" ...I've never heard of this person before today.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2015-12-06 09:43:18

after checking out the tumblr blog (BRIEFLY, since i could barely stand to look at it .. zoo exclusive, here) and discussing the video with a friend .. yeah.. this whole situation is just sad. i wanted to give the benefit of the doubt, but .. yikes. i hope this doesn't do permanent damage to the community and/or any .. eh ... well, whatever public image (horrible as it is) we have. setbacks... disappointing.

Susitar Canidae 7 points on 2015-12-06 09:44:37

Shouldn't at least on the of the top reasons been about the dog enjoying it?

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-06 10:03:23

WhitneyWisconsin: NOT IN MY NAME! NOT IN OUR NAME!