A collection of what animal welfare and animal rights organizations say about sex with animals (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-12-07 12:38:02 by zoozooz

I thought it would be neat to have this stuff all in one place as a reference.

Feel free to add more if you find anything and feel free to comment and discuss what they say.

One organization per top level comment. Please provide links and quotes with sources.

zoozooz 3 points on 2015-12-07 12:43:10


This quote is attributed to Ingrid Newkirk:

If a girl gets sexual pleasure from riding a horse, does the horse suffer? If not, who cares? If you French kiss your dog and he or she thinks it's great, is it wrong? We believe all exploitation and abuse is wrong… If it isn't exploitation and abuse, it may not be wrong.

But when it was published this way in a 2005 news article, Newkirk sent a request that they also print this update:

There is almost nothing as shocking as a man forcing himself sexually upon an animal (“PETA, Perverts and Horses,” 21 July). As a cruelty officer, I prosecuted cases in which men took small dogs and chickens into alleyways or elsewhere and raped them, often rupturing the animals’ organs in the process. When I was working with the Washington Humane Society, there was one case that I was unable to find a way to prosecute, which will always haunt me. It involved a sex club run by men who, we had reason to believe, were sexually assaulting cats in a private home.

It is almost as shocking to read my comments about non-assaultive sexual contact as some endorsement by me or PETA of sexual assault on animals. Let me be clear—as the writer was shamefully not—that PETA and I are totally opposed to any exploitation and all bestiality. Philosophical musings on whether there is cruelty when a girl experiences sexual pleasure from riding a horse who is oblivious to that fact or when someone allows a dog to hump their leg are a far cry from an endorsement of bestiality. Bestiality is cruelty to animals and PETA pushes for laws to outlaw it and prosecution when it occurs.

Please correct the hideously false impression that Alexander Rubin gave in his guest column.


In germany Dr. Haferbeck, scientific consultant for PETA, actively promoted the idea that there are "animal brothels" all around germany, but never really said anything concrete:

PETA hat vor mehreren Jahren aufgrund konkreter Ermittlungen Strafanzeige gegen Unbekannt wegen Tierbordellen erstattet. Das Verfahren wurde zwar eingestellt, es haben sich aber im Laufe der Ermittlungen durchaus Hinweise auf solche „Einrichtungen“ ergeben. Weitere Konkretisierungen sind uns derzeit leider nicht möglich.


PETA commented that the bestiality ban in denmark was "good news": http://www.peta.org.uk/blog/denmark-bans-bestiality/

WeAreDifferent Canines 6 points on 2015-12-07 14:37:27

As a german zoophile, I have never heard about any animal brothel residing in Germany ever. All I know is that some particular guests of Eurofurence take money for offering their dogs for sex. But that's about everything I know.

That said, fuck PETA.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-07 16:27:04

I really think we should abandon the discussion about the right usage of the word "brothel" in context with animal prostitution. I simply can´t stand this defensive tactics anymore, where we argue what and what not can be called a brothel. Yes, a "professional animal brothel" may not exist, but what truly exists is animal prostitution. A short look into some forum´s hookup sections is enough to prove that. Several cases of "inviting friends for a fuck" have been recorded, oftentimes by the animal pimp himself and uploaded with titles like "User X paid me a visit". It´s silly to deny animal prostitution is real. It happens daily all around the globe. And, zoozooz, an amateur brothel is NOT an oxymoron, it is the correct term for all those who sell sex with their animals for benefits, may it be money or other like "a free fuck" with the visitors/"customers" animals. Pimpin´ out your animals turns your house into an amateur animal brothel, like it or not. I know it is hard to swallow to admit there actually IS a grain of truth found within the allegations of the antis. We shouldn´t participate in this semantic mumbo-jumbo, trying to suck out of the negative implications. Let´s just face it: Our scene includes people who can be seen as the runners of an animal brothel. As long as we automatically pull out the defense card, we won´t gain any credibility and look like we´re in denial of what lays open, in plain sight. We rather should be fighting against all those who abuse their animals for financial gain. I abhor animal exploitation; be it like the meat industry is doing...but also like those amateur animal pimps are doing.Haferbeck, as well as the entire anti scene, is partially right with his accusations.

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-12-07 18:02:35

We shouldn´t participate in this semantic mumbo-jumbo, trying to suck out of the negative implications

But my only problem is that the antis are trying to paint the picture that these brothels as organized businesses are all over the countries. Just look at the picture in this article: http://www.urdogs.com/at-last-denmark-outlaws-animal-brothels-and-bans-bestiality/ (Actual source for the picture). I only want to point out at first, that this image is dishonest before going on to discuss the actual situation. Because it is not meant as a serious argument in the first place. Its only purpose is to create outrage. Poisoning the well, so rational discussion is poisoned from the beginning. Just read the comments to that article.

As long as we automatically pull out the defense card, we won´t gain any credibility and look like we´re in denial of what lays open, in plain sight. We rather should be fighting against all those who abuse their animals for financial gain.

I've said it a few times already, but you are right: I should say it really every time when talking about animal brothels: I am in favor of laws that bans offering sex with animals for money or other benefits, even privately.

but what truly exists is animal prostitution

Here is another fun semantic argument for you.

Prostitution is the business or practice of engaging in sexual relations in exchange for payment[1][2] or some other benefit. Prostitution is sometimes described as commercial sex.

Animals aren't prostitutes, because they don't sell sex for money. The animals themselves are the trade goods offered by a legal owner. Therefore I'd say the correct term is sex slavery and not prostitution.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-07 19:18:19

Just like it is with human prostitution; only very few prostitutes get rich by selling their bodies. The ones who actually make the profit are their pimps...^^

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2015-12-08 07:47:50

Yes, a "professional animal brothel" may not exist, but what truly exists is animal prostitution.

That's all what I was going to say with my comment. I didn't intend to deny animal prostitution. Of course there are some people in private who take money for it, you can find a bunch on Beastforum.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-12-07 21:40:43

I've never heard that, but it does explain why dogs are now banned at the event.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-12-08 07:37:36


WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2015-12-08 07:40:46


For safety reasons it is not allowed to bring dogs, cats or other animals into your hotel room or any of the convention event areas.

That's everything you can find on this. But it certainly makes sense.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-12-07 22:32:43

As an extra question, are you quite sure that that story is real? Not, for example, a rumour mill or a Chinese-whisper starting from the giant Leda and the Swan outside the hotel?

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2015-12-08 07:36:29

If you are talking about Eurofurence, then yes, I am sure it is real. I participate in both zoophile and furry communities and I've heard several hints from different people, that there are two men with one male and one female dog, who sell their dogs for sex. It wouldn't take long to ask around Eurofurence to get their hotel room number. I've even heard details on what you pay, depending on what you want to do with them (But that was about 4 years ago, not that I could remember any prices of that today. I believe giving oral was about 20€, when wanting to stay alone with one dog for one hour was about 200€.)

zoozooz 1 point on 2015-12-08 10:56:28

when wanting to stay alone with one dog for one hour

Do they offer this to complete strangers?


Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-08 11:40:22

Never underestimate the depravity of people when money is involved...

I'm sure there are incidents of animal prostitution, as described. I'm also certain the media blows them way out of proportion.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-12-08 18:12:22

I'm sure someone was dumb enough to joke about it, but to do it? That's a whole higher level of dumb.

Mind you, someone was stupid enough to snort pure caffeine powder right in front of one of the security team. I'm told they were hospitalised with LD70 of caffeine, but only after the police were called because, well, they snorted an unidentified white powder.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2015-12-08 20:41:18

There you go. I think you answered your own question.

WeAreDifferent Canines 0 points on 2015-12-08 14:05:45

I suppose they would stand near their hotel room, to watch the time he's spending (for leaving early or longer) and to become aware of any problems they might have. I mean, someone cruel could possibly do harm to them, but surely not getting away with it.

But this is only a logical guess of mine.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-12-08 18:05:45

I think you're constructing a narrative to fit your beliefs. Those hotels were fully booked, anyone loitering around for an hour would have security — both convention and hotel — on their tails.

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2015-12-08 18:26:42

I'm not constructing anything, I'm just trying to make some sense to what I've heard. I don't know if any of these rumours are true and I never stated they were.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-12-08 14:26:39

Must be a completely disjoint set to the people I know then. I only saw four dogs at EF last time I went (although there were apparently more that I didn't see) and of those I saw "two men with one male and one female dog" describes exactly one couple — that couple never made any such suggestion even in private.

WeAreDifferent Canines 0 points on 2015-12-08 17:38:18

I was never to EF myself before.

Also, I think they would blow their cover too easily, if they just went around asking random people: "Hey, want to fuck our dogs?" Especially since zoophilia is illegal in Germany.

It's possibly an insider, which is well treated by the people who know about it.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2015-12-08 18:01:39

It wasn't illegal 4 years ago, which is when you said this happened. Regardless, given the context, I don't believe this happened. Too many contradictions with my existing knowledge.

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2015-12-08 18:29:05

I didn't say it happened then, I said I've heard it then, already being a rumor for several years.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-12-07 12:55:44


ALDF’s efforts to raise awareness of the problem


You'll notice that they do not actually talk about us, but still lobby for laws that possibly affect us.

Then there is http://aldf.org/resources/laws-cases/the-crime-of-bestialityzoophilia-sexual-assault-of-an-animal/

Not surprisingly, limited research – such as a 2002 study – places these crimes in the context of what experts in animal abuse and criminal justice refer to as “the link,” i.e. the well-documented connection between violence to animals and violence to humans.

Do read the linked study, especially the discussion in which the researchers explain why this study is not representative and where they speculate that in other groups of people who have sex with animals that they have not studied there may not be any such link. If you think one step further that means that there is no consensus that sex with animals is linked with violence, because they would have cited such studies if there was.

Where post- and pre-conviction forfeiture options are limited, other remedies may be available.

They do encourage lobbying for "upgrading" state laws to allow "pre-conviction forfeiture": http://aldf.org/resources/laws-cases/solutions-to-long-term-cases-in-states-without-pre-conviction-forfeiture-provision/.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-12-07 13:03:20

Animal Justice

In canada they recently went to the supreme court to provide their hollow arguments for broadly defining bestiality. The context was a child abuse case in which - among many other charges - a dog was made to have oral sex with a minor. The question was whether only penetration is legally considered to be bestiality or whether all sexual contact with animals is to be considered bestiality. Of course they made it about how a broad definition supposedly protects animals, but didn't actually argue their point in any way: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uAAv1QYWHuQ

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-12-07 13:13:00

Humane Society

Miletski wrote in "Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia":

I can only go by what my subjects told me: The majority of my subjects love their animal-partner. Some see them as a spouse and will do anything for them. Sexual relations with the animal is an expression of love for them, and if the animal tells them, with it’ s body language, that it is not in the mood for love-making, the majority of my subjects will leave the animal alone. In fact, many of them are members of the Humane Society and other organizations that are taking care of animals.

It is probably true that in many other animal protection/rights/rescue organizations there are zoophiles, but in the case of the Humane Society there is an actual source with this quote.

She also wrote:

As previously discussed in the literature review, the Humane Society of the United States, in 1998, launched a First Strike Campaign against animal cruelty. The Humane Society considers sexual contact with animals as animal abuse and often an overlooked form of animal cruelty. The campaign addresses the connection between animal cruelty and human violence by promoting strong legislation dealing with animal cruelty, providing information and resources to communities, and encouraging the public to treat animal cruelty as a serious crime. What’ s interesting is that when I started researching bestiality and zoophilia, in 1996, I called the Humane Society and asked if they had any literature about it. The person who answered my call was puzzled at my request and said: “ Why should we have literature about people having sex with animals? They don’ t harm the animals.” I understood this to be a reflection of the philosophy of the Humane Society, and unfortunately, I did not record this person’ s name.

As part of its campaign, the Humane Society has launched an effort to enact laws prohibiting “ animal sexual abuse” in the states that don’ t have such laws. According to the Humane Society’ s web site (www.hsus.org), as of January 1999, eight states (California, Delaware, Georgia, North Dakota, Utah, and Wisconsin) have laws that address sexual abuse of animals exclusively. Another 16 states lump animal sexual abuse with such activities as having sex with a dead human being or with a minor child. Overall, 24 states have laws that prohibit sexual activity with animals, and 26 states have no law outlawing this activity. Sex with an animal is a felony in five states and a misdemeanor in 19. Maximum penalties go as high as $50,000 in Montana, while Massachusetts and Rhode Island may imprison “ offenders” for up to 20 years.

They too have misleading articles on their website where they like to misrepresent the "2002 study": http://www.humanesociety.org/news/press_releases/2009/04/florida_humane_lobby_day_040209.html

The Humane Society of the United States applauds passage of new law banning bestiality [in New Jersey]

Katie Schwartzer, an HSUS intern who passed away in 2015, initiated the legislation through Assemblyman Ciattarelli’s office.


zoozooz 1 point on 2015-12-07 13:26:37
zoozooz 1 point on 2015-12-07 13:29:17


From Spain. Not really an animal rights/welfare organization, but their arguments sound very similar to the rest here, so I'll include it. About their involvement in the anti bestiality law in spain: https://np.reddit.com/r/zoophilia/comments/2sq3km/spain_312_months_prison_for_sex_with_animals/

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-02-02 05:34:08


So I guess this dog was having the time of her life right? I'm sure having a massive prolapse is positively fun right? Seriously you people along with pedophiles need to just kill yourselves, you're "persecuted" because people like you are monsters who are no better than Richard Ramirez but I'm sure you think he's some kind of hero or saint. And you have the nerve to compare yourselves to interracial couples, gays and transgender people. This dog might die because of people like you and I sincerely hope whoever raped her dies in the most agonizing, slow horrific way possible. Hell was made for people like you and that priest who wanted to rape infants.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-02 09:33:47

So first

We did not want to have to say this, but this is usually due to repeated sexual abuse.

they aren't even sure about the cause, just speculating, possibly for the attention these allegations against a real or imagined animal abuser usually attract:

WTF???? Are you kidding me...that sick non-human bastard....is he going to serve jail time where he can be repeatdly screwed in the ass..over an over to where his insides rip out...i am sooo seeing red right now! I wanna sooo spit nails in his eye balls!

And why? Because they are asking for donations and with this framing they got so far: 1.7k Likes, 1.2k Comments, 861 Shares. Looks quite effective.

Just look at the top comment of the next photo "my year old blue american pitbull terrier had this happen" because of an accident with another dog. Prolapses can also happen to dogs also because of diseases or parasites. What caused it in this case, neither you or I can tell. Apparently not even the original source of the images can tell.

Maybe I've become a cynic, but when it comes to these images I never take them at face value anymore. I've seen too many instances of people being misled about these images and if you tell them what they really show, they disappear and go on to say the exact same thing later again. Here are a couple of examples of images you may have seen:

With that out of the way: Maybe this dog was violently sexually abused with no regard for her well being, some people do indeed do that. But you are mistaken if you believe that anyone here would support abuse that causes injuries like this one and you are mistaken if you believe that this is representative of zoophiles. You would be mistaken the same way if you were to judge heterosexuals by the actions of Richard Ramirez. In all sensible legislations this is regarded as animal cruelty and I am in full support of that, in fact I'd like to see much stronger animal welfare laws. That's what makes this situation with animal welfare/rights organizations so disappointing. I want to support their efforts, but how can I do that when at the same time they keep producing irrational propaganda against people like me?

because people like you are monsters who are no better than Richard Ramirez but I'm sure you think he's some kind of hero or saint

You haven't read many of the posts here, have you? How do you even got to post in a 1 month old thread?

If you are really interested, why don't you create a survey asking people whether their animals ever had 1) severe 2) mild 3) none at all medical complications that were 1) definitely 2) possibly caused by sexual activity and post it to this subreddit? I believe that you'd be sorely disappointed by the results.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-02-03 13:00:16

Did you literally just message me a goddamn LINK to a Zoophilia website? What the actual hell I'm not try to get myself sent to prison! Frankly the only remotely criminal/taboo things on my search history are "How To Download Tor" "How To Buy Outlawed Knives" "belladonna and wolfbane flying ointment", symptoms of aconite poisoning, a few comments I've made about Republican and Democratic politicians and a BDSM gear website that sold dragon wings and I'd like to keep it that way. Secondly this group trying to save this poor girl actually helps dogs and has so far found them good homes and provides advice on how to apply as a foster parent for shelter pets and how to rescue animals that are literally often minutes from being put down. If anything they're the ones who are trying to make a difference and there's been several rescue groups that had confirmed cases of animals being sexually assaulted by people and that includes witnesses, DNA evidence and even video evidence. Thirdly as to why people have such a huge problem with people like you is because damn near every time one of you crawls out of the woodwork it's never someone who grabbed a jar of peanut butter to see if their dog would start licking their crotch(which is gross and weird enough) but it's someone who tries to gut their poor victim first or they break their legs or some shit like that! Fourthly that dog looks a lot like my rescued pup whom I've had and cared for and protected for five years now. The dog is the closest thing to a child I'll ever have do to an utter lack of maternal instincts(not that I'd need them anyway). Far as I'm concerned she's my best friend and we both look out for each other and protect one another, she's even protective of my two elderly dogs. Yet I had sit there looking at my pup my best friend bounce around like her usual happy self and think about the dog who needs surgery wondering "What sick fuck would do this to that poor dog? What type of monster thinks it's funny to rape a dog?!" Unfortunately I seem to have the answer if this wasn't a case of a breeding gone very very bad or a dog with a rare medical condition that wasn't properly cared for. Then there's that other poor baby Beatrice, that poor deaf pup who everyone said was so sweet and friendly but in such horrible pain and so scared died because of her injuries and that was CONFIRMED to have been caused by a person if one can even call such a thing a person. Poor thing died because of what happened to her and the thing is still running around free, now instead of just worrying about people trying to steal my dog and fight her or kill her because she's a pit bull(despite being the friendliest dog ever) or kill her because they're just a psychopath now I have to worry about her being dognapped and raped on top of all of that! As if the world didn't have enough problems as it is! As to how I ended up here you can thank Google for that misfortune along with causing my faith in humanity to plummet drastically, once again lapsing into depression and last but not least causing my general fear and anxiety(which is bad enough on a good day) about my beloved dogs being harmed if they're not with me at all times to increase by at least 300%! I could barely keep my food down today and that was mostly soup, I had no energy so my friend had to walk my dogs today and I rarely miss walks with them, I developed a slight nose bleed and when I tried eating a yogurt cup and water I brought it all right back up.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-03 15:26:01

I sent you a link to the only people I know of who took a look at the truth behind some of the pictures the anti zoo people like to use. The website is made by a zoophile, that is true, but I'm not aware of the website being illegal anywhere.

Secondly this group trying to save this poor girl actually helps dogs

I never doubted that. I just suggested that their methods of raising money may bend the truth a little bit.

there's been several rescue groups that had confirmed cases of animals being sexually assaulted by people

Which is certainly true, but it also remains true that in the case you posted any statement about what happened to this dog is basically speculation.

Thirdly as to why people have such a huge problem with people like you is because damn near every time one of you crawls out of the woodwork it's never someone who grabbed a jar of peanut butter to see if their dog would start licking their crotch(which is gross and weird enough) but it's someone who tries to gut their poor victim first or they break their legs or some shit like that!

Here is where you need to realize that you don't have any statistics. Here are a few pointers: There are many humans who sexually assault other humans and nobody thinks they are representative. Most zoophiles will lead a life where they are very quiet about it (unless they can post anonymously online like me right now) because 1) personal impact like social ostracization or possible discrimination at the workplace 2) it puts the animal in real danger to be out. Word is that the animals that are taken away from zoophiles often end up at shelters and are viewed as "damaged", whether it's true or not, and are thus rather killed than placed somewhere else. We don't really know how much of this is true, but the fear is already enough to keep people quiet.

To me it's quite obvious that the probability of hearing about anyone having done anything sexual with an animal is higher the less care this person has for themselves and the animal (e.g. uploading porn. I'm pretty sure nobody here in this subreddit would do that, yet a significant amount of people who get "caught", do so because they uploaded porn of themselves). And I believe the more careless they are, the higher the probability they are also some form of abusers.

That's where you need to realize that you can't say something like that because you need to consider all the cases you never heard about. And neither you nor I know how many people are in sexual relationships with animals that do no harm whatsoever. To get a glimpse, try reading the books/research of Hani Miletski, Andrea Beetz, Miriam Nasswetter, etc. For example chapter 5 "FINDING SUBJECTS/PARTICIPANTS" in Miletski's book "Understanding Bestiality and Zoophilia" should be enlightening as to zoophiles being secretive unless they know they can trust you. You for example are not a person I would trust about it in real life. And you would likely not suspect it of me, because for some reason people seem to think vegan => animal rights => must be against sex with animals. Which is not really true. Here is an excerpt from Miletski's book where she cites a letter she wrote that might shock you:

I can only go by what my subjects told me: The majority of my subjects love their animal-partner. Some see them as a spouse and will do anything for them. Sexual relations with the animal is an expression of love for them, and if the animal tells them, with it’ s body language, that it is not in the mood for love-making, the majority of my subjects will leave the animal alone. In fact, many of them are members of the Humane Society and other organizations that are taking care of animals.

Yet I had sit there looking at my pup my best friend bounce around like her usual happy self and think about the dog who needs surgery wondering "What sick fuck would do this to that poor dog?

Then there's that other poor baby Beatrice, that poor deaf pup who everyone said was so sweet and friendly but in such horrible pain and so scared died because of her injuries and that was CONFIRMED to have been caused by a person

Ah and zoophiles were an easy target because they won't publicly and openly defend themselves, I see.

Let's say for the sake of argument she was the victim of violent sexual abuse. You see, I wonder the same thing: What kind of monster could do that? I know that I couldn't, even if I wanted to. I don't want to hurt any animals. Do you allege there is a connection between sexual attraction and the desire to inflict harm? I can assure you: There isn't.

I'm not aware of any such studies, but I wonder if we can transfer the conclusion researchers have come to when it comes to human rape (random quote from the first website I found about it):

Myth: The primary motive for rape is impulsive sexual desire.

Fact: Studies show that the major motive for rape is power, not sex. Sex is used as a weapon to inflict pain, violence and humiliation. Most rapists appear to have normal personalities with an abnormal tendency to be aggressive and violent.

I mean, there are many animal abusers who make animals suffer without apparent sexual motive. E.g. the stuff that ends up on /r/rage like recently the people who set a cat on fire. Is it possible that people who violently rape animals do it for a similar reason, instead of the primary motive being that they are sexually attracted to them?

and the thing is still running around free

And I can assure you, if this person came to /r/zoophilia with this story, they would not be welcome here.

now I have to worry about her being dognapped and raped on top of all of that!

And before that you had to worry about her being dognapped and set on fire, just for example. Because nonsexual animal abusers exist, just as sexual animal abusers do. You can either worry about it all the time, or you can take solace in the fact that still they are quite rare and in all likelihood your dogs will never be dognapped by one of them.

Either way, if you read a couple of posts here, there is some controversy about sex with animals that belong to other people without their knowledge, but the general tone is that it's very much discouraged, and then stealing animals and violent sexual abuse that causes this kind of harm is absolutely not tolerated. I understand the need to vent, but you should know that the average /r/zoophilia user will agree with you about how horrible this kind of animal abuse is.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-03 15:26:49


Depression? You have come to the right place. I believe depression is pretty widespread when it comes to zoophiles.

Here is something I wrote recently on tumblr, but they terminated my account. :/

I so know where this kind of thinking comes from. It makes me immensely unhappy as well. Here I am, using water, gas, oil, electrical power, producing waste water, … I’m buying vegetables that have likely been harvested by minimum wage workers, I’m buying electronics that are built from resources mined under inhumane conditions, the profits being often used for some civil war, assembled by overworked and underpaid asian workers, etc. etc. The list goes on and on. I’m a huge resource drain and the resources would be better spend on people who do something useful.

Because what do I give back to society and the world in exchange? Nothing of real value. I don’t improve the happiness of the people around me much. I keep my social contacts minimal because I don’t know how to talk to people. I perceive attempts at conversation of most people to be tiring and I often quickly lose interest. When I make attempts to connect with people it often seems they are more irritated with my attempts at conversations. I feel they would be better off not trying to talk to me. I feel like volunteering somewhere is something I’d like to do, at an animal shelter maybe, or helping fugitives. But then I don’t because I dread working and having to talk with people.

I’m studying computer science at university but I’m not motivated at all, I’m just dragging along from exam to exam. I hope this helps me somehow to one day develop FLOSS software that will improve the world but I don’t feel I’ll ever be good enough at programming to contribute anything meaningful. I’m taking up a spot at university I feel would be better filled by someone more competent than me. Still I cling to the hope that if I myself am not capable to make meaningful contributions, maybe I can still facilitate the work of people who can do that…

I know that I do not want to be responsible for animals being harmed, so I try to adhere to veganism, but I don’t have the strength to be very careful about it. I just can’t care whether the vinegar is cleared with gelatine or if the white sugar is refined with bone char. And even if I did, countless small animals still die from harvesting the grain fields every day anyway. Because I’m giving money to the bakery who gives money to the farmers to do exactly that.

What keeps me going is the prospect of getting one or two dogs and finding purpose in my life to providing them the most happy life I can give them. But I’m terrified that maybe I’ll be bad at it and that I somehow ruin their personalities and that I’m going to be a negative impact on their lives all in all. That in the end they would be better off with someone else.

I often feel that I won’t ever be happy on the back of people who are exploited and suffering. I need to give something back. Make a person happy. Improve a person’s life. That person will be most likely a dog, because I’m a zoophile. I never really felt a connection to people. Sure, I have a zoo internet friend who I feel close to and sex with people is fine. But the concept of real romantic and sexual love towards humans always felt foreign to me. All I know is that I have a strong desire to be with a dog and that I’m happier than ever when I’m with a dog.

So that’s what I’m going to do. Get my own place and a dog. And I need to do it soon, because I don’t know how much longer my pointless life right now matters enough to me to get out of bed every day.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-02-13 11:07:29

For the sake of not going through another vomiting spell I'm going to ATTEMPT to be civil this time, my opinions on all this are still those of disgust and distrust yet I'll attempt to refrain from anymore comparisons to Richard Ramirez. For now. The chances of me changing my opinion on this are still a trillion and one, hope I've made myself clear.

"Depression? You have come to the right place."

When I first saw that I assumed this was a genuine attempt to seem civil or at least an attempt at ironic humor to diffuse the situation. Then I saw the other little gem I quoted from your previous reply.

"Ah and zoophiles were an easy target because they won't publicly and openly defend themselves, I see."

Yeah sounds very helpful. Up until I read those two articles about the dogs I didn't even know zoophiles existed let alone there was a clinical name for them so EXCUSE me for not using the politically correct terminology when I first commented. Yet for someone who claims to be for educating those about your people you sure have a funny way of going about it.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-13 11:49:32

the politically correct terminology

Not "politically correct", just correct.

Have I claimed to be educating? I'm just telling you how it is. And I think I have said everything I have to say. Read the stuff the researchers Hani Miletski, Andrea Beetz, Miriam Nasswetter, etc. have published for more information.

Here, a short piece from Peter Singer, the author of Animal Liberation not understanding the extreme aversion people feel to the topic: http://www.utilitarian.net/singer/by/2001----.htm

I don't see how I'm not (relatively) civil here, but maybe I'm just jaded from self appointed "animal rights" activist who openly express that they want to torture me to death in various ways.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-02-18 00:11:26

At this point I'm starting to wonder whether or not if you're truly being civil(which is starting to seem rather dubious) or you're just being a patronizing prick especially after seeing that little remark I missed the first time. Though if I was going to scapegoat, as you accused me of doing, a group I'd pick a different one than r/zoophile that's for damn sure.

Either way my trust in humanity in general, which was already 80% destroyed due to being horrifically sexually abused between the ages of 3 and 6 by a relative, hasn't improved since that first comment and now it's somewhere between 90% and 95%. My enjoyment of posting funny videos or pictures of my canine trio on my social media accounts has faded away into near non-existence and right along with it my plans of being able to proudly broadcast my achievements as an equestrian once I get my career going in that field. Which case all of this is starting to raise questions amongst my friends and relatives as this is considered odd behavior on my part, yet I don't feel like going into all the gory details as to WHY I'm not doing well right now. Thought venturing to r/nope would help but it hasn't and neither has returning to r/childfree as I've only made the occasional comment but that's it. Plus the stress is effecting my job now and I've missed a few days of work already due to fatigue, loss of appetite and sliding back somewhat into a small scale addiction to diphenhydramine again despite kicking my addiction a few years ago and being able to safely take sleeping aids. Worst of all my pups are still reacting to my stress especially my girl and she's not handling it well at all and has resumed previously destructive behavior so there's the perfect cherry on top of all that.

At least I'm losing weight now due to my loss of appetite and mostly just sleeping, silver lining after all lol. Oh I said that since you seem to be trying to use ironic humor right now that seemed fitting. I guess I haven't lost my optimism completely just yet. Though at this point in life I'm starting to just consider getting a Ouija board and taking my chances with that, rather than waste my time and faith on people.

zoozooz 1 point on 2016-02-18 11:00:33

Then what are you doing here? What did you expect to find?

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-02-19 17:39:58

Honestly? The punchline to a joke, after all this IS reddit and I have a dark sense of humor. But then I realized this wasn't satire and then I already explained how I originally got here in the first place. Unless you've suddenly got amnesia. So there's two answers to the first question. As for the second I've already made it than clear what I was looking for and, tragically enough, found yet I'm not about to write you an essay on the subject. I'm not here trying to change your opinion I simply wanted to exercise my right to free speech on this subject and I did.

Oh and on a side note Venus is still alive but now she has the parvovirus, thankfully she's a tough little pup and will not doubt recover soon. The swelling in her vaginal region is still bad though. Curiously enough I'm surprised you didn't ask if she survived or not though I'm not about to ask you why you didn't, despite your earlier "concern" about her wellbeing along with your slight expression of empathy for the death of Beatrice. And no that's not an insult towards you so you can quell that notion for now at least.

zoozooz 2 points on 2016-02-19 18:14:28

It's because you post so sporadically and I forgot about your dogs, because I don't care much about it when there is nothing I can do about it. Sounds insensitive, but if I were to care about all the animals I read about where I can do nothing about I would probably kill myself. (And yes, I can tell myself that what you can see on these images is terrible, but since having stopped buying animal products at least I do not contribute to this at all).

Anyway, I understand that you are unhappy and I don't want you to be unhappy, but I can't help you. You should post in /r/offmychest or something like that, that's a better fit.

LadySaberCat 1 point on 2016-02-19 22:22:18

Thank you for the sub-reddit suggestion :)