Tips for Spurning Advances (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-12-18 05:41:34 by Cyenawe

I don't have tips, rather I'm looking for them.

My dog has been making passes at me. He'll get a raging boner and try to mount me; ams, legs, back, he doesn't care. He also whines at me if he can't find a hand hold to grab me.

I have done some research on why dogs hump to see if it was some mundane reason. He is castrated like many male dogs are, so I didnt think it could be his sex drive, but dominance humping doesn't make sense because he doesn't show any of the other signs of challenging my dominance. I also highly doubt it's from pent up energy or hyper activity as he gets played with a lot during the day, gets a car ride daily and, weather permitting, daily walks/runs (depending on who takes him).

I've tried some of the suggestions I've found to "fix" the problem. I've tried pushing him off and reprimanding him, I've also tried just moving away from him when he tries it.

He's a sweet boy, and he's not hard on the eyes either, but I just don't have feelings for him like that. I suppose I could humor him, but that feels callous and like it cheapens the experience.

If anyone has any, I could really use some ideas on how to reject his advances on his level, or in a way he can understand.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-12-18 07:49:55

kinda pushing my dog knowledge a bit here but I'm thinking it might be kind of like a fight or flight boner, for lack of a proper term. I remember seeing something similar when Cesar Milan does an alpha roll on a wolf dog. I've also seen it when a lab that got out met me on a country lane and got a chub when he started barking at me. Im guessing he likes you so he's probably just playing, and the boner is because of the (non-sexual) excitement of the situation.

based on this, maybe take him to a dog part so he can get some of the rough housing out of his system with other dogs?

Just my thoughts, might be wrong of course.

Cyenawe 2 points on 2015-12-18 08:07:17

Thanks for the response. The dog park may be a good idea. A new one was just built near me, so that's convenient. My family has taken him there before but my mother-in-law thinks the dog is more fragile than he is, so she doesn't really give him the chance to rough house. Maybe they'll let me take him myself and I can let him just be a dog.

Even if it doesn't end up fixing the problem, he'll have a good time of it, and that's always good. ^^

Cyenawe 1 point on 2015-12-18 08:04:29

I just noticed this is marked as nsfw. I don't remember setting it that way, and I didn't think doggie boner warranted the tag (since it seems they get them for a lot of things), but if a mod thought it was a mature topic and had to mark it as such, thanks for doing that, and I'm sorry, I didn't realize it needed marking. :P

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-12-18 17:24:21

it defaults to nsfw here.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2015-12-18 17:25:41

He's a sweet boy, and he's not hard on the eyes either, but I just don't have feelings for him like that. I suppose I could humor him, but that feels callous and like it cheapens the experience.

keep in mind that non-humans don't have those social hangups. it wouldn't "cheapen" anything for him, so you have to decide if it matters to you, but the short answer is that .. you're simply doing him a favor. finding a way to make him understand that there are appropriate and INappropriate times to make advances at you is the important thing.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-12-19 01:10:48


zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 4 points on 2015-12-19 05:27:02

The dog park is a good idea, but not all dogs will accept humping, and it's important to monitor if he is annoying or fixating on other dogs. Make sure he has good dog-manners, basically.

A fairly interesting method I've heard of used to control this behavior is basically the same method for teaching quiet, but with humping in place of barking. Basically, you get the dog to hump on cue, then get a cue to stop, and then apply both to teach when each action is appropriate, like humping a specific toy is fine but people are off limits.

Cyenawe 1 point on 2015-12-21 06:52:05

Humping on command, talk about teaching the most awkward trick ever. >.>

Thank you for the advice and the link. I'll definitely be trying some of everyone's advice. He'll definitely be watched carefully at the park too. My mother-in-law would probably lose her mind if he came home with even a scratch, and I'm not sure how much mind she has to spare. ^^;