I sometimes get sexual with my dog... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-12-20 01:16:57 by [deleted]


Myoki 10 points on 2015-12-20 01:56:37

Are you hurting her? Restraining her? Does she struggle? Try to flee? Show signs of pain like whimpering or whining?

If she has no qualms with having sex with you, then there's no immediate need to stop on that count. However... If you're uncertain, you should do some introspection first. Zoophiles that you'll find here are in honest, non-abusive relationships with animals, be they platonic or romantic, sex or not, but for the most part, many of us have come to terms with our identity, our zoophilia.

It's taboo as hell, and regardless of what happens, I advise you keep this under wraps. But "should you be ashamed" is solely up to you. If you want to embrace this animal loving nature of yours, by all means, people here will help you out, teach you the ropes, show you what little research has been done, and help you take the best care of your pup. If you decide this is something sick, that you don't want to be involved in, just hit the X, wipe your history, and forgive yourself. We won't take it personally.

PanchoDawg 5 points on 2015-12-20 02:09:43

Okay. Thank you for your advice

Kynophile Dog lover 3 points on 2015-12-20 02:06:43

Every individual case is different, but here are some general rules:

Is she happy when you get sexual with her, or does she get nervous and tense? If she's uncomfortable, you should probably stop, because at that point what you are doing is sexual assault, if not rape. Also, there's the matter of getting your dick bitten off, which I'm told is unpleasant. If she's happy with it, on the other hand, then on a personal level you are doing a good thing with her, and if you both enjoy it I see no reason to stop.

Another major concern is health risks. If she's current on her shots, and doesn't appear injured during or after sex, this likely isn't a problem. Still, be aware of the risks: you don't want a relatively rare illness like brucellosis.

The final concern, to your safety and hers, is privacy. Your parents likely don't know about what you're doing, and most likely wouldn't be happy with it. Other people's reactions can be volatile, and range from education to sympathy to outrage, leading in some cases to criminal prosecution or vigilante justice. Don't leave any trace that would cause an outraged third party to do you harm if they find out about it. The safest course is to keep it a secret for the most part, though if you can tell someone you trust, they might give you more specific guidance.

Lastly, on the topic of shame, I don't think there is any to be had if you're making sure she's having a good time and nobody's getting hurt. Other people's disgust is at best a reason not to tell them, not a reason to feel guilty. I've seen a lot of arguments against interspecies sex, and every one I've seen either relies on a misunderstanding of human and animal psychology and biology, or is a somewhat reworked version of an argument from disgust. There are reasons to be ashamed in specific instances (hurting the animals, neglecting your duties to the people around you, being unconcerned with the animals' feelings), but as a general rule shame for this is not rationally justified.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-12-20 02:07:27


demsweetdoggykisses 8 points on 2015-12-20 12:27:26

Better than your niece.

Yes, I did my research before replying.

I would like to suggest increasing your physical activity and focusing your explosion of teenage hormones on new activities and social experiences. It's a rough time to be trying to figure out what to do with your penis which is suddenly, constantly, incessantly begging for attention. You seem to be going "all over the road" with your urges and feelings right now.

Whatever you do, do not use your dog as a sex toy. She has to "consent" to anything you do together with body language, willingness and eagerness to interact.

Do NOT play out any of your bondage/BDSM fantasies with an animal. Not even remotely. Animals have minds that work via system of association, not rational thought. Any restraint or forceful, painful experiences at all can create a negative association and especially, ESPECIALLY if she's really a wolf hybrid, you are more than likely going to create permanent associations with being handled a certain way, and you might not be the only one who gets bit, it might be a family member.

Have you ever been bit by a large dog? It's incredibly traumatic and it happens faster than you can blink and suddenly you have blood running down your face or arms, and if this happens most likely the dog will be put down. I have been taking care of animals and often times their owners for a long time, I've seen similar instances happen before from hybrid animals making negative associations, so I thought I would scare you with a little harsh reality.

Treat her like you would treat a real, sensitive, intimate partner with care and affection and appreciation as a living, intelligent entity and there should be no need to feel shame.

edit: also, if you're going to plan on forging a trusting relationship, you're going to want to spend more time with her so she trusts you and you her, you can't just go to her when you're feeling frisky and want to fool around, you have to get involved with walking her (if allowed in your area as a hybrid), grooming her, playing games and talking to her and giving commands, so spend as much time reading up and learning dog/wolf behavior as you can. Don't make assumptions, a lot of behavior of canines is counter-intuitive.

If all of this feels like too much responsibility, then as I said, back off and refocus your energy. Otherwise, know that a lot of teenagers have had close, loving relationships with dogs, and far more of those relationships are zoophilic than anyone really knows. A dog can teach you a lot about love and emotions and there's no reason in the world to feel shame about this. Just please, please, if you're going to experiment at all intimately, even if it's light touching, you have to make sure there's not a CHANCE you'll be caught, and tell nobody about it, even friends you trust. It's a fast-track to getting a lot of time in a therapist's office and a family that will never trust you again.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2015-12-20 17:41:48

my research

Given how often I do the same thing, it's odd that I'm surprised when I realise other people do it too.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2015-12-22 06:34:23

It saves a lot of time. Can't count the number of times I started a very thorough reply to someone and took a glance at their post history and saw that they were completely out of their minds or colossal trolls or the like.

JonasCliver Mightyenas lol 3 points on 2015-12-20 16:09:36

Other than what /u/Kynophile said...

husky/wolf mix

For real?

zetacola Marooned 1 point on 2015-12-20 20:33:01

Wow, that was interesting.