You all need to die (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-12-29 00:50:32 by bladylol2


[deleted] -1 points on 2015-12-29 01:09:50


bladylol2 -5 points on 2015-12-29 01:11:17

Yeah man. Raping dogs in the ass is far better than enjoying a video game, right? Glad I'm not this self-unaware you disgusting waste of human life. You legitimately need to die.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2015-12-29 01:41:13

Would you be against dogs or horses fucking humans?

bladylol2 -3 points on 2015-12-29 01:52:34

Yes. If the sentence you wrote doesn't ring a bell in your head, then you're mentally sick. Humans are supposed to be with humans and animals with animals.

123raf123 3 points on 2015-12-29 03:32:27

You wishing death on someone because they do something you think is icky is a pretty clear sign of mental sickness.

zoozooz 0 points on 2015-12-29 01:37:15

We already had this. It was called the inquisition. It wasn't a good idea.

bladylol2 -1 points on 2015-12-29 01:52:48

You're not clever animalfucker.

zoozooz 2 points on 2015-12-29 02:36:08

Why do you say that?

That's just what happened:

According to Dubois-Desaulle (1933) and Niemoeller (1946), those who were accused of engaging in bestiality had little hope for a hearing on the merits of the case. Criminal law of this period had two types of torture: preparatory torture and definitive torture, which were each divided into two sub-classes: ordinary torture and extraordinary torture. Tortures varied from place to place. For example, the parliament of Paris admitted only torture by water and by the boot. The Parliament of Norceu, France, added to the water torture, thumb-screws. In this form of torture, the victim’ s thumbs were placed in a kind of small screw-vice which was then clamped down to the point of cracking the bones. At Dieppe, France, the accused was suspended by the nails with pincers. At Metz, France, sharp blades were inserted under the nails. This was done to elicit a confession. After conviction had been achieved, the punishment had two main elements: capital and monetary. Capital punishment was done through burning, and later by strangling and then burning. Often, the animal that had been used for the sexual act was burned in the same fire that consumed the individual (Dubois-Desaulle, 1933; Niemoeller, 1946). Often, the accused man was strung up on a ladder in the great square of the town, and the animal was burned in his presence. Then the person was hanged and strangled, after which his body was thrown into the same fire which had burnt the animal. Sometimes, the person was first roasted a little, then strangled, and finally burned. The animal was usually killed by a blow to the head before going into the fire. The trial papers were often also thrown into the fire, to leave no trace of the abominable crime (Dekkers, 1994).

In his original work from 1905, Dubois-Desaulle (1933) recorded the proceedings of 40 bestiality trials appearing before the old French courts of the 16th and 17th centuries, from the collection of documents gathered by the Procurer of the King, Gueullette, in 1739. Of those 40 condemnations, 12 were sentenced to be burned alive and 28 to be hanged and strangled. However, after decrees of Parliament only four were burned alive (Dubois-Desaulle, 1933).

According to Monter (1981) who compared recorded sodomy trials in Geneva and Fribourg, in Geneva, bestiality was relatively unimportant during the 16th century, and there was only one known trial and no known death. Bestiality, however, became more significant after 1610. Three men were burned for it between 1614 and 1617, and three of the final five 17th century trials were for bestiality.

Liliequist (1988) analyzed 1074 death penalty cases sentenced by the Superior Court Svea Hovratt in Sweden, based on letters from the court to the executive authorities, between 1634 and 1756. He found that overall, far more individuals were executed for bestiality than for witchcraft in Sweden, totaling between 500 and 600 people. Many more animals, primarily cows, heifers, mares, sheep, goats, sows, bitches, and dogs, were also executed. Almost all the convicted individuals were young men (Liliequist, 1988).

Do you like that?

GottaGoFat 2 points on 2015-12-29 02:58:02

Now thats brutal

GottaGoFat 0 points on 2015-12-29 02:43:25

When normies talk about something they dont understand