[Serious] question on horse safety (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2015-12-30 01:43:17 by buttfacebuttshit

I'm not really into zoophilia so that may be a dumb question. Horses are large. What's to stop a stallion from seriously hurting someone who is... Utilizing him? I can't think of too many places more dangerous than under a horse.

Frostfedora Captain Esports 3 points on 2015-12-30 05:55:22

Nothing. Receiving penetrative sex of any kind (oral sex too-- that's why 99% of the time, in bestiality porn involving blowing a horse, the cum is fake) from a stallion is pretty fucking dangerous.

[deleted] 1 point on 2015-12-30 19:09:37


zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 5 points on 2015-12-30 06:04:42

Honestly, unless the horse is drugged or very restrained (which all of us here will agree is rape and a Very Bad Thing), nothing. It is a dangerous, vulnerable position, and not only could a stallion hurt someone intentionally if upset, there are also all sorts of potential accidents- being hit with hooves, having too much weight put on the human's body (depending on the position), and, infamously, even injuries from the horse's penis itself.

There's a little less danger with ponies and miniature horses because while they can still bite and kick, they only have one hundred pounds to back it up instead of nine hundred. Also their penises aren't as large, so people aren't as likely to die that way.

larblac 2 points on 2015-12-30 06:58:58

Miniature horses, brah.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2016-01-02 07:38:42

your use of the word "Utilizing" I find slightly odd and saying you're "really into zoophilia" is also weird, like saying saying "I'm really into heterosexual sex", to answer the question, people that have sex with stallions are really putting themselves in a lot more danger than say mare, or at least it seems that way to me as I have never felt at risk behind my mare, just either don't mess around with horses unless you really know them and trust them and know what you're doing.

buttfacebuttshit 1 point on 2016-02-09 18:23:58

I thought utilizing was more respectful than saying sucking horse cock and saying I'm not really into zoophilia was nicer than saying that i think its really fucked up. Sorry about that.

ZooMasil 1 point on 2016-02-10 05:21:18

you see when when you said utilizing I didn't know what you were talking about, fucking them, getting fucked, or as you put it sucking cock. Thanks for the clarification, it helps me answer the question better. Yes sucking a one foot meat pole that is attached to a muscular beast that could choke you with it if they wanted to is indeed dangerous. As a side note I'm wondering why you're asking if you think it's fucked up? I mean you don't see me going to the some forum I think is gross (otherkin) and asking vague question,