Finnish zoophiles: "Statement against the proposed ban of zoophilia" (english translation) (
submitted 2015-12-30 17:00:26 by quarterly88
actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 2 points on 2015-12-30 18:17:27

Looks good. God, I'd love for them to decide against making it illegal. That would be pretty amazing.

Pigeondance Birdies yay 2 points on 2015-12-30 22:10:31

I liked it too, sounded good. I wonder who/whom this was sent too? It all sounded good to me until the argument about meat, which had its usefulness in pointing out hipocrasy but at the same time it kind of sounds like "zoophilia is not as bad as death and torture" which isn't the most productive angle I think..

droolnslobber 2 points on 2015-12-31 00:01:01

It's one among many arguments. And doesn't it really show some hypocrisy in the human race?

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2016-01-03 17:48:49

I've tried pointing out hypocrisy in other contexts. Doesn't seem to work. Hypocrisy is a blind-spot, after all.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2015-12-30 23:49:59

...and still you believe that approaching a highly emotional topic with reason and logic can make a big change in public perception of gullible... Nothing "we" say will make any difference for the vast majority of people. We Germns went through the same process a few years ago and we, unlike the Finns, had an "official" pro zoo organisation (ZETA) actively trying to do some lobbyism for animal sex and influence the whole thing by providing the deciders with their pro arguments. Has not helped a bit, having sex with animals still was outlawed in an instant. The major mistake originating the tsunami of anti laws has been made a long time ago by wishing that having sex with animals is the next big thing in sex lib and turning this to the public instead of staying clandestine and hidden. It was the animal porn hype around the year 2000, when these clips became widely and easily available through the internet that broought us here...never forget that. The German politicians Silke Lautenschläger and Madelaine Martin made a statement I´d like to emphasize here. They said that zoophilia once was an activity/orientation that has been done by a few single individuals, hidden from the public. But with the dawn of the mass acceptance of the net, zoophilia mutated into an internet sex cult, it shifted from single individuals into a big group of folks with all kinds of different motivations to indulge in this, genuine zoos as well as thrill seekers, perverts with no limitations and even less care for the animals they abuse for their get off fantasies. As much as I´d like to disagree to that, fact is that anyone who remembers what it was like to be a zoophile before the internet simply can´t disagree on that statement. It actually mutated into something vile and rotten, into just another sick way to exploit animals. Well, when the first plans to make sex with animals illegal came up in 2010 in Germany, I was offended and shared the same thoughts as most of you "activists". But after I did some thinking and had to witness what this community (the general animal sex community, involving anyone, even BF users) is doing while spitting out the z-word any time it seems appropriate, I have to say that making it illegal is a relatively low price we have to pay to reestablish some kind of zoo code of conduct, a zoo morality that was totally lost in the porn hype back then. If these laws are able to keep the most despicable and vile assholes from "trying out" what they falsely call zoophilia, then I´m totally okay with it being outlawed. I don´t want total freedom for animal fuckers. Let them outlaw it. I even think that the authorities know their law is not enforcable on those of us who abstain from dumb shit like posting their homemade animal porn online, actively participating in "animal sex circles" and trying to hook up online. I want zoophilia to return to what it once was, something that is done in the privacy of your own home, with the curtains drawn and the door locked. Finland will outlaw animal sex, that´s for sure. There are no words, no arguments to prevent that from happening. The finnish politicians also know that their law won´t stop the "hardcore zoos", those whose sexual orientation is zoophilia, from having sex with their animal partner. But the laws aren´t aimed at the "hardcore zoos", they´re aimed at all those who participate in all of the stupid meta stuff, in porn sharing communities like BF, in fencehopping, in animal sex parties, in pimping out animals to strangers. The law won´t make zoophilia disappear, but it possibly can cut down the "internet sex cult" and all it involves... We zoos seem to have lost the connection to the "normal" people completely, even insisting on legalizing practices that are seen as totally inappropriate when done with "informed consent" humans. I may be leaning out of the window a bit too much, but I even say that this so called "zoo rights" movement is nothing more than the most anthropocentric and selfish concept I can think of...yeah, let us legally fuck any animal...who cares about what the animal wants? Who cares that those shouting the loudest that they are "experts" on animal behavior are usually the ones imposing human sexuality concepts onto non human animals and misreading/misinterpreting animal behavior in the worst thinkable fashion. I´ve read the transscript of the radio interview and all I see is what I have stated above...anthropocentrism and selfish arguments. I begin to understand why there´s such a massive opposition...I don´t want a generalized legalisation of fucking animals. Let the Finns outlaw it, they´ll do it anyway...don´t be fooled by stupid folks calling themselves zoos, but putting the wellbeing of their own animals at stake without batting an eye, just for the sake of sex lib bullshit. Learn to live your life without this drama queen crap, without the "fame" of stepping out into the light with your sexuality. Nobody cares...unless you are stupid enough to make ´em care. The laws are a reaction on violating the zeta rule number one: Always place the wellbeing of your animal before your own. If this means to live a life in denial to protect your animal from any possible harm, well, then just swallow down your damn drama queen ego...I could not think of anything more non zoo than putting your animal at risk only because your ego needs public tolerance and acceptance.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 2 points on 2015-12-31 18:51:59

You may be right, you may be wrong. If we don't try we will never know.

30-30 amator equae 1 point on 2016-01-01 06:07:01

"We" already have tried this several times..."we" already should know that this is doomed to fail right from the start. We failed in times less intolerant than today, the nineties.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 2 points on 2016-01-03 17:54:39

We have lost more than we have won. Saying we should not fight is itself a lost battle, because those who with to fight will then fight foolishly and alone to our collective loss. The least bad option is to fight in a way that allows us to learn from our mistakes. I bet our opponents learned from their mistakes.

30-30 amator equae 0 points on 2016-01-04 12:29:54

We haven´t lost a single thing. Before the new laws explicitly outlawing sex with animals were introduced, the authorities applied other laws to punish people not cautious enough, like animal cruelty laws etc. The only thing that has changed is that now there are laws directly adressing the sex with animals topic. Fighting a useless battle is loss in itself...please tell me what benefits have ever come from pushing zoophilia/bestiality into the public? The only consequences I can think of are negative ones. Please don´t make me laugh by stating that the least bad option is "learning from our mistakes" because I´ve never met another community so inept and unwilling to really learn from screwing up big time. Still, the majority of our community misunderstands a battle for zoophilia as a simultaneous battle to wipe away any sexual limitation; most of the "combatants" don´t fight for "zoophilia", they fight for limitless fucking, without any barrier, a 24/7 orgy with multiple, quickly changing animals and humans ("fucking throu the barn with friends"), any sexual practice, even if it´s solely for the humans "delight" (fisting, s/m, etc.)...

I´ve never seen such a useless fight. I´ve never seen people more incapable to adapt to the "suppressive, mean and unjust society", I´ve never seen more loss of connection to those they demand tolerance from. Our community as a whole is a disgrace, ladies and gentlemen. Whenever someone brings up a reasonable plan to install some connection to the normals by limiting sexuality to , let´s say, one animal, he gets shouted down as "intolerant, wannabe norm, oppressive and sexually repressive". Mr Burdinski from ZETA even called me an "edelzoo" ( aristocrat zoophile), just because I don´t share ZETA´s hippie-esk way of thinking. I never will support a limitless, total freedom when it comes to having sex with animals; too much harm has been done by this so far, just look it up in Beastforum. People tieing up animals, people literally raping animals...and all that with a smile on their face, the z-word in their mouths and swift accusations of being an intolerant asshole when you object their intolerable behavior. There will be no total freedom; like any other controversial topic that is introduced to society, there needs to be restrictions, regulations and supervision from the authorities to make it happen. Just compare it to cannabis legalization, it´s also restricted to adults, limited to a certain amount of weed you can buy and it isn´t allowed to advertize for it. What most people think of when talking about zoo rights is just their own horny fantasies, not taking any of the normal peoples doubts and fears into it. "We" want tolerance, but don´t give a bloody shit about what a normal person thinks about our behavior... Our whole community has transformed into a huge echo chamber, you only hear your own reflected opinion and thus never will make any connection to society. This battle is lost just before it even began...

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-01-07 20:46:23

Do you realize how many times african americans had to try for rights before they were truly even remotely on a level considered slightly on par with the rest of society?

I'm not saying that is remotely comparable. I'm just saying if you think "we tried it once/twice 10-20 years ago and it went bad" qualifies as trying, you are dead wrong.

pinkstray 2 points on 2016-01-01 23:17:19

You touch on some great points and an ongoing dilemma I have with respect to bringing a voice to the table with respect to zoophilia as a moral and ethical sexual orientation. Fact is I think it is, but the diaspora of stupidity pollutes waters quite effectively. I think one way forward may be to explore the space from an academic perspective as a start to building a body of knowledge and research around the subject.

Edog91 1 point on 2016-01-01 07:24:57

I hope you much success.

rasterwolf 1 point on 2016-01-02 20:52:18

I would totally love to get to know dolphins. Does that make me a finnish zoophile?

Nitromorphine 0 points on 2016-01-03 02:16:27

You all should be put in prison.

bulkbrooms 1 point on 2016-01-03 03:19:05

You can read a degree of disconnect in the writing that I doubt was added in translation. Such as the repeated use of the word "zoosadism" which is alien to most and should have been simply "sadism" qualified with separate words. Various bullet points take facts for granted, probably because they're repeated ad nauseum in zoophiles' little hangouts but strange to anyone else. I understand some need for brevity (which is not quite achieved either) but the tradeoff is in degree of alienation. The order of facts reads arbitrarily.

Finally, it took me 5 tries to load the document due to unintelligible Cloudfail captchas.