Zoophiles and human relationships (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-13 12:20:14 by wasted944

Have any zoos, who are not zoo exclusive, managed to forge a long lasting relationship with another human? If so, how did you find your human counterpart, what was their reaction to zoophilia? Are they zoo as well or just open minded and accepting?

Frostfedora Captain Esports 2 points on 2016-01-13 21:02:36

Up until a year ago I was staunchly zoo exclusive, as was my current partner. After meeting her on /r/zoophilia and talking to her for a few days I was like "huh this girl's pretty cool and I kind of want to spend the rest of my life with her" and I told her that I loved her and she was a bit taken aback but reciprocated in a couple weeks. We're sort of engaged at the moment and will be tying the knot ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) as soon as we can financially afford it. As for the zoophilia aspect, we have the same interests and tastes when it comes to animals which makes things really convenient.

The first few months required some transitioning though. We frequently imagined ourselves together as ferals or anthros to make being in love with a human more comfortable.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-01-14 17:29:51

lol, you're joking? no way someone who labels themselves z-exclusive (i.e. me) would turn 180 and start banging a human just because they thought they were pretty cool.

AXwoof Canines + 2 points on 2016-01-14 18:31:24

I agree, however some people are kind of... flexible when it comes to sexuality, so I think different circumstances can change it to a certain level.

Even I experienced: At first I was exclusive into female animals, then suddenly red k9 rockets started catching my interest as well.

Though imagining having sex with a human is impossible for me too.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2016-01-14 19:42:45

I don't think being in a relationship implies a very active or even existent sex life. I don't consider myself zoo-exclusive because I am open to a human relationship, but it would absolutely exclude human sex. It's also not uncommon to be attracted to someone primarily because of personality or to only become attracted to people or animals after getting to know them.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2016-01-14 20:49:53

ah fair enough, I read his last paragraph as meaning more than just being with each other.

Susitar Canidae 3 points on 2016-01-14 21:29:08

I've never really had an animal partner, mostly due to practical reasons. I'm in a long and stable relationship with a human male, and he is also partly zoo. We discussed this early in our relationship, because I didn't want to waste time on a partner who would leave me once I couldn't hide my zoophilia. But since he has such fantasies as well he accepted this fully.

I had my first sexual experience with a dog during our relationship, with his knowledge and acceptance. He still doesn't have any sexual experiences with animals, but he's into large cats, so he probably never will.

In my last relationship I dated a straight non-zoo man for two years. He seemed to be accepting about it at first, but when we started arguing about something else (it was a bad relationship!) he sometimes brought up this to hurt me. "You think a dog would EVER be interested in you? No way, you're so delusional."

pinkstray 1 point on 2016-01-15 01:58:57

This is an interesting topic. I'v been predominantly zoo. When I have been between partners, I'v only been sexually attracted to other humans who identify as zoo. Everyone else is boring to me.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 1 point on 2016-01-15 02:32:02

I'm not sexually attracted towards humans, but have been in human relationships. One was as a teenager. It was kind of my wake-up-call about how much this could affect me and my relationships when I couldn't tell him. The second was also zoo, so it wasn't really a problem.

I think we met like most people, simply by chance meeting people who I found aesthetically pleasing and wanted to spend time with.

HeartBeatOfTheBeast Hoof and Claw 1 point on 2016-01-15 04:08:16

Nope. Zoo exclusive here, though the thought of having a zoo roommate to help with expenses has crossed my mind.

rasterwolf 0 points on 2016-01-17 06:14:13

Zoo exclusive here. But I do have a point of view on this:

I have some zoo friends and the friendship I have with them is very different than it is with my non-zoo friends. Its a deeper friendship. Being able to let my hair down and turn off the zoo filter that constantly runs, censoring my speech, is so relaxing. Unfortunately these friends are in another state and I only get to hang once or twice per year. So I'm trying to get a place further out in the country and I really do think I'd like to get another zoo room mate when that happens-- Or at least a neighbor.

The worst thing a zoo can do is be in a relationship and then keep this big secret. That'd suck. But I have news: Most women are not pleased to find out their boyfriend is screwing dogs and sheep on the side. Guys might find women getting banged by the dog to be amusing, but in the same way that guys think lesbian porn is kinda hot but women don't go around watching gay man porn. Make sense?

Of course, who am I to talk. I've ranted on this board several times trying to convince people to stop coming out of the closet to their friends and family. I admit that you're less likely to find zoo friendlies if you follow my advice. But then again, when I'm right I'm right and there have been some astonishing disasters caused by getting too chatty about zoo stuff.

that_dude25 1 point on 2016-01-18 23:13:38

I've been in a couple long term relationships with women, but never had the guts to let them know about my zoo interests until after we broke up. One of them was a bit weirded out at first, and the other ex was actually quite supportive of it, although not into it herself. I had ended both relationships on good terms thankfully and I still keep in touch with both of them.

I personally wish I had told them while we were still together, as it would've helped with the guilt, but I'm happy that they're understanding and supportive now. This isn't the case for everyone though, so be careful if you're gonna discuss it.

lakatoka 1 point on 2016-01-20 09:26:54

told them. mostly not into it, but one was into roleplay and the current one is very submissive and would try it out. but I'm a cool guy so it's easy for them as I'm one of the few gentlemen left.