I feel like I just sentenced myself to Hell. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-14 06:19:18 by Jack-of-a-Few-Trades

Hello everyone, I'm sort of new to both Reddit and this subreddit so please excuse any way I might violate the unwritten rules of conduct. I came here today because I had an experience just earlier this afternoon that frightened me for a number of reasons.

I suppose I should supply a bit of background information about both myself and what led up to the incident today. I'll start with the former.

I am no stranger to the concept of zoophilia. I am a brony, and I will admit, the sheer amount of horse penises you will inevitably see while being a part of that group can start to have an effect on you. I began feeling interested in equines beyond just wanting to go on trail rides with them about three years ago. At first I thought I was a freak for even being interested in that sort of thing, but after a while, I was able to dismiss it as a harmless fantasy and continue about my daily life without the cloud of guilt over my fetishes hanging around.

And now for the other half of the equation.

Back in September of 2015, while I was away at college, my family adopted a new dog named Maya from a family moving to a house too small to support the puppy in a huge dog's body. (She is a mixed breed, appearing to have Australian Shepherd and Doberman heritage. Ironically, due to her size, we began playfully calling her "Horse.")

Now, when I came home over winter break from school, Maya was a little hesitant to accept me as part of the family, frequently barking at me every time I approached and such. However, she warmed up eventually, and she's been an absolute blast to have around.

Well, today something happened.

Ever since middle school, I have suffered from a form of psoriasis known as Guttate Psoriasis, in which small dots of hardened skin will from on my body at random times. It has gone away mostly, but every now and again, there's a flare up. Today marked one of those flare-ups, and given that the doctor told me that doses of UVB light is an effective treatment for the condition, I decided to do a little sunbathing this afternoon. The outbreak was mostly on my thighs, so I just decided to go nude. (I live in the country so no worries there) Well, I was laying there, minding my own business and resting with my eyes closed on a reclining lawn chair, and out of nowhere, I felt a dog lick me.

On my penis.

I jumped up to see Maya looking up at me with a happy "pet me !" face. I was so flabbergasted that I just ran back into the house. And here's the kicker:

It gave me a semi-erection.

I felt dirty and ashamed for being excited by that, and after a long shower to percolate my thoughts, I decided that she was just doing a dog-style greeting that I took the wrong way. I let it go, and went about my day.

Two hours later, I was outside working with firewood. I needed to pee, so I went over behind the shed to do my business. I whipped out the tallywhacker, and then Maya appeared. She ran right up to me and went straight for my pecker, getting in a lick before I could refuse it. I pulled my underwear up, and she reared back and legitimately tried to pull them back down.

And the worst part, in my mind? I obliged her, pulling them back down and letting her get her licks in on me, feeling ashamed all the while.

I was left with a raging erection and a brain that was turning itself inside out trying to process what had just happened. Thankfully, I left to return to campus tonight, but I can't help but wonder:

Will it happen again, and most importantly, will I be able to resist it?

I thought this looked like a place where I could get some honest to goodness advice about what I should do. It's tormenting me pretty badly, and I could really use some knowledge from you people.

TL;DR: My dog made a pass at me today and I am pretty shaken up. What do?

Thank you in advance.

electricfoxx 12 points on 2016-01-14 06:28:44

Don't beat yourself up over it. I don't necessarily think what happened was wrong. She didn't get hurt. You seem to take good care of her. What you do with your life is up to you? If you don't want to do anything with her, we won't look down on you.

Remember, animals don't have any knowledge of sexual guilt. They think what they are doing is perfectly okay. They don't know anything about religion or culture.

Treat her like a princess and we will be happy.

AXwoof Canines + 8 points on 2016-01-14 14:08:17


I think feeling guilty is normal for anyone who just had their first zoo-sexual experience. But there's no need to be.

From what you told us (if it's true), it seems like Maya uses every given opportunity, so she can taste your dick, lol. Maybe she already knew you would like it ;p

And it's less unnatural than it sounds, many dogs like to lick, and you let her, nothing wrong. You even were the passive part, so it's just silly to think she feels harmed or anything.

If something like this happens again: Just try to enjoy it, don't fight the feeling. I believe it can be wonderful...

Nowix 7 points on 2016-01-14 14:15:38

There's no one ashamed about it other than yourself. If you feel ashamed about her, don't be. You didn't force her anything, so did it on her own. If it makes you feel any better, dogs generally don't do things on their own they don't like.

This is only between you two. If you want to pretend it never happened you can just go about your day like normal. She won't tell anyone. Nobody will know. It's only wrong because you think it is.

On the flip side, if you can't get it out of your head and decide to explore it regardless, I'll definitely won't be the one to judge you. Most of us got the first experience like this. It is by far and large not unusual, including the feelings of being dirty and ashamed for actually liking it. But that's up to you how you want to handle it..

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 6 points on 2016-01-14 19:11:15

just adding another voice to say you need not be ashamed of what happened. it is also important to understand that this is not some road you are now forced to walk down to its inevitable conclusion. she licked your dick. it doesn't mean anything. dogs lick things. dogs lick other dogs' private parts all the time. it is indeed just a greeting thing to get a better scent to help identify an individual and get a few details about what's going on in their body (food, sexual readiness, etc.).

that said, there's also nothing wrong with choosing to go further down this path, as long as you do it with extreme care to make sure you're not pushing her into anything she's not willing to do. the fine line is reading between "what are you doing? i've never experienced this before." and "what are you doing? i'm not comfortable with this." i admit to still having a tough time reading that confusion in a dog, but you must always err on the side of caution in that case.

is maya spayed? i would say that if you do choose to pursue this, the best place to start would be intimate gentle rubbing when she's in heat. make sure your nails are nicely trimmed.. the last thing you want is to scratch her up and have her associate sexual things with pain. also, make sure you have some lube. if she likes rubbing (on the outside, i mean), the next step would to be to get a finger inside her and rub her clit. you can take it from there, but only if she's showing clear signs of interest, and again, make good use of that lube. how big is she? you may need to be careful you're not too big for her as well. fingers and your tongue might be the only thing that's safe to put inside her. it can be frustrating in some ways, but i find it quite satisfying as well (hopefully she tastes good .. i've had a very small sample -- two dogs -- and found already that some taste good and some definitely do not).

uh. sorry if this is more detail than you were hoping for... <.< just trying to be preemptive.

TL;DR - guilt is unnecessary and unhelpful. you don't have to do anything sexual with her from this day forward, but if you do, make absolutely sure she's ok with things before doing anything.

Susitar Canidae 4 points on 2016-01-14 21:13:23

I would just like to add that perhaps she does not view this as sexually as you do. She might just like the smell/taste of your dick, dogs are drawn towards interesting smells. That's why they chew on sweaty socks and stuff. So she licked your dick and seemed happy about it? No harm done.

You did nothing wrong. She did it all on her own, you didn't force her to. If she wants to lick you dick again, and you don't risk hers or yours safety, you could let her do it. You should teach her that it's not appropriate behaviour around other people though! It would be very awkward to have to explain to guests why she is licking at your crotch (or theirs!).

But it's not a guarantee she will want to mate with you just because she gives you oral, you never know. Dogs might be up for one activity but not want do another, they have their own preferences just like we do.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-01-15 06:31:49


droolnslobber 1 point on 2016-01-15 10:35:51

You're brave for telling your story. Be strong in yourself. You didn't sentence yourself to Hell. A cute female dog licked your penis. Once you realize that those two sentences do NOT go together, I think you find much joy and growth in life.

It's okay to feel guilty. Some things take time to process. Much love to you.

mastiffrowaway 2 points on 2016-01-15 10:54:36

Hey, man. I actually had a somewhat similar experience. I got a lot of loving responses, and I can tell you that the guilt doesn't go away easily... but it does go away. Peace and acceptance are in your future.

I guess my question for you is-- since I had to ask myself this-- do you want to resist it, deep down? If she enjoyed it, what's really the problem? Even if it wasn't sexual, she did something that she clearly wanted to do.

incognito-cognition 1 point on 2016-01-16 00:42:35

Apologies if my skepticism sounds insensitive, this seems like strangely specific behavior, plus I'm a little curious about sunbathing nude in the middle of January, in a climate where you keep firewood. :)

But if you're on the level, or even if you just changed a few details to make the story more anonymous, I wish you the best in finding the answer that offers you the most comfort in the future, and least time in hell! Hopefully the other answers will put you on the right direction.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-01-16 02:39:37

Don't feel guilty. Even if it doesn't end up being your thing, animals don't share the same sexual taboos as humans. They can and do make sexual passes at people. I should know, it's how I met my first love... may she RIP.

demsweetdoggykisses 2 points on 2016-01-16 03:09:13

It takes a lot of courage to admit to that, and despite all the flack and negativity you might face, I don't think you have anything to be ashamed of.

But enough about being a brony! As for your experience with the dog? Don't worry, it doesn't sound like anyone got hurt and nothing unpleasant happened. Enjoy the sensation, if you don't want it to happen again, enjoy the memory. Explore what you liked and didn't like about it and then take your time to decide if what you're feeling is a zoophilia matter or just something exciting that got you curious. There's no wrong answer, but whatever happens, don't worry. Nobody is going to judge you, nothing bad will happen to you, you're not going to hell, literal or proverbial. Just accept that there are things in life that don't fit easily into definitions and as long as nobody is being hurt it doesn't really matter as long as you can find things to appreciate and love about your brief, brief time on this planet.

rasterwolf 0 points on 2016-01-17 05:58:31

So just throwing this out there. I mean. What if she does that because she's BEEN doing that-- With someone else. Bwahahah.

I guess you have the head-rush dazed feeling because you're young and to you sex is still a big deal or something. You'll get over that. If you feel messed up for more than a day or two, it might be time to file some Sexual Harassment charges against her. I know it sounds weird. A guy filing charges against a female, but sometimes a guy just wants to be left alone to enjoy himself without "accidentally" finding a female's tongue on his woody. Know what I mean? Its all about equality!

And I have a little secret, pony-owner to brony: Yes, pony sex IS. THE. BEST. EVER. Being a brony that loves clop, you should probably relax and admit your sexual kinks to yourself. I mean come on. You'd do AJ in real life if you had the chance so just be cool with it. Jeez. MLP has created more zoos than anything since Robin Hood... Then again, there is zootopia coming up this year. Bwahahaha! Prepare the forum for heavy traffic!

deadaim_ -1 points on 2016-01-18 12:43:00

Your dog didn't make a pass at you.. Dogs lick everything.. Do people really think.this is some sort of sexual pass? Holy fuck I've read two posts on this subreddit and I just lost so much faith in man kind.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-01-19 10:31:18

Did you read the part about it backing up and flagging / trying to pull his pants off?

Do some thinking.

deadaim_ -1 points on 2016-01-19 13:02:09

Stfu you sick fucking goofball. You are into having sex with pets. Your whole fucking life is a miserable fail. Go lick a goats ass you pathetic waste of skin.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 1 point on 2016-01-19 15:44:15

Nice talking with you too.

I'm no longer zoo-active BTW, but don't let that get in the way of your vehemence, it's so telling...