I need help to decide what to do. Prepared to ditch bf and leave town with his dog (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-18 03:07:35 by pupluver

I have a true story and a question that I’m hoping to get some help with.

First a little background: I'm a female with a bf whos got an uneutered border collie dog named Noah. My bf and I have been together for 8 months now. But about 5 mo ago something major changed. The bf was out of town on a fishing trip with his buddies for a week. Not my idea of fun. So I dogsat Noah for him at my place. 2nd night in I had a wet dream like I occasionally do. Only this time it wasnt just a dream. I awake to realize Noah had been licking my snatch while I was asleep! Idk if he was sensing my pheremones or energy during my dream or what but he was into me.

One thing led to another and I gave him a handjob. Figured might as well return the favor. Plus I was curious. I was amazed how big he was. From this pt onward Noah had become extra kissy and friendly with me and was getting pretty damn insistent later that day that I let him slide in to third base. Sooooooo later that evening I went online and did some research. Turned out there were a crapload of people out there just as crazy as me. I found a how-to guide for women on a zoophile forum. Fast fwd an hour and a half later: a border collie is screwing my brains out on the bed!

Over the next several days he pounded me so fast so hard so many times I lost track of the days. 2-3 times a day we went at it letting him fully “knot” me locking us together as if I were a female dog in heat.

That entire week with him was UHH-MAAAAA-ZIIINNNNNGG. Noah had made me his bitch and I was lovin every moment of it and so was he. He was obsessed with me and we couldnt get enough of each other. He would have different moods too. Some times how he would act and do me would be almost tender and loving. He’d be licking my face and neck slower than usual and at times softly placing his paw on my face as he'd lay on top of me and lick my mouth with his eyes half closed. He’d even do more nuzzling and licking while mounting me. Yet other times he was a bit more uh agressive. As if he was saying "youre mine bitch" going straight for the gold and jackhammering me doggystyle so hard my head would be shoved into the pillow. “Animals can’t consent” my ass!!! LOL My heart was melting in his paws.

Eventually he began to get demanding and persistent outside of the bedroom. So to prevent Noah from acting inappropriately around me when the man of the house returned I taught him that the only time he's allowed to mount me and have sexytime was when we were in a room alone with me naked and on all fours. He learned that pretty quick. Damn I was so bummed when the week was over and my bf came back from the trip. I acted like I really missed him. I totally didnt. After all of this I knew I’d never turn back.

So heres what I need help with:

Fast fwd 5 months. I'm now at a sort of crossroads in my relationship with the bf. Weve been living together for a cuople months now and soon after I moved in he started to not treat me right anymore like he used to. He's become more distant too. There's even been a couple instances of physical abuse toward me when we'd get into our yelling matches (grabbed me painfully hard one time, pushed me into the wall another time and raised his hand as if he was going to slap me). It's been stressing out both me and Noah. I always pull my weight around the house and I've tried everything to make things better with my bf. Nothing. Just makes things worse. I want to leave him. Problem is I don't want to leave Noah.

Me and that dog are completely smitten with each other. I almost feel like I'm falling in love with him. I get butterflies in my stomach just thinking about him on my way home from work. I never thought I could consider a dog sexy but Noah makes my heart go pitterpatter and this doggie is undoubtedly in love with his new human gf! He loves me and listens to me way more than his own daddy now which I think is making bf jealous.

I now work graveyard shifts just so I don't have to deal with the bf as much. I lose a lot of sleep everyday just so I can spend that time awake with Noah. I've been so tempted to just pack all my stuff up while he's at work and skip town with my furry lover. I can totally do it. I have the money to move out of the country if I wanted. Plus Noah isn’t microchipped or tatood so technically there’s not much holding me back from running away with him and claiming him as mine.

I just feel so stuck. I know for a fact if I come out to my bf he will not be understanding. Not a chance in hell. Yet hell is where I feel I have to stay just so I can be with my new bf who just so happens to be a dog. If any you have any better ideas on how I can deal with this and keep Noah in my life I would appreciate it very much. I'm between a rock and a hard place and I'm getting closer and closer as the days go on to just leaving town with Noah. :-|

Anonymous Doglover

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 7 points on 2016-01-18 03:15:36

I'm not very good with human relationship advice, so I'll leave others to chime in with their opinions, but please, don't run away with Noah. I know it sounds like a wonderful and plausible idea for you, but dogs are legally considered property and your bf could definitely report you for theft, which wouldn't be good for anybody involved. I've never been in this situation, but I think even though it's hard for you, we should always consider the pet owner first. Noah is his dog and (I'm assuming, since most pet owners are) he's bonded well with Noah. I'd be absolutely destroyed if someone took one of my pets, especially if it was someone who I thought I could trust. I think your bf's feelings (and rights, since Noah is his dog) are just as important to consider here.

I hope some others can help you out with advice for your situation, it definitely sounds like a rough spot to be in.

pupluver 0 points on 2016-01-18 03:35:46

But Noah loves me way more now than his owner, my bf. If I left Noah both him and myself would be left broken. :( To hell with my bf. I can't stand the thought of leaving Noah. I'm also afraid the bf might start abusing Noah with his increasing anger issues :(

TheLordMyDog 6 points on 2016-01-18 04:35:43

Cut the shit. At best, you're well bonded as well, but any preference towards you that you see is sexual infatuation.

TheLordMyDog 13 points on 2016-01-18 04:36:07

Don't try to rationalize stealing his dog.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 6 points on 2016-01-18 04:54:41

Do dogs have feelings and emotions? Yes, of course they do. Do they experience them the same way we do? No, as much as we'd like to think they do, most of the time they don't. If you aren't in Noah's life anymore, yes, he will miss you for a while, but he won't be "heartbroken." I don't think dogs don't feel heartbroken like we do most of the time, except maybe in cases of extreme abuse. He'll wonder where you went, but he's a dog. He'll move on, and keep enjoying his life with his owner. Dogs don't dwell on the past like we do. We see dogs all the time go from one owner or family to another, and when they go to live with the new family they don't act sad about the old one they lost. They're happy to meet their new one!

I think with animals, ESPECIALLY zoophiles when we have such close bonds and feelings for them, we have to be very careful about projecting human emotions and thought processes onto animals. I'm not saying that animals aren't smart, or animals don't have emotions, but they don't have all the same emotions and lines of thinking that we do in situations like this. Yes Noah does like you, but he's a dog, and he'll be fine without you. I think that's one of the best qualities that dogs have; they don't dwell on the past, they live in the moment and enjoy every second of it.

How do you know Noah likes you more than your bf? We can't ask dogs who they like better, so really there's not a way to answer. I have a dog, who I'm not in any kind of relationship with. I've had this dog for five years and we're very close. But, she LOVES my dad! She gets so excited when she sees him, every time. Does this mean she likes my dad more than she likes me? No, I don't think so. My dad loves the dog, but he doesn't spend as much time with her as I do. He doesn't train her, walk her, take her on trips, etc. I spend much more time with my dog on a daily basis than my dad does. We both have bonds with the dog, but they're different kinds. I have a much more "intimate" friendship with the dog; I spent more time with her so I know more how she thinks, how she works, more of what she likes and doesn't like. So just because she gets more visibly excited when she's around my dad doesn't mean she doesn't like me just as much. I doubt even that most dogs like one person over any others they're bonded with. I don't think dogs would "rank" people or friendships like we do.

The hardest thing about animals is just not knowing for sure. Like I said before, we can't ask Noah who he likes better, if dogs even think that way (which I don't think they do, but). We have to be really careful not to project our own feelings onto animals, and decide that they think the way we want them to, or think they might. Animals process things and think about things a lot different than we do, and we might never understand everything about it. It's a frustrating thing to deal with, especially as a zoophile, but I'd say it's even more important for zoos to understand that than anyone else.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 3 points on 2016-01-18 06:53:52

If you're worried about potential abuse happening, maybe alert a friend or even someone like the dog's vet to what has been happening so they can keep tabs on him. If you are thinking he has the ability to be abusive, the last thing you need is a messy legal battle.

Battlecrops dogs, cats, snakes, ungulates 1 point on 2016-01-18 09:11:09

Absolutely, this too.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-01-18 06:07:51


Susitar Canidae 5 points on 2016-01-18 09:24:43

If your boyfriend treats you badly, you should leave him. But, you will also have to realise that it means leaving Noah as well. You can, after moving out, ask if he still needs a dogsitter or something. Just, don't live with a man who beats you! As Zootrashcan said, if you are afraid of the dog being abused, you can try to get help from other people.

But DO NOT steal his dog! It will only get you (and the dog) into trouble.

If, for whatever reason, the boyfriend tires of the dog, you can offer to buy him. But if the bf likes the dog, well sorry, legally speaking Noah is your boyfriend's property.

droolnslobber 3 points on 2016-01-18 11:48:33

This is a heartbreaking situation. I have to chime in with the others. Running off with Noah won't help a damn thing if you're caught. Please tell someone that your boyfriend has gotten physical. I wish there was another answer to the question, but you can't risk getting your lover (or yourself) in trouble. :(

deadaim_ -5 points on 2016-01-18 12:40:11

Are you fucking people serious. The fuck happened in your childhoods.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2016-01-18 17:02:32

Get bent.

deadaim_ -4 points on 2016-01-18 17:33:39

says the fucking animal rapist.

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 0 points on 2016-01-19 10:32:46

Jesus christ dude, find something else to do than indulge us in your animal rape fantasies. Better yet, pick another of societies percieved deviants to project them on...

Nowix 1 point on 2016-01-19 14:22:05

If you're here to argue with people who rape their animals, you've got the wrong subreddit, pal.

deadaim_ -1 points on 2016-01-19 14:54:11

Can you stop acting like you are any better because you believe you don't 'rape' animals. It's utterly disgusting this subreddit is allowed to exist and frankly I could give a fuck about you idiots but some fucking how some fucking way you backward ass fucking freaks have the nerve to keep responding to me.

Nowix 2 points on 2016-01-19 15:29:50

No one is better or worse. Just uninformed. Not everything in this world is all black and white. Especially not on the internet.

zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2016-01-20 07:09:24

Idk what you're really expecting man. Replies from zoophiles are kinda what tends to happen when you make comments on the board for zoophiles.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-01-18 17:15:56


zootrashcan doggy doodle dandy 2 points on 2016-01-18 20:35:40

One time when I was little I found a spider in the basement and kept it as a pet for a while.

swinny89 3 points on 2016-01-19 00:25:25

Yeah! Cuz humans aren't animals, and even if they were, animals don't consent to sexual experiences with other species, and even if they did, it would be wrong because...

ursusem 2 points on 2016-01-19 03:09:05

Perfect response. Good on you!

Rannoch2002 Deer Zoo 0 points on 2016-01-19 10:33:25

A whitetail deer backed up to me by accident and some things happened that I don't want to talk about. I'm sorry this upsets you. Some days I can barely live with myself! /s

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 8 points on 2016-01-18 19:26:28

i hate to be "that guy", but ... am i the only one this all sounds fishy to?

duskwuff 5 points on 2016-01-18 20:31:23

No, not just you. The writing style is more typical of a porn story than an honest question.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 3 points on 2016-01-18 22:12:07

yeah. why be so graphic? hmmm.....

improbitas666 3 points on 2016-01-21 11:54:44

Exactly my thoughts. Want to believe it is legit, but please. Going from non-zoo to knot marathons in 3 days is just so uncommon. Also the details. Very few women like to use this level of graphic, when it basically doesn't relate to the question on its own.

lakatoka 0 points on 2016-01-20 09:20:20

and now back into reality. like police will give a damn about some stupid dog (for them). just do what you want, make sure (triple) you can't be traced back (so forget putting your romantic pics on fuckbook) and go.

I say what the hell. do what makes you happy. these self-righteous asses here would have you behave like a ballless moron, just to do "the right thing". bullshit. your decision, your responsibility.

[deleted] 1 point on 2016-01-20 14:59:43
