in need of advice for my Gf (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2016-01-20 07:27:31 by ineedyourvoice

Hello everyone, thank you for taking time to help. I am a 25 y/o [M] dating a 21[F]. We will be celebrating our 1 year next month and a few months back she had shared with me that she has sexual fantasies with hoofed animals and dogs. first let me say I am willing to explore this with her. The fantasies consist of her being dominated by said animals. She has asked if I could wear a horse mask while we have sex , I am open to this. More recently she has shared with me that when masturbating she seeks videos of females with dog intercourse because its better when she does. she has feelings of guilt after and feels like she is crazy and scared that she wont be able to help the thoughts and wont be able to enjoy sex with me anymore. I comfort her and tell her that its okay and that its okay to feel any way you do." I am seeking advice on what I can do to be there for her. do these thoughts pass? are there other outlets or forms of BSDM that could satisfy these urges? or even if one of you could give me a proper understanding of the subject and how i can comfort her, would be helpful. like I said I am willing to explore with her and be there for her and find common ground, I am open. As for me:
I myself have had one solitary experience as a young teenager with a dog ( no penetration) and sometimes feel and rub my dog and cats genitals only for a short time. I don't have any sexual arousal when doing this to them I just do because I feel that they would like it idk. As for my experience I never think of it or seek to pleasure myself again, I just chalk it up to being the time and place and I was a horny teen. I share that with you so that maybe it shows I can relate to her.
Sincerely, INeedYourVoice~

Edit- well thank you all for your responses we've talked and tried a few things and we have a great understanding of each other we don't have any worries about the future just communication is key and this post really helped us to ask the right questions.

Ps we're both very sexual people and the sex has always been great but lately more aggressive has helped. Our relationship I feel now is the best it's ever been and were very close. the sex has gotten better if that was possible so thank you for sharing ideas and opinions!

lakatoka -3 points on 2016-01-20 09:11:19

what advice do you expect, honestly? if she's into it, get a dog and let it fuck her. winwin.

ineedyourvoice 6 points on 2016-01-20 15:04:26

True, but it has been only a year and maybe a few months since she's having these thoughts I don't think jumping from interest to the act would be right. Or fair to a dog just to obtain one for sex. We both love animals and wouldn't get a dog just "to let it fuck her".

lakatoka -7 points on 2016-01-20 15:31:10

Let me just explain it plainly for you. Your gf probably wants to fuck a dog silly and the amount of time she spent waiting just shows she's still waiting until you grow a pair and take the lead. Then she'll happily put out her pussy and let him have her. "Only a year and half" sounds like sheldon trying to justify his total lack of interest in sex. You have only so much time until she finds someone who will.

demsweetdoggykisses 1 point on 2016-01-21 01:01:04

Redpill is over that way. ---->

lakatoka 1 point on 2016-01-22 10:43:13

you mean the one in your hand? thanks, enjoy.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 4 points on 2016-01-20 18:31:23

for the record, IMO it's not as simple as lakatoka paints it. i'm glad you seem to realize that. i'll make a separate post when i find the time, but i just wanted to say that i think this is horrible advice.

ineedyourvoice 2 points on 2016-01-20 19:36:48

Ha thank you.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2016-01-21 07:27:41

nm, i think susitar put it way better than i could. if you're not shy, let us know how it goes.

Susitar Canidae 7 points on 2016-01-20 09:46:42

Some people are attracted to animals because it's like a sexual orientation. I think you will find that on this subreddit, we often see it that way. Zoophiles might fall in love with animals, and a lot of us would see a person wearing a mask a very poor imitation of what we find truly beautiful.

Then, I think, there are people who are into bestiality because of other reasons. Seeing as your gf talks about being dominated by animals, it might be that she fantasies about bestiality because she percieves animals to be stronger/wilder/taboo/better at dominating/degrading to have sex with, rather than being attracted to animals in the same manner she is attracted to humans. It might also be that she really finds animals attractive, but just happens to be a very submissive person too.

So, discuss this more with her. Would she still fantasize about bestiality if there was no domination or degradation involved? Just what about dogs and ungulates does she find attractive?

If she wants "animalistic sex", dominance etc, you should really look into animal role play/pet play. That is, a type of erotic role play where someone pretends to be an animal. Quite often, it's associated with bdsm, and it's assumed that the 'pet' is the submissive. But it's also entirely possible for the 'animal' to be the dominant one. You could, for instance, pretend to be this wild stallion with primal sexuality who just must have her. Check out bdsm and role play guides online for ideas.

Or, if she is truly attracted to animals in the same way as she is to humans, then role play will probably not feel right. A human, even a human wearing a mask and walking on all fours, just isn't the same as a real dog.

But, just because she has fantasies about someone who is not like you, doesn't mean she can't be attracted to you too. Sexual fantasies can be all over the place, and it's very possible to like several different things at once. I'm bisexual, just because I like girls too doesn't mean I love my boyfriend less. The same with (non-exclusive) zoophilia: just because I could fall in love with a dog, doesn't mean it's impossible for me to be stay faithful to a human partner.

But really, you should talk more to her and see what about animals she finds so erotic.

ineedyourvoice 1 point on 2016-01-20 15:00:55

I have tried but feel short of putting together the right questions, that was well put and helped me. I'll have to ask her these questions, thank you!

WeAreDifferent Canines 1 point on 2016-01-21 05:18:19

Try this or that.

Your girlfriend will like it.

ineedyourvoice 1 point on 2016-01-21 17:55:45

Thanks for the link. Those are interesting well have to discuss. Thanks again

West_dogger 1 point on 2016-01-22 12:31:33

I don't know man sounds like she's more tho being dominated then dogs,

I would try taking more control in the bedroom.

I would not recommend getting a dog for sexual purpose alone the whole idea of that is really kinda fucked up.